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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. Captain Vincent Aldridge Pescule of the Long Patrol, Salamandastron lisasion to Redwall, was enjoying his regular morning walk about the Abbey grounds. He stopped for a moment as he met the Abbess near the doors into the Great Hall. "Good mornin' marm. Pleasent day, wot?" "Indeed it is Captain. I hope you'll be joining us for breakfast." "Wouldn't dream of missing it for the world, H'Abbess. The repast provided by your cooks is abosultely top hole, if H'I say so, m'self." He chuckled and offered a gentlemanly paw to the Abbess. "Perhaps you'l allow me the honor of escortin' you to brekkfast, marm?"
  2. Sorry about that >.< I forgot to log my brother out.. b]Name:[/b] Ulric Wilhelm [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Guardian:[/b]Wind [b]Weapon:[/b] longbow, and a short sword [b]Appearence:[/b] A tall, blond, clue eyed man. he stands at 6'4" and walks with easy grace and confidence. he is dressed in a light blue tunic, brown shirt, a chain mail shirt, and brown pants. [b]Personality:[/b]Friendly and outgoing, and at times, a bit perverted. [b]Bio:[/b]Later I'm tired... [b]Magic:[/b] Levitation:Allows Ulric to float hover, and generally fly about. Piercing Wind: A tangible arrow of wind forms on his bpow and is shot at his enemies.
  3. Noriyuki bowed and tightened his grip on his sword. "I am Motokazu Noriyuki. You are, no doubt, the one who killed those peasents. Your life is a stain upon the code of [i]bushido[/b], as such, I feel it is my duty to remove you. Prepare." Noriyuki dropped into a fighting stance, sheathing his sword and resting his hand on the hilt, watching.
  4. As Noriyuki walked down the road, he turned a corner on the path and came upon a grisly sight. Dead bodies, of peasents, obviusly, were scattered about. He knelt down to touch one of the bodies. "Still warm...these men died recently.." he mused to himself, before standing. He looked around carefully, eye falling on the tracks that led into the woods. Turning, he followed after the footprints.
  5. It's a damn shame that prejiduce and hate are still alive and well in the U.S. of A. It's things like this that make me wnat to move to Denmark..
  6. DuoMax


    [b]Name:[/b]Mikhail Sergei Gallitinov [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Military Background:[/b]Mikhail joined the Russian Army directly out of High School and became in expert in ranged weaponry. After two years fighting Chechen terrorists, he was transferred to a speacial forces team. [b]Description:[/b]A young, fit man with messy black hair and bright green eyes. He is usually dressed in camoflage fatiguees suitable to the terrain he is in as well as a [url=http://pages.zdnet.com/remingtonsniper/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/gulliesuit.jpg.w180h263.jpg]ghille suit[/url] appropriate for the terrain. --Height 5'11" --Weight 173 lbs. [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://www.voentour.com/mhp/catalog/sniper/img/svd.jpg]7.62mm Dragunov sniper rifle[/url], [url=http://www.globalarms.net/images/Izhevsky/yaryginpist.jpg]Yargyin Pistol[/url], and a [url=http://lfchosting.com/digitalcanoe/knife/pictures/kabar/images/kabar1217.jpg]combat knife[/url] [b]Biography:[/b]Born in Saint Petersburg in 1992, he grew up in a middle class family, and has always been interested in the Armed Forces. He joined right out of High School and became a sniper. After serving in Chechnya for 2 years, he became part a Special Forces team. [b]Country:[/b] Russia [b]Status:[/b] Special Forces
  7. Question: Do the Long Patrol hare keep their weapons in the Gatehouse or in Cavern Hole, or do they even just carry them around? Just wondering.
  8. A lone figure walks silently down the dusty road. The short, compact man wears the swords of a samurai on his belt, and he carries himself like a noble. He is obviously an older man, as his hair is greying slightly, and is face is tough and wrinkled. He is bowed slightly forward against the dry, warm wind that sweeps past, kicking up dust. His eyes, though half closed, have an intensity that causes lesser men to avoid eye contact. He had recently come out of the mountains, and was now wandering the roads, looking for a disciple to teach his sword style.
  9. [b]Name:[/b] Agent Grey [b]Desciption:[/b] A brown haired, brown eyed man in a light tan suit, he wears sunglasses and an earpiece. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] [url=http://darkstar-sifi.co.uk/images/bbguns/gas/sag6.jpg].50 caliber Desert Eagle[/url]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hamster King [/i] [B]This kinda of this goes agaisnt our natuaral human behaviors. I think the gays are just trying to get attention doing this. Even if they cant accept what i say,to they have to annouce it to the world?! [/B][/QUOTE] I have a question for you: Is typing natural human behavior? Or driving an automobile? Or Flying in an airplane? Or even brushing your teeth? I bet you've done almost all of these things, but none of them are "natural" human behavior. I cna say that gay people aren't trying to get attention. They simply want the same rights as any straight couple has. Is that so wrong? Is it really that horrible a thing? OFF TOPIC EDIT: w00t! One more post and I'm a member!
  11. [b]Name:[/b] Motokazu Noriyuki [b]Gender[/b]Male [b]Age[/b]54 [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://www.nootrope.net/katana.jpg]Katana[/url] and a [url=http://web.mit.edu/chosetec/www/photo/wakizashi.jpg]wakizashi[/url] [b]Description:[/b] He is an older man, his once pure black hair turning grey at his temples. Almost always there is a stern look on his face. He stands out 5'9" and is dressed in a plain brown hakama and blue shirt. He carries his [i]daisho[/i](paired swords) thrust into his belt and he walks with the gait of a noble samurai. [b]Bio:[/b] He was a [i]samurai[/i] who faithfully servedc his lords in all aspects. Unfortunately, his lord died in battle when Noriyuki was 25. He than retreated to the mountains as a [i]ronin[/i], perfecting his sword skills, as well as his own sword style, the [i]kusanagi-ryu[/i], or "the Grass Cutting Style." He has now emerged to finish his days wandering Japan.
  12. [b]Name:[/b]Vincent Aldridge Pescule [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Species:[/b]Hare [b]Description:[/b]A pure white hare, he is a typical member of his species, tall and lanky with long ears. He wears the uniform of the Long Patrol, with a sabre strapped at his side. He looks stern, but is quick to break out into a jovial laugh at funny jokes. His distingushing mark is a scar on one cheek from a fox's cutlass.(see bio) [b]Bio:[/b]From the time he was a levert, Vincent knew he wanted to be a member of the Long Patrol. He joined at age 12 as a runner and never looked back. He worked his way up to the the rank of Seargent Major, and was promoted to captain for Valor after holding off half a ship ship full of corsairs until reinforcements arrived, which was where he recieved his scar from it's fox captain, who escaped. They have borne a grudge against each other ever since, and have vowed to fight one final duel should they ever come upon each other again. He is currently the Salamandastron liason to Redwall.
  13. Ahh, the American school system. A cesspool of ignorance, poor teaching abilities (in most cases) and absolutely no funding. I hate my high school.
  14. [quote]This guy apparently feels that the United States is an invading empire, destroying peace in Iraq. [/quote] Well, you must admit, that there was a hell of a lot more peace in Iraq before they got invaded... I oposed the war, mainly because the Bush administration put forth no reason that convinced me that we [i]needed[/i] to invade a foriegn(sp?) country. It seemed wrong and now, after the "major hostilities" are over, they keep switching reasons. It makes me think that our public has gotten the wool puled over it's eyes. IT saddens me that American soldiers and soldiers are being killed and wounded over there. Somehow, I think that Iraq will be another Vietnam. I know I sound pessimistic, but we'll probably be occupying the country fora couple of years, all thw while enduring guerila attacks. My two cents.
  15. I, myself, have no rpoblem with people who want to do that kind of thing. They're spending their money, their time, etc. on it. It's their life. Let 'em live it. EDIT:Crimson, does "they don't need to be changed" thing mean that you re opposed to all change? I'm just wondering.
  16. Student government is the biggest farce on the planet. Just make a mockery of the system. Have some fun with the teachers and the principal. they'll probably freak if you say that Communist deal. :D
  17. Draska was hunting. The demon had entered his people's lands, and now it had to die. He crept silently through a patch of shadow, his hand on his sword. The demon would die, Draska was sure of that..he just had to find it. He stealthily moved to the edge of the clearing, where soe other creature seemed to be with the demon..no matter...if the other creature was the demon's ally, they would both die...
  18. [b]Name:[/b]Draska Rr'viski [b]Age:[/b]20 [b]Race:[/b]Droshi (In a word, Cat-people. Ya know, basically cats that have opposable thumbs and walk on two legs) [b]Magic of the Heart:[/b]Yes [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://www.f2.dion.ne.jp/~nkd25/graph/shuriken.jpg]Shuriken[/url], [url=http://www.bladerigger.com/images/Wakizashi.GIF] short sword[/url] and his claws [b]Appearence:[/b] He stands at an impressive 6' 5", with jet black fur that covers him from head to toe. His eyes are a peircing forest green, that "glow" slightly when stroke by light at the right angle. He is dressed in a simple mottled forest green and brown tunic, as well as a pair of short pants in brown. His sword is thrust into his belt and he has a pouch that contians his shuriken and food slung over one shoulder. [b]Bio:[/b] the Droshi, who come in as many colors as there are cats, prefer to stick to the forest. Draska has left the forest, however, to help combat the demons that have appeared. he grew up in the forest, learning how to use a balde and hunt at an early age. He is a master of stalking and silent death. He has considerable physical prowress, as well as amazing dexterity.
  19. [b]Name:[/b] Alexa McAllister [b]Age:[/b]19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Affiliation:[/b]GP [b]Rank:[/b] Field Agent-Second Class [b]Weapons:[/b]Energy Handgun, knife (doesn't like to use it. It make people bleed too much) [b]Powers:[/b] Zip. Nada. [b]Vehicle:[/b] Apache helicopter (or Gaian equivalent) [b]Appearence:[/b] 5'4", with a blinding smile, Alexa is ready to take on the galaxy. (or so she thinks) She has dark brown hair that she keeps tied into a single braid, which falls to her mid back. She has bright blue eyes that gaze around her at the fascinating new world she's on. She normally wears a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a jean jacket. [b]History:[/b] She loved flying vehicles as a child, and still does to this day. She became a top pilot on he rhome planet and loves speed. IHand in hand with this is her hyper attitude and happy personality. The main reason for her jong the GP was to fly spaceships, which she loves. Unfortunately, an accident resulted in her being posted to Squad 357, although this has not dampened her spirit.
  20. Meh. Yankees will probably win [i]another[/i] World Series. Ah well, there's always next year...
  21. Dimitri winces as the blade slides over hsi wrist, his blood slipping out of him. He stares at the red liquid dripping into the goblet, starting to feel light-headed as he begins to bleed to death. "This is it than?" he mumbles in Russian as darkness begins to nibble at the edges of his vision. "The end of Dimitri Andrayedev? " He looks at the pale man, still talking in Russian. "You could at least kill me quickly.." he mumbles, giving a half smile, an image of his family, seeing him off at the airport in Moscow. He'd never see them again. Never tell them he had won th Bradbury case. It was the end of his short existence on this Earth.
  22. Dimitri sighs and pulls the Glock from it's holster, ejecting the clip, which he pockets, and clearing the weapon, which he henads to the bartender. "There. Now are you going to search me or what?" He looks around the room cautiously. A poker game, and heavily armed men. ****. Was the Mob going to kill him now? He had put away some minor guys as far as he knew, but had he put someone important in prison and not known it? a Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This was not good.
  23. OOC: Please, don't let this RPG die! Please!
  24. Now [i]this[/i] really make me angry. I mean, if I watch Cowboy bebop, does that mean that I'll take a gun and go hunt for wanted criminals? Of course not, because, like most kids, I can distinguish between reality and non-reality. Parents seem to think that we can't. *sighs*
  25. Dimitri frowns as he stands to follow the man. This was weird. He tucked one hand inside his jacket, wrapped around the grip of the Glock 17 that rested in the shoulder holster there. They weren't going to get the drop on him. He followed the man cautiously, alert for an attack of some kind. One must be careful...
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