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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. [color=red][i] Janak screamed in pain as the bullet hit his arm.[/i] [b]Janak:[/b]You B*stard! You double crossing piece of scum! I was willing to fight you one on on and you shoot me with a sniper! What kind of honor do you have? [i]Janak stuggled to his feet and picked up his saber. then, he dropped into an en garde stance.[/i] [b]Janak:[/b]C'mon....[/color]
  2. [color=green] well, some people would say we aren't. That really pisses me off. I have a question for all the so called patriots. Who is more patriotic, the one who follows a leader blindly into the destruction of our ideals, or the one who stands up and says"NO! I wiil NOT let you destroy our ideals!"?[/color]
  3. [color=red][i]Janak seethed. How did that Gundam pilot beat him every time? it was baffling. Janak thought about it as Daemon was repaired(again). perhaps he should set a trap. No. that wouldn't work. He would have to come up with something different. Then he had an idea he transmitted a message to Vincent[/i] [b]Janak:[/b]Vincent, I want you to come and meet me in single combat. No MSs, no soldiers, no guns, just you and a sword. if you can't fight with one, than we can use pistols. I'll meet you at the Grand Canyon if you choose to accept.[/color]
  4. OOC: gladly! :devil: [color=red][i] Janak laughed aloud as another enemy mobile suit exploded. Earth base had fallen far too easily. He was going to enjoy what was to happen next. He powered down Daemon and jumped out of the cockpit as Wufie ans Sally were dragged from the base's command center.[/i] [b]Janak:[/b]I want trhis to be transmitted to the colonies. I want our little Gundam Pilots to see this.... [i]The cameras were set up and Janak began to speak[/i] [b]Janak:[/b] Attention Gundam pilots! What you are abot to see is...inappropriate for children to see, so I suggest you leave the room... [i]Janak drew his pistol and walked behind Wufei. He placed the pistol against the back of wufie's head and pulled the trigger. Sally died within the next minute.[/i] [b]Janak:[/b] If you choose to cntinue resistince, this will be your fate. Janak out![/i] [/color]
  5. *sniffs* Mr. Rogers was a truly great man. I loved his show.
  6. [color=red][i]Meanwhile, back on earth, Janak was supervising the repairs on the Daemon Gundam. He paced back and forth on the catwalk looking at his beloved machine of death[/i] [b]Janak:[/b] I want extra armor and more manuvering power added! [b]Tech:[/b]Yes sir![/color]
  7. Um..gee...all i can say is thanks for the kind words and stuff. i didn't even think the thread would get to a second page....
  8. as the titles says, i think i might be bisexual. I would like a little advice from some fo you people. Thanx.
  9. I have only been here for a short while,right at the beginning of v3, so I wouldn't know.
  10. The key to putting them in is to go reall, really slow-GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!*gouges out his eye* OMFG! I'M IN PAIN! OMFG!!! heh. :therock: Okaaaaayyyyy...... anyway, it takes a bit to get used to, but you will get used to them. I'll shut now. :bluesweat:
  11. I don't like American Idol, so why i would lke this is mystery. :therock:
  12. Weren't they already ninjas way back in the day?
  13. WOOHOO! Go saberists! ^_^ I started doing sabre in December ans I love it. Its really fun!
  14. [color=red][i]Janak was furious. He had lost to the Gundam Pilots again. AGAIN! They would pay. He just needed to find out a way to get at them...hurt them. Wait..that was it. Earth base...yes...that was how he would get at them. Janak began to chuckle to himself as he began to form the plan in his head[/i] [/color]
  15. Congrats LM. Hope you have a happy, healthy, baby :)
  16. OOC: ahem. Just want to ask why a COP would just stop and listen to a guy who may not be in the best of mental health after wandering around a zombie infested city.
  17. I want to know what the best non anime japanese film you've seen is. For me its either [i]The Seven Samurai[/i] or one i saw recently called "The Forty-seven Loyal Samurai"
  18. [i] John watched in disbeleif as the guy they had just rescued ran past the barricade[/i] Grey:HEY! STOP! [i]Grey ran after him, leaping the barricade and running into the street[/i]
  19. [b]Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring[/b] Sam: Oh, I wasn't dropping no eaves sir! Honest! Although I did hear a great deal about a ring, a Dark Lord, and something about the end of the world. Please don't turn me into anything.....unnatural. Gandalf: No. I have a better use for you Samwise Gamgee. --------------------------------------------------------- [b]Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark[/b] Pedro:Let's go, there is nothing to fear here! Indy:*holding Pedro back*That's what scares me. --------------------------------------------------- Belloq: Who knows Jones, in 1 thousand years, even you might be worth something! Indy: *in tomb* Ha ha! *under breath* son of a b**** ---------------------------------------------------- [b]Indian Jones and the Last Crusade[/b] Henry Jones:Can you land this thing? Indy: Fly? yes! Land? No! ------------------------------- *Henry jones is shooting at a German fghter with a machine gun and hits the tail of their own plane* Henry:*to Indy* I'm sorry son, they got us.
  20. HEE HEE! This will be mega fun!! ------------------------------------ [b]Charactor Name:[/b]Omi Motokazu [b]Anime stereotype:[/b] Evil Villain [b]Bio:[/b] A young man about 16, he has grandiose plans for world domination. He comes up with about one a day, the problem being that he is thwarted by a pesky secret agent.(Cahr idea for someone, perhaps?) [b]Powers:[/b] Genius mind, world wide evil orginization, innumerable goons, Evil laugh. [b]Sworn Enemy:[/b]That pesky secret agent...I'll get him this time for sure!!
  21. CHOOCOLATE!! *runs around like a crazy loon*
  22. I just have one question: you say homosexuality is not natural, but if God didn'tmake people that way, then who did?
  23. [i]Grey shrugged a bullet proof vest on and sprinted over to the newly arrived helicopter. Pointing to two police officers, he jumped into the 'copter[/i] Grey:You two come with me. we've got zombies on 56th and apparently there's a civilian there too.! Cop 1: yes sir! [i]The two cops jumped on board and the helicopter took off, heading for 56th. As they flew, Grey loaded shotgun sheels into his 12 gauge. They circled the area the phone call had come from[/i] Grey: You see anything? Pilot: No sir.
  24. 12th night all the way (say hello to Sir Andrew Aguecheek, a.k.a, yours truly :) )
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