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Everything posted by Sheikahmon
*gets weird look on face* Umm. Is Rosa aware that I happen to be a female? Lemme try a different question: Is Rosa ever going to get over her crush on me? I mean, all I did was buy her a new hair ribbon... wait. Do Subrosians even have hair? Embarrassing moment: I had to help my best friend do the Subrosian Dance. Remember how in my previous post, I said I had trouble with that very aspect of the game? *sighs again* Link: Well, you're doing better now. You're practicing, aren't you? I can tell. You're a lot more confident in guiding me through the dance steps. Sheikahmon: I have to ask her what to do whenever I get something wrong! Link: You mean when you kept drowning me because you had the Zora ring and didn't know you needed the Flippers first? Sheikahmon: Exactly!
Yeah. Um, I guess Sakura can arrive on her Vaporeon (Wave) and join us, so that's not a biggie. And I'll just say that The Trainer is right about that Celebi issue. I know multiples appear in that movie (Pokemon 4Ever), but that doesn't change the fact that Celebi is a Legendary (I seem to remember giving The Trainer quite a lecture on that topic. :blush: )
[i]Description: A fanfiction that takes place, in some parts, prior to Season 3, but in other parts, after Season 3. The Tamers show their faces in this, plus some fictitious ones. Warning: Some nuttiness, and one boy who does some looking into inappropriate topics. Nothing too inappropriate for OB, I think, but let me know if there is something.[/i] [b]Cast[/b] Fic Characters: Akiko ?Aki? Miyamoto = Daughter of a fisherman (who is always referred to as Daddy or Miyamoto-san), used to live in Kagoshima, on the island of Honshu, in Japan. She is friendly and loves to fish. Whenever she catches and kills a fish, she says a little prayer for it. She also loves to eat fish, to swim, to dive (her grandmother on her mother?s side of the family was an [i]ama,[/i] or diving girl), and to sail. On her sixth birthday, just before a major turning point in her life, Aki received a little skiff of her own and a fishing rod. A lot of the story is from Aki?s point of view. Hoshiko Yasuma = A standard girl. She is friendly and loves to meet new people. She likes to eat salads, sushi, pizza and french fries. Melody Wong = A musician in the making. She loves to play a wide variety of instruments and dreams of appearing on stage. Her voice, if she ever grows up, will be a lovely soprano. She is of mostly Chinese descent. Ishi Itashi = A boy. What else can I say? His favorite food is tempura, and he enjoys working out for his school?s track team. Hanako Yuri = The Japanese phrase for ?gardening enthusiast?. No, not really, just kidding. But Hanako can not live without some piece of greenery within ten feet. She is a strict vegetarian and hates to fight, but proves to be a very capable Tamer, especially when her precious garden is at stake. At home, Hanako has a very sad and abused life. Her father, a drug addict, left when she was a tiny baby, and her mother was not meant to be a mother (to put it very lightly). Kumoto Yamakagashi = An immature street kid. When he meets an older girl (i.e., above 10), he wants to see? what?s, um, under her shirt (yes, this is the boy mentioned in the above warning). He carries concealed weapons in innocent-looking clothes and doesn?t go to school. Everything he ever needed to know he learned on the street. He likes to eat whatever he can get. Somehow, he?s rather attractive, even as an eight-year-old, with his body starting to show lines of muscle definition that will get sharper at puberty. His name, directly translated from Japanese (kumo to yamakagashi) to English, means ?spider and snake?. Fic Digimons: Uomon/Sakanamon/Marlimon/Makomon/Mermiamon = Aki?s partner. Uomon is an In-Training monster, and she becomes Mermiamon by Biomerging from Sakanamon with Aki. Uomon and Sakanamon are derived from Japanese words ?uo? and ?sakana?, both of which mean fish. Marlimon is from ?marlin?, a kind of fish, and Makomon is from ?mako? a species of shark that is believed to be the most intelligent of all fish and proven to be the fastest shark. Keelynmon = Hoshiko?s partner. The Rookie form of Unimon. Keelynmon is derived from a misspelling of ?ki-lin?, the Chinese name for ?unicorn?. Kokopellimon = Melody?s partner. Derived from the Native American trickster spirit Kokopelli. A male Digimon with a female Tamer. Mega form Harpimon, achieved by Biomerging with Melody. Haven?t come up with other forms yet. Struthiomon/Deinonychmon/Utahramon = Ishi?s partner. His greatest weapon is his speed. Struthiomon is a Rookie, Deinonychmon his Champ form, Utahramon his Ulti form. Haven?t come up with Mega form yet. Lianamon = Hanako?s partner. Lianamon will never show either a Champ or an Ulti form, though her Mega form, Rosemon(not fic), achieved via Biomerge, is extremely powerful in itself. Chudokumon = the Rookie form of Dokugamon. Dokugamon = Not a fic Digi, but the partner of Kumoto nonetheless. This one got the business end of the weapons he conceals and de-Digivolved, giving him a good view of her Rookie form before getting up enough energy to Digivolve back to her Champ form. She then developed a major crush on him. A female Digimon with a male Tamer. Mega form achieved by Biomerging, but Ultimate and Mega forms unthought-of. Calumon = Not a FicciMon, I know. But Calumon makes a few appearances here, seeing as how according to S3 rules, nobody can Digivolve unless he?s around. Kitsunemon = A rogue Rookie. Kinda an ultra-feminist Impmon, except that she could kick Impmon?s butt before he got a chance to even try Digivolving. She?s also loads more conceited. Besides, she?s never going to hit the RealWorld, and she?s never going to meet the Impy fellow. So here goes the first chapter. ----- First Chapter: Aki My name is Akiko. You can call me Aki. My Daddy calls me that. Or, he used to. Before I came here, I lived in Kagoshima, on the Island of Honshu. That?s in Japan. I usually speak Japanese, but most other people these days speak English, so that?s the language I?m writing this in. I love to fish. My daddy taught me to. He also taught me to respect the fish I catch, even when I kill them. That didn?t mean much then, but it does now, given the current situation. When I was still living in Japan, I lived in a house. I lived there with my daddy. I love my daddy. I suppose I?m a ?daddy?s girl?. I drew a picture of him above my bed so I won?t forget what he looks like. It didn?t work. I forgot. But I remember that he liked to fish a lot. I also lived in that house with my mom. I didn?t know her as well. She was in the Japanese Navy, so she wasn?t at home often. I remember that I once promised to catch her a sea bream (the Japanese word, which I will use more often, is [i]tai[/i]). Now, I live in a cave in what appears to be America, but a very wild and unexplored America. I live with my new friends. Hoshiko was the first girl I met in this new place. She is very nice. Hanako is nice too, but she is a lot quieter and likes to cook and garden. She has the same respect for the plants that I have for the fish. Melody loves to sing and dance. Whenever she meets a new person, she decides that it is a reason to sing a song. Ishi loves to move around and exercise. Sometimes he dances with Melody, but he thinks that dancing is for girls. He prefers to wrestle. Kumoto is a bastard, in every sense of the word. He is of bad birth and he acts like Demidevimon? when he?s feeling nice. When he wants to be a bad boy, he acts like an immature Devimon. He is constantly pulling Hanako?s skirt up to reveal her bottom and her panties, and he keeps trying to pull my shirt off (Actually, it?s more of a tunic). But we all respect him? sometimes, when he isn?t acting like the [i]shiseiji[/i] he is. I?m a little worried about whether we will any of us ever get to see our families again. Of course, Kumoto laughs at me whenever I mention my Daddy, but the others usually listen to me. Ishi misses his father. Hoshiko misses her mother. Melody misses her singing teacher (who, it seems, is also her aunt). Hanako says she wishes she ever got to see her daddy. He ran away about the time she was born, and her momma is not a nice lady. Of course, there are the monsters, too. They are a lot of fun? the friendly ones that is. The evil ones are about as much fun as Kumoto when he?s grumpy. But we can usually beat them. Where am I? To tell the truth, I don?t know. Umm, I?m on a continent or island somewhere, in a cave a short distance away from the ocean, in the middle of the Supreme Digiworld. Supreme Digiworld? You want to know where the Supreme Digiworld is? It?s not in the Real World, that?s for sure, but the two are a lot alike. The Seven-Planes Digiworld? Hoshiko went there once. She said it was too crazy there. She got separated from the little monster she was traveling with. She hopes he?s okay. You want the long version of the story? I hope you?re in a comfortable seat. This is going to take a while. ----- If you want to come up with a Digimon form I haven?t come up with, post or PM about it. The fic Digimon and Tamers will show up as attatchments throughout my career. At some point I?ll try to get the rest of them into that Fic Digimon Thread. And here?s a pic of Kokopellimon.
Gotta say it. I have half an urge to get SaberNekomon involved in one of my fanfics. I'd change her name to SabreNekomon (partly because I think Sabre looks cooler in a Digimon's name, partly so it won't look like complete plagarism {Kitsunemon says: Oooh, long word, Sheik.:laugh:}), but, anyway, could I please "borrow" SaberNekomon for one of my own fanfics?
Wa-hah! Chicken killing! *gets weird look on face* Everybody needs a little KFC! On Link's Awakening, the Cuccos and dogs can be killed with the Magic Powder, but when you enter a building or something, they automatically regenerate. So you can burn 'em again and again... *burns a Cucco, runs home, comes out and burns the Cucco...* I remember my first Cucco-killing on OoT. I had to run halfway across Lon-Lon Ranch before I could find the exit, and I lost half of my hearts. I never got to try Cucco-flying. Remind me to do that when I next get my hands on a N64.
I had some trouble with Oracle of Seasons, too, but mine mostly involved a disability to do the Subrosian Dance properly. Okay. What do I get in the Level-2 Dungeon, and which Season Spirit do I have to visit next?(Great, eh? I can use this thread to troubleshoot all my own problems with the game!)
Umm... Sure... Um, I was planning it to be something else, but okay, "Shinobi", it's the evolved form of Muk. You can figure up some stats for it yourself. Rei: Hi, g-g-g-guys. I've b-b-b-been exploring these hot springs some. They're p-p-p-pretty c-c-c-c-cool, actually. Will: What's that you've got there? Rei: A b-b-b-bit out of my normal T-t-t-t-types, b-b-b-but it's really c-c-c-c-c-cute! The Pokemon in question is a pale blue see-through blob with a purplish-blue core. The core has big dark eyes and a little bitty smile. Psyche: [i]Its name/call is Omibby. It's an amoeba Pokemon of the Water-type. Maybe Rei can trade it back home for something that's actually useful. A Slowpoke, perhaps.[/i] Omibby: Mib! Mibby!
Rei sighs, pockets the drawing she had been trying to make of Kilune, and heads out into the forest. Psyche:[i] You have a crush on somebody here, don't you? Is it that Kilune?[/i] Rei: It's c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c--c*breaks off into coughing spasm* It's c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cute! I'd sure like one, but it seems such an airhead. Psyche:[i] I'll say. C'mon, boys. You can argue over who can beat more Rockets later.[/i] Twilight and Joey fall into step behind the two, shortly followed by Blue and MissiD (who somehow wandered back to the hut before Rei knew she was gone). Rei: Hey, what's that? That steam? Psyche:[i] Can't tell from here, but it might be dangerous. MissiD, go check it out.[/i] MissiD:[i] You can't boss me around![/i] Blue:[i] Missi, baby, would you please...[/i] MissiD:[i] Oh, okay.[/i] MissiD flutters off and investigates the steaming area. It turns out to be a bunch of holes filled with hot water. MissiD: [i]It's not dangerous, unless you fall in! It's just a bunch of hot water! Why would somebody put hot water into holes in the ground instead of in a cooking pot where it could do the living some good?[/i] Rei: A hot springs! Let's g-g-g-g-go see! Rei runs up and nearly falls into a hot spring. Joey runs up and nearly falls into a hot spring. Twilight runs up and nearly falls into a hot spring. Blue:[i] Honey, nobody put this water here. When rain falls, it goes into the ground and winds up as a spring, and if the spring is deep enough, the lava underground will make the water get hot by itself.[/i] MissiD:[i] Yeah. *long pause* What?[/i] Rei laughs, despite the danger. Psyche: [i] Hey! Something's moving down there! A little blob-like Pokemon crawls up... --------------------------------------- I'll add more about this critter later, when I have a good picture ready to attatch.
Nondescript kid: Hey, you! Do you want to trade? I got some really good cards! Candy: Um... a boy... Voice: A-hem. Candy: Okay. What have I got worth trading? Um... Actually, this being a rare enough Magic card, I have more than I'm allowed in my deck, and I don't even want it. Hey, kid, you want a Change of Heart or two? Kid: Change of Heart? Wow! What else? Candy: I'm only allotted one of these per deck, too. Captive Dancing Girl, Second Edition(Author note: I've drawn several Captive Dancing Girls). Kid: I have this! I'll trade it for one of each! Candy: *reads card aloud* Axe of Despair. A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 1000. When sent to the Graveyard, sacrifice a monster from the field and put this card on top of your deck. 1000 extra ATK points and it's reusable! For just these two? Kid, you got a deal! Kid: Whoopee! *spots another nondescript kid* Hey! You! Duel me! I'll add more later. Later... Some guy with a stupid green costume, green hair, and a voice like he had been sniffing helium chooses exactly this moment to knock Candy over, spilling her cards and her M&Ms. Weevil(yes, ladies and germs, it's the Cockroach Knight back for more!): How stupid of me. I'll help you pick them up. Candy: Um... right. Weevil: By the way, would you like to duel me? These cards look like you'd be an excellent opponent to trash. Candy: Let's let the cards decide who trashes who, allrighty? The duel gets underway. Weevil seems to have stolen a puzzle piece to get in and won another, and he looks like he has something sneaky up his sleeve. All his monsters are in defense mode, and Candy?s all-offensive strategy is taking its toll. Weevil: *draws that idiot parasite card* (thinking) My timing couldn?t be any more perfect! Insect Barrier is already up! She?ll be all too vulnerable when I activate this sucker?s effect! (speaking) I play this parasite card on the field, activating its brother whom I?ve hidden in your deck! All your monsters will be turned into the insect-type by my parasite, starting with your Mystical Elf!*parasite appears and turns Mystical Elf into an insectoid beast* I wish you hadn?t seen fit to put her into defensive, but your LP are low enough already to witness the rise of my most powerful monster! Candy: *winces* Okay, think fast, crazy girl. Got it. Okay. I play Celtic Guardian in Defense mode.*Celtic Guardian appears* That?s all for now. More on my strategy later. Little does Weevil know that Candy?s strategy is ?make it up as you go along?. Weevil: Some strategy! *parasite turns Celtic Guardian into insect beast* Now, I play the Insect Queen, and sacrifice Cockroach Knight to feed her! Now, my queen, attack the Mystical Elf! *Insect Queen destroys Mystical Elf and lays an egg* Ha! Candy: So, whenever I summon a monster like that, the parasite turns it into another bug. (verb), I wish I had Yell Hound in my hand. *draws Red Eyes Black Dragon* Wait. If the parasite is destroyed, its effect stops, right? Weevil: Of course, but I?m not going to kill it! Quit stalling! Candy: Very well. I [i] sacrifice[/i] your parasite, with my Celtic Guardian, to summon the Red Eyes Black Dragon and equip it with the Axe of Despair! Red Eyes Black Dragon, attack the Insect Queen!*REBD destroys Insect Queen* Weevil: No! The sacrifice of the parasite keeps it from infesting her dragon, so the dragon can still get through the Insect Barrier!*his LP drop* Candy: You bet. Your move, bugger boy. Weevil: Aaaah! I put all my monsters in Defense Mode to defend my LP! (thinking) If she figures out I can?t put that one egg into Defense, I?m done for! One blow from that Axe of hers will take out the rest of my LP! Candy: Really? How come your Egg doesn?t appear to be in Defense? Red Eyes Black Dragon, let?s scramble some eggs! *REBD destroys Egg* Weevil: Noooo! *LP drops to 0* Well, you may have defeated me, but you can?t make me give you my two Puzzle Piece cards! Nyahahahaha! *turns to run away* Candy doesn?t give him the chance to run. Candy: Eww, a cockroach, I gotta step on him fast! *kicks Weevil in the back* Weevil: Aah! *falls down* Candy: *steps on Weevil?s back* Gotta squish that cockroach so he can?t get on my nerves ever again. Or an even better idea, I get out the Raid and poison him till he flops over on his back and twitches himself to death. Or I slowly pull him apart, limb by limb, and pop out his antennae, and? *starts twisting Weevil?s arm into a painful position* Weevil: Aaah! No! Please! Stop! I?ll give you the cards, I?ll give you the cards! But stop, please! Candy: I don?t want to hear of you bugging anybody else ever again, ever, you hear? ?Cause if I do- *twists real hard* Weevil: *screams* I promise! I promise! Candy: *lets go* Now, about those puzzle pieces? --- A little of Candy?s less merciful side, though that parasite card amused her. She does regret that Weevil wimped out and gave in so quickly. She wanted some blood.
Go, SaberNekomon! I'm an idiot, aren't I, rooting for the villain? But Miko made her point from the start, complaining about how Gatomon had stolen everything she ever held dear to herself. [QUOTE]I'm not letting you take anything else from me ever again![/QUOTE] Did Sabernekomon have anything left for Gatomon/Angewomon to steal, after Kari? *shrugs* Good to have a well-portrayed character as a semi-villain. I like that kitty. Can I have her? *gets killed by Kitsunemon* Hey! I'll get around to writing a story for you later, got it? Kitsunemon: I thought I killed you! Poison Kick! Vixen Snap! *kills Sheikahmon again*
MissiD: [i] Well, you could play with me![/i] Hope smirked as Rei's immature Misdreavus flickered into view. Apparently, she had done some thinking aloud, and the little ghost had slipped through a few walls to comfort her. An unusual thing for a ghost to do, considering the way Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar all acted. But maybe Misdreavus weren't like that. Hope considered her Pokedex's entry on Misdreavus. Something about wailing and screeching to startle people at night. Maybe MissiD was different from normal Misdreavus. Or maybe she just wanted to play. Young creatures like to play a lot. MissiD: [i] Play with me? Please?[/i] Hope shook her head. MissiD was cute, but she had her own trainer to play with. Not to mention that Wobbufett that looked like he may be her father. Hope: Not right now. Sorry, Misdreavus. MissyD: Ee. MissyD drifted off, probably going to play with Rei and Blue. Hope smiled.
Lemme reiterate this, Xra. Rei's weak letters are K, D, T, P, and all similar sounding letters. No M-stutters or Y-stutters. But other than that you're okay. Also, a Pokemon species name is the noise it makes, isn't it?
Writing If Your Happy And You Know It, Bomb Iraq
Sheikahmon replied to Corey's topic in Creative Works
*whistles the tune* Bomb Iraq *whistles* bomb Iraq If the Bush administration Wants a war within the nation Just a simple exclamation: "Bomb Iraq!" Sound interesting? I can't think up the first two lines, but I'm otherwise okay with music. -
Thump. The boat finally touches the edge of the New World. It is a small beach that has been scouted out beforehand by radar. Life-forms have been detected on the island, but it is yet unknown what these new Pokemon are like. That is what the brave explorers are supposed to find out for the governments of Kanto and Johto. Rei: Look! There it is! It?s the P-p-p-p-promised Land! Hope, Shinobi, Kes, and Silvia: :therock: Um? right? whatever? Rei: Um, whoops. *giggles* Snap rolls his eyes. Joey sniffs the air, bewildered by the fact that his nose, while quite keen, doesn?t detect [i]anything[/i] familiar. Rei: Oh, wow! Solid g-g-ground! She runs down the ramp as soon as she can and flings herself into the sand. She starts trying to make a sand-angel. Twilight Tackles Joey, and the two get into a friendly round of WrestleMania on the beach. Psyche walks down the ramp slowly, head high, queen of all she sees? except that she refuses to associate with Joey. Blue waddles down after her and starts looking for shells, while MissiD characteristically vanishes into thin air. Blue: [i] Look! This one came from a Corsola! And this was on a Shellder! This is a great beach for shells![/i] Rei: Sorry, B-b-b-blue, we c-c-c-can?t look for shells around here forever. The g-g-g-g-g-government hired us t-t-to explore the world! And we?re g-g-g-g-going t-t-t-to learn so much! New P-p-p-pokemon, new p-p-p-plant life, new situations? Man, this is almost like the Swiss Family Robinson! A g-g-group of p-p-p-people, on an unexplored island, t-t-to survive on nothing b-b-b-b-but their wits! Psyche: [i] And the wits of their Pokemon.[/i] Rei: Yeah! Shinobi: Well, you can?t say she isn?t enthusiastic about it. MissiD: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Shinobi jumps, then realizes what scared him and pretends it was on purpose. Hope hides a slight smile. Rei: Missid-d-d-D! D-d-d-don?t scare Shinobi like that! You know what I t-t-t-t-told you b-b-before we c-c-c-c-came here! No scaring the other explorers! MissiD: [i] Awww, Rei. We just got here. Can?t we celebrate?[/i] Rei: We have a mission, and we must c-c-c-carry it out t-t-t-t-t-t-t-to the b-b-b-best of our abilities! We must explore this New World and see all the P-p-p-p-pokemon that inhabit it! Kes: Nice speech. Do you think we should get going? Rei: Yeee-haw! C-c-c-c-c?mon, T-t-t-t-twilight and Joey! Let?s g-g-g-go! The group starts hiking? Psyche: [i] Wait! I ?heard? something! Over there! Somebody?s stuck![/i] ----- Will: They?re here? See if you can?t flag them down, Treecko! Treecko: Treeck! TREEEEEEECKO! Treecko treck! ----- Rei: D-d-d-did you hear that? Joey: [i] Sounds like a Plant-type.[/i] Hope: A Plant-type! I?m ready! *holds Crunch tightly* Psyche: ESPEEE ESPEEEON! Rei: Say what Psyche? Psyche: [i] Sssshhhh. [/i] From far off: TREEEEECKO TREEECKO TREECK! Psyche: [i] It has a trainer. That stuck person is here. Didn?t the good Dr. tell us there was an explorer ahead of us on this island? Just a moment. I?ll call to it again.[/i] ESPEE ESPEEON ESPEE ESPEE ON! From far off: TREECKO TREECKO TREECK! Psyche: [i] The trainer fell in quicksand and sprained his ankle! Let?s go help him![/i] Rei: Q-q-q-q-q-q-quicksand! Oh, my. Shinobi: Let?s get down there and do something! Hope: Right behind you! Kes: Yeah! Silvia: You bet! They run over to where Will is. Rei: D-d-d-dear holy Mew! Elite 4 Will! My idol! *gets [i]look[/i] from the others and shrugs* Well, one of my idols, anyway. Shinobi: Don?t just sit there and babble, help him, for crying out loud! Hope: Yeah! Anybody here know how to prepare a splint for a broken leg? Will: It?s a sprained ankle. Kes: Ouch. That looks like it hurts. Psyche: [i] I can cook a meal, discern edible plants from the inedible, and keep Joey away from myself, but I know nothing in the medical business. (swears) Sorry. [/i] Rei: G-g-g-g-great. Our first c-c-c-c-catastrophe and nobody knows how to c-c-c-c-cope. Hope: Quiet. Now, I need some cloth or rope or something to tie his leg, and a very strong stick to keep it straight. Will: Would vines work? Treecko? Treecko: Treecko treck. *whips out a few vines* Hope: Like a charm. MissiD: EEEE! A stick falls out of a tree in front of Hope. The brave explorers look up to see MissiD shreiking, floating around, and generally causing mayhem in the treetops above. Hope: Thanks. *ties a splint on Will?s foot/leg* It?s usually good to have some knowledge of medicine and emergency procedures, just to be prepared for something like this. Will: I don?t think we?ll get very far on our exploration. I know I can?t walk like this. Kes: You can?t walk, but I bet you can still ride! Go, Rapidash! A black Rapidash appears and whinnies, but lets Will sit on its back. Will: Thank you. Where should we go? Joey: [i] Listen![/i] Rei: Sounds like a little P-p-p-p-pokemon squeaking! Let?s g-g-g-g-go see! They sneak over to a nearby clearing, Kes?s Rapidash being surprisingly quiet when she tells it to. There are several small Pokemon in the clearing. Rei: Oh, how c-c-cute! They look like little b-b-bunnies! Pokemon: Suph suph suptie! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who don?t know, those little Pokemon are one of my ?inventions?, called Suphtie. For more information, check out the thread: ?If you could make a perfect Pokemon, what would it be??
Thanx for the advice, Anime Addict. Never again in public, especially on Otakuboards. Mods: Yay! Also, I apologize to all those who were offended. Mods: Yay!
Writing Moon Wars, Episode 4: "A New Moon..."
Sheikahmon replied to Manic Webb's topic in Creative Works
*dies laughing* Kiki-PO the Android: Um... if I had a sense of humor, I would no doubt have fallen to the same horrible fate as my owner. So I'm glad I don't. -
Oooh... I love Birdramon, but Falkner's just so HOT... can't decide whether to cheer or cry. *cheers and cries at the same time* Kitsunemon: I thought I killed you! *kills Sheikahmon again* That's better.
Suphtie is actually a bit shorter than that. It's just that Paint goofed. That's why I don't like Paint that much! But it's better than the other program I tried... *cringes* Working on a few pics of my other critters... Gaah! @#$% Paint program! Die! Die!... for some odd reason, I can't get Paint to work. Oh, well. And yes, I want a Suphtie, too. Did I mention that they can learn Scratch and Slash? And they're so soft...
Okay. Sorry about that, Solo. I was a little out of control that day. Anyway (that's a word I use a lot)... The other day, in Language Arts, a girl at my table asked a question about ?Yami-Yugi? because she thought it was (I quote), ?a funny name.? This started my best friend into a LONG explanation of the TV show and every one of its aspects. The two of us have a major flaw which is that each of us is capable of taking one or two little episodes of any show and dragging it into an hour-long discussion of the topic. Anyway, my friend was talking 5000 mph, and I kind of just started drawing. When I was done, I had an extremely cute picture of Yugi (normal). I tried to duplicate it on Paint, because I can?t use a scanner, but Paint messed up. So I can?t show you my Yugi pic. sigh...
I hit that problem a while ago, Blanko. The boat leaves? at the end of my post! That soon enough for you? Rei opens a large drawer and finds a few items of major importance: a huge backpack, a pretty hefty canteen and five canteens of smaller size, a pocketknife with various attatchments, and a small laptop computer with ?GOVERNMENT PROPERTY? and ?REI MOZOMI? printed very clearly on it. Psyche discovers something about the boat room, which appears very much like a very fancy hotel room. Psyche: [i] Kitchenette! Yay! Now I can get cooking! [/i] Joey: [i] Yes, you can get cooking? rrr [/i] It seems Joey has quite a thing for Psyche. It also seems that while Blue is busily filling the canteens, Psyche herself is getting ready to rattle some pans (not with Joey, you idiots, this isn?t [i] hentai [/i]!). Despite the fact that she doesn?t have any hands with opposable thumbs, Psyche is a very good cook and can make very tasty meals from scratch. Rei?s new, government-issued backpack has a few supplies tucked away in it, too. Rei likes the sketchbooks and books on survival inside, Joey immediately starts a fight with Twilight over a small can of dog food, Psyche steals the camp-set cookware, Blue picks up a few floppy disks (this little Wobbufett loves computers), and MissiD screeches just for the heck of it. Snap goes to sleep, but wakes up when MissiD screeches in? his? ear! The gang then gets treated to the sight of MissiD trying to hide behind Blue while a very angry Snap attempts a Confusion attack, which, unfortunately for Snap, gets intercepted by Twilight, who, though impervious to psychic attacks, gets offended fairly easily? When all the commotion settles down, Snap turns to his trainer. Snap: [i] The boat leaves soon, Rei. I know how seasick you can get. Do you have a full bottle of pills? [/i] Rei?s antinausea pills are so strong she has to have a perscription to get them. She holds up a full bottle and tries to hide a giggle. Snap often enough disses every member of the team, but deep down, he cares for Rei almost as if he were her father. She takes two pills now, washes them down with some water from the tap, lies down on her bed and starts to take a little nap? Dr. Terry stands on the dock a little longer. Dr. Terry.: I guess nobody else is coming. C?mon, Ratter, let?s get this show on the road. The boat slowly pulls away from the dock? So long, Johto and Kanto! Here we come, New World!
Here's another Sheikahmon ficPoke for you! *laughs* Aerodee, the baby Fossil Pokemon! Not to hard to figure out what previously existing Pokemon it evolves into with friendship. Think leathery wings, big two-toed feet, and a great big muzzle. It looks very much like a chibi-proportioned Aerodactyl, with a big tummy and little bitty wings. Its claws are much blunter than Aerodactyl's, being about the consistency of human fingernails. A lot of the teeth Aerodactyl has haven't yet grown in Aerodee, but it has two sharp little fangs in its lower jaw. Its skin is not as tough as Aerodactyl's. Aerodactyl's skin is tough like rawhide, but Aerodee's skin is soft, like tanned leather, and slightly fuzzy. Aerodee's tiny wings are unable to hold it in the air, rendering it unable to fly, despite its part Flying element. It also can't use very major physical attacks or Rock attacks, despite its part Rock element. However, Aerodee can learn Faint Attack and Pay Day (I'm obsessed with that move, if you haven't figured it out), neither of which Aerodactyl can learn after evolving. Later... MUCH later... Here I come again! Okay, I?ve decided that a few of the Pokemon in this thread will be used for my RPG, Pokemon: Exploration. If I want to use a critter you invented, I will PM you for permission (or you can volunteer it in a PM). As to my fic Pokemon? Suphtie, the furry Pokemon! Suphtie looks like a cute little bunny(and it acts like a bunny, too!) with a tail and long fur around its neck, paws, and tail, as well as a tuft of fur on the end of its tail. As a combination Normal- and Ground-Type, Suphtie proves to be the ultimate monster for use against Ghost-and Poison-Types like Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar. It seems useless for most else, though. Suphtie breed well with almost any quadrupedal Pokemon. Suphtie?s Starting Moves: Sweet Kiss Charm Tackle Sand-Attack Later Moves: Dig Body Slam Magnitude Metronome Suphtie has unique, scooped-out paws with stubby claws that help it to dig its burrows in almost any terrain, as well as to dig up the roots it eats. Attatched is a little pic of Suphtie that I cooked up on Paint. Cute, huh?
Hey, I think this is too long at the dock. The boat leaves on Friday, and if you aren't on it, you're gone. Thank you to the people who are already on, but I'm sure even Blanko's "Hope" is getting a little bored. (MissiD says [i] "I'm getting bored, too. My nonexistant vocal cords are wearing out. Hurry up and get in the Adventure Arena!"[/i])
*Gets torched by her Ninetales (VIXIE)* What's this about catching a LV 50 Snorlax with a LV 7 Pichu? Wow. Umm... other nickies (some provided by my best buddy, whose Silver game went bust) Dragonite: Silver(her choice, I woulda called him Kaiba, i.e., that extremely cute idiot on Yu-Gi-Oh!) Houndour/Houndoom: Joey (the Yu-Gi-Oh char that Kaiba is always calling a "chihuahua"... looks like the little chihuahua did some growing up, neh?) Um... my buddy's calling, gotta go!
Rei: Ummm... her other friend...*even though she knows that probably niether one of the Dogs can understand her*:blush: Rei feels rather embarassed at the sight of Raikou. She remembers it only as the picture in her book of myths and a golden blur streaking past only minutes before Psyche evolved and Glitter hatched. She is ashamed that now all the great being sees is a skinny, sunburned girl. ----------------------------------------------------- Sorry for another short post. I've entered another RPG and started one of my own, so I'm a little busy, plus I'm getting PMs from everywhere. Anybody wanna join my Pokemon RPG, it's called Pokemon: Exploration. There are a few rules mentioned in Recruitment, but other than the plot, it's vaguely similar to what we have going here.
Umm... where [i]is[/i] Will right now? Or do I even want to know? Anyway... ----------------------------------- Joey does find some food in the 'fridge: a meatloaf sandwich, another sandwich that smells suspiciously of ham, and miscellaneous fruit. He digs into the meatloaf. Joey: [i] Yum! Meatloaf! Mmmm... grr...[/i] *munches* MissiD: [i] I don't need to eat. I'm a ghost. I'm special, right, Daddy? [/i] Blue: :bluesweat Rei giggles and rescues the ham sandwich from Twilight, who, like Joey, seems to have his mind entirely on food. Around this time, Psyche mentally detects Snap wandering around in the hallways, having given up on the snack machine and looking for Rei and the gang, so Rei lets him in. Snap: [i] Stupid vending machine. Can?t even give a hungry Abra a chocolate bar? [/i] Rei: Well, you have t-t-t-to p-p-pay money t-t-t-to g-g-get the chocolate b-bar. Snap: [i] Stupid rules you humans have. I could do better. [/i] Twilight takes advantage of the distraction Snap provides to try to steal the ham sandwich from Rei. Fortunately, Psyche is keeping watch over that which Rei isn?t, and she stops her overzealous younger brother from snatching the sandwich. Twilight: [i] C'mon, sis, please?[/i] Psyche: [i] No. [/i] Rei laughs.