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Everything posted by DuoMax

  1. DuoMax


    sounds fun.. [b]Name:[/b]Derrack Draska [b]Age:[/b](human years)35 [b]Race:[/b] Droshi (anthromorphic cat people!) [b]Timeline:[/b] galaxy, future [b]Weapons:[/b]two knives, two silenced pistols, and a carbine. [b]Bio/Personality:[/b]He was experimwnted on as a child, and genitically, and cybernetically enhanced. He has since become an outlaw, running from the authorities, and living where he can. He takes assinations and other bounty hunting jobs.
  2. Cardian sighed. Damn, but that Amorrite was annoying, so haughty and arrogant. "Oh well," he thought, "his comeuppance will arrive one of these days." He sighed and yawned. It was boring here. Perhaps he should go check out Earth. Decidig that this was the best course of action, he shifted to his human form, and teleported to Earth, arriving in front of a school. Perhaps he could find some of those "pure hearts" Amorrite was always babbling about here..
  3. Ahem. Before I post, I would like to state tat I object to being called a "hippie." I much prefer "pascifist," as I believe in non-violence and negeotiation(sp?) to solve problems. [b]Human Rights[/b] I am a big beliver in the basic human rights to life and happiness. IT is a sad fact that in this world there are repressive regimes and dictatorship who destroy these rights. in my very humble opinion, it would be best to use diplomacy to get these dictators to allow their people more rights. With that said, if we are talking about human right, should not people who are repressed, such as gays, get equal rights? (I am not trying to turn this into a gay debate, just using it as an example.) IF we allow these people, and everyone else [i]exactly[/i] the same rights, everyone is treated fairly and everyone is happy. [b]Politics and Ethics[/b] Again, in my humble opinion, Ethics always come before Politics.
  4. yay! D&D! Name: Nasan Galanodel Race: Half-Elf Age:59 DOB:1349, June the 18th Class: Cleric Alignment: Chaotic Good POB: small village Description: Normally dressed in clerical robes or full plate armor, he is an imposing figure, even at 5'8". He has brown hair and green eyes. Weapon(s): A mithril morning star (of frost +2!) Bio: Born in a small village, and brought up by a relgious Human mother, he is the son of an unknown Elven lord. Knowing only his father's last name (Galanodel)he has a great desire to find him.
  5. OOC: thank you, Dragon Warrior. DM*draws his straw* Prepare to die, evil producer -tye person! DW:*draws his sword* Let's get him! ALL(except the producer): YEAH! Everyone charges the producer, waving whatever weapons they wave in attempt to kill him. Duo trips over a rock and impales himself on the straw. DM: Ow! that hurts! *looks at the straw, which is bent in half* Aw man..now I need a new weapon..*grabs a sword from the dead spammer* Alright! *charges again* The producer gets hit in multiple vital areas with multiple dewadly weapons, but as he is kiiled, two more spring up! Producers: You can kill us, but two more will take our places! HAHAHA! [b]What will happen to our heroes? Can the Producers be defeated? find out next time![/b]
  6. I'll be a major general as well..bear in mind this a char I came up with years ago, so it's probably pretty bad. Name:Motokazu Omi (human) Cardian(true form) Age:23/379 Gender:male Attack(s):Ace of Spades, 52 Card Pickup, Royal Flush Description:He looks like a normal Japanese colege student, with tinkling bright green eyes S.I. Description:He stands at 5'10" in this form, dressed in a black cape and rred and white military-ish uniform. He has black hair that falls to his shoulders, and his green eyes are now filled with malevolence. Personality:He is c ruel and calculating, enjoying the destruction of others. Everything he does, he does for a personal gain. Evantually, he hpes to take control of the Dark Kingdom himself.
  7. DM watche sin amusment DM: Alright! I'm l33t! w00t!*dances* DW:*shoots DM* DM: Why'd you do that? DW: I don't know, you're the one writing this! DM: oh yeah... TH:You both suck! DM&DW: No we don't! TH: yeah you do! *suddenly, some spammers apppear* Nataniamon: Oh no! Spammers! DM: I knew they were coming 'cause I wrote it! ALL: shut up! DM:*punches a spammer in the face. Audience cheers*[b] Enusing fight continues for a while, since I'm too lazy to write it.[/b]
  8. A wandering wierdo named DuoMax wanders up the mountain, ahaving found naught else to do. He spots some other peopel and decides to talk to them. DuoMax: Hi! DW, Natanimon, and Kinetix: Who are you? DuoMax: I'm DuoMax! DW: that's a stupid name? DM: No stupider than dragon warrior! DW: So? DM: You're stupid! DW: No you are! DM: No, [b]you[/b] are! And so it continues for several hours...
  9. DuoMax


    Name:Tristen Age:20 Weapon:katana, knife Bio:Born and raised on the streets, he's a tough guy. He is a cocky and self-serving B****** who puts himself first and everyone else last. he would rough up kids at his school, as well as on the streets. he was in charge of a small gang of boys who would mug people, break windows, and generally break the law. after turning 18, he put his "training" to good use and decided to become a bodyguard (which is how he acquirred his weapon). Hope that's good. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it, please, PM me.
  10. DuoMax


    I get deja vu all the time...it scares me a bit..
  11. Why must we talk about such violent things? *sighs* Oh well...Might as well contribute something useful to the topic! The best gun? Probably th MP-5. Small, compact, and has decent hitting power.
  12. DuoMax

    otaku prom

    [color=red]Duo blushed furiously, feeling his cheeks grow hot. "R-really?"[/color] [color=blue]"Really."[/color] [color=red]Duo shyly placed his arms around Vicky, gently swaying with the music. He could tell that he was still blushing furiously. "Oh well," hethought, "This i s pretty fun..Is it my imagination or is she moving coser?"[/color]
  13. DuoMax

    otaku prom

    [color=red]Duo raced after Vicky, and finally arrived at the Banner. "Looks like you beat me.."[/color] [color=blue]"Yeah!" Vicky laughs[/color][color=red] "So..you wanna dance...?" Duo raises an eyebrow and looks at Vicky, waiting for her response.[/color]
  14. DuoMax

    otaku prom

    [color=red] "Hey! Wait up!" He runs after her, doing his best to keep up with her. She dodges away from him.[/color] [color=blue]"Ha! You can't catch me!"[/color] [color=red]"Oh yeah!" He dives after her, managing to catch her by the ankle and down they both go, laughing and breathless.[/color]
  15. DuoMax

    otaku prom

    [color=red]Duo looks a bit amazed that Vicky actually asked him, but recovers. "sure I'll go with you. I need a date anyway.." He smiles. "See you there, than!"[/color]
  16. DuoMax

    otaku prom

    [color=red]DuoMax sighed and leaned against the thread's walls. He was a bit sad 'cause no one had asked him to go to the Otaku Prom. Oh well, maybe he should actually ask someone...[/color]
  17. DuoMax


    Well, personally, I found it quite entertaining and a very fullfilling movie. One question though: [spoiler]Why does John think it's the [i]same[/i] Terminator/ He saw it get destroyed in the 2nd movie![/spoiler]
  18. Well, I found a piece of art in an image search that took me to Theotaku.com. From there, i followed the link to the Otakuboards, signed p, and set up shop, so hear I am ;)
  19. A good one for Star Trek si always the standard bridge crew bit where someone is the Captain, someone is 1st officer, etc
  20. Well, what I understand of the matter, is that the later in the war it got, the harder it ot to find vlunteers, so evantually, they were ordering people. They would bolt the canopy of the plane shut so they weren't able to get out or anything. The thing is that, if they did it, they died, if they didn't do it, they'd die anyway, plus their family would be disgraced.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i] [B]Hmm... I'm not favorable to it... I mean, according to crhistianism, God made man and woman, and those are supposed to make couples and have children and all... I think that "gay" is like, breaking that thing... I don't know how to explain, but in my opinion, it is not right. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't really see how it's not right. If two people love each other, why should we care what they do in the privay of their own home?
  22. IT really annoys me that in the "Land of the Free" we stil have bigots. Gay marrige is fine by me, cause I'm Bi.
  23. I'm gonna rip apart fireworks, and make my own illeagal ones..*giggles insanely*
  24. Name: Saraneth Age: 8,000 Race: Fallen Angel (demon) Side: Evil Appearence:his black hair falls over glowing red eyes. He is dressed completely in black armor, and black feathered wings sprout from his back. He stands at 9 feet even and wields a gigantic black sword. BIo: An angel originally, he was banished from heaven for rebelling against God.
  25. [color=red]room for one more? please? [b]Name:[/b] Tylan Acronis [b]Age:[/b]11 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Eyes:[/b]Blue [b]Hair:[/b] A dirty blond color, that's rather short. [b]Wand:[/b] Phoenix Feather, Oak, 11 1/2 inches [b]House:[/b]TBA [b]Personality:[/b] Rather cocky and self assured, he always has a wry grin on his face. He is quick to point out others faults and is always ready for a joke. He is very friendly and charismatic. [b]Biography:[/b] Born to a wizard father and mother on the other side of the Pond(the Atlantic). His father holds a position in the United States of America Magical Administration Office. He was scheduled to go to the Salem School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but due to his fathers appointementto an Amassatorial postion in England, he has instead gone to hogwarts. [b]Pet:[/b] an owl named Concord[/color]
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