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Everything posted by ::Ex-Soldier::

  1. I just took a quick look at ye profile and noticed you're the same age as me. So heres my two cents. Just wait for them. Friends just come, you really don't need to go out and find them. If someone starts a conversation with you, then, you have a new friend.
  2. It happens. And you feel good when it does happen. Someone to talk to. Thats always nice.
  3. Yeah man. Don't kill yourself over anything. Taking your life or anyone else isn't worth anything in the world. Depression...can you imagine not living anymore? You'd never see your family, and friends. You'll never be able to do the things you like, and you just won't exist. Thats lame that you're in such a depression, but just give it some time. If you can't fix something, let time fix it.
  4. Sailor moon is...funky. I never really liked it. Although, I used to watch it with a bunch of friends and we laughed real hard. I was only 7 then. It really did make me laugh...>.>
  5. If he forgets you, then you should do the same. You'll make new friends, and he'll make new friends. But you could try and call him up, and talk about it.
  6. Thanks for all the advice. Keep it comin...^_^
  7. Even though ColdPlay isn't techno or dance...umm...does anyone listen to these artists/bands? And if so, do you like/dislike them? And for the record, I like them all. ^_^;;
  8. I have noticed that the latest threads are about friends and being stressed. So I decided to make this thread, and I hope it would benefit off people in my situation... Have any of you shrugged off a relationship, trying to convince yourself that it's not worth it to blow up, or cry or something? And then whenever you think about it, you feel like you need to let it all out? I'v been getting this alot... I got dumped after 3 months. She told me that she had liked someone else this whole time...and she just never wanted to tell me, because she was scared. Now...at first, I was going to burst. But then I think "It's not worth the trouble" and I try and forget about it, but I can't keep my mind off of it. Any of you been in this situation? And if so...how'd you fix it up? because I want this feeling to go away.
  9. Last thing? I don't know really. Probably spend times with my family, and play one last hockey game with the guys.
  10. I think I'v heard the name before. But I don't know'em. Sorry.
  11. Meh. It's given me something to do, rather than just sit around and do nothing. >_> Umm...thats about it. And also making new friends, and stuff.
  12. I dunno. I don't watch very much...but I think sponge bob is...well..it's sort of a if-its-on-and-nothing-else-is-on-I'll-watch-it thing. I guess it's tolerable. But it's nothing like barney. XD I mean, I watch barney sometimes just to laugh at how cheesy it is.
  13. o_O; I personally think there evil. I know a friend who's scared of them, but I don't blame him. I don't have any and never will.
  14. Yeah. They were both very nice to have. Once it got too serious, it would make you laugh, and once it got too wierd/funny, you'd get some action. Sorta strange actually.
  15. Thats disgusting. Really sad too. Thats something the sis will never forget too.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue]When my cousin was about 8, she put on one of her mum's bras and stuffed it with socks. As funny as that sounds (and it was pretty funny when I heard about it), it scared me, because it makes me wonder what she'll be like when she's 15:nervous:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah actually, that sounds really funny, but at the same time disturbing. o_O;
  17. Yeah. The buttons look alot nicer. Umm...more...professional, or something. O_o;
  18. Eh, Im not too excited about it. MGS2 was rushed, and I hated the fact that they had raiden. That made the game so damn bad. And I'v sort have lost interest in the series.
  19. Im going with sephiroth on this one. He's mean, and he's crazy. And his design is really nice.
  20. He's awesome. I really like his character, but I don't like his design. I mean, what he wears. It's just weird. Knives has his own cause that people can argue with or agree on, and I guess thats what makes him a good character.
  21. It's very nice. I didn't really like the other original because it was too colorful. This is a much better skin. Nice work! ^_^
  22. It seem alright. Although, it had a few bad reviews. No ones praising the movie, (not that it matters) and alot are putting it down.
  23. Ambulance? Delusional. But don't worry, I am too.
  24. Umm, I don't think he was serious. ^_^
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