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About Sheikahmon
- Birthday 02/29/1988
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I'm a leap year baby, okay?
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If you're familiar with the OMG crack-roleplays on LiveJournal, then you know how this works! Kingdom Hearts characters (including those who died in the games) wake up in a new world to discover that they have been cloned, and the clones are extremely unlike the originals. Beyond that, rampant chaos ensues. The new world is riddled with plotholes, which have the power to drastically alter whatever they encounter--especially the PCs. Everybody is entitled to post whatever situation strikes their fancy. Applicable Characters: Sora Riku Kairi Roxas Riku Replica Namine' Organization Members Ansem Sorry, but if I let any strictly Disney or strictly FF characters in, there would be too much chaos even for one of these crack things. ABSOLUTELY NO FRIKKING MARY-SUE OR GARY-STU CHARACTERS Here's what you need: Character: You can either be In Character (referred to as IC character name) or Out Of Character (referred to as OOC character name), but only one OOC per character. I guess you can have up to two characters per player, as per the LiveJournal games, but ONLY TWO CHARACTERS. You can play two ICs, two OOCs, or one of each. Personality: If an IC, explain how you interpret this IC character. If OOC, explain what drastic changes have occurred to his/her psychology. For instance, OOC Larxene may be a lesbian, or OOC Kairi may be a machine-gun-toting goth chick with an attitude problem. Agreement: NO HYPER-EXPLICIT SEXUALITY. Certain things do not go out in public, even here (even though on LJ they usually do). If Axel is walking down a hall naked, please do not directly post a fanart of him doing so, no matter how sexy he may be. Instead, you can link to the picture and alert everybody what is in it before they click, so those who do not want to see him naked, don't have to. Put "YES" or "NO" in the Agreement space, so I know if this needs to be on LiveJournal instead so ppl can live out their wild sides. Homo or hetero couplings are allowed as long as any and all players involved are aware of and agree to the relationship (JUST LIKE REAL LIFE OMG). I'll see how many ppl sign up. If we get enough, I'll start this sucker.
EYAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *barely makes it in* Forcystus: 0_o How did she make that slide?! Kvar: Beats me. Lloyd: Aah! Desians! *kill, kill, kill!* Forcystus: Run away! Run away! *runs away* Hm... how ToS works in a Kingdom Hearts roleplay I have no idea, but what the hey, I once played one of these things as Loz from Advent Children (I was NOT crying!). Name: Lloyd Irving Age: About 18, since this takes place after the ToS game, I presume. Gender: Male, you were expecting otherwise? Personality: Amazingly blunt and yet he somehow STILL manages to miss the obvious. Hates half-elves who follow Desian teachings with a bitter passion, related to his mother's tragic death when he was three. Has just recently discovered (SPOILER) that the other half of his heritage was a certain seraphim, and is still learning to use his wings (CLOSE SPOILER). Appearance: Gimme a moment to find a pic I can link to... [IMG]http://inuyasha1234560.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/con_lloyd.jpg.w300h225.jpg[/IMG] Weapons: Self-trained in the practice of twin blades, Lloyd has by experience and some excellent tutoring by single-blade specialists become a master of the Dual-Wielding technique... to the point of being quite incompetent without two swords in hand. ... ... Heck, he's pretty incompetent anyway. Group: VIVA LE DEFENDERS!!! Bio: Lloyd's mother Anna, a subject in a mysterious experiment, fled from a Desian human-ranch facility with her child, but due to the powerful Exsphere embedded and then harshly removed from her hand became a rabid monster, only just sane enough to entrust little Lloyd to a dwarf she encountered before going mad and being destroyed. Lloyd was three at the time. Raised by the dwarfen artisan and craftsman Dirk, Lloyd learned much of dwarven technology and crafting, and he educated himself in sword-fighting, choosing a twin-blade style because two swords deal twice the damage. When she turned sixteen (seventeen?) Lloyd's childhood friend and secret sweetheart Colette set out on a mission as the Chosen of Mana: to become the angelic embodiment of the Goddess Martel and restore the flow of life-giving mana to the world of Sylverant. Not one to let go of someone he grew up with, Lloyd set out to join Colette and coaxed their mutual friend, a witty young pure-elf named Genis Sage, to go with him. Genis's older sister Raine and a mysterious mercenary named Kratos were already accompanying Colette, Raine out of a psychotic love for all things ancient and Kratos supposedly for money. The first part of Colette's journey involved making a difficult transformation from human to angel, then to a vessel for the Goddess to inhabit. First she lost the need and desire to eat and grew wings, next she lost all need to sleep, and her hearing and vision became hyper-acute. Lloyd caught on to what was happening after a fight with an assassin girl named Sheena wounded Colette, who had lost the ability to feel pain. After losing even her capacity for speech, Colette communicated her wishes by tracing letters to form words on Lloyd's hand. A truce was formed with Sheena the assassin, who explained that she had been sent to kill Colette because an alternate world called Tethe'alla depended on the same supply of mana. At last, Colette was able to pray that she would become the Goddess's avatar, and at last the cruel treachery of the angelic organization Cruxis came into play. To become a vessel for Martel, Colette was made to give up even her soul, at which point the angel Remiel, a guiding force pretending to be Colette's father (even though she already had a human father, Remiel was supposed to be her angelic father), revealed that he intended to steal Martel's vessel and use it to bargain for more power with the leader of Cruxis, the enigmatic seraphim Yggdrassil, rumored to have connections with the legendary hero Mithos. Lloyd and his companions proved equal to the challenge of defeating Remiel without Colette's aid, as Colette had already given her soul. And here Kratos the so-called mercenary turned, revealing himself to be another of Cruxis's leading seraphim, and again Lloyd was forced to battle someone he thought an ally. Seeking the cause of the commotion, Yggdrassil himself arrived to assess the situation and take the vessel Colette had left for himself, but Lloyd, enraged now that Colette would be so used-- would LET herself be so used-- took the fight to the leader of Cruxis himself. Niether side claimed victory, as Yggdrassil decided his time would be better spent waiting for Lloyd to either let down his guard or come for him. Sheena proposed, seeing the state of disrepair that Sylverant was in, that the entire group escort her back to Tethe'alla, where she might seek help from the priests and so forth of the Church of Martel there. Tethe'alla's Chosen of Mana, a playboy and rampant womanizer by the name of Zelos, quickly noticed the females of the party, but paid them no mind, even though the now-soulless Colette threw him clean across a crossroads (proving that in losing her soul, she had acquired immense strength). After meeting with a similarly soulless but very pretty young girl named Presea (who promptly caused Genis to stutter), the group again encountered Zelos, and now he joined them, a swordsman who filled the vacancy Kratos had left. Presea proved handy with an axe that probably weighed more than she did, and was eventually noticed by a convicted murderer and prisoner named Regal. Colette's transformation into an angel and then a soulless being had been triggered by the holy Cruxis Crystal bestowed on her as the Chosen of Mana, which turned out to simply be a fancier and glorified Exsphere much like the one which had transformed Lloyd's mother long ago into a beast, like the one which had turned Genis's friend Marble into such a creature. Presea had an Exsphere designed to emulate a Cruxis Crystal embedded in her throat (the customary place for a Crystal), which had sucked out her soul without turning her into an angel. The convict Regal, who joined the party, was the heir to a family whose business was mining the stone for Exspheres, which were powered by the souls taken from humans in the Desian human-ranch installations. He recognized the Exsphere on Presea as being the one which had ruined a girl named Alicia, with whom he'd been in love. This also brought out the fact that as Regal was in his early thirties, Presea had been twelve for sixteen years now! Lloyd did his best to create a Key-Crest necklace for Colette, to limit the powers of her Crystal, out of materials for a bracelet he had intended to give to Genis's friend Marble, and after a fight with the Grand Cardinal Pronyma of the Desians, Colette recovered her soul. After many adventures, the group discovered that Yggdrassil of Cruxis really WAS the legendary hero Mithos, a half-elf, and that his only goal in the world was to be reunited with his long-dead sister... Martel, who had never been a goddess in the first place. Mithos had lost his own soul to become the angel known as Yggdrassil, and many of the angels had once been humans or half-elves whose souls were likewise removed. A Key Crest for Presea, which had to be made of different materials, was finally procured. Lloyd found that the father he had never even thought of wondering about was Kratos, the seraphim mercenary, and that he was himself part-angelic in nature. After a final battle with Mithos which shook both worlds, Lloyd and Colette called on the help of the mystical Summon Spirits to ressurect the great World Tree which created the mana that both worlds needed to thrive, and the newborn Tree's roots bound the two worlds together as one, to be inseparable until the end of time. --- --- --- Oh my god that took forever. And I don't know hardly anything that happens in ToS between Colette regaining her soul and the final fight with Mithos. I completely left out the rampage against the Desians, Lloyd's tiff with Forcystus, Kratos's fate, EVERYBODY's fate, etc. If I'm playing Lloyd, can I have wings? *eager* It's really the only thing that would make this kid worth playing, there is NOTHING between his ears. He scored 25 out of 400 on a test and announced that it was his personal best ever.
AArgh! I was about to go back and sign up as Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia. May I sign Lloyd up into the Resistance instead of Defenders? We can just say that Remiel destroyed the world already...
Might as well. I love Kingdom Hearts, and I don't have anything else to do waiting for KH2 to come out... Name: Bob age: Mid-to-late teens gender: Fem (That's right ppl, I'm a girl named BOB) job: [B][COLOR=Red]group of Mike's friends[/COLOR][/B] Occupation: STREET RAT, aka Professional Punk Girl. I wanted to have a KH thing where the lead character's female friend (aka potential love interest) wasn't "Kairi who can't wave a stick to defend herself" appearance:[IMG]http://x-tra-x.com/bilder/artikel/10187.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://x-tra-x.com/bilder/artikel/10187.jpg[/url] personailty: "Brute strength may not be everything, but it's good enough for me" Bob has always chosen to meet her challenges head-on, and if hitting it doesn't make it talk back, it needs to die, whatever it is. Secretly, though, she's a deep thinker and rather paranoid; she trusts no one but herself. If she ever met Larxene from Chain of Memories, they'd probably be very good friends. Bob's big failure is that she thinks Shadow-Heartless are just the cutest little devils-- she's always trying to keep one for a pet. weapon: bludgeoning weapons (club, hammer, baseball bat with nails driven through it, etc.) abilities: (only attackers) Mediocre ATK, Good DEF, Huge HP bar. Bob's like a cockroach-- not much for attack, but you can't possibly kill her. magic: (only for wizards) N/A bio or character snippet: True to the streets, Bob is a fairly typical punk chica. She likes things that make her feel good, hates things that make her feel bad or that hurt her. When the creatures of darkness stole out of Mike's dream to attack, Bob was there on the front lines-- and most likely still is. If I need more, tell me what I need to add.
RPG Darkness Falls: Darkness Begins Again [M-LVS]
Sheikahmon replied to Kiba_the_Chosen's topic in Theater
In the immortal words of Indiana Jones: "Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes?" These vipers were tough!! Still, nothing compared to some of the perverts Yuhi had fought before. That Don Cornero guy, sheesh. A viper fell, and Yuhi recovered her switchblade, doing her best to look like just another combatant in the group so any and all authorities wouldn't wonder "What the hell does that kid think she's doing here?!" The switchblade wasn't fast enough. She put it away and pulled a pistol. Tiny, almost a toy to the opinions of most other people, but she found it wildly effective, especially since a viper wouldn't notice her coming until she could get in a point-blank shot. Something big and crazy powerful charged a viper about twenty feet to her left, leaving a big red grease spot where it used to be (OOC: they have red blood, right?). Yuhi backed off wisely. No fear, but caution. -
RPG Darkness Falls: Darkness Begins Again [M-LVS]
Sheikahmon replied to Kiba_the_Chosen's topic in Theater
Yuhi glanced over her shoulder as a pack of lurks-- lesser vampires with minds only barely above those of jellyfish-- tore out of hiding to attack her. No fear. But this was not a strategic place to fight them, this alley. Their enhanced strength and speed made them dangerous in this enclosed space. She moved quickly, deliberately, confusing one of the lurks into biting his neighbor, traveled into an open space-- not sunlight, because there was no sunlight in these slums, but an open space where she could see where the lurks were. No fear. Her hands went to her belt, an oversized switchblade appearing in one, a small pistol in the other. The switchblade covered melee combat, for the lurks that were already too close. The gun was to ensure that the rest of them didn't get too close. No fear. [i] "The sunlit places are your realm to own," the vampire said, looking simply like a more intelligent lurk, holding the girl's hands. "I belong to the dark places now." He reached to his heavy brown trenchcoat and drew out two small pistols, silvery with blue designs. "Use these to defend yourself," he said. "A vampire, a glorified lurk like myself, has no use for them anymore. A human girl will. You have to defend yourself-- from lurks, among other things. But no fear, okay, Yuhi?" [/i] No fear. "No fear," Yuhi said aloud, her switchblade neatly decapitating a lurk, her gun blasting another's head off into a spray of red. No fear. She decimated most of the pack before the rest of the lurks, sizing up their losses, fled. No fear. She stood before the wreck of a car, staring at the remains that had been left by homeless bums who took whatever they could find for their homes. A beautiful woman, wearing a short top and giant heavy pants. A weapon which identified the woman as a Slayer, one who fought vampires for her life. Yuhi was not afraid. She was human. The Slayer had no business except with the vampires. Something moved under the car, shifted in the wind. A brown trenchcoat. Yuhi's heart moved strangely inside her. She knew that coat. "Father," she whispered. Dead, dead and gone. Most people would have been consumed by rage then, would have attacked the Slayer outright. Yuhi didn't. Father had told her he would be killed by a Slayer. It was a vampire's lot in unlife. He wore the face of the beast because he knew the laws of the wild and found them preferable to the treachery of "civilization". Kill or be killed. Fight or die. But Yuhi's lot was with the humans. "Did you kill him?" she asked the Slayer, picking up the coat and gently freeing it from the car wreckage. "No. A girl... whose brother died at his hand... killed him. Was he... related to you... before he became a vampire?" "Everybody was related to somebody before they became a vampire," Yuhi answered. "I never knew why Mother divorced him and took custody of me. Then she died, and I waited at her funeral for my Daddy to come back for me... but he never came. I realized he wouldn't. But I never cried. He had no sympathy for crybabies. My relatives thought I simply didn't understand that I'd never see my parents again. They thought I was dumb. Rutting morons." "Your father," echoed the Slayer. "It's okay," said Yuhi. "He told me to get on with my life as a human. Nothing left to cry about." She walked away, shooting a lurk off the roof of a building and watching it plummet to its death. It had been eagerly watching her confrontation with the beautiful Slayer. "What'd you think we were going to do, you poor horny bastard, have 'it' on the spot?" It was time for work. She'd joined these people, now she was going to have a mission to fulfill with them. She wouldn't let Father's death interfere. No fear. Yuhi sipped her coffee. Made a face. Added sugar. There were men and women here, and they didn't seem thrilled to realize that the teenager over there was also in their group. She faded from their view. Not that she was invisible, their eyes simply passed over her without recognizing the significance of her presence. No fear. *** My first post. *blink blink* I wanted to start with a serious scene, so when I get weird and humorous and perverse later, you know Yuhi has a serious side. -
Sign Up Darkness Falls: Darkness Begins Again [ML-LSV]
Sheikahmon replied to Kiba_the_Chosen's topic in Theater
[quote]Name: Age: Gender: (robots with A.I are accepted...but not too many) Apperance: Personality: Bio: Weaponary: 2 ranged weapons (mini guns, machine guns, pistols...even some futurisitic stuff is fine...just keep it in reason) 1 melee weapon (sword, dagger, phaser etc. etc.) Gift: Not required (through the evolution of humanity...there are only a select few who have developed beyond other human capabilities. Such as psychics, telekneisis, empaths; powers in that regard. No KI energies of that sort. Other than that...go all out. Just one though please) Your Greatest Fear: [/quote] This looks like fun. Realize that I don't have much time very often, and thus am likely to only post once per week. Name: Yuhi Sumisu Age: Mid-Teens Gender: F Appearance:[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25191[/IMG] Personality: Makes jokes to excess. Otherwise, very flexible and subject to change. Bio: Yuhi was a normal kid until her parents divorced. Suddenly, her father Icarus became a vampire, and her mother got run over by a drug dealer, and she herself was being shuttled from one obscure relative to another whenever said relatives got bored. Around puberty, one uncle decided she was attractive, and THAT WAS ENOUGH!! Yuhi made his life miserable until he tried to ship her to someone else, then simply disappeared en route, using her gift to do so. Shortly afterwards, Yuhi met the vampire Icarus. Not fooled at all, she addressed him as appropriate to a daddy who's been a deadbeat for a long time and slapped him across the face. Impressed by his daughter's courage, Icarus gave Yuhi a pair of guns with which to protect herself, then left to find someone to eat (and ultimately met his end not long afterwards, at the hand of a professional slayer). Now, Yuhi makes her living as any street-smart kid does... on her own. Weaponry: Two of these guns ([url]http://www.angelfire.com/art/enchanter/paraordpistol.jpg[/url]) which Icarus gave her, and one switchblade ([url]http://www.mythandculture.com/weblog/switchblade.jpg[/url]). Gift: Variable Charisma. Yuhi can alternate between being EXTREMELY CHARMING (Charisma modifier +8) and "just a face in the crowd". Greatest Fear: Stinging invertebrates like bees and jellyfish. Anything that can bite, pinch, or throw a grenade is okay, but keep her away from those jellyfish! -
[QUOTE=JJ] [B]Signups[/B] Well, here you have it. The brainchild of Ezekiel and myself. Obviously, this is a dark sci-fi theme, so humor?s not going to be stressed. One thing I do want to point out now. If you?re not joining for the long haul, don?t join. I don?t want to see someone drop out in like three weeks. It?s not fair to everyone else. This is also going to require serious quality from you all. None of these two paragraph posts that make no sense. I really guess I?m asking for dedication. Now, there are only three places open. We?ll be five in total, but Ezekiel and myself each have one reserved place. Now, if you?re still reading, here?s the signup. [B]Screenname[/B]- [B]Nickname[/B]- (When applicable) [B]Appearance[/B]- Picture and or written is OK. [B]Personality[/B]- How is your character? What makes them tick? Why do they do the things they do? [B]Weapons[/B]- Here?s the fun part. Just about anything?s OK, as long as it?s not too high tech. No huge lasers of doom or anything, although a laser gun?s OK. Maximum of three weapons. [B]Writing Piece[/B]- Here?s where it gets interesting. I don?t want a Bio or a Snippit of your character in action, I want something written by you. There?s no topic or anything like that, but it cannot exceed 1000 words or be under 500 and it should be something sci-fi-ish. If it?s not, that?s OK, but really try people. [B]Notes[/B]- Anything else you deem necessary. Well that?s everything folks. I?ll get my signup along in a bit. Any questions should be directed to the Underground thread.[/font][/QUOTE] It's beautiful. Well, I've been kicked out of most of the roleplays I've entered, so I might as well try this. I KNOW it's dark sci-fi, but don't we all need a little humor? Screenname: Sheikahmon Nicknames: Yui, Proxie, sometimes "hey you idiot" Appearance: I'll get to this later, I need to get a pic taken. EDIT: got the pic. It's attached. Personality: Insane, but generally loveable. Sometimes swears. Friendly and harmless except to boys who make lame passes. Infrequently makes unexpected good points or finds bizarre loopholes out of sticky situations. Plays a lot of Runescape under the alias Proxian_Girl, who is... a blunette with pigtails and a certain regard for fire... Weapons: Hmm... how about homemade explosives? Molotov cocktail, homebrew bombs & fireworks... yay, FIRE! Plus, if all else fails, I can stick a paper clip in an electrical outlet and shoot lightning at people I don't like. Also packing a big, crude axe for melee goodness. Writing Sample: It was originally supposed to be a rant on my craziness, but it seems to have turned into my backstory without my realizing it. *ROTFL* I guess it takes knowing you're crazy to be any good at being crazy. That's because I'm crazy. I think. See, you're not supposed to think you're crazy if you are crazy, but like I said, I'm not thinking I'm crazy, I know it. I guess it came to me not long ago. I electrocuted myself the first day of fourth grade. Crazy, I know. But then, I am. Since the electrocution, I've had... well, a different perspective on things, I guess. People called me crazy. Then I joined OtakuBoards. Not that I'm sane now, gosh no. It's just, well, it's okay here. I can point at things no one else really cares about, make weird noises, comment on art when I can?t draw worth beans, critique fanfiction for anime I?ve never heard of, and that's just fine, that's my opinion. Or it was 'til GameFaqs (GameFags) bombed the place out. Bombs and terrorist *****, I can handle. But come on, did you really have to NUKE the place? Honestly, those people at GameFags must be even crazier than I am. Just one, you say? Then it's worse. He's sane. Anyway, why did I live? I mean, come on, they nuked the place. What am I, crazy? Don't answer that. I crawled out of the rubble, bleeding. Laughing. I'm crazy like that. Of all the holy ***** I expected from GameFags, the last thing I thought would happen was an outright bombing, let alone nukes. That was the sort of thing the voices in my head would do, bomb OB out of jealousy. So not only am I crazy, I'm stupid, too. But I lived. What does that say of the sane geniuses who got killed? I found some clean clothes, god knows where, probably from my Runescape account, found some big heavy junk I could make a crude axe out of, and set out to figure out at least a semblance of what's going on outside of my little world. And I guess as far as survival goes, I'm doing okay. Food's been pretty terrible, but scavenging does that, or so I hear. Keeping my clothes clean, between garbage-picking and fights with vermin, GameFags, and idiot n00bs, has been the only miracle I've ever experienced. I'll have to thank my mother for teaching me how to do the laundry without a machine. OLD SKOOL SKILLZ. A lot of guys making unwanted passes at me. I smash a limb or two and let them go, having learned their lesson. If they're particularly persistent... well, let's just say I can be extremely brutal. Girls making passes is for some reason okay with me. Not sure yet whether that means I'm a lesbian, but that's just how it is. I have no clue what I'm doing here yet, but I'm pretty sure GameFags is going down for what they've done, at least as far as I'm concerned here and now. In the meantime, if you want me, you can probably find me on Runescape or something, keeping my mental illnesses good and healthy... Notes: Isn't my psycho-bunny-with-Buster-Sword avatar cute? :animeknow EDIT, new notes: OMG... how many people here are using Final Fantasy Advent Children characters to represent their appearance? I'm sure I've seen both Cloud and Tifa... are the 3 Brothers going to be here, too?
Actually read the instructions this time. And the other significant post for my gang. XP [B]Name:[/B] Brittney Nami (Britt or Brit-Brat for short) [B]Gender:[/B] Female (The way the instructions are worded, "hermaphrodite" is an option) [B]Age:[/B] Sixteen [B]Gang:[/B] Illz (the slut/whore with a cause) [B]Weapon of Choice:[/B] Explosives. Homemade explosives. Crude, but effective. She backs 'em up with a switchblade for melee goodness. [B]Specialty:[/B] None. Does an affinity for explosives count? [B]Appearance:[/B] Found a pic. Britt mostly resembles Uyo ( here: [url]www.artoki.co.uk/gallery/originals/ori-uyo.htm[/url]), except A) she's brunette with brown eyes, not purple-ette with purple eyes, and B) no mike, wings, or background. REMEMBER THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY MY WORK, I'M JUST LINKING THIS POST TO ARTOKI SO PPL CAN SEE WHAT MY CHARACTER LOOKS LIKE. [B]Personality:[/B] Britt is sexy, and she knows what to do with it. She chooses her battles carefully, seduces them, and plants a bomb someplace they won't know until it's too late. Nowadays, she runs distractions for the Illz gang, flashing her stuff in public so the people are staring at her-- not at Chase robbing the likkr store. With her friends, Britt is acid and rude and very pessimistic, but actually very sweet and will frequently find ways to do small favors for them while still acting harsh. [B]Bio:[/B] Born Brittney Nami Lachance, she dropped her last name when gunmen associated with the Epidemic gunned down her family when she was 12. Shortly afterward, she discovered that she could influence men (and occasionally, women), earn money, etc., with her body. (INSERT XXX GOODNESS HERE) Then she met Travis as a frish in high school. Somehow, he could resist her charms, even when she had the baddest seniors licking her feet and peeking up her skirt... Bewildered by his power to NOT WANT SOME OF THIS, she hung around to get to know him better... and when the Illz gang finally became official, Britt was right in there with all of them. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] "Dammit!" muttered Chase. "That was my last cigarette." He looked at the stub dolefully and stuck it in his mouth anyway, his eyes tracing where the smoke ought to go. "You really should quit that," Syris said casually, knowing well that he wouldn't. "How many people die from lung cancer caused by smoking each year?" "Half as many as get gunned down by the Epidemic each year," Britt sighed, striking a very fetching pose and toying with her knife, bitter at the memory of her parents. "Besides," Travis teased, "What are we going to do about your lack, Chase? Rob a 7-11? On the Epidemic's block?" There was silence a moment. "We could," said Auden, his arm (I think it was his arm) bandaged. "But the risks far outweigh the gain of a few cigarettes. If we got [I]anybody[/I]'s attention at this point..." he gestured at said arm, letting that make his point. "If we had to get your cigs, Chase, we'd have to go legit." Britt laughed, a sound like a priceless glass plate being knocked off a table by a hyper two-year-old. Her chest heaved with the laugh, and somewhere, somehow, a hentai fanboy died of happiness. "Legit? As Travis said, on the Epidemic's block? A snowball's chance in hell of being legit for anything but murder victims! Tell me, where's Mino?" Awkward pause. That night, there was a commotion at a Spek's Corner Likkr Store. A young woman had started an unprovoked striptease just outside, and while everybody was out enjoying the show, a storeroom wall exploded, as if a creative bomb had just been placed there. No injuries were reported, though the store mysteriously lost... ... eight cartons of cigarettes.
I'm doing a tabletop roleplay and playing a sexy dancing girl. As such, I need cute/sexy outfits to dress up my character in. So please submit revealing but cute outfits of your own design! BECAUSE I'M RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS.
Might as well, nobody's replying on the Kingdom Hearts RP I'm in... (secretly amused by the first two to sign up being "Namine" and "Roxas") Name: Maiya Entropi Age: 17 (a Leap-Year baby, frequently jokes about being 4) Gender: F (was tempted to actually put "hermaphrodite", but decided against) Appearance: Anybody got a sprite that looks like a bag lady? Personality: She's insane, but she knows it and tries her best to make herself tolerable. History: Maiya finally graduated from high school and decided to work with Pokemon at the same time as pursuing her college degree. Now, Pokemon has taken precedence over college, but she's often seen pulling a laptop out of her bag to do homework/schoolwork/tests in the midst of a battle. Since she's majoring in engineering, she's very good at split-second problem-solving, a valuable skill in battle. She also enjoys knitting and wears a lot of handmade accessories. Her parents aren't sure whether to be proud of her for doing so well or upset that she's not focusing on her college studies. Pokémon Type: "Intimidating" The only thing Maiya's Pokemon have in common is a very ferocious appearance. Pokémon List: Tyra, a Tyranitar. Tyra was one of the last members to join Maiya's team, caught as a Larvitar and raised between classes. (F) Whirlpool, a Gyarados. Whirlpool was originally a Magikarp in a pet store, when Maiya herself was starting her "journey". He's now the mascot for Maiya's Computer Engineering class and her Amateur Hackers' club. (M) Sunshine, an Aerodactyl. Maiya got a newly-hatched Aerodactyl fledgling in a trade and raised her alongside Tyra. There's no better way to arrive late to class than on a ferocious prehistoric Pokemon. (F) [COLOR=Red][B]Surprise me[/B][/COLOR]-- I don't have a fourth Pokemon yet. If anybody needs to drop out of the running for any reason, please PM me.
RPG Kingdom Hearts: Through the doors of anime rated m
Sheikahmon replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
(OOC: Ahem. I'm TRYING to play him SYMPATHETIC, if you don't mind! [SIZE=3]Loz DOESN'T think of himself as a bad guy![/SIZE] I let it slide for now, but if you do that again I'm gonna tell a mod-- and Loz is gonna cry, though he'll deny that.) ***(back to the game)*** [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]That mean lady again! *flashback of getting kicked in the jaw by Tifa* Why does she always get herself involved! *hits a Large Body in the face and zaps it hard* She's always getting in my way! *dodge/teleport/smashes through a whole bunch of Heartless, the remains sparking from the Dual Hound's electric charge* Why is she always so mean?! *Tifa plays smackdown with a few Heartless* Well, she fights good... but she's still mean to me. I don't like her.[/B][/FONT] *** (OOC: Did you see the latest batch of KH2 promos? Vivi from FF9, the girls from FFX-2, Chicken Little & Stitch summons... this is going to be one crazy game when it comes out!) -
RPG Kingdom Hearts: Through the doors of anime rated m
Sheikahmon replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
(OOC: I know I'm not supposed to double up, but IT'S BEEN OVER A WEEK SINCE MY LAST POST AND NOBODY'S REPLIED YET, so I'm posting again. HINT HINT.) [FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]*bashes through a Soldier Heartless and crushes a Shadow hiding behind it* Fight! *sees a Large Body, who stands nearly as tall as he does, and smashes it, too* FIGHT! *scatters the little blue guys and little red guys, taking a few spells in the process and shaking off embers and little ice crystals* FIGHT!!! *a horde of Heartless actually attempt a strategy-- mobbing him-- and while that slows him down some, he shakes them off and zaps a few with the Dual Hound. The Yellow Operas grow bigger when he does so* FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! *all rational thought and capacity is lost in the stress of battle*[/B][/FONT] -
RPG Kingdom Hearts: Through the doors of anime rated m
Sheikahmon replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]He hit me! What a mean person! *wipes face* And I wasn't crying! *wipes face again* What's that? *a 2-dimensional Shadow approaches* I don't like it! Go away! *scuffs shoes on it, kicking up leaf litter and not doing a thing to the Heartless* GO AWAY! *pulls up nearby tree and smashes the Shadow just as it goes 3-d, smacks a few more Heartless around, puts the tree back, charges up Dual Hound* GO AWAY! *wild fighting ensues with lots of Matrix-y pauses*[/B][/FONT] *** (OOC: Imagines Sanzo pulling the paper fan to hit Loz, all of a sudden the frame slows like it's the Matrix. *LOL*) -
Sign Up Kingdom Hearts: Through the Doors of Anime rated m
Sheikahmon replied to Inuyasha Fandom's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Dregen]Name: Recca Hanabishi (Flame Of Recca) Age: 17 Gender: Male Abilities: Recca is. Appearance:[url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/Dregen/5536dd71.jpg"]Recca[/url] Weapon/ Ability: Recca's main weapon is his mind. He has the ability to shoot and control fire with his hand. Also when the restraint on his right arm comes off he can summon forth 8 fire dragons each with it's own ability Biography: Recca is a descendent of the Hokage (Hoa - kah-gay) Ninja Flame masters. In other words, he has the ability to shoot fire from his right hand. The arm band on his right arm protects him and prevents the great flame inside of him from eating him alive. When Recca was a baby, he was sent 400 years into the future by his mother in order to protect him from the bloodshed and slaughtering of the Hokage Ninjas in that era. In the future world, he meets Sakoshita Yanagi, a girl who goes to his school and is about his age, and swears to be her ninja, saying that she is his Hime (Princess). For a reason unknown to him, he has a great obsession with ninjas and has always wanted to be one. This obsession has led him to learn many of the ninja's fighting techniques, giving him the ability of a great fighter. His fighting motto has always been, "If you defeat me, I will be happy to be your ninja" (which has gotten him into a bit of trouble....)..[/QUOTE] OMG I think I know everybody's characters here. Recca (from Flame of Recca) Tifa (from FF7 and FF7: Advent Children) Cloud (same sources as Tifa) Sasuke (from Naruto) Sanzo (from Saiyuki) Loz (from FF7: Advent Children) Shun (from Gatekeepers) Anybody I missed? *laughs like crazy*