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About amidamaru

  • Birthday 10/13/1983

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  • Biography
    Born and raised to be different xD
  • Occupation
    Psychology Student, full time Otaku

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  1. Dude, it's become my favorite anime ♥__♥. Before it used to be Dragon Ball Z, and stayed in 1st for about 5 years. And now this. Whee, it's a kick arse anime xD Anyone have a fave character so far? :o
  2. I remember I once saw a set of plushies. TR plushies. It was Musashi, Kojiro, Nyasu and a random Dan'in on ebay.com. You can find amazing things in there xD
  3. Muaha, I've already seen it because in Mexico it's been dubbed >=D *clings to Amidamaru* Ain't he, like, the coooooooooooooolest samurai? n.n *is being obsessive... again*
  4. Alright!! Thanks a bunch, pal =D
  5. I'm dying to get my claws on that CD Drama. The thing is, it costs about 50 bucks at amazon.com, and I ain't got money to pay for it xP Anyone know where I might find japanese TR sites? o.O
  6. Dude, that's one tres kewl theme song xD
  7. Madame Boss and Miyamoto don't appear in that radio drama, they appear in "It's a white tomorrow, Rocket Gang!". That's where lots of the questions about Jessie's past are answered. What a tragic story it is, too :O
  8. I think my absolute favorite is Giovanni. He's evil, powerful and rich, and he's got such a kewl story xD And who can forget the Dan'in? You know, the little unknown members dressed in black, I think they're adorable =)
  9. My fave pokemon? Meowth xD It's really kawaii and with good training it can learn various moves. And it's just my fave, yup. *points at the giant Meowth plushie sitting on her bed*
  10. Hum, my weirdest catch was Lugia. I'd been trying to catch it over and over, until one day I said "meh" and threw a friendly ball and poof. Lugia was mine. All that effort xP
  11. Definitely OOC. Majora's Mask is good, but Princess Zelda isn't there as much, and I still dun know why the call it "The Legend of Zelda", but that rant will continue some other time.
  12. It's become an obsession fer me x___x Anyway, who's your favorite character?
  13. I guess the only reason I like pokemon is Team Rocket. But not Jessie and James, mind you. I had the chance to read a manga called "Red R" at a friend's house, and that doujinshi focused on a darker TR side. Reeeeeeaaaally good :D Unfortunately, I haven't found any other Red R manga anywhere, maybe you've seen it around?
  14. [COLOR=deeppink]You know, with Lina and Gourry and Zel and the rest of the gang? It's quite good, and has good animation. Not to mention it's really funny [/COLOR] :haha:
  15. Ranma 1/2 is ok. I like the story, but I hate Akane's guts. And my personal fave is Ranma-chan, she's such a cute little thing xD For guys, I think I like Mousse, because he's a dork. A dork in a good way. And he loves Shampoo xD
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