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Everything posted by Kenso

  1. [size=1][b]Name: [/b]Calvin Montgomery Ralkin [b] Codename: [/b]Mimic [b] Gender: [/b]Male [b] Age: [/b]19 [b] Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.joeacevedo.com/images/customzone/customcon/ironcow2004/operation_mimic/ironcow1.jpg[/img] He currently wears a modified version of the depicted outfit. He always keeps a hood up to cover most of his face, and during the day he wears a very dark pair of sunglasses. He also wears a pair of black gloves. No matter the temperature, he keeps himself covered up. He is still learning to deal with the exceedingly acute senses he absorbed from James Proudstar, and therefore tries to block most sensory inputs off, figuring it will be easier if he handles them one at a time. Currently, he removes his sunglasses as often as possible. His body is adjusting, but it still overwhelms him at times. [b]Alliance: [/b]Calvin is currently a member of the group known as the Brotherhood of Mutants, and has been exposed to many mutants of varying powers throughout his stint. However, he is now actively pursuing a way to remove himself from the Brotherhood so as to switch over to the X-Men, having, like many other mutants, been fooled into joining the Brotherhood under somewhat false pretenses, or at least a rather inaccurate description of what they stood for. [b]Biography:[/b] The ball was rolling toward me. OK, more like barreling towards me, but it was all good. The fans in the stands were making plenty of noise, and I was having a ball. I dropped, shoving my hands into the ground and kicking my feet up, nearly doing a handstand. My shin caught the ball in mid-flight, and I turned as I was upright again, just enough to watch the ball hit the goalie's shoulder and bounce into the net. That had been way too close, but it was enough. The crowd erupted in cheers. I'd just scored the winning point for the championship game, at least in junior varsity. It was too bad our varsity team that year sucked. But that feeling, that joy, it was good. And the knowledge that it was because I was better than any of them, even though I was normal, not one of those freaks with weird abilities made it all the better. I'd played one of them before. His agility had been incredible, almost disturbing...He'd thought himself so grand, because his power was so subtle that most people wouldn't've known. But I noticed the eyes. The eyes were red, a blood red. He told everyone it was contacts, but I knew better. I'd lost to him, but barely. I swore I'd prove I could be as good as any of them, the god-damned freaks. Or so I thought back then, back when everything was simple. Then, a few months after my 17th birthday, someone came to me. When I got back from school, there was a girl in my bedroom. That hadn't phased me. It was normal enough. Lots of my friends, boys and girls, got out of school earlier than me due to lack of practice, and used my easy-to-access bedroom window to get in. What bothered me is that I'd just left the girl I was looking at five minutes before, and she definitely wasn't in a state to be getting ahead of me like that. Hell, she'd take longer than that to get her clothes and make-up back on. Then the girl started to change, right before my eyes. Suddenly, a pair of black wings had sprouted from her shoulders, so large as to be scraping my bedroom ceiling. Her skin had also turned a pale shade of blue. I took a step back. "What are you?!" I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Not what. The question is who. I am not a thing, I am a person." "You are a freak." "I am different." "You're a mutant." "So are you. Look at yourself." I could feel my face pale. What was this creature talking about?! I glanced down at my hands. I nearly threw up all over the room. My skin was slowly gaining a dark green tint, as though I were copying this other person's ability in my own way. I shook my head, as though that would make what I was seeing go away. "No! I'm not a freak! I'm not one of you creatures!" The girl - no, the thing - just laughed. It was a high-pitched laugh, almost like a giggle. It was honestly amused by my reaction. Well, what did I care?! Let it be amused. Then the worst thing happened. My door opened up. My parents were standing there, trying to figure out why I'd been yelling. They both took a step back. I stepped forward, trying to plead with them. "Mom, Dad, please..." My father looked me straight in the eye. "I have no son. Now both of you get out of my sight before I call the cops." I had no choice. The girl grabbed my wrist and took off at the window. It appeared I was about to be forced into a whole new life... [b]Powers:[/b] Mimic has the inate ability to "mimic" powers, and also to copy intellect and physical traits of someone after he has been within ten feet of them. It is speculated that this may actually being an understating of his powers, or that maybe particularly powerful mutants can effect him at a much longer range. Mimic is capable of permanently copying the abilities of other mutants. It is believed that the maximum number of mutants he can have absorbed abilities from permanently at any one time is 5. He currently has absorbed powers from the mutants James Howlett (healing factor, his most recent acquisition), James Proudstar ([/size][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][size=1]superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability, heightened sensory perceptions and acuity, and the power of self-propelled flight), and Kevin Sidney (omnimorphic shapeshifter). He almost never uses his shapeshifting abilities, at least not completely, for fear of losing who he is. He feels that constantly changing his form could make him lose himself entirely, something he is severely afraid of. For the same reason, he utterly refuses to absorb any telepathic abilities from any mutatns, though he would like to absorb telekinetic powers and is keeping his eye open for someone with telepathic powers good enough for him to absorb.[/size][/font]
  2. Kenso

    Bad Luck [M-LVS]

    [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Vincent Lairn Terenitio ((Usually goes by Lairn, as Vincent was his father's name)) [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Vincent, being nearly finished growing, stands at an impressive height of 6'4". He weighs in at about 200 pounds, all lean, well-toned muscle, his body fat not even at 1% of his weight, due in part to a naturally high metabolism and the rest due to intense training. He has long, dark-brown hair with red highlights. It naturally has waves, but he usually tries to keep it straightened. It extends straight down to his shoulders. His skin is naturally looks tan, owing to the combianation his mother's Hispanic heritage and his father's Native American heritage. His eyes are a deep chocolate brown, and currently very rarely show any emotion. He has a long face, with high, pronounced cheekbones. The lines of his face are very pronounced, almost squared off, except fo his eyes. Though his eyes themselves look cold, the lines around them are soft, as though telling of a hidden interior within Vincent's cold exterior. The backs of both his hands, when actually seen, have numerous scars, all gained when training to use his rather unique favored weapon. He also has one scar across his right cheek, nearly four inches long. He always tells people it's from a sword-fight, but the truth is that it came from falling out of a tree and having a branch catch his face on the way down. He just figures that's too embarassing to tell anyone. Vincent will almost never be seen without a black backpack and a pair of black gloves made of a very special and very tough material, that appear to have hooks of some sort on the back of them. Two cables of some sort run down each of his arms to the gloves from the backpack. One of these cables attaches to the No one seems to know what they're for. The backpack has thick shoulder straps, along with thick chest and waist straps with numerous pouches. He also always wears relatively tight jeans, with various pouches strapped around his legs (two on each thigh and two on each calf). [b]Personality:[/b] Vincent doesn't have much of a personality. It's not that he's cold or untrusting or anything like that. His only problem is that when he chooses to focus on something, he tends to focus on it very hard, and to break past that focus is remarkably difficult. Needless to say, his current focus is revenge, as it would be for any self-respecting human being whose parents had been brutally murdered when he was only 14. Too someone who does break that focus for more than a one-night stand to serve basic human wants (of which Vincent has had numerous), Vincent is a pretty nice guy, generally well-mannered, with a sharp wit and a quick tongue. His temper is a little short at times, but he does his best to keep that in check. [b]Weapons they use:[/b] The backpack and glove combination Vincent is always wearing is actually a very difficult to master and currently unique weapon. Within the part of the backpack against Vincent's back are two lengths of a exceedingly strong but remarkably thin cable. These are the cables that attach to the back of his gloves. On the sides, top, and bottom of each glove at the wrist area are buttons, which send signals to the backpack. The upper button is to tell the inner feeds to feed five feet of cable out (plus the additional amount that runs along his arms and the bit of slack given to allow free movement). The lower button is to retract five feet of cable. The inside buttons are to tell the cable spools to full retract all currently in use cable, while the outside buttons are to tell the spools to lock the current amount in place. If not locked in place, Vincent can accidentally extend additional cable by throwing his weapons. The pouches on the backpack hold numerous collapsible shuriken-like items. Some have three blades, but a few have four. When open and locked that way, these tri-blades attach to the ends of the cable normally hooked to the gloves, and mount on the hooks of the gloves. Kinaro also carries two matching full daisho sets, including katana, wakizashi, and tanto. The katanas mount in an X-shape under the backpack, carefully placed to work around the various straps. The tanto are mounted on the very outside of the waist straps of the backpack, while the wakizashi are place in built-in sheaths in the front of the backpack. The sheathes have a special locking mechanism which Vincent has learned to use with the utmost speed, showing no delay in drawing them if he so chooses. His final weapons are a pair of Reuger full-case, full-sized 9mm semiautomatic handguns, with a laser site built into the case (instead of as an additional scope, which is just too bulky). He keeps additional clips in the pouches on his legs, though he has never had to use them yet. He saves the guns as a last resort. [b]Bio:[/b] It had been a normal day until the cops showed up that night. My parents going out hadn't bothered me at all. I was rather used to it. After all, wasn't that what people with far more money than necessary did? I knew I wouldn't always be able to tag along, and that night was one of those times. They'd told me there would be no one there of my age, so I was going to stay home with our butler. That was fine by me. I could catch up on my martial arts training. My butler also happened to be a martial arts instructor, and very rarely did actual butler work, which was left to our various servants. He was more of a permanent companion for me. However, I'd been sick for almost two weeks with a very severe case of the flu, and was a little behind, so I'd use them being gone to catch up. We'd been training for a few hours, and to be honest, it was starting to get to me. My master had always been able to outlast me. One of the servants came running in to get us. When they told me it was the police, I took off running for the door. No one bothered to try and stop me. I skidded to a halt at the door, my breathing labored, looking up at the cops. Back then, I didn't even break 5'6", and the cops appeared awfully big to me, even the female, who was rather tall, and quite good-looking. But I stood as straight as I could, forcing my breathing to steady itself. "Good evening, officers. What can I could for you?" "Are you in charge of this house?" I raised an eyebrow. "Until my parents get home, yes, I am." The female cop knelt down to my eye level. "I'm sorry, young man, but your parents won't be coming home." The eyebrow raised again. "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you right." The woman sighed, glancing up at her partner, who merely shrugged in a 'Don't look at me, I don't know how to handle this' fashion. "Every one at the party your parents attended tonight was killed. It looks like it was a set up. We think some of the people there were into some bad stuff, and some just knew too much. But no one survived. Your parents will not be returning home tonight, or ever." I turned away as I could feel the tears building. I would not let them see me cry. "Thank you, officers." And I closed the door, falling against it and sliding to the floor. My instructor said nothing, though the servant that had gotten us started wailing. I glanced at her. "Shut up." My voice now was steady, calm. I had a purpose. I would find those responsible for tonight, and all of them would die. Every last one of them. For five years I have trained and I have searched. Some of the lesser members of the organization have died by my hands. Others have died before I could reach them. I still don't know by whom. But I hear now that there are others like me, and one of them is searching for the rest. Perhaps I shall see what comes of it.[/size]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]How I wish I lived in the UK... [/B][/QUOTE] Right about now, so do I...ANd they better hurry up and make the damn channel!!
  4. Well, all you can do is try I guess. Besides, look at it this way. Lots of people are gonna be jsut as bad.
  5. Card Name: Unholy Light Type: Magic(Continuous)(Quickplay) Effect: While this card remains face up on the field, all non-Dark type monsters on the field suffer a -500 attack penalty, and they may not attack without either sacrificing a monster or paying 500 Life Points. When Holy Light is played against this card, the effects negate one another and both cards are sent to the graveyard. Fiends and Spellcasters are immune to this effect and instead gain a +500 attack bonus. Card Name: Holy Light Type: Magic (Continuous) (Quickplay) Effect: While this card remains face up on the field, all non-Light type monsters on the field suffer a -500 attack penalty, and they may not attack without either sacrificing a monster of paying 500 Life Points. When Unholy Light is played against this card, the effects negate one another and both cards are sent to the graveyard. Angels and Fairies are immune to this effect and instead gain a +500 attack bonus.
  6. I keep Celtic Guardian and Neo the Magic Swordsman. Those two are banned from leaving my deck. Celtic is only out of it right now because my deck got all disorganized cuz my cards got scatter throughout my room, and I just recently refound CG. And I usually have two of each.
  7. Spike. Namely because he reminds me of myself with his "I don't give a damn" attitude. I'm a lot like that too. Vicious is damned cool too.
  8. Quatre: Damn it, Heero, why won't you fight me?! Duo: I need a haircut...
  9. I was playing my brother the one day and used Change of Heart, taking his Dark Gray One(or something along those lines, the goat thing you don't have to sacrifice for with an ATK of 800) and finishing him off with it. It was his last card left....
  10. This I am looking forward to. I was really annoyed when it was delayed (it was originally supposed to come out sometime in December, just in time for Christmas). Now I don't have to wait as long. It's funny though. It comes out on my step-dad's b-day.
  11. I for one thing the WZC was overdone. The wings looked good when they were showed for the first time, but they looked like crap during battle. They just didn't make any sense. And Sora, the Gundams were being sent into the sun to permanently get rid of them, as the Gundam pilots felt they were no longer needed. Same reason [spoiler]Quatre, Trowa, and Duo blew up their Gundams at the end. The WZC was already dead, and Wufei couldn't stand to part with Nataku. Though he may have blown it up eventually. I don't remember.[/spoiler]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Whatever. I don't think he was rude. I think he was funny as heck. Personally i think the Gundam Maxter was pretty awesome. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, you're allowed your opinion and I'm allowed mine. I think the best character is Master Asia though. Stupid people, killing him off....
  13. Name: Moyaku Keramushe, aka Maverick Wolf, or Mav Fave chara: Spike Fave Ep: Jupiter Jazz Parts I and II Fave Song: Real Folk Blues AIM s/n: Mav Wolf 2000, Moyaku Keramushe, LonewolfMavRck00
  14. I'm joining!! Age: 17, almost 18 Favorite Monsters: Dark Magician, Neo the Magic Swordsman, and Celtic Guardian Favorite Character: Yami Yugi, Seto Kaiba Favorite Cards: Any Dragon card and almost any Spell-caster card, Summoned Skull, Silver Fang((I have a thing for Dragons, Wolves, and Magic), Buster Blader, Black Paladin Card I relate to: Ansatsu Favorite Eps: Duel of Souls, RPG sub-series
  15. Chibodee Crockett was annoying, rude, more than just a little corny, stupid, egotistical, and had one of the stupidest Gundams I have ever seen. That's what's wrong with Chibodee Crockett.
  16. First, the off-topic thing I need to say. Many of the good animes on CN have been short. I will mention only two other than CB: 08th MS Team and Outlaw Star. I don't believe I need to say anything else. OK, on-topic. First things first. I've never seen the entire series, so I missed a few things that you may know which may make my post look stupid. Ok, here goes. First of all, I loved the ending. It just fit. No other way to put it. I think it would've been much sadder [spoiler]it Spike had lived, as it was quite obviously put that the only thing Spike ever had to live for was Julia, and to make him go on without her would be the ultimate torment. The song was perfect, the gun hand at the end was perfect, and the fact that he died killing Vicious just made it all more perfect. Second of all, Spike isn't coming back. I don't know exactly why or anything, but it was mentioned somewhere in the very last episode that Vicious and Spike cannot die without the other one dieing. That is why they killed each other at the same time. Spike only took slightly longer to die because he was actually stronger in body than Vicious, and because sword wounds generally take slightly longer to kill you than gun wounds.[/spoiler] But now that my two cents has been inserted into this thread, I'll sit back and wait for responses of some sort.
  17. I've watched it twice, subbed. My friend burned it for me. And even watching it on my comp, it was great. And that means something, as my CD-ROM is only 1/4 of the speed the disk was written for. I can't wait to see it without all the jumping around, and on a TV screen instead of my comp. And the soundtrack is awesome((tried to use something much more expressive, but the censoring sucks...))!! Take note, I like Spike's Japanese voice better than his English one. And Jet is hilarious in this movie. Just his facial expressions. They're great...
  18. *realizes I never posted why I like the show* 1. Excellent storyline. Though the first five fights after the one against Neo-Italy get very annoying, always befriending the guy who's *** you're supposed to be kicking. 2. Great emotional twists and turns. The whole thing is full of emotional problems between characters, and it's just f*cking great. 3. Rain. Need I say more? :D ;) 4. The God Gundam and the Master Gundam. Again, need I say more? There was one major problem with the show: CHIBODEE CROCKETT. Yet another "Need I say more?"....
  19. I have also had it referred to as Pokemon many times. It's rather WRONG!!!! But anyway, my school isn't that into it that ppl try to steal cards. We have a small group of ppl who play, but that's it. And yes, Yu-Gi-Oh is EXTREMELY similar to Magic: The Gathering. However, I like Yu-Gi-Oh slightly better, as it is not quite as complicated(some of the magic-style[I don't remember if they're actually called magic cards in that game, it's been a while] cards get really hard to follow in Magic, especially since when multiple magic-style cards are used, they often create chain-reactions with loads of effects).
  20. Just to let you know, the technology does exist to create these. The problem is that they would need to be constantly reprogrammed for new cards, and holographic projectors are annoyingly hard to keep running correctly for that amount of use. And I mean they have the technology to set them up exactly as they are in the show. Now the portable ones like what Kaiba uses....I don't think so. We're not quite that advanced just yet.
  21. As was already stated, the VGs don't follow the same rules the card game does. And in answer to the questions: Q1: NO on both. However, once they are put out, they can be flipped face-up or face-down. Anotherwords, you must play it in either FACE-DOWN DEFENSE or FACE-UP ATTACK on the TURN IT IS BROUGHT OUT. However, AFTER a card is BROUGHT OUT, it can be flipped into FACE-UP DEFENSE or FACE-DOWN ATTACK. That is all on that one. Q2: NO. Toon monsters do not need tribues. However, you do have to pay Life Points to summon them, they cannot attack the turn they are brought out, and it costs Life Points to attack with them. AND TOON WORLD MUST BE OUT TO SUMMON A TOON MONSTER!!!
  22. *finally finishes reading six pages of posts* One, WOULD YOU PEOPLE STOP ARGUING? Two, there's no reason to be flipping on Mstyrios WX, as the topic specifically asks for an opinion, not just why did you like it. And three, I love this show!! It's just amazing!!! Though Domon's chara did need a little work, and whoever came up w/ the Nether Gundam should be shot. Oh, by the way, Altron, please refrain from using the word dubbie. It sounds kinda insulting, and as the only reason most of us are what you call "dubbies" is that we can't get subs, it's rather cruel......
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