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Everything posted by DuoMax
I believe that death is simply humans transposing to a state of being in whihc the physical body is no longer required my 2 cents are in there, repond how ye will...
Wow...so true...Iy's what I've been telling people!
Name: JOhn Grey Age:19 Description: 5'11" with black hair and green eyes, he has an intense stare that sems to pierce you...In the real world he wears loose fitting pants and a shirt, while in the matrix, he wears a well tailored black suit, with white tie. Personality: Outgoing and friendly, he is always ready to crack a joke, even in situations in which a joke wouldn't be a aprropriate
I would just watch it to see who wins...
Writing My own 5th Season of Digimon: which one? [PG]
DuoMax replied to DeathBug's topic in Creative Works
me likes #2! :) -
Fallen angel Name:John Grey Appearence: Raven black hair that is quite unruly. He has piercing green eyes and seem sto lok into the depths of your soul. He wears grey slacks, white shirt, a grey sprts jacket, a white shirt, black tie, and lack oxfords. (5'11") Bio: He was born to a rather affluent family, who fell from grace after his father was implicated in a scandal. At age 10, his father killed hmself and left John to be rised by his mother, who shuttled him around to fdifferent boarding schools. He entered collge at age 18 and completed Law school at 25. He currently works for a law firm in massachusetts. Personality: quiet and reserved, he often has outbursts of temper
D&d and werewolf are the ones I currently play. Do you ever get on the Whit Wolf RPG Chat (Unomderated)?
Does that mean i can go start looting CEOs houses? 'cause their rich Elitists.
Name: John Grey Nickname:none Agge:17 Grade:Senior Power name: Magneto Height:5'11" Wieght:150 lbs Eye color: green hair:black Uniform: none Normal clothes: brown trnchcoat, black Tshirt and jeans Hobbies: reading, computers Family: mother and father, no siblings Background: Fairly normal kid until he found out he was a mutant. Ran aqay from home and is still self sufficent right now
Name: Motokazu Omi Age: 21 Weapons:Katana, Wakizashi Appearence: he wears the outfit of a wandering samurai and a straw hat. Personality: usually queit and reserved, with some sarcasm thrown in .
Can i have Magneto's powers?
I haven't paintballed, but I want to do it so badly!
[color=red]mi sat in his hotel room. Those blasted kids had beat him. He would have to be more careful nxt time. He tested the blade of his sword on one of his hairs, than sheathed it across his back. He placed his silenced pistol on his hip, making sure it was secure in its holster. Next, he placed his grappling hook on his belt and secured it. Finally, he concealed around 100 shuriken on his body and placed the ninja hood over his head and face. *****************Later************************ Omi watched as Tewister ate dinner, talking and laughing with Yuri. Omi smiled grimly from his position, hanging upside down outside the window of the resturant that they were at. HE pulled a flash-bang grenade off his belt and hurled it through the window. CRASH!! [/i] [b]Twister:[/b] What the hell? [i]The gernade exploded, blinding Yuri and Twister. Omi jumped through the window, landing a picture perfect kick that knmocked twister to ground. Omi drew his sword and jumped back, landing on the wall. He juped off coming at Twister and Yuri from a different angle.[/i][/color]
I think the idea of outlawing bullets is a really good one :) Personally, i think that all guns should be banned. I mean, if some psycho get shis hands on a rifle, than gets himself into some spot where he can shoot at people, a lot of people die. This has happened before. Handguns are dangerous in many ways including the on ementioned Heaven. You are safer in your house if you have a dog, than if you have a handgun. Burglars do not want to tangle with a big ball of fur with sharp teeth that is yapping its head off.
I'm gonna see it. Chow Yun Fat kicks major ***!
[i] Omi glanced around and oticed that he was the only one sitting. He stood up and walked to the register to pay. After he payed, he walked out the dorr and into the night. He would attack his forst target in a little less than an hour....[/i]
[i]Omi relaxed against his seat and perused the room. He figured either Neo or Yuri would be the most dangerous. Oh well, Its not that hard to push someone off a subway platform, or ambush them.....[/i]
Yo, Deus, let's get back on topic, shall we? [color=red][size=1]Yo, Duo Max, let's let the moderators do the moderating, shall we? -Justin[/size][/color]
[i]Omi straightened his tie ands waked into the small resturant to get somed food. He was in America on a...mission. He had to kill some fighters that had been interfering in some guys plans. the sum he had been offered had been quite princley. He sat down at an empty botth, his back to the wall. He scanned the rom queitly, connecting face with photos and mentally calculating their threat. [/i] Omi: Can I get some coffe, black? Yuri; SUre! Just a minute! [i]Omi settled back to wait.[/i]
WAY MUCHO BIG QUESTION: If God REALLY loves us so much, why doesn't He stop He from killing each other, etc.? And don't say its because He gave Us free will!
[i]John walked down the aisle in the train, keeping an out for any potential threats. He spotted Alucard and sat next to him[/i] [b]John:[/b]Hey, whats goin' on.
That is so true Justin. I am VERY anti death penalty, but if someone laid a hand on my family, i would want them to die by being skinned alive. Just me blabbing.
[quote]I personally don't see the whole argument of the land belonging to the Palestinians.. The Jews have been there since around 1,800 BC. The Palestinians haven't. If you want to get technical about it, then it belongs to Israel.[/quote] The palestinians have been there far longer han the Israelis. You see, the Palestinians are teh descendets of the original inhabtants of Caana, who were there before the Isaraelites came and conquered and told them to worship their one god or die.
[i][color=red] The Signs are Upon us. The Earth Burns. The Waters bleed. The Humans unleash hunger and disease and bloodshed. They breed poison and hatred. The World dies. Only we can see the final Signs. The Eye of the Wyrm has opened. The Nation has splintered. The End Times are Here. There is nothing left but war, and none but us left to fight.[/i][/color] In this RPG you will play a Garou, a werewolf. Not the typical ravaning(sp?) killing beast, but the werewolf of the Garou nation. A cross between a wolf spirit and Human spirit. Gaia's warriors. You will need: Name: Breed: Age: Gender: Auspice: Weapons:(max 3) Physical description: Bio: Tribe: I'll explain this later by editing the post, but i'm kinda rushed right now. For those of you who know the World of Darkness, dive right in! (or PM if you want to play something else) :devil: EDIT: Breed: Homid(born in human form) Lupus(born in wolf form) Metis(born in the war form, crinos. You are a freak. It is not considered good for garou to mate. you are also sterile) Auspice: Ragabash, the trickster born under the new moon Theurge, the seer, born in the crescent moon Philidox, the judge, born under the half moon Galliard, the storyteller, born under the Gibbious moon Ahroun, the warrior, born under the full moon. Tribe: Black Furies, kick butt women Bone Gnawers, considered (by some others) the lowest garou Glass Walkers, techno garou Children of Gaia, peace makers. Silver Fangs, self proclaimed kings of the garou Shadow Lords, scheming masters of subterfuge Red Talons, human haters Wendigo, Native american tribe, very angry Uktena, native american secret seekers Fianna, Irish and very good storytellers Get of Fenris, really big on warriors There is one more which i ca'nt remmenber right now, sooo.. i'l post it later. My char: name: Mikhail Stalks-in-Shadow Breed: Homid Age:27 Gender:male Auspice:ragabash weapons: sig sauer P220, crossbow Physical description; 5'11" with black hair and green eyes, he wears a brown trenchcoat, a black t-shirt, black jeans, and boots. On his back is a raggedy back pack, and on his head, a fedora. Bio: Born in russia, he moed t america for college where he had his first change. He wandered for everal years before returning to the united states after three years in china and 2 years wnaderin gin the U.S. Tribe:Child of Gaia