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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. Gojin had just got done training in his gravity room that Bulma had made for him. He was under some intense pressure, his body was worn out. Once he had step out, his father was in front of him with a towel in his hand. He threw the towel at Gojin?s face. ?You know son you shouldn?t be training your self so hard in your normal state. Why don?t you become super sayjin?? Gojin then whipped the sweat from his face. ?Dad I?m trying something new, I promise grandpapa that I?ll beat him normal while he is a super sayjin. So I can?t turn super sayjin for 3 more days no matter what.? Gohan just laughed a little. ?So what if something bad happened what will you do?? I looked at him with a smile on my face. ?I?ll make them wish they never crossed my path.? After that Gohan had went back into the house. Gojin was getting bored so he decided to fly around to get some fresh air. While he was flying he began to pick up on some power levels. Some he recognized others he didn?t. He flew faster to catch up with them.
  2. Name: Gojin Age: 15 Bio:He is the son of Gohan and Videl. He trains hard to become the most powerful warrior he can be. Most of his attacks are based from Vegeta and Goku and a little from his father. He likes to train all the time so his skills will improve. When he is not training he spends most of his just goofing off and having fun. Description: [IMG]http://e.1asphost.com/Serren/Pictures/Gojin2.JPG[/IMG] Relation to Original Character: Gohan's son Skills: Kamehameha,Kaio-Ken,Masenko,Big Bang attack Weapon: none
  3. Name: Gojin Gender: male Description: (check att) weapon: Bio:He is the son of Gohan and Videl. He likes to think that he is the best warrior that the Z team has to offer. He trains to become the best fighter around. Most of his attacks are based from Vegeta and Goku and a little from his father. He likes to train all the time so his skills will improve. When he is not training he spends most of his time with his sister. They get into fights together all the time. He loves fighting with her. Personality: He likes to have fun and make jokes. He?s a nice person. But when it comes to fighting he becomes another person. He becomes a bit mean towards people if they get in his way. He likes to think he can?t be beat. Side: good
  4. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted I have been gone for a while. But as you can see I'm back. Ray had walked out the gym not believing what had just happened. He was sleeping good then out of know where the water sprinklers comes on and wakes him up. As he was leaving the building he notice the time. It was almost time for him to be out school. So he decided once he got out side instead of waiting and going back in that he was going to go back to the mansion. Once he was out side he walked all the way to the front of the building. Went over to the car that he had to barrow for school this morning. He looked around to make sure there was know one around to witness him use his powers. There was know one in sight. So once again he had put his hand on the hood of the car and gave it an electrical start. Once started he got into the car and left to go to the mansion.
  5. OOC: There well be two tournaments. The first one we well do. After the tournament that's when miscellaneous bad guys well show up. Then I tell more about what's going on. Then we well all later have to come together as one big team to survive. It was finally the day of the tournament. Ryu had made it there without his mother knowing and his new found crystal. He wasn't to sure how he was going to do in the tournament without his crystal. But he was being tested. In order for him to get what is his he needs to become more powerful the right way. He began walking around looking at all the people who had signed up. Some he remembered others he had never seen. He was finally about to sign up him self but he couldn't because his team mates wasn't there. So he went off looking for them. OOC: I know its sort but I trying to get thing back up and running since I been gone.
  6. OOC: I have been gone but now I'm back. I'm going to get back on the post and start up the tournament. I should have me post up by 12.
  7. So far my fav i have to say is Gundam X. I think it rocks. Now for Gundam Seed i can't say to much on that cause i only seen the first episode. But from what i have seen i can say it is going to rock. I want to see more but i have to wait for my brother to finish downlaoding them.
  8. DBZ ButtyKai was not good at all to me. The only thing i liked, well now that i seat and think theres nothing i really liked about the game. They should just remake DBZ Lengends for the PS2. What GoKents was saying would be nice. Also make a DBZ RPG game that you could play onlne with others well be kinda hot. My and some friemds thought of some pretty cool stuff.
  9. I know for sure I'm going to see the movie. I like the Hulk point blank. I already got my ticket for tomorrow. And if its really good I'm going to see it three more times like I did Spiderman and X-Men.
  10. My fav hero is The HULK. and Superman. I have been a fan since i was a like kid. Oh the Hulk can jump more then 3 miles. In the comics the Hulk has been known to make it into the earth's atmosphere on a single leap. Given the strength of the leap and the angle of trajectory when landing, the Hulk can create large craters and limited seismic activity when landing.
  11. Ray walked out of the office after coming up with a somewhat of a good lie. He was walking with a smile on his face still in shock that the lady at the front desk actually believed him. His dog was sick and he had to take him to the vet. As he was walking he notice the clock and the time." Oh no I well not be going to class. There's no way I'm going to history. But what to do Intel then?" He then started to think about what could he do to let the time past. Then he realized that his next class was gym so why not hang out in the girls gym Intel his class starts. Ray then started walking towards the gym as he was walking he could see the doors for the gym and he saw the girls running back and forth. He walked threw the gym doors with a big smile on his face. He just sat down on the benches and relax and just enjoyed the showed. "Why couldn't all my classes be like this?"
  12. Ray woke up turning over and looking towards his clock. He notice that it was fried, he must have did it when the alarm had gone off. He got up out of the bed barley standing. He walked over to the wall to use it for support "Man did I have a crazy night or what. What time is it?" Ray walked out of the room went into the bathroom and started to breach his teeth. While he was breaching his teeth he notice that the clock across the room had 12:27p.m. "Oh damn I'm late for school. Ray then washed out his month and ran into his room and threw on some clothes. He got all his stuff together and ran out the mansion and into the garage. He looked around and just went to the nearest car towards him. He put his hand on the hood of the car and sent an electric shock to the car engine starting the car in an instant. He got inside of the car and took off. "Someone is going to kill me." When Ray got to school lunch was over. He knew right off the back once he gets back to the mansion that he was going to get it bad. He went into the school and headed for the office. " This is nice, late again it doesn't get any better then this."
  13. Ryu and his mother had a big fight that night he came in late. She ended but the continued it in the next morning. Ryu: Mom how can you do this to me crystal fighting is my life. I have to be in the tournament tomorrow. Mom: NO!! How can you suspect to be in the tournament after your teacher called me yesterday telling me that you where failing and not only that but you walked out of his class? What is that about, that's not you. Ryu: Mom he don't like me. Mom: Here we go with that again. Ryu you have not been the same since you started fighting. You know I don't like you doing it but we made a deal. Your school first then you could fight. But since you are failing you can't fight. Ryu: Mom please this is my life I have to fight. It's something I'm good at. Mom: No you well not fight and that's finial as long as you stay in my house you'll do as I say. Now you grandfather is waiting for you at the shop. You better leave now if you don't want to be late. Ryu just looked at his mother for a while and then walked out the room and grabbed his stuff and walked out the house headed to his grandfather's shop. As he was walking he was thinking about what happened last night. All these years he thought that it was him that had all the power but all along it was his crystal that gave him all his power. Now come to find out there's might something behind crystal fighting. All the thinking he was doing made the walk faster to Ryu he was at his grandfather's shop in no time. He walked in and saw his grandfather sweeping. He walked over and grabbed the broom. Ryu: I'll do this for you popa. Grandfather: Oh think you. Your early today. Did you see the paper? Your the number one crystal fighter in Japan. So are you going to win this tournament tomorrow? Ryu: I would like to say yes but Mom won't let me fight this year cause of my school teacher. Grandfather: Oh him again. I see he is still upset about the lose you handed him. It's a shame that you are not going to be in the tournament this year me and some friends had a bet going on. Oh well maybe next year. (His grandfather then started walking towards the back room) Oh yea there's a package for you on in the back on the desk. Ryu thought to himself who would send him a package to his grandfather's shop. As he walked to the back he saw a box shape package on the desk with his name on there. On top was a letter. [I] " A gift from me to you. Use it wisely." From a Friend.."[/I] Ryu opened the package and there was an Inferno crystal inside. Ryu was shocked that it wasn't his. "Inferno this not my type of crystal. Well, I guess it's better then nothing. I'm going to do a lot of work if I want to win this tournament.[I] " A gift from me to you. Us it wisely."[/I]
  14. OOC: Sorry but i'm going to be out of town this whole week. I'll be back Monday. I'll try to post while i'm gone. I would post tonight but i have alot of stuff to do. But the tournament can be held in Japan. Or any places you guys see fit.
  15. Both Ryu and Earthquake took off at each other. Each step they took was cracking the ground beneath them. Both pulled back there fist and was about to swing but then without warning. There was a big explosion in front of the two. The power of these explosion sent both of the two fighters flying backwards, both were sliding on the ground. Once they had stop, both got up and looked around but didn't see anyone. They looked at each knowing one of them didn't do it. But it neither of them did it then who? Moments later the ground began to shake. Both Ryu and Earthquake were losing there balance, they were barley standing. Out of the ground a man aroused. He couldn't barley be seen. ???: This match is over. Ryu go home. Ryu didn't now how to reply to this. A man just came out of the ground and stop the two from fighting. Plus he knew his name. He was a little confused. Ryu: Who are you? ???: There is no time for questions just leave now. While this mysterious man was facing Ryu, Earthquake was powering up for an attack. This man was still trying to tell Ryu to leave. But Ryu was to confused and wanted to know why he wanted him to leave. The man was walking towards Ryu. That's when Earthquake though to himself he can kill two birds with one stone. Once the guy had got close to Ryu that's when he did his move Earth's Destruction. Then both of his hands hit the ground sending a power wave threw the ground crushing and destroying everything in it's path. As it was getting closer to Ryu and this new character then both vanished with in a blink of an eye. Earthquake couldn't believe that they just disappeared in front of him like that. He was about to leave. But the ground wasn't stable, do to the damage that Earthquakes move did. Earthquake: This is not good. Then the ground just crumbled under him with him falling threw and other rocks falling on top of him caving him in. Mean while back on the streets. Ryu laid on the ground back in his normal appearance. Ryu got up and didn't understand how he got back. He was only a block down the street from his house. It was dark and the street lights where on. He got up and then heard a voice. He looked around but didn't see know one. He could feel someone near he looked at his hand to get his crystal read but when he looked at his hand it wasn't there. His eye's opened in shock. Ryu: What happened into my crystal!? Then he saw a shadow on the ground but it wasn't his he looked up and saw know one. The shadow then moved more close to him. Then man who stop him from fighting came out of the shadow. Ryu: You, who are you? ???: You can call me Shadow. I'm the one who took your crystal Ryu. Ryu: Why did you take my crystal? Shadow: I well tell you everything but not all today. This is all I can tell you for now. You do have a powerful crystal but for what is going to happened you are going to need more then that. Something is going to happened Ryu and you need to be more then just powerful. I'm going to tell you something about your crystal you didn't know. Your crystal is one of the most powerful crystal they where made. Each one has a special talent. Yours is a powerful one. It feeds off your adrenaline with makes you an impossible person to beat. But in your case your it's pretty easy. You don't have control your crystal it controls you. Ryu: How do you mean? Shadow: You have dreams don't on how to do new and more powerful moves? Your crystal is the one doing it. It gives you these dreams to make you stronger Ryu: But why? Shadow: The crystal doesn't won't a weak owner. Ryu: Weak who are you calling weak? Just because i have dreams doesn't mean i'm weak. Shadow: I'm not calling you weak your crystal is. I'm going to hold on to it for you Intel you become more powerful in your skills and you are ready to have it's power. Then I'll return it to you. Ryu: How well you know? Shadow: Your crystal well let me know. Then Shadow began to fade into his own shadow. Ryu: What crystal am I post to us Intel then? Shadow: You know what you have to do. Ryu: I know? Why are you doing this? As Shadow was leaving he answer his question. Shadow: *Voice fading out* You well find out soon enough. Ryu just stood there dumbfounded. He looked at his watch he notice that it was time for him to go home. Ryu: Mom is going to kill me. Ryu then started walking home thinking of a lie to tell his mom.
  16. It started. It been started since last Friday.
  17. Name: Ray Smith Callsign: Shock Age: 17 Sex: Male Height:6'0 Build: He's a middle built guy. Not muscular but he's fairly cut. Attire: Like's to wear all black. Mostly wear baggy black paints and a black and red short sleeve shirt's. Black and red Jordan's to match. Abilities: He is a electromagnetic. Ray has enormous control over various aspects of electricity and magnetism. He can move objects at will, use them to fly, make bright flashes of static electricity and a number of more subtle tricks. He has been able to intercept radio broadcasts and use his powers simulate electronic equipment, such as a CD player and radio's. The use of his powers is accompanied by a yellow electric aura and the sound of static electricity. By focusing his power Ray can create a wall of electromagnetic force. Probably his most impressive ability is the ability to summon an electromagnetic pulse that can destroy any electronic item in his area. He can only do this once a day and it leaves him exhausted. Biography: Most of his life he was brought up with his aunt. His mother pasted away when he was just a little boy. He has no idea of who his father is. Ray didn't realize he had any power Intel he was 7. His aunt knew about Ray and began to use him for her own benefits. His aunt worked for a government organization. She had got the version installed. That's when his power's had taken a new toll. Ray's aunt with the help of other helped Ray focus on his new abilities. Now at the age of 17 Ray had finally gotten away from this organization. He stayed low so they wouldn't ever pick up his tail. To get by he stole cars and rob gas stations for a few bucks to get him by. With his power's there was no way that he'll get caught. He made sure that he didn't use his powers to loosely. But after a few months of running he has heard of a school, for the young and gifted. That's where he headed next. Now he sees him self standing in front of the gates looking in. if there's something wrong just PM me so i can fix it.
  18. Ryu's fight with this mysterious person was going on for to long. Word had gotten around in school that someone was crystal fighting. Doing the fight lots of people were gathering around. The only thing that got Ryu was that he wasn't doing so well in his fight with this guy. His opponent had stop fighting to talk. Ryu: Your a good fighter. I can tell you where not just walking around and wanted to fight me. ???: Your right. I was actually sent to shame you in front of all these people. Be the first person to beat you. To show the world that your nothing Ryu: So who sent you? He pointed at the school building at a window. Ryu turned his head and saw his teacher Mr.McCoy looking at him with a smile on his face. Ryu: I see. So who are you? I'll would like to know the name of the first person who is going to beat me in my own home. ???: My name is Earthquake. I'm the raining champ in Russia. Ryu: * he started to think to himself* Wait this can't be right I had a dream about this. * He then looked back at Earthquake.* Let me guess you have an Earth crystal right? EQ: You must have heard of me? Ryu: No not really. As we where fighting I couldn't find a weakness in none of your attacks but one. That's when I knew what kind of crystal you have. EQ: That's pretty good. But I have something to tell you. I know you have been holding back on what you can really do. I just couldn't figure it out Intel now. I really won't to fight the true champion. Lets go there. Earthquake pointed to some mountains not to far away from where they where. Ryu looked back at Earthquake and shook his head yes. Some of the student where cheering on for a fight but the two where just standing there. People wanted more but to bad for them they weren't going to see the rest of the fight. At the same time both Ryu and Earthquake took off running toward the mountains. As Ryu was running he was looking at Earthquake trying to see if he could beat him on the way there. To Ryu anything he does he have to be the best. He couldn't help him self to see if he was faster. It didn't take long for both of them to get mid way up the mountain. They was so high up the wind was blowing fearlessly. It was blow Ryu's hair in every direction. Some winds where so powerful it blew Ryu off his balance a little. It was a lot colder up there as well. With every breath Ryu took he saw it pasted his face. But Earthquake didn't seemed to be berthed by the wearther. Ryu: You must think I'm a fool. You wanted to pick these area so your Earth crystal well get a lot stronger. EQ: And I thought it was going to be a surprise. I guest your better then what I thought. Normally know one would find out by fighting me. I really did underestimated you. But I won't again. Ryu: But you already did. There is a reason I lead on as being an OK crystal fighter. A reason you won't find out. But now that it is just me and you and there's no mysterious eye's around I'm going to show you what I can really do. You well be one of the few people that have seen what I can really do. EQ: Your nothing but talk. If you are going to show me what you can really do what makes you think I won't tell anyone. Ryu: When I get done with you. You won't have any memory of this. One well stand the other well fall. EQ: You shouldn't waste your life so recklessly. Both Earthquake and Ryu stood still looking at each other both bring up there powers. But for Earthquake his powers didn't have any limits do to the area they where in. Earthquake could now sense the real power of Ryu. He couldn't believe that this boy could gain this kind of power. But he tried not to let it get to him. He had a job and he's going to go it.
  19. OOC: I'm not. Remember my teacher called someone one his cell.
  20. Ryu was looking out the window as he saw his new partner beat up some cops. He started to shake his head. Then one of his friends came up behind him. Adam: Dude what's going on? Ryu: Nothing man. Hey did you do the Government project? Adam: Yea I'm turn mine in tomorrow. Hey what happened to those cops out there. Ryu: *He got up and seat down to his desk* He's my new partner. Adam: Man he must be pretty bad messing with the cops like that. Ryu: I seen worse. As the two friends where talking there teacher came in without them knowing. He use to be a former crystal fighter. He was the champion for 5 years straight. The only reason why he's not one today is because of Ryu. Ryu was the one that beat him and also destroyed his crystal. He hated Ryu with a passion. Mr.McCoy: Ryu and Adam why are you two just talking? Shouldn't you be doing some work. Ryu: Sir there is no work for us to do. Then Mr. McCoy then turned around and grabbed a piece of choke and wrote down an assignment. Mr. McCoy: Now what was you saying about there not being no work? Now did you turn this in? Ryu: How could I turn it in, you just wrote it on the board. Mr. McCoy: I see. Looks like you have a F for the day. Ryu then got up out his seat and threw his books on the floor. Ryu: What kinda crap is this? No one else done the assignment why don't they get a F? I know what your problem is your still mad that I beat on my first year. All the students in the room all started to get out of the way of the teacher and Ryu. His friend Adam then got up to try to hold Ryu back. Mr. McCoy: Are you treating me? I think you are treating me. I think I should call the police. Ryu: What there was no treat. What the hell are you talking about. Adam: Man just cool it. just leave man your making it harder on your self. Ryu then grabbed his book bag then stormed out of the class. His teacher smiled and told the students to do the assignment that he just put up. He then walked to the out side door of the class room. Pulled out his cell and called some guy. Mr. McCoy: Yea he's on his way outside now. He then hung up the phone and went back in the class room with a bigger smile on his face. Ryu was walking around in the front of the school. He saw a can in front of him, since there was nothing for him to punch to release some steam on it.He kicked the can as hard as he could the impact sent the can clean threw the brick wall that surrounds the school. The can was not enough for him he wanted to do some more damage. Ryu's rage was pumping so much his adrenaline a rising. His crystal began to glow. He tried to get back to his normal state of mind but it wasn't working. As he was walking back in forth a big man came from behind him out of know where. Ryu sense him quickly as he approached. Ryu: Now is not the time for you to ask me to fight. ???: How did you know if I want to fight or not? Ryu: I could sense you as you where coming. Your crystal power is to great I could tell you wanted to fight. You must have also sense mine and that's probley why you came this way. ???: And you figured all this out but sensing my power. I know now that you must be Ryu Sage. But since you are not feeling up to it I guest I have to make you up to it. Ryu then turned around but the guy was gone. Ryu thought to himself that there was no way any one could be that fast. His hair on his head started to rise he knew then that something was about to happened. He walked a little ways in front of the school. He looked every where but he didn't see know one. Then he felt the ground beneath him started to shake. As fast as he could he jumped all the way to the top of the school building. As he was in the air the area that he was just at blew up into piece with rocks flying every where. Ryu covered his face. ??? So now that you know I mean business are you ready. Ryu: Ok but you asked for it. I hope your ready. Ryu then jumped into the air and yelled out. Hyper transformation once those words where spoken his armor appeared on his body. His crystal was glowing with power. Ryu: I feel sorry for you. You had to get me and the point of time when my power is at it's strongest. This is going to be easy for me. The tall guy smiled and laughed a little. Then in an instant he was gone Ryu jumped back in the air but then the guy appeared in front of Ryu with incredible speed. He grabbed Ryu by the face then threw him straight down to the ground causing a big crater. Moments later Ryu got up slowly and whipped some dirt off him. Ryu: I guess not.
  21. The crowd was upset to see there raining Champ face down on the ground. The announcer stood in shock. Announcer: Oh my goodness it look like are two time champ is down for the count. Looks like Earthquake might just beat Ryu. What an upset this well be. Earthquake walk around the ring yelling that he was better then Ryu and that not even the Champ could come close to his strength. Earthquake: I showed you all that he is nothing. Now it is time for me to finish this chump. Earthquake then summoned up some energy he then jumped up in the air. The crowd couldn't see him cause he jumped in front of the sun. Earthquake then began to fall back down to the ground, his body was covered by a ball of energy. Most of the crowd turned away so they wouldn't have to see there hero back get broken in half. Once an explosion was heard the crowd looked back to see how bad the damage was. But the only thing that could be seen was a great deal of smoke. As the smoke started to clear the they could see Earthquakes figure threw it. Earthquake: I told you that he was not...... WHAT where is he? Earthquake looked in shocked surprised that Ryu had dodge his attack. He looked ever where but Ryu was no where to be seen. Then someone from the crowd pointed in the air. Everyone looked up and saw a someone falling from the sky. As the figure was getting close they notice that it was Ryu. He landed on the corner of the ring that was left after Earthquakes attack. Ryu: Did you really think that you could have beat me with one blow.You must be stupid. I'll give you this, if you was a little faster you might have got a piece of my hair. Earthquake: How did you move that fast you was just out for the count a few seconds ago? It's not posable. Ryu: When you did that little attack I found out your weakness. I knew if I just let you bet me up for a while it'll show in do time. Ryu then started to walk towards Earthquake. You could see the heat waves coming from his body. A red aura also came around his body. The crowd all started to get hot due to the heat Ryu's body was giving off. Ryu: While I was on the ground I came up with a new move. Let me show you how it works. I call Sacrifice. Ryu's body then started to get a little bulkier. Red partials flowed around Ryu in a circular motion. It then turned into a red ball of energy covering his body. Ryu: This was a good fight but now it's time for me to finish it. Earthquake: You won't beat me that easily. Earthquake then took off towards Ryu running as fast as he could. Ryu then shot an energy blast at Earthquake as he was running but he jumped into the air to get out the way. Ryu: GAME OVER. Ryu jumped towards Earthquake in the air. The ball of energy took the shape of a head of a dragon. To the crowd it looked like a dragon leaving a red energy wave trail behind it. Ryu pulled back his arm all the energy went to it. With all his force he punched Earthquake so hard in the chest that his crystal broke in half and his armor just fell off into pieces. The impact sent Earthquake flying towards the crowd. But the force field stopped him from any impact towards them. As Ryu landed on the ground his armor vanished. For a minute he couldn't stand but the moment soon pasted. Then all of Ryu's fans ran towards him screaming and yelling for joy. The announcer was one of the first people to run to him. Announcer: So Ryu tell us what was that last move you used? Ryu: It's called Sacrifice. I use my life force to help me gain a lot more power. Announcer: You have to tell us. Now in the beginning of the match Earthquake had you on the ropes. How did you turn things around? Ryu: Easy. I remembered he had a Earth crystal. When he.... BEEP.... BEEP... I know his weakness was BEEP Then Ryu opened his eye's. It was all a dream his alarm clock was going off. "Aww man all that was just a dream, come on."He then got out of bed and got ready for school. As he was bushing his teeth he was thinking back about the dream." Oh yea it had to be a dream. There's no way anyone could beat me that bad. But that move what was it called?" As Ryu was trying to think back about his dream his mother knocked on the door. Mom: Honey your going to be late for school. Your bus have just went by. Ryu: WHAT? Are you serious? Man I can't be late again. Ryu then grabbed his shirt then ran out the bathroom. Putting on his shoes while he was going towards the door. As he was coming to the front door his Mom already had his book bag in her hand for him. Ryu grabbed it and smiled and was on his way. As soon as Ryu got the door he looked to the right only to see his bus turning the corner going to the next stop. Ryu then ran around his house running threw his friends and neighbors yards. He could hear the bus approaching the other bus stop. As he was running there was a fence come up. As he was getting close he threw his book bag over and then as he approached it he did a front flip over the fence and as he was landing he grabbed his book bag before it hit the ground. Ryu ran a little bit more and made it to the bus stop right on time. As Ryu started to get on the bus the students where clapping for him making it on time. Ryu: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I do my best. Ryu then took the seat at the end of the bus and waited to get to school.
  22. OK. I'm going to start it later tonight. But if I can't then I'll start it tomorrow.
  23. Yea me to. I need just one more teammate. Hopfuly my friend well sign up.
  24. Good to see more people signing up. Now remember if you have your own team you need at least 2 people in your group.
  25. I'm happy that you all joined up. But i still need more people to get this jumping. So come on people join up.
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