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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. [B]Name:[/B] Adam Von Osterwald [b]Age:[/b]36 [b]Race:[/b]German [b]Description (Mundane):[/b]Adam stands at an impressive 6'5" and has the traditional Germanic blond hair and blues eyes. his body is almost all muscle from what you can tell and he walks with a confident gait. He dresses in a pair of camoflage pants, a black tank top, black t-shirt, and Grman Army overcoat with a special forces patch and an area where a master sargeant's stripes used to go. [b]Occupation:[/b]Mercenary/Monster Hunter [b]Bizarre/Supernatural powers:[/b]None that he knows, except that he can see the Shadowfolk in their true forms, which makes him very dangerous indeed.... [b]Weapons/Possessions:[/b]Usually a .50 Desert Eagle that he carries with him and a combat knife kept in his boot. Otherwise it's anything and everything that can be used ina fight against natural and supernatural. Shotguns, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, crossbows, garlic, silver, crossses, stakes. you name it, he's probably got it somewhere. [b]Background:[/b] Born in Germany, he had a fairly normal life until he started going to school. He noticed that some children were not normal, that they had odd ears, or horns or tails. And no one else noticed. Needless to say, when some Shadowfolk found out about this, they were none to happy. He was severly beaten and picked on through his school life, until he hit puberty. Than, he grew into the 6'5" mass of muscle he is today. He decided that these creatures were a menace to society and made it his personal goal to get rid of them. He joined theGerman Army and became a member of the Special Forces. At age 30, he retired from the German Army and became a Merc. He attempts to destroy any supernatural creature he comes into contact with. Spooks and goblins beware.....
  2. Screw historical accuracy! Saving Private Ryan is a great movie. Spielberg delivered an amazing direction job, and Tom Hanks did yet another great acting job.
  3. I love RPGs. I've played: DnD (2nd and 3rd) Werewolf:The Apocalypse Shadowrun Mind's Eye Theater Changeling LARP I'v eplaying RPGs for a lonnng time. I have a char I started in 2nd edition, who has been retired with honors since than. He was a half-elf cleric, who, in 3rd edition attained 16th level. Than, we started a new game because our chars got too powerful. My current DnD character is Sir Eduardo Hernandez Salvador de Castille Santiago. We are playing a knight campaign, centered around political intrigue. My character's family is currently involved in an attempt to lead the Northern lords in rebellion against the king. Orcs are attacking our borders, and one of my travelling companions turns out to be the kings Nephew and 3rd in line to the throne. (Marquis Verdan Dracon d'Lyon) My best gaming moment was probably when my character wiped out aout a dozen orcs, and an ogre single handedly. That, or the time my cleric Flame-struck a single orc mage. Worsdt has to be when my first Werewolf character died on our 2nd session :grumble:
  4. I used to watch Toonami, but I started drifting after Gundam Wing and Reboot (God rest it's digital soul) got dropped, and Sailor Moon started getting crappy. Wither art thou, great days of Toonami?
  5. KA-BUMP! Please, make the banner! P.S. I fsomeone else is willing to do it, could you make an avatar with the same comic?
  6. [COLOR=SeaGreen][b]Name:[/b]Metaldragoonmon [b]Species:[/b]Soldier [b]Level:[/b] Champion [/b]Attacks:[/b] Minigun, Dragoon Cannon, Dragoon Missle [b]Digivolutions:[/b] Cadetmon(baby) Soldatmon(in training) Dragoonmon(Rookie) Cyberdragoonmon(Mega) Panzermon(Ultimate) [b]Appearance:[/b] A humanoid encased completely in metal, which changes to a camoflage scheme to suit the terrain (i.e. Tan/brown for desert, grey/black for city, etc.) He stands maybe 12 feet tall, and the only part not covered in metal is his eyes. Over where his mouth would be appears to be a espirator of some type, and his left arm ends in a minigun. A shoulder mounted cannon is able to swing into position for attacks on his left shoulder. Also on his back is pack of some type that allows him to hover and fly. [b]Bio:[/b] A soldier type Digimon, he maintains a stout neutrality in the war between Digimon and humans. If he is attacked, he responds in kind, but takes no specific side. He wishes only for the war to end so he can go back to a lif eof peace and quiet.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE]And that is your opinion. However, fifty percent of the american people wanted Bush to be president, and a good deal of them were greatly impressed by his response to the 9/11 situation. These people are most likely going to vote for him again. [/QUOTE] Actually, if you think about 50% of the people who bothered to get off their lazy butts and vote voted for him. Less than 50% of the US population actually votes, and than half of those votes are discarded due to the Electoral college. Some Democracy, neh?
  8. DuoMax

    -Murder Mansion-

    [COLOR=SeaGreen]Tristan clicked his cellphone shut and than coughed as the man's second hand smoke filled his nostrils. Rude bastard, smoking like that. Well, he had finished instructing his secretary to hold his calls, so he would be left alone while he was doing this, thank God. That $500,000.00 would be very mucha help in getting his fledgling law firm off the ground. He nodded at the young woman who had spoken. "Yep. That guy probably has lots of money. Lots and lots of it...." Tristan smiled. This would be too easy.[/COLOR]
  9. This sounds fun. [b]Name:[/b] Danalov Schedrin [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Sign:[/b] Gemini-Jupiter [b]Element:[/b] Air [b]Special Powers:[/b] Danalov is able to use the powers of the air to make himself fly at will, and is able to summon powerful winds that can create a whirlwind around his enemies. [b]Description:[/b] [url=http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/capanime/images/Quatre.jpg]Danalov[/url](Clicketh) [b]Personality:[/b]Danalov is a shy boy, but damn is he stubborn. Once he gets an idea into his head, it takes something of monumental proportions to get him to change his mind. [b]Biogrpahy:[/b] A full blooded RUssian, he was born in Saint Petersburg to an officer of the Tsar's army. When Danalov was 7, his father was implicated in a plot against the Tsar and the they were forced to flee the country.[Will add more later]
  10. DuoMax

    Murder Mashion

    [b]Name:[/b]Tristan Navorne [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.infedelssurveillance.com/images116/116_600.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] A recent Harvard Law graduate, he's usually pretty damn cocky. He's willing to do whatever,[b]whatever[/b] it takes to win. Ruthless in the courtroom and outside of it. If you impress him, he'll give you some respect. It takes rather a lot to get his respect. [b]Things packed:[/b] Various changes of clothes, a stun gun, palm pilot, and a cell phone. [b]Gift and other odd things:[/b] He's an excellent debater, able to make people see both sides of the issue, and has a photographic memory. [b]Prize:[/b] $500,000.00
  11. If possible, I'd like a VG Cats banner. The only requirement is that it have Leo from [color=red][url=http://www.vgcats.com/vgc_comics/?strip_id=102]this strip[/url][/color], my username plus The quote "Sexy, no?"
  12. I've never fully dressed up for going to the movies before. I wore a cape once, but that was it. My brother, on the other hand, went full out and dressed as an Imperial officer. blakc uniform, cap, and all. It was great. Some guy rode up an a bike, did the throat crushing gesture, than said "Damn it! He's not falling dead!" and rode off . It was hilarious. :D
  13. If my cat were dying, and was in pain, I'd put it to sleep. I wouldn't want it to suffer.
  14. "Sir! Sir! # 583 is out of batteries again!"
  15. Horrors. A breast on television. What ever shall we do? Quick shield the innocent children's eyes, for letting them see a naked breast will surely scar them for life.[/sarcasm] I don't see what the big deal is. I mean, your kid is gonna see a breast at some point in their lives -_-
  16. Feudal Era [b]Name:[/b]Diego Hernandez Salvador [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Bio:[/b]A young knight errant who has gone out into the world to find his fortune. His father was a baron who gifted him with his horse, lance, and sword. His entire family has fortified it self within their mountain conclave and refuses to give in to the Military Acadimies. [b]Description:[/b] A young, physically fit man with black hair and brown eyes. He usually rides, sleeps, and generally lives in the battered suit of armor that belonged to his grandfather. Over one shoulder he has an equally battered shield that has his family's symbol, the Blue Tower on a black field. [b]Personality:[/b]Headstrong and stubborn to a fault. It's his way or the highway. [b]Weapons:[/b] bastard sword, shield, lance Future Era [b]Name:[/b]Diego Hernandez Rivera [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Description:[/b]A young, physically fit man with black hair and brown eyes. He usually dresses in a navy blue body golve, camo pants, and a brown trenchcoat. [b]Personality:[/b] Cautious, cool and calculating, he likes to get a feel for a situation before doing anything. [b]Bio:[/b] A descendant of Diego Hernandez Salvador, his family still resists the ruling powers. They don't like any authority but their own. [b]Weapons:[/b] .50 caliber handgun
  17. 1. What gift is Frodo Baggins given by his uncle, Bilbo? [b]A coat of Mithril, and Sting, his sword.[/b] 2. Who captured Merry and Pippin in the Old Forest? [b]Old Man Willow[/b[ 3. What great evil did Gandalf fight in the mines of Moria? [b]A Balrog[/b] 4. What gift was Gimli given upon departing the forest of Lothlorien? [b]3 hairs off Galadriel's head.[/b] 5. What do the elves refer to Gandalf as? [b]Mithrandir[/b]
  18. Boba Fett has always been an awesome character, but never as cool as Darth Vader in my opinion 8) Has anyone read the short story "No Disintegrations, Please" from Tales of The New Republic? That story is awesome.
  19. I'll be posting somethin' as well.
  20. Jureeel Dartan strode into the office of Colonel Ulri Ectin, Imperial Naval Academy, Officer Commanding, and saluted. "Liutenant Jureel Dartan reporting as ordered, sir. "Liutenant, i need you to take your ship out on a training exercise with a group of cadets. It's to be their final test before graduation and all. Take them out, simulate a catstrophic shut down, and let them figure it out." "I'll do that sir." "Get to it, Dartan." "Sir!" Jureel snapped to attention, threw a salute, than did a quick about face out of the room. He hurried off down the corridor to make preflight checks on his tiny customs frigate.
  21. Jureel Dartan sighed and leaned tiredly into his chair, letting the leather engulf him. He'd been up far too late for his own good recently, and needed some rest. As he began to doze off, a shimmering being of light that looked vaugely familiar appeared. "Jureel...." He jerked upright in his chair, blinking in amzement at the figure "Wha...?" "I am Deriato Dartan, your great-uncle. I was a member of the Order of Jedi Knights, and the Force is strong with you. You must go to the Ossus system and train to be a Jedi knight, in order to throw the Darkness off the galaxy....Remember the Ossus system...." Jureel jerked awak and groaned looking at his chronometer. He had slept late, and what that odd dream been?
  22. Hernandez looked about uncretainly. He didn't like being without at least his usual Berettta. And now all he had was one of the staff weapons the Jaffa carried. Great. Just great. He looked up towards the pyramid that rose menacingly from the landscape. Going in there seemed like suicide. He mutttered out of the side of mouth to Vincent. "I don't like this. We're walking right into the middle of the enemy's base.." "Hey, just shut up and follow orders, okay?" Eduardo sighed. Great. Just Great.
  23. Hernandez looked over at Jerith/Karthus. A Tok'ra, huh? This should prove to be one of his oreinteresting assignments. He fidgeted a bit as he sat back down, wondering when they were going to get this breifing going.
  24. This sounds like fun [b]Megaconglomerate CEO Name:[/b]Adam Smith [b]Company:[/b]Univeral Pictures [b]Company Type:[/b]Motion Picture production [b]Style:[/b]Ruthlessly crush and acquire all opponets in the same field. [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, slim man with black hair and green eyes. He is dressed in a fine buisness suit and has a neat go-tee on his chin. He almost always has a mysterious grin on his face, even when he's angry. His smile, though, is a cold and distant one. When you lookinto his eyes, you can't help but sense that something's wrong about this guy. EDIT: Thank Ecletic
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