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  1. oh, and my aim is watashiseason so what does this fan club do?
  2. nofx- okay mxpx- best christian punk band ever. even if some of their recent albums dont reflet their beliefs as well as pokinatcha did. if you like mxpx and nofx though, get relient k. really good if sometimes soft punk band that stands for what they believe in.
  3. A quick quote- "suicide-a permanent solution to a temporary problem." While not in the extreme context, I know that life can go throug hrough spots seemingly forever, however there are always lives that you affect and will have an effet on no matter what action you take. True, talking to a loved one or family might help, however know that otakuboards will always be here for you, since it is often easier to talk to somenone you cant put a face to. Unfortunately, there is no miracle to ending this problem that plauges many of society, but know that you are never alone.
  4. a great add on to the series would be further indulgence in the history of spike and viscious, before they became enemies. hopefully, if knockin on heavens door is a hit in theaters, they might be pressured to do just that...
  5. 1. Watashi 2. Viscious 3.Ballad of fallen angels 4. Green Bird
  6. thats depressing... "increasing success by lowering expectations" lol.
  7. i would like to enjoy my life fully before I die, and yet have none remember my presence.
  8. even for the look that you get with piercings, im much more keen to the alternative of clips on body parts, instead of the real things.
  9. since the economy is so bad their trying to pull in big holiday sales.
  10. sadly, my day sucked. it sucked so bad i cant tell it to you because it would worsen your day lol. but anyway, those boards are pretty sweet Rick. And trust me, ive definately been there when trying to help out afriend. I actually nearly got him put in jail for my help.... that was a sticky one...
  11. This topic is basically one where you can just meet other forum mebers, tell about your day or anything else major, and just hang out. Kind of hard to start, but it gets rolling pretty fast...
  12. I enjoy hackey sacking and playing gba.
  13. i wonder if this movie has a website or someting?
  14. with some of the newer cartoons manyy of the original acme hour gags are just being redone. however, these still seem to make me laugh, so...... But I tend to lean more to the cartoons such as Samurai Jack and batman than rugrats or spongebob anyday, thank you very much lol.
  15. but would it not be in the name of peace to kill these people? with these people gone all knowledge is erased of this bomb. however, on the same token, wouldnt it be hard to kill everyone who knows how to make a nuke, or an atomic bomb. and yet, to sacrifice the lives of few to save the lives of many...
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