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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. Yin Warrior Name: Motokazu Jinkai Age:25 Appearence: 5'7", he has blakc hair and green eyes. He wears simple travel clothes or a [i]ninja[/i] uniform. Weapons:[i]ninja-to[/i](ninja sword), poisened [i]shuriken[/i], sword cane(when not in ninja uniform) Special Powers: very agile, swift, and stealthy. Bio:Last suviving member of the Motokazu [i]ninja[/i] clan, he has sworn to avenge his family and friends.
  2. [i]John Paul Valley walked down the street, his books tucked under his arm. He yawned as he considered his math class. Advanced Calculus was pretty easy for him. He looked up and noticed Carnage[/i] "oh crap!" [i]he ducked into an alley and quickly changed to Azrael. Then, he ran out into the street to confront him[/i]
  3. Can I just use Saraneth again?
  4. [i]Duranain pulle dout a shaft and squinted along as he aimed at one of the birds. [/i] "For Numenor!!" [i] The arrow sped through the air and made a majestic miss as it plummeted back to earth.[/i] Duranain: :bluesweat: WHY?
  5. I find that people generally have a very biased view of homeless people and immigrants. They say that its morally correct for CEOS to have 50 million dollar salaries and lay off more workers(creating more poverty). They say that the immigrants/homeless should get an education. Pronoem being they are too busy begging/working for low wages/starving to get a job.
  6. DuoMax

    Usagi Yojimbo

    Ti isn't actually a TV show, but ithink this where i should post. I'm just wondering if anyone else reads this wonderful comic.
  7. If you're going post something like that (I know I'm being a bit of a hypocrite, but bear with me..) please give us something a bit more substantial. plus, let me add in response to Gokents, that on the radio I heard that 400 iraqi civilians were vaporized in a protective bunker by an American missle.
  8. Name:John Paul Valley/Azrael Age:21 Powers:flaming sword, flaming retractable bundi daggers (in gauntlets)bullet/flame proof armor, Angelic Wrath, improved strength Weakness:litle experience, schinzophrenia,lack of mental stability Apearence:see attachment personality, dark, brooding, inexperienced Bio:a feat of Genetic engineering. he was programmed from birth to be an assasin for the Order of St. Dumas. Broke programming and went freelance. Friend of batman, was batman for a short period(see KnighQuest/KnightFall)[IMG]http://www.lamuerte.itgo.com/imagenes/azrael4.jpg[/IMG]
  9. [b]DUMBEST[/b] supreme court choses Bush
  10. DuoMax


    Name:Koganaga Omi Appearence: Japanese, about 5'9" dresses in black History: Resident ninja and japanese history expert, he is also trained in the art of the samurai.
  11. sorrrrrry if i don't get frickin' cable.
  12. sorrry, but when i atttended a peace march in S.F. where there about 150,000 people, the local News channels didn't even blink!!
  13. [quote]There is no way that can happen in the first world press without proper acknoledgment. [/quote] I'm sorry, Gokents, but if you believe that th e western media would broadcast ANYTHING that would harm its government, youare sorely dissilousioned.
  14. I never got sent the frickin´list!!!
  15. Durananin looked at the elf. "Yes, I am Duranain. I come from Numenor. Life in a human kingdom is really quite boring...." Dueanain trailed ofa nd smiled as he listened to the two dwarves bickering. "...sorry. Whats your name?"
  16. Duranain cantered his horse up with the rest of te group. He wished they could be bit more friendly. he grimaced as he thought about te fact that he was the only human in the group. the rest had remianed aloff from him. He sighed deeply.
  17. DuoMax

    Noir city

    OOC: My char will not say "sorry i doubted you" to yours. He is beginning to come to grips with the moral implications of what he has been doing. Let ME rp him. Duo turned and began walking in the opposite direction. " I need to find my own path. Dont follow me, because I WILL kill you if you do. " Duo stalked down the street, than dissapeared into an alley
  18. Duranain paced back and forth, impatient to start. "Elves always move too slow.." he muttered to himself
  19. DuoMax

    Noir city

    [i] Duo frowned[/i] "If we were caused pain, why should we cause pain to thers?[i] Duo turned and began walking down the street[/i]
  20. DuoMax

    Noir city

    Duo turned to Nemisis. "Why do we continue to cause destruction?"
  21. Duranain dismounted his horse and ran towards the audience hall. He had arrived as a representitive of of the Numenor and was eager to prove his worth to the elves, who seemed to look down on on anyone who wasn' an elf. He ran into the Hall. "I wish to offer my services to Gondolin!" He cried.
  22. aggh! wrong caste! and i have the book.
  23. Name: Saraneth Gender:male Bio:A night caste who was trained by a secret cabal of assasins in the South. he failed a mission and his power was unleashed. Powers: Shadow over water, standing crane. Very adept at martial arts,throwing weapons, and daggers.
  24. Name: Duranain age:23 Race:Human History:Warrior of Numenor, he wishes to protect his home from the evils of Melkor. He has trained in the use of many weapons. He is brave, but naive. Description: he has black hair and green eyes. Stands about 5'11. He wears a chain shirt and over that a tunic like the one Aragorn wears at helms deep. he wears black leggings and boots. Weapons:A trusty sword, a shield, and a bow.
  25. T'Jelan laughed again and played back the recorder "Cap! Just waste the thing!!" He readied his weapons ust in case the human s decided to be nasty.
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