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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. [COLOR=Navy]Julian sat in front of the class, perched on a stool for the rest of the period. He sat and stared at the floor, not willing to look up or see the reaction of the class. [i]Why does all the bad stuff in life happen to me?[/i] was the recurring thought of his meditations as Mr. Cebula restored order and got the glass back to work. Why had Imric sprinted off like that? [i]Why did he go and laugh at me like that?[/i] Who knew? The entire incident had dealt a blow to Julian's already low self-esteem. [i] The only thing i'm good at is football.[/i] he thought, [i]And we don't have a class for that...[/i] Julian made sure no one saw that his eyes had teared up. He'd be an even bigger laughing stock if he cried. He sighed and setteld his arm one knee, staring holes in the wall at the back of the classroom, and thought about happy things, trying to forget that this had ever happened. [/COLOR] Bit of a nose bleed, eh?
  2. Pieter steadied Canathel, speaking to him softly in his heavily accented English. "You cry out for someone. Her name... Elsia, [i]Ja[/i]?" Cael remained silent, as Pieter continued to walk, steading the taller man, arm wrapped around his lean shoulders. Pieter shuddered inwardly. the last time he had done this was when he had supported his friend Karl. Their patrol had been ambushed by the Russians and was forced to flee. Pieter, suporting Karl, had quickly dropped behind. Karl had evantualy collased, drawn his pistol, and had told to Pieter to go without him. Pieter didn't want to, but he had gone anyway, leaving Karl to shoot himself before the Russians could get to him. he muttered darkyl to himself as he moved, hoping they would get out of this hellish place soon. '[i]Nein![/i] You will live, [i]komaraden[/i], you will not die!"
  3. Julian stifled a laugh and lloked over at Imric, thankful that it wasn't him that had been chosen. He'd probably die of embarrasment if he had to disrobe in front of Imric. He turned towards Imric and whispered. "I am so glad that it's not me..." "Same here." Julian looked up, startled as Mr. Cebula stopped in front of his desk. "Perhaps I should choose someone else to pose for the class. Mr. Arkantos, since you are so overly relieved, perhaps you can take his place?" Julian flushed a deep red and stammered a reply, 'B..but Mr. Cebula.." "No 'buts' about it. You're his replacement. You can go change behind that screen over there." Julian stood dejectedly and walked slowly to the screen, stepping behind it as he continued to blush heavily. OOC: Poor Julian is certainly having a rough day.
  4. Pieter still tingled from the odd feeling he had experienced when the egg had entered his body. Whatever the hell those things had been, they weren't natural. He unslung his pack, placing it next to Canathel and rummaging in it for his First Aid kit. He found it and pulled it out. Not much. Bandages. A syrette of morphine, sulfa powder, a small bottle of sterilization alcohol. He pulled out the syrette, and began pulling up the trousers Canathel wore (If he is wearing something different, tell me and I'll edit). He jabbed the syrette into Canathel's leg, muttering to himself. "Damn dragon things..." "What are you doing?" "It's something to make the pain go away..." Pieter grabbed the bandage roll and began patching up the visible surface wounds. He sat back after a few moments, hoping the sorcerer would awake soon. "I have done all I can...he'll probably be okay for now, but he needs better medical treatment...."
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]Julian stared after Imric. His mouth hung open in shock. [i]He just offered to sit next to me...[/i] Julian grinned and did a quiet little happy dance, quickly stopping when a group of passing students stared at him. He blushed, than turned to look after Imric, than ran up to him, cursing his inability to keep from blushing. Sure, he could play football, but he wasn't any good at talking with people. "Hey, um...I.. I'd love to sit next to you" Imric smiled again, making Julian go weak at the knees, "See you in class, than." "Yeah. Um..if you're not doing anything..." Julian looked down at the ground and shuffled awkwardly for a moment. "If you're not doing anything, would you like to get together at lunch? You don't have to answer right now. I'll..um.. talk to you later." Julian quickly turned and darted into the Boys Restrooms, looking at himself in the mirror. He appraised his flushed face and grinned. [i]Wow..this is SO great..[/i] He wetted his hands and wiped his face, than turned and exited the Restroom, heading towards the Art Room, humming happily. Maybe this day wouldn't be so bad after all.[/COLOR]
  6. OOC: Argh...Moving a wee bit fast for me... [COLOR=Indigo]Julian sighed as he walked out of McGee's room. He hadn't recieved a reply from the blue haired boy except that confused look. [i]Maybe I'm wrong. He was probably just being friendly...[/i] He sighed again and looked over towards the boy. There he was, standing there. [i]Probably out of my reach,[/i] he thought glumly, [i]A guy like that...he should have guys, or girls all over him.[/i] The thought caused him to sigh agan. He continued looking at Imric, blushing as ...thoughts... rose in his mind. He quickly looked away, cheeks burning as Imric looked his way. [i]Idiot! Stop staring![/i] flashed through his mind, dispelling whatever else he had been thinking about. He looked over his schedule, trying to look as if he [b]hadn't[/b] been staring, and failing miserably. [i]Art...great...hopefully, I won't have class with [b]him[/b] so I won't be constantly distracted through out class...[/i] He stared down at hsi schedule as another thought rose to the surface [i]It's not like I don't want him to be in my class...it's just distracting...why can't I take my mind off him?[/i] Julian wcked hsi head against his binder with a groan. Today was going to be a long day.[/COLOR]
  7. Julian blushed again. This guy was interesting. He had the nerve to take on a teacher, which Julian didn't, mostly because if he pissed off a teacher he could be kicked off the football team. The wink Imric had thrown him. Was it just a wink, or was it...something more. Julian smiled back shyly, giving another little wave with the tips of his fingers. He turned back to his work and began to trying to concentrate on the Math, but his mind, and eyes, kept drifting towards the boy sitting next to him. Was Imric flirting with him? Or was it just his overactive imagination? He sighed and scribbled a small note on a piece of paper:[i]Want to get together at lunch or break?[/i] He appraised the letter for a short moment before folding it into a small ball. He watched as McGee turned back to the board, droning about X's and Y's and what not. When the coast was clear, he tossed the small piece of paper to Imric's desk, returning the confused glance he got with another equally shy smile. OOC: Hee hee! Yeah. Julian's smitten with ye already ~_^
  8. julian gasped for breath as he sprinted down the empty hallway. Late, for mr. McGee's class. On the first day of school. Just great. Sliding to s top, by the door he checked his watch. 10 minutes late. [i]This day is off to a wonderful start[/i] he griped to himself as he opened the door, blushing as everyone in the room turned to look at him. Especially as Imric looked at him. [i]Nice job. embarrasing yourself in front of him..[/i] he thought. He didn't know what it was, the glasses maybe? They acentuated his eyes just so... Julian shook his head. Whatever it was, he found Imric oddly attractive. Mcgee froned. "Perhaps you can enlighten the rest of us as to why you are late, Mr. Arkantos." Julian tore his eyes off Imric, blushing profusely. "Uh...I overslept, Mr. McGee." "I see. Perhaps next time it would be judicous(sp?) to set your alarm clock next time, Mr. Arkantos. Now take a seat next to Mr. Connor and we can continue with our lesson uninterrupted..." Julian mentally berated himself for his idiocy as he put his books down and took his seat, giving a small wave to Imric as he did.
  9. Pietr brought his rifle up as the shock quickly wore away. "[i]Gott en Himmel![/i]!" He squeezed the trigger, sending a rifle round into the nearest dragon with no discernable affect. Pieter swore and dove to the ground, rolling out of the way a s a massive claw hit the ground where he had been. He swore again, than grabbed onto the claw, desperately clinging to it as he rose back into the air. Quickly, he dropped the rifle, letting clatter to the ground as he rose into the air. He reached back onto his belt and removed the [i]Stielhandgranate[/i] hanging there. He clambered highed up the dragon's leg, grimly hanging on for his life. He managed to reach the dragon's back and clung even more desperately as it tryed to shake him off. He unscrewed the cap on the [i]stielhandgranate[/i] and began crawling inch by inch towards the dragon's head.
  10. [QUOTE=Icarus2K][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Ok am afraid this is where it boils down too. We have one too many guys, seeing as there is only two girls and five guys i would like to also close sign-ups for guys. For the guy that is being left, am sorry i have to do this but it is - Dragoon1942 - Am so sorry, but this may be noobist (discrimative against new members) but your post count is only 3. And i would like this be involving people with more experience. Am sorry but thats the way it is i suppose. I would like two more people to join, females only, seeing as we have 4 males currently now, and only 2 females. So this is gettig started, with the new term, but when and if you sign up then you will be a 'late' pupil. Thanks for signing up everyone. And welcome to the....ahem....'wonderful' world of the Scottish Curriculum. Everyone is in the same class type of thing. You will all be in the same R.E, S.H.E, P.E, Language, Music, whatever. P.E = Physical Education (Outside) R.E = Religous Education S.H.E = Social And Health Education (Sex, Drugs, Health, Drink, alot of stuff covered here) And i'll see you out there, *sigh* in school.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Dragoon1940 actually used to be a member here under the name Orien_Xel. I know him. If I can persuade him to play a girl, would you let him back in?
  11. [b]Name:[/b] Julian Arkantos [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Julian is a shy guy. He tends to stick to himself and trys to avoid confrontation with others. He enjoys hsi studis and is a fair student. What he really enjoys is sports, especially football ( no, not American!), and is one of the best on the school team, where he plas forward. Unbeknownst to everyone at St. Columbia's, though, Julian is gay. [b]Biography:[/b] Julian began attending St Columbia's when he was 14, and has enjoyed his time here. He was never a target for bullies, thanks to his ability to not piss anyone off. He has made few friends, however, and tends not to socialize unless he can help it. [b]Appearance:[/b] Julian stands at 5'11", and has messy dirty-blond hair. His face is pleasent to look at, and contain his most striking feature: his emerald green eyes. His eyes are eep, geen pools that you could drown in just looking at them, and give him a sensitive and caring look. He is in good physical shape, and doesn't have any extra fat, thanks to his sports playing. In casual wear, he usually opts for camo green cargo pants, and a tight fitting blakc t-shirt. If it's cold, he'll wear a grey hooded sweatshirt over that. At school, he wears the uniform. [b]Class:[/b]3F3
  12. Piter sighed in relief as their companions appeared. Good thing it wasn't more of those "raptors" or anything else nasty. He watched as Canathel apologised to Maya for his and Sarek's tardiness, than pull his robes over his head. Pieter raised an eyebrow. It [i]was[/i] hot, but not that hot, he thought. He shrugged. Where ever the sorcerer came from, it was probably cold. He turned hsi eyes to Sarek, who stood well away from the fire. [i]It has to be worse for him,[/i] Pieter thought, [i] coming from that Ice Age and all.[/i] Pieter walked over to where Canathel stood, and took a quick photgraph of him standing next to the disgruntled looking Maya. He grinned as Canathel looked confusedly at the camera. "It is a camera, [i]Ja[/i]? It takes photographs." when Canathel stil looked confused, Pieter stowed the camera away and pulled out his wallet, along ith photos he had taken before. "Here, see? This is my squad in Paris," he said, pointing at the black and white photo, which showed a group of 12 young men in [i]Wehrmacht[/i] uniform in front of the [i]Arc De triomphe[/i]; grinning and holding bottles of what appeared to be win and champagne, Pieter was in the picture, leaving it to the others to wonder who had taken it. "There's Heinrich, and Fritz...and..." Piete's voice cracked and he quickly switched to a different picture, this one of an open country side. "This...this is Russia..." He sighed and than shoved the photos back where they came from. "But..never mind that now...
  13. DuoMax

    Red Vs. Blue

    I love RvB! It's hilarious! Caboose: I think I'm starting to get this! That guy si a robot, your his boyfirend. So that makes you...a gay robot! Church: (sarcastically)That's right caboose, I'm a gay robot.
  14. Pieter was still a bit awed by the Oriental women's display of skill with the swords that he had witnessed. He had mastered the rifle, but it was a much simpler weapon. Where ahd she learned to do that? And what if he had to fight her? He shuddered at the thought as he bent down to check the ground for signs of their companions. Nothing. He stood, stretchign his arms, before continuing. Every so often he would bend down and check again, but so far, they were out of luck. He turned his head to speak to the his companions "So, where do you think the others have gotten to?" The only reply he got was an open mouthed stare past him. He turned to look forward again and found himself staring at several of the most massive creatures he ever seen. Out on the plains that bordered the forest, giant dinosaurs slowly worked their way past the 3 humans. Pieter gawked for a moment, before remembering to pull out his small, personal camera. "What an awesome sight! I must take a picture.." he muttered, setting his eye to the viewer and clicking down on the button. he continued taking pictures for the better part of 15 minutes, humming [i]Deutschland Uber Alles[/i] to himself. "These creatures are amazing!"
  15. Will we also be given weaponry to match the period? For Pieter, at least, he can use any firearm he can lay his hands on.
  16. Pieter shivered as he stepped through the portal, thinking about what David had said about the Jurassic. He had heard about Dinosaurs, but they were slow, compacent cratures, weren't they? That's what all the leading scientists had been saying before the war started. He stopped as his foot cunched down on unfamiliar plants. He looked down, than dropped into a crouch. Where had the others gone? [i]Damn! we must have gotten seperated somehow...[/i] he thought, plucking several of the large fronds around him and sticking them into the band on his helmet, the better to break up his outline in the forested area. He wiped his forehead, watching as sweatbegan to discolor his shirt. It was damn hot here. He shrugged off his jacket, placing it in his pack and rolling up his shirt sleeves. Cautiously, he set off into the forest, looking for a sign of the others. Suddenly, a scream plit the air "[i]Gott en Himmel![/i]" He spun towards the scream and sprinted off in it's direction, unslinging his rifle as he ran.
  17. Pieter frowned as a strange, incessant beeping noise began emanting from his pocket. Digging into the pocket he found that it was the communicator that they had all been given. Perhaps it worked like a field telephone? He flipped it open, placing it next to his ear and nouth, like a radio or telephone. "[i]Hallo, Dieses ist Pieter.[/i] he said, autmatically talking in German. He recoiled form the communicator as a burst of white noise came from it. "[i]Verfluchte Sache ist kaput...[/i]" he muttered, stowing the communicator in his pocket once again. He looked up as two people came walking down the corridor. The unfriendly [i]Amerikaner[/i] girl and the [i]Englisher[/i]. "[i]Hallo.[/i] What's going on?" he asked, a questioning look on his face. The man spoke, gesturing back down the corridor. "Sir David wshes your presence in the control room." "[i]Jawhol.[/i] i will come with you." Pieter set off after the pair, adjusting the strap on his rifle once again, hoping that they would get somewhere now.
  18. Pieter sighed as he walked down one of the many corridors in the giant...what was the word the American had used? Space station? Yes...that was it. He still had a hard time wrapping his mind around the concept. It was like something out of the American movies, or comic books. It seemed so impossible, that you could launch something out of the Earth? atmosphere. But there had been rumors of secret projects and Allied secret weapons. Maybe this was one, and it was all a lie, to trick Pieter. But, why choose him, and not someone like Field Marshal Rommel, or Colonel Luck. They were officers, and knew tactics; the Allies would never pass up the opportunity to capture on of them. But they had gotten a luckless [i]Feldwebel[/i]. A young one at that. And THAT led to the question of why they had let him keep his weapons. Why would the Allies put up this sham? Ah, well. The people were interesting enough. He still didn?t know why the women were there, though. It didn?t make sense. He adjusted the strap on his rifle and opened up the door to the gunnery range. That was another thing that amazed him. The automatic doors were a curiosity, and intrigued Pieter, who hoped to be an Engineer after the war. Of course, the war would have ended badly anyway, probably with Pieter being killed by the Russians, or, if he was lucky, captured by the Americans or the British. He adjusted the target range and sent a target down the range, to about 150 yards, and started shooting standing up. After he had emptied the rifle, he reloaded and switched to a kneeling position, than prone. When he had satisfied himself that he was still a good a shot as ever, he shouldered his rifle again, and walked out into the corridor. Of course, wtih his great sense of timing, he managed to collide with the young American girl as she was walking past. "Ah! Excuse me. I didn't mean to bump into you like that," he hastily apologised. [i]Great, make a klutz of yourself in front of the American. dumkopff![/i] He mentally berated himself.
  19. It's unfortunate we won't get to see the original trilogy as it once was. It seems that he simply wants to save money by not releasing the originsl Original Trilogy. Ah well. And let it be known that I hate the NJO.
  20. So all of the characters have been transported to this ship thing?
  21. [b]Name:[/b] Pieter Weber [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Timeline:[/b] World War II, 1943 [b]Special Skills:[/b] Pieter is a crack shot, and is adept at moving silently through deep cover. [b]Weapons:[/b]Mauser Karabiner 98 Bolt Action Rifle, Walther P38 Pistol, 1 Stielhandgranate and a Bayonet/Knife [b]Special Items:[/b] None [b]Weakness:[/b]He is a young man who has been at war for 2 years. He is bitter and distrustful of those who are not part of his closely knit unit of soldiers. [b]Personality:[/b]He is distrustful of strangers, especially anyone who speaks English or Russian. He is friendly towards people who gain his trust, but remains aloof most of the time. He's a realistiv person, and doesn't try to push himself to his limits most of the time, as he prefers to conserve his personal energy. He is generally bitter about war in general, and will flat out refuse to discuss some of the things that have happened to him on the Russian Front. [b]Description:[/b][img]http://www.geocities.com/okwsite/para-camo8.jpg[/img] Pieter(left) takes well deserved break. [b]Bio:[/b] Pietr was born and raised in Hitler's Germany. He , however, does not subscribe to rascism and the Nazi ideal of the "pure Aryan race." This is mainly due to the fact that he spent several years studying abroad at a boarding school in England, where he made several good freinds, who he remained in contact with after he came home. He dearly loves his home, and sincerely believes that the war is for the good of the Fatherland, despite his disillusionment with the reality of war. His parents were fairly affluent, and where able to send him to boarding school in England. When he does speak English, it is with an odd mix of German and British accents. On the eve of war, in 1939, he was brought home from college in the United States by his parents. He immediately enlisted in the Wehrmacht, and particapate in the invsion of Poland, where the quick victory boosted his confidence. Similarly, the victory in France led Pieter and his companions to believe that the war was over, and they could sit in Occupied France and make friends with the french ladies while they waited for the invasion of Britain. It never came. In 1941, Pieters Regiment was shipped to Poland, to particapte in the invasion of the Soviet Union. The summer months were full of easy victory and celbration. Moscow would fall, and the communists would be crushed! Than came the Russian winter. Pieter and his companions froze during the winter, awaiting the thaw so that they ould be warm again. By the spring of 1942, Pieter and his freinds were disheartened. The quick victory had not come, and a protracted war was expected. Pieter's friends began to die off, in 1s, and 2s, and 3s, they were killed by the Russians, until only a few men were left in the orignal unit were left. By this time, it was 1943, Pieters unit was shipped back to France, to await replacemnts until they could be sent back to Russia. While on field exercises, Pieter became lost in the forest, and seeing a small farm, stopped to ask for directions, when no one awnsered the door, he pushed it open and was sucked into a confrontation about which he knew nothing.....
  22. I was at home, getting ready to go to school the day it happened. I was in 7th grade and it was about 7:00 or so( I live in California), and my mom turned on the TV to watch the news, and the towers were burning. I was shocked. My mom drove my brother and I to school, and everyone was talking about. I was scared, and I cried, because my cousin lived in New York, and didn't know exactly where she was. It was frightening. It was tragic. And I hope it never happens again.
  23. The name from KOTOR is Carth Onasi, btw. EDIT: Edited to accomodate new sign-up rules. Sample from another RP board. [quote] A flicker of pseudomotion and another Imperial Star Destroyer drops out of hyperspace above Tatooine. It orients itself towards the other ships above Tatooine. The hull of the Star Destroyer is marred by turbolaser burns and other minor damage. Aboard the ship, Captain Jureel Dartan paces the bridgee, eyes widening in shock as he gazes out the viewport at the 3 Star Destroyers and the single [i]Inderdictor[/i] class ship hanging in space over Tatooine. He turns towards the crew pits. "Raise shields immediately! I want to know what that fleet is and whether they're Rebel, Imperial, or one of those balsted Warlords! Helm, stand by to get us out of here. I want escape vectors plotted in case they bring up the gravity well generators. Gunnery, stand by to open fire as soon as those ships make a hostile move! Communications, open a channel." Jureel seethed inside. First the raid on that Rebel base, where the garrison had been far stronger than expected, forcing him to cut and run. Now this! Hopefully these were Imperial ships. But what would they be doing here of all places? There was a chorus of affirmitive answers as his crew went to work. The Comm Officer spoke up. "Sir, channel opened!" "Thank you, Ensign. Attention, Unidentified ships, this is Captain Jureel Dartan of the Imperial Star Destroyer [i]Phoenix[/i]. Please identify yourselves."[/quote]
  24. I'm hoping someone could make me one, using Leo(the grey one) from [url=http://vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=85] this [/url] strip. It should have Leo with his arms upraised and "Sexy, no?" on a blackground, along with my username. Thankies
  25. Adam walked down the streets of New York, smiling inwardly as peple parted slightly to let the massive man through, and smiling even more when he noticed on the Shadowfolk. They would all be dead soon. He would see to that. See that these threats to the world were taken care of. ))C:sorry for short post, but I'm very busy right now ^^;
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