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Everything posted by DuoMax
Eduardo stood and saluted smartly, dress uniform immaculate. "Lieutenant Eduardo Hernandez, United States Air Force, reporting for duty sir. It's an honor to be on the Stargate team, if I may so." OOC: Bad post. I'm tired.
I'd be Tok'ra, but I'm a fraid I don't know ehoung about them. If you could post a link to someplace I could get more info, I'll gladly play one. ^_^ [b]Name:[/b] Eduardo Hernandez [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant [b]Description:[/b] 5'10" with brown hair and brown eyes, he has tanned skin, showing that he has spent planty of time in the sun. He is slim and muscualar, but not bulky. He is usually wearing standard fatigues. [b]Bio:[/b] Born and raised in L.A., he is a tough and self suffiecent individual. He has a quick sharp mind, and graduated at the top of hi class from West Point. His assignement to Stargate command is a dream come true for him, and he tackels every assignement with relish.
[b]Name:[/b] Kurgash [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Weapons & Armour:[/b] Kurgash, being a scout for the Uruk-Hai, is usually clad in less armor than his counterparts. He wears a metal breastplate and helmet, but his arms are protected only by chain and leather, which allows him more flexibility. His legs have metal greaves, though he wears leather boots and a chain skirt over leather breeches. He carries a straight Gondorian sword he took off of a dead man, liking it better that the heavy hooked swords of the Uruk's He also carries a great black bow strapped to his back and an arrow bag at his belt. [b]Master:[/b] [color=red]Sauron[/color] Personality: Kurgash(or Kurg) is an eager young Uruk. He is willing to do almost anything for his master, Sauron, and wishes only to prove himself on the battlefield. He has a quick and sharp mind and can learn almost anything that he sets his mind to. He sometimes despairs about the less...intelligent, shall we say, members of his race, but always reminds himself that his duty is to Sauron first. [b]Apperance:[/b] He is a rather average Uruk-Hai in size, standing at about 5'11". His helmet is usually off, unless he is battle, revealing tattered and matted black hair that falls to his broad shoulders. His face bears a tattoo of the Eye on his right cheek and he carries a scar from a human's sword on his left. The scar cuts a white line from just below his left eye to his jaw, marring his dark skin. He is heavy and muscualr, like most of the other members of his race. His jutting teeth are sharp and are yellowed from lack of care. [b]Biography/History:[/b] He was originally a member of the contingent that guarded the Black Gate, but was always eager for a more exciting assignment. He was granted his wish when he was assigned to assist in a raid on a human settlement, where a contingent of Gondorian soldiers attempted to resist. He engaged the captain of the humans, battling across the village with him, giving as good as he got, though the stroke that gave him his scar was returned with a strike that removed the head of his opponent. He took the sword that gave him the scar as his own, and though there was some muttering about it from the others, he quickly proved that he could do just as much damage with it. He was assigned, as a reward, to join a scout group, which was to move secretly through Gondor in order to test the Rohirrim's readiness, than join up with Saruman. The scout group was successful in its mission, though they lost several members to a surprise attack by a small group of Rohirrim. After that incident, they began their quick march to Isengard, hoping to gain assistance in combating the horsemen that still harried them.
This people are seriously disgusting. They talk about how Jesus is so great and loving, but than in their little comics, he damns people to Hell. Makes me sick. So much for "Love Thy Neighbor"
This is a great day for the Iraqi people. The one who oppressed them for 30 years has been captured. :) [quote] he should be tried in an American court, in my opinion. Because, let's face it, a lot of these people are still scared of him.[/quote] I don't quite follow your logic. Just because people in the United States have been duped into thinking he going to nuke the world means he should be tried there? Doesn't make sense. It's good the Iraqis are trying him, though I'd like to see him handed over to the ICC. Unofortunately, sense America does not support the ICC, (God forbid [i]Americans[/i] should be broguht to International justice.) he won't be brought to the ICC.
I love Slayers. I've seen Slayers and Slayers Try. Now I need to find me a copy of Slayers Next. It's simply hilarious, action filled, and at times, touching, all at once. :D
[b]Name:[/b] Vincent D'Lyon [b]Year:[/b]2 [b]Team:[/b]Parental Advisory [b]Label:[/b]Evil Genius [b]Description:[/b] Vincent stands at 5'9" and has chocolate brown hair, which match his eyes. Glasse sperch upon his nose, which tend to give a scholarly look, though once you look into his eyes, you may see something a bit more sinister. He usually wears black slacks, a white Oxford shirt, black tie, a black buisnees jacket, and usually has 2 or more goons following him around. [b]Bio:[/b]Born in France, he was raised by his mother and has recently moved to Japan to join his father. His father is the head of a mysterious corporation that dabbles in genetic engineeing among other things. He has always been smart and is always at the top of his classes. He plans to fill his father's shoes someday, whether his fathe rlikes it or not, and has already begun forming his own evil association. EDIT: I'm now on a team
My two favorite are Svaing Private Ryan and Band of Brothers. Band of Brothers is just great. I 've noticed that they both have the same kind of grey sheen over everything. Colors aren't too bright and it always seems kind of overcast. Oh, and if you watch, in one of the episodes, you can see Tom Hanks(I think) as a chaplain.
I don't do extreme sports. Seems kind of..stupid to me. No offense is meant, I just don't see the point of throwing yourself off of cliffs and what not on bikes and skateboards.
Arthur kneeled on his prqayer mat, touching his head to the flor before beginning his prayers for Vincent's soul. It was creepy, someone dead, almost before the mission started. What had Vincent been doing around those explosives anyway? Arthur shook his head and continued praying, when a bloody, demonice image flashed through his head. he saw himself, laying in the entrails of another person, laughing uncontrollably. Gasping, he withdrew, invoulantarily, smacking his head on the wall behind him. He winced in pain, which seemed to clear the vision. He stood, shaking, and walked over to his bed, where he layed down, trembling.
#1 When did this interest start? Well, it proably started when I was 4 or 5. I loved the movies than and I still do. :) #2 What is your favorite Book/Movie? Return of the Jedi. That, and all of Timothy Zahn's stuff. #3 How into Star Wars do you think you are? I'm fairly into it. I've been Star Wars characters for Halloween before. Homemade costumes. #4 Do you do anything Star Wars related online, if so what? I used to do some RPs, but they've shut down. I read fanfiction. Do RPs when I can. #5 How do you pursue your interest in Star Wars here on the boards? Talk about it. Join any SW RPs. #6 Any general comments, cares or concerns about Star Wars you feel obligated to share? nope.
[b]Name:[/b] Jureel Dartan [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Homeworld:[/b]Ralltir [b]Weapons:[/b] BlasTech DL-18 Standard Issue Sidearm [b]Ship:[/b] The [i]Kithia[/i]is a modified [i]Lambada[/i] class shuttle. It was originally given to him by his father as a gift upon his graduation from the Imperial Officer's Academy on Cadia. He and a friend tinkered with it, making it's shields more powerful, and it is armed with two twin laser cannons mounted on either side of the cockpit. The ship is named after his fiancee. [b]Description:[/b] He has black hair and green eyes, and stands at 5'11". His hair is always in place, with an officers cap on top. He wers the olive green of an Imperial Naval officer, that sports the rank of Liuteneant. [b]History:[/b] Born on Ralltir, he is the latest in a long line of men in his family to joing the reigning government's Navy. His father is the captain of Nebulon-B frigate, and his grandfather served the Old Republic. His great-uncle was on of the last Jedi Knights, though no one in the family relly talks about that. He joined the Academy at 16 and gruated at 18, quickly surpassing many of his classmates. He is a quick and eager learner, quick to grasp the basic concepts of anything he is taught. He was given a liutenant's commision and put in command of a customs frigate, which is currently used for training Navy cadets, though once this class graduates, it will be put on active duty. Something else has been nagging at his mind of late, though, and he doesn't know what.... [b]Personality:[/b] A determined and calm individual, even under pressure. He has a sharp mind, and can be very friendly to those who gain his trust and respect, though he seems cool and aloof.
OOC: Sorry fo the late arrival. Didn't notice it had started! ^^' Oh, and I want to change one of my chars powers. Favorable Wind now instead of Gust Arrow. The wind guides his arrows to their targets unerringly. [color=green] Ulric sat up in bed, cold sweat running down his face. He had a dream. A dream of dark place where there was evil.. Lots of it. He hurriedly dressed and walked outside, looking up at the high sun. He had slept late, which was unusual for him. Shaking his head, he grabbed his bow and began to walk, hoping he could clear his head.[/color]
Arthur was busy cursing and sweating as he tried to repair the damage done to the port side of the ship. Dmaned jockey pilots, never listened to a good tech's advice. He finished the last of the makeshift paneling and leaned back. One member of the crew aleady dead. Arthur shuddered. Good thing he wasn't a superstitious man.
My brother and I were both inroduced to RPGs by a friend of mine who has since gone to colege, though we play whenever he's around. :) I have played Werewolf:The Apocalypse, (another good game if you don't like wizards and what not) Vampire: The Masquerade LARP, Dungeons and Dragons 2nd and 3rd editions, and am currently playing a satyr named Patrick Harper in a Changeling:The Dreaming LARP called "Book of Dreams". :D Lots of fun. WARNING! I'M ABOUT TO TELL YOU ABOUT MY TWO FAVORITE CHARACTERS! 1st up is my Dungeons and Dragons character. He's a half-elf cleric, named Nasan Galonodel who has never known his Elven father. He grew up with a highly religious mother, and became a cleric. He met up with an elf fighter, named Legolas (lego-lis, not lego-laas :p ) and they tromped up and down the land doing good. Most recently, Legolas acquirred a large plot of land, along with a tower, and after a few bumps, we have quite a nice little community going. Next, Patrick Harper,my Changeling LARP character, a satyr jack-of-all-trades who drinks too much and is far too nosy for his own good. He has become a pistole at his court ( a group who's duties are to protect the county of Toad Hollow from outside threats. ) They're next expedition will to find an army to assist in this purpose. Anyways, I love roleplaying, roleplaying loves me, and it's just great fun all around.
Arthur scrambled into the engine compartement, ignoring the flashing red lights that dogged him as he pulled tools from his cover-all. He quickly un-did a panel and began examining the interior workins. "Shit! Hey, captain!" "Yes." "Tell that son-of-bitch pilot to lay off the port thrusters! A micrometorite has damaged the fuel canisters. Anything too big and we'll be floating!"
Vincent's face was on longer jolly as he descended into Cavern Hole to fetch his saber. If there was to be trouble at the mountain, he would have to go and leave behind the good food and the friends he'd made. But he had a duty to preform, and he would perform it to the utmost of his ability. Such is the lot of a captain of the Long Patrol. OOC: Vincent is officer of the Long Patrol, and he feels it's his obligation to go, even if he's not in the poem. Sorry if I confused you. ^_^
Arthur nodded at her and stood, designating himself to go next, stretching caually. "Officer Arthur Sayed, Cheif Mechanic and fix-it man." he said with a grin, "Pleased to meet all of you."
Arthur wondered into the cafiteria, wrinkling hsi nose at the stale and sterile scent of the room. He poured himself a mug of coffee and sipped it, wincing again. Godawful stuff, that was. Sauntering over towards Tex and Kenneth, he sat down, nodding at both of them 'Morning, I guess" "And there's nothing good about it..." muttered Kenneth quietly, though Arthur remained blisfully unaware, busy with the coffee he was downing. "I'm Arthur, Arthur Sayed. I'm the mechanic and fix-it man for this trip. Nice to meet you both."
Vincent shot to his feet. "Well, marm, if there's to be trouble at the bally ol' mountain, I've got to go! "Tis my duty, you see." He made an elegant leg towards the Skipper and the Abbess. "And I shall be most happy to acompany you along the way, Skipper me pal. Wouldn't dream lettin' you go without me, wot?"
I'm dfintely seeing this movie. In fact, I'm probably gonna see a sneak preview of it today. The entire movie, 3 days before it's supposed to be realesed! :D
Vincent sat down at the table in Great Hall, frowning to himself. SKippers news about trouble at Salmandastron concerend him greatly. What was going to happen? What did Martin have to tell everyone? OOC:Short I know, but I'm a bit tired right now..
Arthur winced as his bare feet touched the cold floor. Groaning a groggily he wiped a strand of goop from his forehead and made his way to the showers, mumbling non-commitedly as he only half heard the captain speaking. Turning on the hot water full blast, he sighed. That was much better. Scrubbing furiously, he removed as much of the...stuff from him as possible. God, there was even some up his ass! He toweled off and slipped on a pair of boxersand an undershirt, followed by his dark green cover-all. The cover-all was a dark camo green, with strps and pockets all over it, many with tools or other such equipment. He watched as Tex walked off down the corridor. Detective, huh? Interesting. He walked to his cquarters and opened the door, picking up a small, rolled up mat from the end of his bed. Laying out flat, he faced roughly in the direction Earth would be, and began saying his morning prayer.
[b]Name:[/b]Arthur Sayed [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]:Gender[/b]Male [b]Assignment:[/b]Engineer [b]Personality:[/b] Usually quiet and reserved. He gets annoyed with people easily and hates having others tell him how to do his work or having people mess with his work. He is also a practicing Muslim. [b]Appearence:[/b] 5'11" with dark tanned skin. He has black hair and brown eyes. He is usually dressed in a dark green cover-all with plenty of pockets for tools and other knick-knacks. [b]Bio:[/b] Born in Britan to Whemat and Zia Sayed, Iranian immigrants, he's always been interested in machines. At age 13, he took apart and reassembled his family lawn-mower. He loves math, especially physics, almost as much as he loves tinkering. He volunteered for the mission for the chance to see the[i]Event Horizon[/i]'s inner workings.