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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. Dimitri nodded tiredly. "Off the tap, please." His voice still carried a faint hint of his Russian accent, which he had spent long days (and nights) trying to get rid of. "Get me a bottle of vodka and a glass. I've had a [i]very[/i] long day." He leaned back into the seat to await the arrival of his vodka, and when it did come, he poured himself a glass, slamming it back quickly. There. Much better. He smiled as the alcohol(sp?) burned down his throat comfortingly. Damn, he was tired. He glanced around the bar as he refilled his glass. Dingy little ****-hole was what it really was, but hey, who was he to argue with good alcohol?
  2. I've played MTG before and it is without a doubt one of the best CCGs I've ever played. Grimm, a friend of minehasa Rage deck, but I've never seen him play. Is it really that complicated?
  3. I love DnD and the White Wolf games..wow...this takes me back..*sits down in an easy chair and pulls out a pipe* Our adventures started about 5years ago, when myself and my borther began a DnD campaign with a friend of ours. He was the DM and I played a Half-Elf cleric(male). My brother played an Elf fighter(male), and off we went. We went through many adventures, and to date have slain 4 dragons,innumerable Orcs and Goblins, many demons, undead, and 1 lich. We have been joined in our adventures by a human paladin(male), a wizard(female),and a Elven Psychic Warrior(male). My brother is currently the Lord of all the Norhtlands, I am the lord High Cleric of the Northlands, and the other occupy various positions. Most recently we have slain red dragon, and a cadre of demons. Our paladin now wields a Holy Lance and is mounted on a Gold Dragon, soI could say we're doing pretty well. But unfortunately, our DM is in college.. :bluesweat: Anyway, P and P RPGs are very fun and rewarding. LARPs(Live Action Role Play) are also alot of fun. Currently I'm involved in a Changeling LARP(Changeling is another White Wolf game in the vein of Vampire:The Masquerade and Werewolf: the Apocalypse.) So go ahead and find some friends, get some books, learn the rules and have some fun!
  4. OOC: Thanks for the welcome and sorry for the short post ^_^;; It's ust that it was about midnight and I was [i]really[/i] tired. I will improve upon the post quality in my later posts.
  5. The black enamel of Dimitri's shoes click against the cracked and dirty pavement as he walks along in the darkened city, briefcase in one hand. Today had been a hard one in court, George Atkins was always a worthy adversary. He stopped and spun around for a moment...was he being followed? After hearng nothing for a moment, but the usual city sounds, he continued on his way. The slight breeze causing his coat to flap out behind him. He needed a drink, and he knew a good bar a few blocks from here.
  6. I haven't really noticed a Liberal bias in the news media, in fact, I've really only seen a Conservative bias. This of course leads me to one conclusion. Since both Liberals and Conservatives see the Media as biased, it's obviously moderate! :P
  7. DuoMax


    Thought I'd just pop in to add my two cents.. Rascism,as a whole is an ignorant practice, mostly due [b]to[/b] ignorance. People are afraid of things they haven't experienced/are different, and therefore make no effort to learn anything about the different culture, in this case, preferring to simply fal back on stereotypes. A good example of this would be after the 9/11 attacks, anyone who either A)wore a turban (like sikhs) B) Had light brown skin were thought of as Arabs and therefore terrorists. They were harrased and attacked, their buisnesses defaced, all because of extremists. Rascism is a disgusting practice which cannot and will not be corrected until people educate themselves about other cultures.
  8. "Cool" is a subjective word used to influence the masses into buying more sweatshop labor clothes.
  9. [color=red] OOC: Sorry for the earlier crapp post. I've also been busy, recently. IC:"What's wrong miss?" Edward looked around cautiously, hand on his sabre hilt. "A madman you say?" He frowned. Something about this wasn't quite right. He peered around, half drawing the sword at his side. "I don't see anyone..." Just than, he felt her hand grip his shoulders, and pull him towards her with unnatural strength. Struggling, he pulled free, drawing his sabre. "What in God's name are you?"[/color]
  10. [color=red] Major Edward Fremantle, dressed in the uniform of the 33rd South Essex Regiment, walked down the street, sabre at his side. He didn't believe all that nonsense about "vampyres." Honestly! Probably just some maniac going about slitting people's throats....[/color]
  11. [b]Name:[/b]Omi Motokazu [b]Age:[/b]54 [b]Origin:[/b]Oyohama [b]Affiliation:[/b]Ronin [b]Occupation:[/b]Bodyguard(yojimbo) for hire [b]Weapon:[/b]katana, wakizashi [b]Style:[/b]Kusanagi-ryu (Grasscutting Style) [b]Appearance:[/b]An older man, he stands at 5'8", and his weatherd face is hard and demanding, though once you get to know him , it may melt into a warm smile. He wears simpe traveling clothes, along wit a straw hat. His swords are thrust into his obi, and his hair is tied into the traditional samurai topknot. [b]Bio:[/b]He once served a noble of Oyohama, but the death of the lord caused him to becme a wandering ronin. He spen the 20 years after the death of his master perfecting is own sword style, purifying his body and spirit through training.. He has returned from the mountains to seek employment and to find a student to teach his sword style to.
  12. Mik quietly watched the American as he registered in the hotel. Foolish American, didn't even know he was being tailed. So much for the great CIA. He smirked and folded up his newspaper, watching the American go to the elevators. Mikhail silently made plans to bug the American's room, before heading up to his own.
  13. count me in [b]Name:[/b] Edward Fremantle [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Location:[/b] London [b]Description:[/b] a tall man, standing at 6', he is normally seen in the uniform of Her Majesty's Cold Stream Guards. His blond hair is neat, every strand in its place. His tiny mustache is perfectly trimmed, and his uniform is impeccable. His blue eye shine with determination and spirit. There is always a revolver and a sabre at his side. [b]Background:[/b] His father is the minor lord of a manor in the countryside. Edward was the youngest of all his sons, and was so sent off with a commision in the army. Unlike other officers of his time, he is well trained and well versed in army tactics. He rose wuickly in the ranks, until he became a major, his current rank. He really doesn't want to believe that the vampyres exist, and is still skeptical.
  14. Mikhail (or Mik as his few close friends and associates call him) flipped through the news channels. The Americans had called hi Comrades Commies. Again. When would they get it through their thick heads that Capatilism(sp?) was just an excuse for the rich to exploit the people. Sighing, he turned off the TV and went back to typing on his computer. He clicked on his email. There was a single new message that said one thing. "You are needed at home. Come quickly. Father" This was it. He was being assigned to a mission. Standing up, he left his cubicle and walked to the elevator, which he took to the sub-florr 2. Stepping out, he walked to the single wooden door which opened into an office, where his superior sat. "You need me?" "Yes Mik, you are to go China. We have recieved intelligence that American agents will be there. Attempt to insinuate yourself into theuir trust." "I will do so comrade. Now, I must go pack.." He turned and left, heading for his apartment, where he would pack, and than be off to the airport.
  15. DuoMax


    Well, I don't have ADHD, but I do have Working memory Problems.
  16. Actually ninja, are techically samurai, just that they weren't quite so honorable. Personally, I'd go with samurai. All that honor stuff is just cool.
  17. Duo whistled as Deathscythe stomped through the city. He'd heard Trowa and Heero were goign to be here, but so far, hadn't seen anyone. He sighed and looked out of the cockpit, when what looked like an MS landed in front of him. Duo jetted the Deathsctyhe Hell back, landing with his scythe out "Who the Hell are you?" "You may cal me Judge. You have been invited here for a Mech Battle tournament" "A Battle tournament? Look mister, if you think I'm gonna-" "You will, Mr. Maxwell. You will.." With that, the "Judge" jetted off and dissapeared.
  18. Name:Mikhail Sergei Gallitinov Age: 30 Languages:Russian, English, German Country:USSR Description:a tall man, he stands 5'11" with black hair and green eyes. He is a lithe and wiry man with a a knowing smile on his face. He wears tasteful three piece suits most of the time. Biography:Born in Mosco, he was raised on Communist doctrine in the '80s, and has eagerly accepted it now that it has returned. He works for the KGB and has been eagerly awaiting a mission. He was in the Russian military and is a crack shot with a pistol. He is fervently patriotic and always supports Russia.
  19. Mech Pilot- Name: Duo Maxwell Age:16 Eye Color:blue Hair Color:brown Anime or Manga From:Gundam Wing Bio:The fun-loving Duo Maxwell is a member of the scavenger organization known as the Sweeper Group, which sent him to Earth to battle OZ. Despite the hardships he's suffered in his young life, and the seriousness of his mission, Duo is always cheerful and good-natured. But when he goes into battle as pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, striking from the shadows with its lethal beam scythe, he truly earns his nickname "God of Death." Picture:[img]http://www.sailorlah.com/duohappyova.jpg[/img] Mech- Name:Deathscythe Hell Weapons:2 x vulcan gun, 1x twin beam scythe,1 x buster shield, equipped with beam blade, can be launched at taget and retrieved Anime or Manga From:Gundam Wing Other:self destruct system Picture:[img]http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/Redphantasm/images/deathscythe13.jpg[/img]
  20. [b]Name:[/b]Motokazu Omi [b]Age:[/b]53 [b]Weapon:[/b] An ancient katana, passed down since the year 1300, it has been used in multiple wars, including the fierce period of [i]Sengkoku Jidai[/i](Age of the Country at War). It is a master's weapon, perfectly honed and deadly sharp. [b]Description:[/b]black hair, tied into the samurai topknot, he has an ancient looking face, with a hardness of one who has fought many battles. He wears a simple travelling outfit, sword thrust intto his sash. [b]Bio:[/b] The last of his family, he honorably served his lord for many years, developing his own sword style, the [i]Kusanagi-ryu[/i](grasscutter technique). His many years of service ended at age 46, when his lord died, leaving no heir to take control of the family. Omi has spent the last several years honing his technique even more, purifying his body and mind in a small hut in the mountains. Now he has revealed himself again, to practice his sword technique, and find a disciple.
  21. Cardian growled. Those Sailors again! "If you want something done, I guess you have to do it yourself..." He snapped his fingers and he was surrounded in a black cloak, which swirled around him to reveal his normal state of dress. Fingering a card, snapped again, appearing in front of Death. "You've failed me.." "No Master, please!" Cardian snapped a third time, and Death reverted to a card state. He turned to the Sailors. "You may have won this time, little girls, but next time..." The first girl to appear stepped forward to begin some sort of speech about Justice and some such nonsense, but Cardian ignored her, dissapearing in a swirl of his cloak, leaving a single card on the ground with his picture on it.
  22. I love acting. I have participated in a Shakespeare program for the past three years. I was Antonio in {i]THe Tempest[/i], Sir Andrew Aguecheek, in [i]12th Night[/i], and this year, Francis Flute a.k.a. Thisbee in [i]A Midsummer Night's Dream[/i]. Great fun!
  23. Cardian watched as death swept towards the girl, smiling as they noticed Death's approach, and scattered, screaming. Death picked up Sakura and held his hand in front of her torso. A glittering ball exited her torso and Death dropped the now heartless and unconcious girl to the ground. Cardian smiled. Everything wwas going well....
  24. Omi(Cardian) smiled as he watched the children. He was, at least to them, a college student who served as a Teacher's Aide at their school. At least it was somethig to do, he thought as he watched them. One of them had to have a pure heart.....There! He pinpointed a girl named Sakura who was talking with her friends. Slipping out of sight, he tossed a card he pulled from hsi pocket onto the ground. The Tarot card of Death stared up at him. "Yes, this will do nicely." A black robed figure rose from the card and bowed. "I am here to serve, my master." "One of those girls has a pure heart. Fetch it for me." "At once..."
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