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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. Duo flshes the laserr pointer in Freds eyes and he drops the star. Dou grabs the other teams star and throws it to one of his teammates. Duo: Keep 'em busy!! Duo then grabs his own star and battles his way up to the top of the light house and p[laces it in the slot, then he protects from any one ewho trys to touch it.
  2. OOC:Please remember that duo is constantly hopped up on chocolate. Duo kicks Orien off the light house and begins doing his patented victory dance and flashing his laser pointer in the other team's eyes. Duo: YEEHAA! WE WON!! BOOYAH!
  3. *duo jumps away from and picks up his star, jumping back up to the Light House and continues fighting with Orien*
  4. Duo grabs his teams star and begans running across the landscape he come to the lighthouse and simply jumps up on to the top and places the star in its place. Duo: YES!!!! *does victory dance*
  5. Duo: YAY!!!GO TOWEL BOY!!! *duo continued hitting tina, only stopping to kick orien back in to the air*
  6. *shifts into deadly master of martial arts mode* "you must seek peace within yourself..." Orien: :bluesweat: What? *Orien is kicked into sky* Orien: AHHHHHHHH! *little bling as he dissapears**Duo then jumps up and begins mercilessly beating Tina about the head*
  7. T'Jelan chuckled to himself and deactivated the cloak. he spoke back to the humans "Holy s---! its a pred!"
  8. DuoMax

    Noir city

    [i]Do neatly sidestepped the bulets and kept coming[/i]
  9. Saraneth noddoed..."ya. it does seem awfly quiet"
  10. DuoMax

    Noir city

    [i]Duo stood with his katana drawn and facing the SWAT team.[/i] "Thatwas pathetic.....[i] He suddenly rushed forward, too quick for the human eye to follow. Before Orien could blink, half the SWAT members were down and Duo was busy cutting up the rest.[/i]
  11. I just have to ask: Why would ANYONE want to watch that show?
  12. K'Jelan readied his weapons as he stalked into the xenomorphs lair. He was walking down the tunnekl when he came to the crisped remains of a xenomorph. [i]So[/i] he thought [i]others are hunting..this could get interesting...[/i]
  13. DuoMax

    Noir city

    Duo through the shot glass over his soulder as he exited the bar. He slapped a magazine into his auto shotgun and began walking down the street.
  14. Duo was zipping across the ice at rather afast pace, due to his hyperness, hoping to get to the igloo rather quickly. As he came to rock and ice formations, he would kick them into tiny pieces and keep going.
  15. DuoMax

    Noir city

    Duo smiled. "That was fun. Whatta we do now?"
  16. DuoMax

    Noir city

    As orien yelled, he heard a dull"thunk" as something landed on the roof. Then he heard a shot gun being cocked. "I wouldn't do that little man...."
  17. Name:T'Jaler Race:Predator Genus:Predator Weapons:laser cannon, arm destructor, spear, knives, throwing blade. age:1,532 App:about 6'5" and muscular. He wears ALOT of body armor Bio: a young hunter, he is eager to prove himself. He has passed his first hunt already. On his first hunt, he was able to take a Salamander head.
  18. "no tricks. fine." smirked Saraneth.
  19. Actually murder is defined as "a taking of another persons life with [b]premeditation[/b] and [b]malice aforethought[/b] [quote]If we can murderer a murderer, can we rape a rapist, or rob a robber? hm?[/quote] That is a great point. We don't do that, do we?
  20. *rips off radio collar* Duo: YOU? my over lord? HAHAHAHAHA!!*Falls on the ground and laughs uncontrollably*
  21. big NO. I think that killing another person for a person that has been killed is senseless. I mean, think of it this way: "an eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind." Mahatma Gandhi. To me, killing is plain wrong no matter what.
  22. *runs up to faris* Duo:Do you have any chocolate? I 'll give you 50 cents! 8giggles insanely*
  23. "Like I said, i want this artifact retreived. In exchange, i'll be your servant for a year and a day. This artifact is in Japan. It is called an Orb of Power."
  24. *puts laser dots on peeps foreheads and giggles insanely* Duo: Hee hee heee. I need chocolate.
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