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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. Thankx for signing up. I don't mind you being on my team.
  2. I started this up a while ago. But it didn't d so well. So i changed some stuff around. I hope it does better now then it did then. The Crystal Wars It began in 1995 as a game people played on there computers. It became one of the worlds most played game. It was played by all people, from all over the globe. Each person battled in hand to hand combat over the internet, fighting others who they didn?t even know. It was the most popular game ever. It took two years for the creator of the game to want to make something better. So he went around the world and gathered the world's brightest scientists. It took him seven years to make the world?s first real life fighting crystals. This was based off of the original game, but was made so that the players no longer would have to play over the internet, but face to face. These crystals brought something new to the table. The user once transformed with the help from the crystal would gain super strength, speed, agility, and power unimaginable to the human mind. With this new invention in his hands he knew that he had made something wonderful. So then he made more and different types of crystals. Depending on what crystal the user had determined how strong, fast, and powerful they would be. So now that all the crystals where made he released them to the world. The new live fighting game was an instant hit. Instead of people playing as there favorite fighter on a computer, they were the fighters. With the new game out and making him more and more money everyday Striker Sento, the creator of the game, decided to do something new. He made 2 types of tournaments for people all over the world so that they could fight to see who the most powerful crystal fighter was. The first type of tournament was held in different locations all over the world. Fighters in the area that this tournament came to would have the chance to see who was strongest in that particular area. The winners of this tournament earned $50 thousand and experience points would be added to the participant for up to 5,000 points. The second tournament held was a world wide tournament. This tournament was held once a year. The winner of this tournament would receive $3 million each for there partners and experience points would go up by ,000 points. The year is 2011. Crystal fighting is a world encompassing game. Striker is now one of the wealthiest men in the world, but his intentions have changed. He first introduced the game for entertainment, but now that he knows the power the crystals hold he is going to use them for something else. He has now put together is own team called The Destroyers. They are the number one team in Crystal Fighting. Striker himself is the team captain of The Destroyers. His plan is to get all the worlds top crystal fighters together at the World Tournament and to kill them all. Once he is done killing the Crystal Fighters he is going to try and take over the world. That is the plot of the story. Here are some things that I left out: 1. You fight as a team. 2. All teams are allowed to have up to four people, with a minimum of two required. 3. There can be team battles or One-on-One battles. 4. There are two ways the team battles work. A. Team One-on-One- One of your teammates starts off the fight. If he/she is losing and needs help you can automatically jump in and take his/her place Or you can just stop the attack coming in his/her direction. B. Team Battle- Both or all members of your team/teams are in the ring at one time. Free-for-All. NOTE: Team ranking is based on World Ranking and/or Area Ranking. Crystal Fighter Ranking is based on World Ranking and/or Area Ranking. The crystals are in the shape of a small diamond that is held on a necklace worn by all fighters. There are many crystal types. A crystal can give a person more power depending on what it feeds off of. There are two ways the crystal can feed. One way is off a person or either the area. Example: If you have a darkness crystal you have two ways of gaining more power. One is the evil that you have inside. The other is when you are fighting in the Field of Darkness. NOTE: Some crystals, depending on the field of battle, can either become weaker or stronger. Let?s say two people have the same element crystal, like Fire and Inferno. If both crystals are equal the winner will be determined by skill. But if one has mastered their crystal they can us the power of there opponent to gain more power. Everyone has one crystal transformation. When used, you gain power and body armor to help protect you from attacks. But armor can be damaged depending on how strong the attack is. But once you power down your crystal the armor will go away. When it comes back it will be fixed, but will only reach its maximum power again after 2 hours time. NOTE: You may make your own crystal type, but don't make is stupid like Crystal of Comedy or something dumb like that. Put some creativity in it. Here are a few examples and if you don?t like any of them you may make your own. Crystal Types: Hyper (only one made) Darkness (only one made) Energy (only one made) Fire Inferno Phoenix Water Ice Aqua Earth Wind Light Lightning These are just some examples. Like I said, if you don't see anything you like you may make your own. Here are the stats you will need: Name: Age: Description: Country: Bio: Crystal: Special Attacks: Team: Appearance in Crystal Forum here are mine. Name: Ryu Sage Age: 18 Description: (check Att.) Country: Japan Bio: At the age of seven he always wanted to get the Crystal War's game but hid mother wouldn't let him. But he did all he could, going to friends houses and playing the game there. Years later once he found out that the game has now been push to a new level. He tried to do everything he could to be a Crystal fighter. But his mother didn't have enough money. But one day he was approached by a man he never saw. He told Ryu that he would give him one of the most powerful crystals made. The only thing he had to do was not lose. Ryu had no intention of losing in the first place so he took the crystal and never saw the man again. Now in the present Ryu is the number one crystal fighter in Japan. He is known all over. His team is number one in the world. Ryu stay's with his mother who doesn't like him doing what he does. But when Ryu not crystal fighting or leader his team. He lead's a normal life. He goes to school and works with his grandfather part time. Also on his spire time he trains his body and mind to make himself even a better fighter. Crystal: Hyper (It feeds off his Adrenaline) Special Attacks: Dragons Fist, Flame of the Red Dragon, Sacrifice Team: Blood Pack (Captin) App. in Crystal Forum: ( Check Att.)
  3. OOC: Sorry guys I don't no if I'll be able to continue the RPG. This is my last day to us the computer. Got into some trouble. So there's no telling when I'll be able to continue. But if I don't my friend said that he'll take my place. Once he signs up. But I don't think he will. It was good while it lasted. Hopefully I'll be on pretty soon.
  4. Raiden ran towards Nemisis with his sword at his side. Once he got in front of Nemisis he went for a power blow. Nemisis moved at the last second just barley getting out the way from the blade. He quickly grabbed Raiden but the throat. Nemisis: Did you think you can just finish me off with one blow? Raiden: The thought did cross my mind. Nemisis then gave a little smirk on his face. Then he threw Raiden head first threw a wall. Raiden got back up slowly whipping the dust off of him. Soon as he look at Nemisis was charging at him full speed. He rammed Raiden with his should. The impact of the blow sent Radien a far distance. OOC: Sorry for it beging short.
  5. Raiden wanted to help his friends so bad but it was like he couldn't move. He just stood there and look as his friends needed his help. All of sudden Raiden appeared in a black area. There was nothing but emptiness every where. Raiden then started to think if this was another dream about Deus? But the strange thing is that he's not sleep. Then a dark figure began to work towards Raiden. Raiden took steps back as the image got closer. Raiden step back intill he couldn't no more. Then the tall dark figure was in front of Raiden. ???: You need not be scared of me. Raiden: Who are you? ???: Don't worry about that. You need to help your friends. Raiden: I can't. I'm not strong enough to beat anyone. I'm so weak my body hasn't heal like normally. My friends are better off without me. ???: The reason why your body hasn't heal is cause it knows that you doubt your self. You must pull your self together if you are going to beat Deus. Raiden: How do you know of him? ???: I know everything about him and you. Those dreams that you are having is nothing more then that. The way he gets to his enemies is by there dreams. I guess you can blame me for that. But in order for you to do this you must want to do this. Then a sword appear not to far from Raiden. The sword was glowing with power. Raiden: That sword it looks like Sparda. ???: Grab it in your hands and you well know what to do from there. Raiden then got up and started walking towards the sword. Once he grabbed it the power from the sword was transferred to him. Then as the figure was fading he spoke his last words. ???: Now my grandson go and help your friends and my son. Then the figure vanished. Raiden was shocked at what he just heard. Raiden: Wait that means. Your my grandfather Sparda. Wait don't go yet. Everything Raiden had said was to late for his grandfather was already gone. Everything went back to normal. Raiden was standing with his grandfather sword with his injuries healed. Also his devil trigger at full power. Raiden then jumped in the air flipping over Nemisis landing in front of him. He cracked his neck then his knuckles. Then started jumping side to side. Raiden: Looks like I'm back to normal. And you know what that means. Its party time. Raiden then jumped into the air pulling out his guns. With his devil trigger finally in tack, his guns had electricity go around them. He then began shooting at Nemisis.
  6. Nightwing

    X Men

    I got a question? Why can't Magneto control Colossus in his metal forum? Who you think is going to be the best X Man in the X Men 2 movie? I think Wolverine is going to kick butt. They showed the trailer when i went to see DareDevil. It showed my boy Colossus in it. My and some other friends where going wild.
  7. Any flim that has Donnie Yen in it is my Fav. And every Bruce Lee flim to but he's not ***...
  8. The first MMPR went on for two season. The only one that did. But this ninja storm is pretty cool. There acting is a lot better now. Dustin is one funny dude. He be saying some stupid stuff every one in a while. I think the Thunder Rangers are cool too. I like the idea three bad and two good thing. It's something new.
  9. Raiden leans against his house seating back down. He looks up at Serene. Raiden: I know you are going to think this is very big headed of me and I know you well. All my life I have heard about my father. The great Dante. I try to get out his shadow and they bring me back in. People coming to me your the son of Dante. I don't care about that. I wanted to make a name for my self without my father. I love him cause he's my father. But I don't like him. I don't even want to fight by his side. Serene: So that's why you won't fight cause of your hatred for your father? Raiden: That's part of it but trust me it's not a big part of it or I'll be fighting with Dante. Serene: Well if that not it then what? Raiden: Deus. I have seen him before he came back. We meet before believe it or not. I meet him in a dream. Ever since I have start fighting demon's I have being having the same dream over and over. It was of him killing me. Then today when I meet him in person it was unreal. I knew that he knew me. When he came to me and looked at me in my eye's and said your not even worth it. *He shakes his head* You know what I don't want to talk about it I'm out. *He gets up slowly and heads for his door* If I was you I'll just leave cause they are not going to be able to stop him. Serene: Well you know what your not me. I'm going back to fight with you or without you. See your problem is you never found a good match. All these other demon you fought where a push around. But now this new guy comes and whips the floor with you and now your scared. Raiden: Say what you want. I don't care anymore. Raiden then walks in the house slamming the door behind him. Meanwhile back at the building Arius was looking at his brother as he was fighting the two warriors. He got sick of what was going on. He stood up. He walks over to the battle and stops it. Aruis: This is getting very boring. This was a nice per view but the real war is so to come. Dante: What do you mean? Aruis: You'll soon find out Dante. But me and Deus are going to leave now. Dante: What makes you think that we are going to let you out of here? Aruis: *points up* They do. Then two very big fire demon spiders fell down in front of Dante and Shiro. Deus went to attack Dante but Aruis stopped him. Deus: What are you doing let me go. Aruis: No we well get them later trust me,the end is so to come. Then Aruis and Deus both left in a blink of an eye leaving Shiro and Dante to fight those demons.
  10. I like the cd it pretty hot. Theres not to many cd's i can say i can listen to all the songs. Unless its my boy Snoop Dogg. But 2 quarters cd is hot.
  11. I thoght the movie was a comic book. On one page talk next page action next page talk after that action. Thats how the movie was to me. The only thing i liked about the movie was the action. I hate the ending, to short and wack. The only thing i did like that wasn't fighting was how they showed how he got uset to all his power when he was a kid.
  12. Character Name: Guy Ban Anime Stereotype: Likes doing crazy thing with friends and he's a fighter. Bio: He's 17 and stays with his Step sister. He's all about good grades but he doesn't let people know about it. He show's his tough side to people. He's got kicked out a lot of school's because of his fighting. He tries to be the best in fighting and also his school work. But the side people haven't seen it his crazy side. Powers: He has the power of the Shadow Skills. It's his power and fighting style. Sworn Enemy: Anyone who wants to fight.
  13. Nightwing

    Old School

    I saw the movie last night. It was very funny to me. I most likely going to see it again tonight.
  14. Raiden was having a dream while he was past out barley hanging on for his life. It was the same dream he had before. It was the one where he was running on an unless road. As he was running he kept on passing images of his father. Everything was still all black to him. But this time when the big demon appeared behind him he made out who it was. It was Deus all along. But nothing had changed from the dream. Deus hand still went right threw Raidens chest. Raiden woke up in pain. He opened his eye's and saw Serene calling his name. Serene: Raiden your all right. I thought you about to die on us. Raiden: *still in serious pain* I thought I was going to die also. Serene: It's a good thing your alive we are going to need your help. I have some good news. Your father is back also. Raiden: *Raiden was not to happy about hearing that news* Well it looks like you won't need me then. He then pushed Serene away. He tried to get help but he fell back down do to his injuries. Serene tried to help him back up but Raiden pushed her away. Serene: Why are you acting like this? We need your help, this not the time for you to act like you don't need my help. You need to stop thinking about your self. The world needs you and we all need you. Raiden: Why should I help you guys? What so I can go down in history as saving the world with my father's help? I seen what the beast can, no I seen what the monster can do. If my father couldn't defeat him before what makes you think he can do it now? What because he have the help of you guys? I don't have time for this. I'm not going to stay here and die. Raiden then walked over to the wall. He used it for support as he walked off. Serene came up behind and grabbed his arm. Serene: I don't no if I'm going to die or not. But I'm not going to act like a baby and run just because someone powerful comes along. You need to... Raiden: Get off me *Raiden the pulls his hand away from her's.* If you won't to die go head. I'm leaving why I have a chance. I don't need you guys. I'm gone. Raiden then continued to walk off. He was walking away from the building as fast as he could. But since he was hurt bad he wasn't going to fast. He started to wonder why he hasn't heal yet. Raiden: Those fools they just don't know what they are going up against. They are all going to die.
  15. Han had walked in the room where Raiden was. Raiden felt him as he was coming his way. Han: So you are the one that's been giving me so much trouble. Cause of you I won't be able to get the power of Deus for my self. That fool Arius thinks that he going to get the power for himself. I'm not going to let that happened. He needs a sacrifice but he's not going to have one. Raiden: Are you saying that your going to let me free? Han: Yes I'm going to let you free from this world. Han then took off his coat. The color of his skin changed colors. His hands turned into claws then wings shot out his back. His body was covered in a blue orua. Raiden: What the hell happened to you? Han: *dark deep voice* This is my true forum. Now it is time for you to die. Han's left hand started to glow. He ripped his hole arm throw Raiden chest. Raiden started screaming in pain. Raiden's blood fail all over the floor. Once it hit the ground the floor began glow. Then the floor began to crack. Han: Let's see how he's going to have a sacrifice if your already died. Han then began to punched Raiden in the face with full force. Each blow powerful then the other. Not knowing that the floor beneath him was coming apart Intel it was all to late. From the middle of the floor came a portal appeared. Han: It's to late we are both going to die. There was a big explosion with a bright flash. Once the smoke had cleared do cause of the explosion. Raiden was down on the floor against the wall. While Han was just getting up he saw a big figure. Han: No it can't be not Deus. He walked over towards Raiden. He picked him up with one hand and just stared at him. Deus: Your no good to me. Deus then threw the beaten up Raiden threw the window of a 30 story building. Kaela and Vance both ran threw the door after hearing the explosion. They saw that Han was on the floor in his demon forum. Both Kaela and Vance transformed into there true forum and ran to the side of Han. Deus looked at them both. Deus: You three well do me well. Then with a blink of an eye. All three was somehow turned in a ball of energy Deus then obsessed them inside his body to regain his full power. Second later Arius walked in the room. Looking at the big mess. Arius: Nice to see you again. Deus: It is good to be back. I'm still a little sort on power I need more. Then Aruis daughter Irene walked in and stood beside her father. Arius: I think I have it handled. Aruis then turned around and began to walk away. His daughter was about to fallow but Aruis gave her a look to stay. Once Aruis got to the door he stop. Aruis: Don't worry brother me and you well role this planet together. Oh yea use her for power. Aruis then walked off shutting the door behind him. Irene was shocked at what her father had said. He walked towards her to finish the job. Raiden had fell so hard that he landed in the middle of the car ripping it in half. He was knocked out do to the fall barley hanging on.
  16. The story begins in Tokyo Japan. (Hell's Month) The main bad guy name is Maximus he is the Mayor of the city.The city is filled with demons, they all are under Maximus control. He uses them to strike fear in peoples hearts. But not all people know that he is a Demon Lord. His demon name is Essidus.He runs the city by killing anyone who gets in his way. There is a secret organization that knows of who he really is. They have been doing all they can trying to defeat Maximus but him and his people are just to powerful. So they have these special project to make human into superhuman. Giving humans enough power to kill demons with no problem. The scientist use demon blood to make these superhuman so they well be just as powerful as there foes. The most powerfuls human's had got enoght power that they even took demon forum. But with this great powerful came a downside. If some of the humans where injected with powerful demon blood they would later lose control of there human side and become totally evil.The very first three test subjects where made with Essidus's blood. Others where made with different demons. The bad thing is that the society and Essidus had been partners. In fact the society used to worship Essidus. They broke apart after Essidus learned that the society learned of the existence of the Maelstrom. The maelstrom is the source of all the negative energy in the universe. The society decided to try to tap into the Maelstrom and take the power to create and unholy army to conquer the world. Essidus is trying to destroy the society so that he can tap into the Maelstrom to turn the world into hell. Stats you'll need. Name: Project Name: (Don't have to be a project) Age: Human Appearance: Demon Apperance: Bio: Weapon: Speacial Attacks: Here are mine Name: Sho Project Name: XX074 (One of the three made from Essidus blood.) Age: 22 Human Appearance: He has black spikey hair blue eyes. About 6'3 he's medium built and musucarl. Normaly wears black pants and white T-****. Most of the time wears a black trenchcoat. Has a tatoo of a green dragon going down his left arm. Its realy a symbol of what test subject he is. Demon Apperance: He stands 7'1 (the Attach well show the rest) Bio: At the age of 8 Sho and his family where on a road trip. On there way there Sho's father lose control of the car and drove it of the clif. Sho was flown out of the car. He died as soon as he hit the ground. The S.E.O found him and deicided to use him for one of the frist test subject. It took 3 years before they where finally done with all the test. Once they where done they began to test him and all his strenghts. Sho became one of the top five fighters out of 10. After all the training they have started using him out in the streets. He did well for his first time out fiighting real demons. But since sho still was a human his old memorys starting coming back to him. He began to remember who he really was. At the age of 18 he faked his own death so he can get out of the S.E.O so he could led a normal life. But since he had the demon side in him now, he wasn't leding to much of a normal life. The demon in him calls for blood. So he needed a way to fed his hunger.He became a cop. Because most of the things that goes on deal with demons in the city but everyday people just don't know. He feeds his demon side by killing other evil demons. Hoping that him himself won't lose control and become evil. Weapon: Two hand guns, shot gun. Speacial Attacks: Rain of Fire - His body is covered in a bright blue flame. Then a rain of fire is shoot stright at his appontents. Shock Wave - Both arms are covered in elecrity. Both hands come together the releases a big wave of elecrity in a cirular moition. (No Name yet)- Body is covered with both fire and elecrity. He uses his body as a energy blast.
  17. Nightwing


    Well many of you might know that they are coming out with a Superman movie. Me i can't wait to see it. I just hope they do a good job. But any way there are looking for a Superman. They said that they liked Victor Webster(Brennan on Mutant X) screen test. They said they might go with him. But they said that they would rather like someone with a BIG name to wear the "S". Who do you guy's and girl's think should play Superman?
  18. Raiden's mother walked in her house. She shut the door behind her. As she was in the house she flipped the light switch. But the lights didn't come on. She was about to walk but then she saw two red glowing eyes staring at her. She groped her bags and walked backwards to the door. Raiden: Don't act like you was scared. Mother: Raiden what are you doing? Raiden: Don't take one step. I won't think twice of killing you. Mother: What are you talking about? Raiden: You still want to play these games? Raiden then took out his sword. He then threw it at her head as fast as he could. At the last second his mother moved her head out the way. The sword just caught a few strands of her hair. She then looked at Raiden and begin to laugh. Mother: I guess we under underestimated you after all. When did you finally find out? Raiden: I just putted it all together. Once I found out how my father was really taken from me. It made alot since. But did you really think I wouldn't find out? What makes you think that I won't kill you? Mother: Well as stupid as you are, we knew you was going to find out but we never thought it would take this long. Besides there's no way you can kill me. Your father couldn't do it when it came down to it. What makes you think that you can? Raiden: Easy, I'm not my father. Raiden then pulled his sword from out the door. He went to cut her across her chest but she caught his sword with her hand. Her arm then began to glow. She sent an energy serge threw the sword to Raiden. The force of the energy sent Raiden flying threw the kitchen wall. He was on the ground about to get up but she had his sword at his throat. Raiden: Who are you? Mother: I was once your father's friend. My name is Trish. That's all you need to know for now. Raiden: I heard about you. Wait what are you done with my real mother? Trish: Enough with the questions. Trish then turned the to the side then whacked Raiden across his head. She then turned into her true appearnce. She turned around then snapped her fingers. Trish: Get him and lets go. Then Raiden's shadow turned into a demon. It grabbed Raiden and put him on it's shoulder. It and Trish where then on there way to Arius. Hours later Raiden woke up. When he did his head was killing. He tried to move but he was tied up. Arius: Don't worry about getting free it's not going to work. Those are not just any types of ropes. Raiden: Why are you doing this? Arius: Well I wouldn't had to do this if you wouldn't of interfered in my business. I guess it must run in the blood line. Raiden: Who are you? Arius: You asks a lot of question's. Lets just say that I'm a close member of the family. But don't worry you well be joining your father and grandfather pretty soon. A new king well rise. Once he is born he'll make me more powerful then ever. But it's a shame you won't be here to see all the destruction. See for him to come in his full power he is going to need a sacrifice and guess what it's going to be you. Raiden: You know what's also going to be a shame? Arius: What? Raiden: That you won't be able to see it yourself. Be happy why'll you can. Cause once I'm free, your going to be the first person I kill. Arius: That's a strong promise. Hope you can live up to it. But wait if your father and grandfather couldn't what makes you think that you can? Then as Raiden was about to respond he saw to people out the corner of his eye. He turned to the side and was shocked at who he saw. Arius: Awww Raiden these are my two daughter's. You now seen the true appearnce of Trish but I believe you know my other daughter Irene. Irene: Hi Raiden, bet your shocked to see me? But it makes sense now huh? Raiden: I made a promise to your father. But it looks like I'm going to change it. Irene: Oh really, what was that? Raiden: I told him that the first person I was going to kill was going to be him. But now I'll make sure it's going to be you. Arius: Enough with the talk. Dauthers leave, Raiden the end is going to come but Intel it does just look at what's happening now. Arius then pushed a button on the remote in his hand. Then the table that Raiden was on stood up and went towards the window. Raiden couldn't do nothing but look at all the chaos that was going on in the city. Raiden: What is happening. All this cause of one person? Arius: Just think when Deus returns. All what's happening now its not even going to come close to what he is going to do. Arius then left the room leaving Raiden to him self just looking at all the destruction going on.
  19. I have seen the movie all i have to saw.Is that it is way way way way way better then the first. The way people die are of the hook.Every kill tops the one befor it. But its a good movie. The way it explans why they have to die is nice. Its deal with the people from the first one. So if you like the first you should see the second one.
  20. Shiro then began to tell Raiden everything. Shiro: A few years back me and your father was fighting a powerful enemy. Me and your father gave it everything we had. But I guess it wasn't good enough. We stopped him to a point but in order for him not to come back. One of us had to go into hell. Being the kind of hero your father is, he went in to stop him for good. Then before Shiro could finish the story. Raiden then stopped Shiro from talking on any more. Raiden: Thank you for telling me. I now understand what I have to do.*Says under his breth* It all makes since. *He looks at Shiro* I want to think you for telling me this. *towards Serene* I want to think you for your help. *then to all* I want to think you all for your help but I don't want it anymore. There something I have to do. Raiden then left and start heading home. As he was leaving he was thinking about what did Kaede mean by saying he was the chosen. Else where at the Sho Corp. building Arius was waiting for some info on Raiden. His daughter walking with a report. ???: Father he has tapped in his devil trigger. Arius: Does he have control over it? ???: No he doesn't. Arius: Good ???: But there's more. He told his friends that he doesn't want there help anymore. Arius: Really? Good I think it is time for Raiden to find out who he is really going against. We are now going to go threw the plan. Do what you have to, get him here. Oh yea send some powerful demons after his new friends just in case they even try to get in are way. I don't want anything to go wrong. I want Raiden here no matter waht. ???: Yes, I'll go do it now. Then Arius daughter had left the room. Arius got up and walked over to his window. He looked over the city. Arius: First the father tries to stop me. Then the son. Now the grandson is after me. When well they learn I can't be killed. But now I'm not going to make the same mistake I did then. I'm going to kill Dante's son and his meddling friends. Then know one well be able to stop me.
  21. Here's a picture of what my guy looks like. I tried to change it on my first post, but it didn't show up.
  22. Raiden then got ready to fight. Raiden: Now that we are face to face I'm going to show you what I can really do. Bronto: You think that you can really take me on? You must be joking, but it's not fare that it's two against one. So let me even up the odds. Then with a snap of a finger 5 Msira demons appeared. Raiden looked over at Serene. Raiden: Do you think that you can take care of them by your self? Serene: Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. Raiden: That's all I wanted to hear. Then Raiden and Bronto both vanished and appeared on top of the school building. Raiden though that it would be good for him to fight this guy on top of the school's roof, so that way no one well be able to see him. Bronto: Now boy it's time for me to stop playing with you. Raiden: Good cause I was getting tired of your games. Raiden and Bronto both took off at each other. Bronto went to cute Raiden in the face but at the last minute he ducked and slice Bronto in the stomach. He then jumped in the air then while in the air kicked him in the back of the neck. Sending Bronto face down to the ground. Raiden landed on top of a school poll. Looking down at Bronto. He got up slowly. As Bronto got up and turned around to look at Raiden, he was already gone. Bronto was looking left and right trying to find Raiden. He looked down cause he felt something on his neck. Raiden: Now we are going to play my game. Then Raiden's eyes turn into electricity. It went from his eye's to his arm then to the sword. Bronto then looked over towards Raiden and saw a him glowing red. Bronto was shocked at what he was seeing. Raiden then jumped up in the air and just swung the sword. Then a ball of lighting came from the sword and came shooting to Bronto. It hit Bronto and finished him off. Raiden landed back on the ground and was just shocked at what he just did. He looked over to see how Serene was doing. She was already done with the Msira demons. Raiden groped the sword and looked at his hands. Raiden: What did i just do? Raiden was just standing on the roof just wondering what did he just do.
  23. Name: Brad Johnson Alias: Spiderboy Age: 13 Nationality: Japanese/American Powers: Brad possessing super strength, agility and speed as well as a spider-sense to warn him of danger and the ability to stick to surfaces.He also has use of impact webbing he created that engulfs it's victims when there is impact and stingers that he shoots from his wrists. History: Brad was born in Japan and stay with his mother Intel he was 8. His mother pasted away and he left Japan to stay with his father in America. His father is a great scientist. A lot of his work dialed with spider's. Lucky the smart gene was pasted down to Brad. He helped his father in all his experiments. Brad and his father both wanted to know what would happened if they combine the characteristics of each spider that they had. Each one of there spider's had a special characteristics. But all there experiment all failed. Brad's father found out what it was that they need to have a living spider with all the characteristics. They used some radiation. After weeks of testing it finally worked. They kept the spider under wraps. One night Brad went to check on the spider. When he went to check out the case it was opened. He saw the spider on the floor. He went to pick him up, as he picked it up he got bit. Not really paying it no mind he just put it back in its case and went back to sleep. Him and his father both went to check on the spider but only to see that it was died. Later on Brad had notice that he gain special powers. He made up his mind to be a super hero. He took his name from Spiderman. He made his own suit. But the only type of crime that he ever stop was a kid trying to steal his bike. Description: check attach Personality: Likes to have fun. Plays a lot. He only knows of the word serious, when he is doing science experiments other then that he knows no meaning of the word.
  24. Raiden was looking out the window while in class. His mind was just wondering off to know where. He looked to the left only to see Irene just starring him down. Raiden doesn't even have a clue why she like him, he doesn't even show her any affection. As he was looking and trying to focus in class something on his right caught his eye. He looked but didn't see anyone. Then his hair started to blew to the left. The crazy thing was there was no draft. Raiden felt as if something was looking at him but he didn't see anything. Raiden stood up in the middle of class and walked to the window. The teacher stopped his lesson and just stood still looking at Raiden Teacher: Is there a problem? Raiden didn't answer he just stared out the window. Teacher: Mr. Sho take your seat now. Radien: Shut up I'm trying to see something The teacher and all the students was shocked of what Raiden said. Teacher: What did you say to me? Raiden: *Realizing where he was* I'm sorry sir I wasn't talking to you. I have voices in my head. I was talking to them. Teacher: Well you and your voices go to the office.NOW!!! Raiden left but was still looking out the open as he was going. He was bout to goto the office but instead. He walked outside and began to look around. Then at one point the wind just stop blowing. The leaves on the tree's began to fall off but there was no wind around. Even his hair was moving. Raiden: Something is not good here and I know it. ???: Your right something is not good here and it's not good for you. Raiden searched around every where but didn't see anyone around him. Then out of know where something slice his shirt getting a peace of his skin. Raiden jumped back on the top of the school building. Raiden: All this and I don't even have my weapons. Then something cut him on the side of his face. He then jumed of the building landing in the student parking lot. Raiden: There have to be something I can do? ???: That's right there is something you can do. DIE!!! Raiden: I don't know why your after me. I just want to live a normal life. *Thinks to himself* Little to late for me to act like i'm normal after i just jumped on top of the school building.
  25. The story begins 2023. There is a man by the name of Anamis.He's a powerful being who only wants to rule the universe. He has a powerful team of five that he calls Judgment. They are one of the most powerful group of five people in the universe. Threw there years Anamis and his team has went to planet to planet killing any and everything that came in there way. While doing this he have been building a powerful army. The only person that could probly stop him well be his brother. His brother knew of what his older brother was doing. He knew that the only way he could stop him is getting the most powerful group of people to help him. Anamis brother Sendro went to the planet Earth. There he gather the most powerful team of people he could to stop Anamis. Anamis knew about his brother's plan so he decided to meet him half way. So the people from DC and Marvel all was getting ready for what was going to happened. Then the war began. The war went on for years. Most of the planet was destroyed cause of this great battle. A lot of superhero died giving there life's. Anamis himself was weak from all the fighting he had done. 10 hero went to fight Anamis, after they had found out how he was doing. Five were stop by Judgment the others past on to fight Anamis. He was there waiting for them. Superman,Hulk,Spiderman,Magneto, and Captain America gave it all they had. They had beat Anamis together. The battle was finally over Anamis and his people had no choice but to leave cause that there leader was beaten badly. But the out come from the fight did leave the five hero who fought Anamis dead. Time has pasted Sendro has found out that his brother was back and stronger then ever. But this time he was going to be smart about attacking. He was going to the past, to kill all the superhero while they where young. So then there would be know way for them to stop him.Sendro then tried to get a team to go into the past with him. But all of the good superhero where died from the battle or either they where no good to him. So Sendro made a decision to goto the past. Get all of the hero and do what he can do to get them ready to fight Anamis. Lucky for them Anamis wasn't that strong to send himself and all the other at the same time to the past. He could only send a few and would have to wait a couple of days intel he can send anyone else. The only thing Anamis have been doing is sending his army of Voltrens. They are a group of machine that look human. They wear all black. They have super strength and the learn quick. They have no weakness but one. That's the red voltren battery that they have in there chest. Once you break there chest plat the battery is open for attack. Sendro is in the past looking for the superhero's that made a different in the future to see if they can in the past. OK you can be any superhero from DC or Marvel. Mind you that the time is now 2001. OK, this is what I need from you Name Superhero name( if you would like to have one) Power: Age: Bio: Descrip: Personality: My stats Name: Clark Kent Superhero name: Superman Power: Invulnerability, Super Strength, Super Speed,X-ray vision (power's he well get later)flight, Super Hearing, Age: 18 Bio: Clark is a some what normal kid. Goes to school and have good friends. He does what ever he can to help people who need him. Without them finding out his gifts. He stays with his mom and dad on a farm. He's trying to get a grip on life and figure out who he really is and when was he sent to Earth. Descrip: (Check Att) Personality: Fun guy to be around. Always try to help people what ever way he can. Cares a great deal about his friends and family.
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