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Everything posted by Nightwing

  1. Justin was siting in the back ground as he heard Xavier tell the other kids that they well have to weak up early for the danger room. The sound of it kinda made him feel a little good. Anything with danger Justin likes. Then Xavier rolled over to Justin. Xavier: If you like you can also join them tomorrow in the danger room tomorrow. Justin: Well it doesn't look like I'm going to be doing anything else. Xavier: Good I think it well be a good experience for you and also the others. Now just like the others you too well have to get up early. Justin then left the Cafeteria with a little smile on his face and went to his room.
  2. Blake then saw Seth enter the room. Blake: Well sup you two. I'm Blake these to are Kelly and Kelly and Tiffany. Seth: Hey i'm Seth. Ryan: And i'm Ryan. So what are we all doing here? Blake: Well it looks like we are now the new power rangers. And since we are all here i saw we go and join Tommy.
  3. The cab ride was taking for ever. He was wondering how long it was going to take for him to get to this Xavier's place. But Justin believe that he was better off staying home. What ever is happening to him he could learn to control it on his own. At that moment with him thinking about why he left started to make him a little angry. Without him knowing his eye's turned sliver and his hand also started to turn. The cab driver look in his back mirror. Cab Driver: Hey dude are you ok back there? Justin: Yes am just fine just a little cold that's all. Cab Driver: Cold? You got to be kidding as hot as it is, ok then. Hey wasn't your eye's just blue? Justin: Yea I got those color changing contacts. Cab Driver: Oh I yea I wouldn't mind having them. Then as he started to calm down his hand and eyes went back to normal. After the long cab drive they where finally there. Cab Driver: If you don't mind me asking what's your gift? Justin: What's are you talking about? Cab Driver: Well if you are coming here to Xavier's school. You must be a mutant. What power do you have? Justin: I'm really strong. Cab Driver: hmm cool the toll is $24.95. Then Justin gave him thirty dollars. Justin: keep the change. Then Justin got the rest of his bags and started to walk towards the door way. As he was walking he saw a man in a welcher. Xavier: Hey Justin my name is Charles Xavier. Your mother wants me to help you to control and understand your powers. Justin: I really doing think I need help on my powers. She mainly wants me to stay here so I well stay out of trouble. Xavier: I see, come with me.
  4. Name: Justin Nikovalitch Age: 17 Nationality: American/Russian Mutant Power: Colossus Bio: Justin stay's with his mother in New York. At the age of 15 He started working for a mob boss. As he was working as a body guard. His mother later found out about what he was doing and did all she could do get him out of it. Justin then tried to do what he could to do what his mother said. But the guy he was working for didn't want to let him go so easy. So he sent some guys to kill. Justin and his mom where both in a drive by shooting. Without knowing Justin skin turned into an organic like steel stopping the bullets. His mother didn't know how to react. So to help him she sent him to Xavier. Description: He is 6'7 and has short spiky hair and sky blue eyes. He's very muscular. He mainly wears black baggy pants and a white T-shirt. Has a tattoo on his left arm that says Power in Japanese letters.
  5. Blake was in the middle of the forest training himself in mind and body. As he was training he saw something land not that far away from him. "Wonder what that was. Guess won't know unless I check it out." He then stopped what he was doing and then started walking towards what ever it was that crashed. He ended walking towards a clef. He looked down and saw a device hanging on a tree branch. "Something like this could be important. I should try to get it." He then started to clim down the tree. Then he reached out his hand trying to grab it. He kept on moving more to the left and the tree branch started to get weak. "Just a little bit closer and I'll have it." As he started to get closer the branch snapped but before he did he grabbed the green Zeo morphers. He was then falling down towards the groun he closed his eyes cause he knew what about to happened. But without even knowing he was teleported to the Power Chamber. He felt him self on the ground. "Where am I? Am I dead? One minute I was falling and now I'm here?"
  6. I kin of thought that this might happend. But i'm cool with it. Schratn do you think as we go down the road we could lose are powers and get new ones? It's just a thought, i just wanted to ut it out there. but i'm cool with being the Green Zeo Ranger
  7. Name: Dustin Blake Age: 17 Short Bio: He is a nice person but at time he is very hard to get along with.He started taking martial arts after his mother pasted away in a gang shooting. Both of them used to teach martial arts before the attack. Now Dustin stays on his own now trying to get revenge. Power:Green
  8. I know the perfect person who can play Kazuya. It would have to be my boy Donnie Yen. He has the perfect evil look on him.
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