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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. Ya know those little plastic mini-tables they put on pizzas? Well he wants to finds out who keeps taking them.... WHAT?? I'M NOT CRAZY ENOUGH???
  2. FUNNIEST ANIME ON THE FRICKIN' PLANET!!!!! [size=1][color=teal]Put a little more thought into your posts. Say why it's funny, etc. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  3. Omi:"this is kid stuff....Digivolution activate!!" Soldiermon digivolve to......DRAGOONMON! a digimon that appears to be an armored humanoid with a cannon attched to one of its arms appears. Dragoonmon:"Lets go...."
  4. DuoMax

    Siege on Carentan

    As Abob, John, and Tom move through the streets, John suddenly signals to drop to the ground. He clears the chamber on the machine gun and than begins firing as two kraut motercycles roar around a corner. One explodes, but the other keeps going circles back around. John: "D**n it! Gimme another belt!!!"
  5. Name:Omi Kognaga Race:human/??? Descriptio: like a human with blue/green hair and red eyes Age: 17 and 3/4 towel: one stolen from the Hilton at Las Vega Bio: used his mind bending powers to get the hell off that planet you call earth mission: be most drunk person EVER!!! this should be fun :devil:
  6. DuoMax

    Digimon Rpg

    okay...about 50 years after end of season 2, Osrismon has taken over about half the digital world. New digidestined have been selected t stop them. sorry. please have a short bio as well.
  7. DuoMax

    Sign Up:

    oi iggy, can i be ur partner???
  8. Name:Omi Koganaga Nickname: Omi age:16 digivice&colorD-arc:black and more black Romance: looks for someone who is happy/wild/crazy/whatever because he has a very dark past and needs someone to drag him up out of it. Friends:Soldiermon,Orien Personality: kinda depressed and grim, but has VERY dark sense of humor, he faces most danger with out flinching Side:what? bio:He was trained in martial arts byhis father and mother, who were killed by the Yakuza. He has only one or two friends,including his digimon, Soldiermon. He has vowed revenge on the Yakuza Digimon:Soldiermon Rookie:Soldiermon
  9. i'm in Name:Jurrel Dartan Flight#:5 ship:X-wing
  10. Characters Name: Saraneth Age:ageless Nationality:?? Race:half Daemon/half angel Bio:something that should not have been, he wanders the earth Description: about 6'0" in human form. He also has black and red hair, with strange red eyes. He wears a black trenchcoat and leather black pants, as well as a black shirt with a red pentagram on it. In angel/demon form he 9' tall and has black feathered wings. He also has strange, dark aura sourroundung him. Affiliation:none Weapons: a great sword 6 1/2 tall. He also the ability to cast spells.
  11. DuoMax

    Siege on Carentan

    As Tom wrestled with the soldier he heard the sound a of a pistol being cocked then he heard a voice. John:"hand der hoch!! Schnell!!" The german saw the pistol pointed at his face he surrendered. John sent him off to winters with an anomoyous soldier who had been carring his ammo and machine gun while Tom had ben off kraut hunting. :cussing: John:"every time I turn around i have to save yer a**....."
  12. OOC: um...my name is Omi. sorry. IC stands for In Charactor. Omi snaps and a digimon drops out of a tree. He is outfitted like a miniature SWAT team memeber. He wears tinted visor/facemask. Across his back the tip of a gun can be seen. Omi:"This is my digimon, Soldiermon. My name is Omi Kogara. And you're right. I could be a valuble ally.((to impmon)) point that somewhere else."
  13. OOC:guess that means I'm in as well.... IC: Another boy with shockingly black hair walks up. he is dressed in a black school uniform(OOC:like ken's). "you handled that admirably..."
  14. DuoMax

    Digimon Rpg

    digimon from season 3 are ok. gimme some time to think f a storyline. its my first RP :smile:
  15. DuoMax

    Siege on Carentan

    John stared in shocked amazement as Tom collapsed. then he began to scream. "Tom! TOM! Wake up **** it!! MEDIC!! Tom, if you die I'l frickin' kill you!!! You have been my best friend since third grade, You're not gonna die now!! MEDIC!!!!!"
  16. PLEASEEEEE!!!! let mehave a original digimon. i made up a REally coll one!! oh well..... Name:Koga Omi (name is in traditioonal japanese style, so last name is first.) Nickname (if any):none Age/Grade(No one over 16):16-senior Personality:keeps to himself, has a dark sense of humor. Phys. Description(only average humans!):black hair and eyes. very phiscally fit. digital clothes is a ninga outfit w/sword and shuriken. otherwise, he wears a black school uniform. Family/Background(but I don't want all bleeding-heart stories!):desended from a ninja clan, he has been trained in these arts. Digimon Rookie(Name/Attacks):Soldiermon/rifle volley, bayonet Digimon Champion(Name/Attacks):Dragoonmon/dragoon cannon, grapeshot, dragoon blade Digimon Ultimate(Name/Attacks/):Wardragoonmon/minigun, antitank cannon, multimissle, dragoon blade Digimon Mega(Name/Attacks/):cyberdragoonmon/dragoon laser, rapid shot, multimissle, laser blade Romance(what you like in a person):happy people.
  17. DuoMax

    Siege on Carentan

    John relaxed as he heard the "ping' come from inside the house. Thank God, one of the guys had taken the machine gun. As he signalled Rayn to load another belt, he heard a rumbling noise. He swung the gun around towards the noise. he gasped as he saw a half-track rumble around a corner. "****!! Half-track!! Half-track!!" he grabbed a gernade and pulled the pin, hurling it into the unprotected rear section of the vehicle. There was a muffled "boom" and a german helmet flew out of the vehicle. He grabbed his MG and began firing rounds into the cab. Hoping to penetrate the armor.
  18. DuoMax

    Siege on Carentan

    John ran into the middle of the road, toting the main part of the .30 caliber machine gun with him, closely followed Rayn, who set up the tripod. Rayn quickly grabbed a belt of ammo out of the cartridge box he was carrying "Ready!!" John scythed the MG fire across the road, catching two Germans who were trying to run across and dropping them into the dirt.He picked up the MG, advanced about 20 feet, than set it down and continued firing. Suddenly, a kraut popped up from nowhere ,shouting in and pointing a MP 42 at John. John quickly pulled out his .45 and squuezed the trigger twice, dropping the kraut. He scrambled over to thew german and relieved him of his helmet and a luger pistol. "You won't be needing these anymore, buddy."
  19. excellent. I pity da fool who mess with Easy Company!!:mrt:
  20. I'm starting a digimon RPG. Original Charactors as well as Sieries charactors are welcome. no Season 3, plz plz put charactors name and digimon as well as digimons attacks and in-training, rookie, champion,ultimate, and mega forms please. mine: Charactor name: Omi Digimon intraining:Cadetmon rookie:Soldiermon champion:Dragoonmon Ultimate:metaldragoonmon Mega: Cyberdragoonmon attacks:rifle volley, dragoon cannon, minigun, dragoon laser, dragoon blade plot is this: new evil guy, Osrismon is trying to (surprise surprise) take over the digital and real worlds.
  21. DuoMax


    Knives is freaky. But he does make an excellent villain. I think Elgato freaked me out more, though.
  22. umm...how come i can everyone elses avvy, but not mine??
  23. Name:John Martin Platoon:1st rank: Corpral weapon: .30 cal. machine gun OR thompson with extra clips and 2 hand gernades
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