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Everything posted by ::Ex-Soldier::

  1. It doesn't look bad at all. I'll prolly see it in the near future.
  2. I like her outfit. The belts are nice and stuff, I don't think they went over board at all. Except for her breasts, they're bigger than tifa's, and thats almost impossible.
  3. Kids? Umm, when I was twelve I would talk like I do now. Im 14 now though, so I guess thats a big difference.
  4. Im fairly new here, but it's an alright place. The people are nice and all. Nothing anyone else hasn't said.
  5. Yeah, sorry sara, I was a bit unclear with what I said too. And yes, being there for them is a must, or else you're really not a good friend. Deus: It really depends on how much she cares for him... Forget it, I have no idea what Im talking about.
  6. Final Fantasy VII The graphics MAY be outdated, but it's a mighty fine game. Very addictive. I got it when I was 8, and I'v beaten it around 40 times, but it never gets old. I love the character designs and the area it takes place in most of the time.
  7. You don't get it. By letting her do this, she will learn on her own. UNLESS her heart is broken somwhat, then she'll never know how it feels, and she'll just go out with some other guy thats like her ex. Being hurt is an experience. You need to go through it, to resist other heart-breakers.
  8. No, no way. The characters looked like deformed rejects, sort of. Although the game play is nice. If it's not called FF, then it isn't FF. But a game that you should think about buying.
  9. It's her choice. Let her do what she want's. If you're a real friend, you'll give her advice, and it she doesn't take it, then fine. They'll break up eventually if they've already came back together 4 times.
  10. Thats creepy. I have a friend that likes to do voodoo on people. I remember she told me that If I didn't listen one more time to her, that she'd cast a spell on me. Yeah, right. I guess it is possible, but a little 13 year old brat couldn't do it, Im sure. Damn that girls annoying.
  11. I think it's sorta lame not to have a newbie lounge, unless 1: You're going to make a sticky topic that all the newbies can introduce themselves in..or 2: You let newbies post intro topics in general.
  12. Hi, Im new. I just thought I'd join the boards...uh...yeah. I need some time off of the other boards I post at. Problems, problems, problems. Oh and, if this doesn't belong here, then you can close it. anyways, I'll see ya' round.
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