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About DuoMax
- Birthday 06/08/1988
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Otaku (3/6)
Yes, btoh of these groups ARE immature, hostile, and downright offensive. But what happens if say, Greenpeace is the next group labeled as immature and offensive, or the ACLU or the Young Republicans or any other political group? It is a long and slippery slope.
The problem with lmiting one grop's free speech is that this can lead to the limiting of other's free speech. Free speech for one means free speech for all. "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire
How did you come up with your internet/screen name ?
DuoMax replied to corpseman's topic in General Discussion
Psh...oh man....It's been so long. I signed up here ages and ages and ages ago. It seems so long ago. And I managed to totally dissapear from here for like, four years. But anyways.... At the time, I was very much into Gundam Wing, and even more so into Duo Maxwell. I found my first choice taken, so I went for DuoMax because I wasn't a very creative child. Now, five years later, i'm bloody 18 and I want to change me name and have no idea how to do so. =p -
[CENTER][b][u]Section A[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Draska Rr'Visiki [b]Code Name[/b] The Shadow [b]Age:[/b] 41 [Human Years] 28 [Droshi Years] [b]Gender[/b] Male [b][u]Section B[/u][/b] [b]Species[/b] Droshi. Think large, anthro cats with slender builds. They are agile, intelligent and adept at piloting spacecraft and extremely adept in hand to hand combat. Their almost stubborn sense of honor gets them into trouble often, though. They will refuse to leave the dead on the field of battle and almost never forget what they may consider an 'insult' to their honor. Their hearing and eyesight are excellent, along with amazing reflexes and blance. [b]Solar System[/b] Sul'Nar Drosh. The location of Drosh, the home world of the Droshi (obviously =P). [b]Home World[/b] A green and verdant world, it is covered in forests and rolling plains. It's largest city is the capital, which really has no name other then 'Drosh' and is identified with the planet. It is the location of the Imperial Palace, which sprawls over several square miles. [b]Century[/b] [Earth] 2006 ACE [Drosh]9032 (Year 34 of the Most Honored Emperor Tirr Ar'Cha'Drra's reign, Gods protect him.) [b][u]Section C[/b][/u] [b]Weapons[/b] 12mm semi-automatic silenced Imperial Sidearm Mk. V. Weapon issued to the Imperial Special Forces. Almost completely silent. Traditional [i]Chrr'Ka[/i] sword, used to settle matters of honor and to give release to an honorable foe, this weapon is also commonly used in the vicious close quarters combar the Droshi prefer to engage in. Standard Imperial Combat Knife/Bayonet issued to the Imperial Droshi Army. Personal [i]Irr'nrr[/i] knife used in close combat and to commit suicide. 10mm select fire silenced Imperial Battle Rifle(Carbine) mk. VII. Issued to special forces teams, another nearly silent weapon used to dispatch the enemy at range. [b]Items[/b] Multiple useful tools for someone of his paramilitary background, such as lock picks, code slicing equipment, equipment for bypassing electronic locks, headset with radio and various vision mods, a black 'ninja' jumpsuit with multiple pockets and straps for carrying his gear, a backpack, survival equipment. All that sort of thing. He also carries his military decorations in a small case with him at all, as he considers them 'lucky.' [b]Secondary Powers[/b] None, yet. [b][u]Section D[/b][/u] [b]Appearance[/b] Draska stands at about 2.2 meters tall with a pelt of dark grey and black fur that covers him from head to toe. A fairly long, energetic tail darts behind him, flicking from time to time. He looks like nothing more then a large cat which has learned to walk on two legs. He is lean and fit, not overly muscular. He is almost always dressed in his jumpsuit, with variouitems and what not hanging off of it. His sword is held in a sheath across his back, his knives strapped to his leg and waist, pistol holstered at his hip and carbine slung in front of him. [b]Personality[/b] Friendly and abundantly curious, Draska has been known to stick his nose where it doesn't belong, often asking prying questions of his compatriots. He has asarcastic wit and enjoys playing small tricks on others. He is, however, amazingly stubborn to the point of stupidity, espescially about matters of honor. When challanged, he will rarely back down, preformng acts of even suicidal bravery. Changing his mind on a subject is nearly impossible, and only those who know how to get inside his head can really do it. [b]Biography[/b] Draska was born on the Droshi homeworld of Drosh. He grew up fairly normally, and joined the military when he came of age, following in the footsteps of his father, and his father before him and so on and so forth. He quickly proved hmself on several dangerous missions against their enemies at the time, the Ver'Kan. He was selected for the elite Imperial Guard (no relation to his current assignment) which protects the Imperial family and preforms special operations. Being awarded several times for suicidal bravery in the face of the enemy, he has recieved at least one award that has up until this point, always been awarded posthumously. Then, the Immortals came. THe Droshi, forced into an alliance of convience ith the Ver'Kan, fought doggedly, but it was almost entirely hopeless. They were forced back and back, until they were defending the gronds of the Imperial Palace itself. It was during thsi battle that Draska was taken by the Cosmorians, as he prepared to die for his Emperor. Now he seeks to regain his honor in this new Imperial Guard. [/CENTER]
Anime What do you look for in an anime and what do you dislike in one?
DuoMax replied to Magus's topic in Otaku Central
I prefer shows with storyline, and I do enjoy light-hearted comedy/high school type shows as much as a drama filled action anime. It really depends on what catches my attention. -
I like anime mostly because it usually has a good plot and interesting characters, which many American cartoons fail to deliver. I do like some American cartoons though! I love Invader Zim and Avatar, and some I can't recall right now. :p
[COLOR=Navy]Azrael's face revealed first shock at Kadar's action, than unbridled rage passed over his face. "What have you done, you fool!?" The Angel swept after the man, eyes blazing. "You've just made sure that the war between Reoan and the rest of Creation will continue? Don't you realise how much suffering, how much death will come of this?" Kadar shrugged, not seeming to care. Azrael's hand quivered, temtped to darw the sword that hung at his side and end this fool's existence. [/color]
[COLOR=Navy]Azrael nodded, and taking Lucifer by the hand and launching himself into the sky. "Let's go, then." the two angel burst through the grey cluds that covered the sky and into the bright sunlight above. Azrael dropped Lucifer's hand and did a swift barel roll, than continued onards, gliding onwads towards Reoan. He smiled as Lucifer copied the manuever and came back up along side him. He looked voer at the newly reinstated Angel, a sad smile on his face. "To tell the truth, I'm getting tired. I've been collecting souls so long...I want a rest. A good long vacation away from it. It weighs on me heavily, and I don't know what I can do about it. Maybe when this is done, I can take that vaation, and we can spend some time catching up." Lucifer laughed, and Azael thought he saw the slightest hint of a smile come to his friends lips. [/color] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Let's hope that he does let you have a vacation. You've been collecting souls almost a long as you've ben in existence."[/color] [COLOR=Navy] Azrael nodded, shaking his head sadly. The responsibility was a lot, even for an Angel of the Lord. He sighed, feeling the presence of the dieing Reoan getting closer. "I think we're here." Azrael rolled onto his side, than dove, landing neatly on his feet, Lucifer beside him. Azrael folded hsi wings, and stped into the hotel, preparing hinself for what lay ahead. [/color]
At the moment of Jassk's death, Jueel stumbled, crying out as he felt the other Jedi's life become one with the Force. The other Jedi looked at him, also having felt the tremor the young Bothan's death had caused in the Force. "Someone...someone died..." Jureel stammared, looking at the others, "Should we go help them?" "No." Katih said, "We must complete our mission." Jureel nodded, but felt sick to his stomach. He hoped it wasn't one of the Bothas, especially, since he'd been so rude to them when he had first entered the academy. he had been aloof and not trusted the aliens, but he had come to like them. "Please, let Jask and Alask be alright..." he whispered softly as the group continued it's sweep of the perimiter.
Outwardly, Jureel was calm. But inside, he was taught as bowstring. Hee he was, preparing to investigate a planet where someone, or something, had slaughtered and entire Republic garrison. [i]But wait![/i] he thought, [i]I'm a jedi Knight for the orce's sake! I can handle this![/i] He tred to alleviate his nevousnes by listening on the two Bothans. He was envious of Alsk. So calm and so ready to face whatever it was that was down there. That kind of determination was almost attractive, ina weird way. [i]hey![/i] He jarred himsel back to reality. [i]Stop thinking about that and concentrate on the task at hand![/i] With a slight mental grumble, he surendered to the little voice in hsi head and began doing breathing exercises in oder to enter a mediative state.
[COLOR=Navy]Azrael embraced lucifer, tears of unbridled joy trickling down his face. The angel's wings flared and wrapped around Lucifer as Azrael laughed and smiled through his tears. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! Praise Him, you made the right descision." Azrael was, to be blunt, overjoyed. At last, his old frien turned enemy was rejoining the fold. A lost sheep had returned and Azrael rejoiced. His embrace on Lucifer tightened as he continued to weep for joy. "You'r back my friend. Welcome back. I missed you so much!" [/COLOR]
Jureel hummed softly to himself as he walked towards the hangar, duffel bag slung over one shoulder. The bag held essentials. Spare clothing, some snacks, a datapad. He was dressed in his simple Jedi robes, and at his belt was his light saber. The weapon he had slaved over for months, sturggling to perfect, to make it the best weapon. If he made it incorrectly, it would not do. He needed to get ti right, the first time. So he had taken a long, precise route in making the weapn. And it was finsihed, and it worked. Excellent. He turned, hearing foot steps behind him. Alask was walking up the corrdior behind him. When he had come to the academy, he hadn't liked training with the alien students, but he had grown used to them, and even made friends with some of them. Secretly, he rather admired Alsk for her ability to hide her emotions. He smiled at the Bothan waving, and recieving a slight, neutral nod in return. He paused, waiting for her to catch up before continuing down the corridor. "Off to the Outer Rim, exciting, huh?" "I suppose so." Jureel smiled. "Remember though, 'excitement, adventure, a jedi craves not these things.' " he said in a fiar imitation of the small Jedi Master that instructed them from time to time.
[COLOR=Navy]Azrael waited. He waited as war began to creep across the world. The humans were threatening to ruin everytrhing, destroy everything that had been given them. And Reoan was to blame. "Curse you Reoan..." the angel muttered. The wait was nerve-wracking. What would Lucifer's response be? Would he accept? Or would Azrael be forced to fight his old friend, his old comrade. He remebered when Lucifer had rebelled, and how it had all ended.[/COLOR] Lucifer stood, bound in chains before a group of Angels, Azrael among them. He had been comdemned to Hell, cast down to the pit. These Angels were here to ensure that Lucifer reached that place. Lucifer spat at them. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Fools! Serving an archaic god! You should join me! We can win!"[/color] Silent tears formed in Azrael's eyes as he watched four of the Angels moved forward to take Lucifer to the pit. "Why?" he whispered. "Why?" [COLOR=Navy] The angel was snapped out of his reverie as he heard the faint swish of wings. It seemed Lucifer was returning. Hopefully with a descision. One that Azrael dreaded to hear.[/color]
[b]Name:[/b] Jureel Dartan [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Personality:[/b] A friendly young man. H enjoys the company of others. Unfortunately, he grew up as the son of an ex-Imperial officer, and so he has retained a mild xenophobia. It will take him a while to trust a non-human, but will evantually warm up to them if they are friendly. He is quick to action and and acts before thinks alot of the time despite the discipline instilled on him by his ex-military father. [b]Appearance:[/b][img]http://starwars.cside.ne.jp/gif-c/rogue36.gif[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Jureel was born on Coruscant, the seat of the Republic government. He grew up in the towering, world encompassing city and is not used to nature, so he is unnerved by the towering trees of Kashyykk. His mother died when he was 4 years old, the victim of a speeder crash that also claimed the lives of several other drivers and their passengers. He has been raised by his father, who has instilled in him discipline, and has insisted that he by sparse when showing emotion. This has lead to him bottling up feelings inside and occasionally lashing out at those around him. At the age of 15, he was approached by the Jedi, and although his father opposed it, he was taken to be trained in the way of the Force. He has trained as a Jedi for the past 5 years, and has become adept at using his powers, especially in conjuction with a lightsaber. He does not go eagerly into combat however. He will not hesitate if he believes violence is nessescary. He rebels slightly against some of the Jedi tenents, but is overall a decent Jedi so far. He has only recntly completed his own lightsaber, since he felt before that he was not ready for it. [b]Lightsaber colour and type:[/b][COLOR=YellowGreen]Green[/COLOR], single [b]Most likely to turn to:[/b] Light Side
[COLOR=Navy]Azrael ndded, touching a hand to the Fallen Angel's shoulder as he turned to leave. "I'l leave you to think on it than. I'll be waitintg outside when you make your descision. Lucifer...I hope...I hope you choose to join us in Paradise again. I've missed you, my old friend." Lucifer waved him on with his hand.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Just go! I'll tell you when I've figured it out."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] Azrael stepped out the building, and sat down on the curb, watching a trickle of water from the evening's rain slither towards the sewer grate. Silently, he began to weep. Weeping for his old friend, weping for the world, and weeping for himself. He didn't want this mission. Didn't want to have to fight his friend if it came to that, like it had when Lucifer had rebelled. He wanted to retire. To leave the mantle of the Angel of Death and never have to take another confused soul to judgement. But he had to. Reoan would plunge the world into chaos and madness, death and destruction. he had no choice. "Why God? Why me?" he whispered as he cupped his face in his hands. The mission had to go on though. He stood, shaking water from his wings, wiping the water from his face. He crossed his arms and watched the door, hoping Lucifer would make a descision soon. [/COLOR]