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Everything posted by Sheikahmon

  1. Okay, Shanoki, you're in! Sorry about the rude PMs I sent you, and see you in the Adventure Arena! And sorry, the laptops are for your chars, not for you personally. If we could really get free laptops, I'd have one myself. :blah:
  2. Dr. Terry: Hello. Your name? Hope: Hope. Bolt: Rai. Dr. Terry: I see. And do you have the form? Hope: Here. *holds up form* Bolt: Chu! Dr. Terry: I see. Here's the boat, and there's another girl already on board. We'll leave as soon as the rest of the trainers arrive. Hope nods and walks up the ramp into what looks like a nice cruise ship. Bolt: Rai chu chu rai! There is an Abra trying to Teleport himself into a vending machine. A dark-haired girl is giggling at him and hugging her Espeon, while an Umbreon who looks like he is the Espeon's brother is tackling another vending machine, not knowing what the Abra is up to but wanting to play the game anyway. Rei: Hi! Who are you? Hope: Hope. Bolt: Raichu! Rei: Ooh, what a c-c-c-cute Raichu! Are his cheeks naturally that c-c-c-color? Bolt: Rai! Twilight: Umbre on! The Pokemon start chattering excitedly. Rei buys a few sodas, opens one, offers another to Hope, and puts a the rest in her backpack. Rei: So, where you from? Are you here for the g-g-government expedition to the new c-c-continents? Hope nods to the second question, but gives no visible response to the first. Rei looks at her for a moment, expecting an answer, then, finding none, shrugs and goes back to stocking up on high-calorie food supplies and laughing as Snap struggles to get at the chocolate bars inside of the vending machine. Rei: I found a stack of p-p-papers over there. They t-t-tell about the expedition and what we're supposed to d-d-d-d-do. You might want t-t-t-to look at one. Hope wanders over to the table, picks up a paper, and starts reading about her quest... Rei wanders off, Twilight following and Psyche in her arms. She looks at her paper. Rei: If this p-p-p-paper's right, this one's my room d-d-during the t-t-trip. Sure enough, the little board by the door reads "REI MOZOMI" Rei: Wow. A whole room all t-to ourselves. C-c-c-come on out, everybody. *throws three :ball:s which open, revealing their contents* Blue the Wobbufett is the first to emerge from stasis, yawning and grinning with a loud Blue:[i]Oh, wow! We're here![/i] A vague shape emerges from the second :ball:, then vanishes. Joey the Houndoom makes his appearance. Normal in coloration, this Houndoom is unique in his size: Three feet at the shoulder. Joey looks like an overgrown puppy, and don't ask about what he was like as a Houndour (think chihuahua here)! Joey: [i] Hey, nice bed! And how much food is in that refrigerator? I think I smell something appetizing in that direction![/i] ???: EEEEEEE!!!! Joey and Rei both jump, then recover. Blue laughs as his daughter, a playful little Misdreavus named MissiD, wavers into view.(Yes, Wobbufett can mate with Misdreavus. I have my own Blue and MissiD that way) MissiD: [i] You looked silly, trainer! You too, Joey! You jumped your own height! Tee hee! Nice room! Where are we? Boat? We're going? Yay![/i] Rei and Joey :bluesweat at the playful little ghost. MissiD is sometimes a problem with behavior...
  3. Okay, time to get the party started! Dr. Terry will appear during the first several posts as all the recruited trainers show up, but she'll leave when the trainers reach the "New World". Dr. Terry is the first at the dock, waiting patiently, her Raticate assistant nearby. Ratter doesn't like the ocean. A girl approaches with an Espeon to her left, an Umbreon to her right, and an Abra on her backpack. Dr. Terry: Hello. Your name? Rei: Rei Mozomi. Dr. Terry: Good. Your form? *Rei holds up a form* Good. Welcome. Get on the boat, and we'll be leaving soon. Rei scrambles up onto the boat. Rei: Yeah, we're here! C-c-c-c'mon guys, let's see what they g-g-got in the vending machines! Snap: [i] Let's hope they have chocolate bars[/i] Psyche: [i] Get real, Snap. [/i] Twilight: Umbre Umbre On! Rei: Yeah, what T-t-t-twilight said!
  4. Sheikahmon


    Yeah, Domon, you're right, I'm gonna edit that duel so Candy sacks a Celtic Guardian to summon her R-E-B-Dragon (that was what you were upset about, right?). And if Kaiba stayed in the game when Yami-Yugi Mind-Crushed him, how come Panik didn't? Oh, and darn you, I wanted to get Mai. *sigh* I had my eyes on that Mirror Wall... Anyway... -Candy: Ha! Elven Dragon-Tamer, attack with your Rose Whip (yes, Rose Whip. It's equipable to all female monsters, right, not just that flimsy Harpy's Lady?)!!! -Duelist: Nooooo! -Candy: Nice one. You were a lot tougher than my first opponent was. But a win for me is a loss for you, so let's have the Puzzle Piece, and what card do you have that I might be interested in? *studies kid's cards* Ah! I do believe this one can be used in a combo with my Red Eyes Black Dragon! -Duelist: My Summoned Skull! Nooo! --Candy chugs the rest of her Red Bull and checks out Outlaw vs. Yugi. -Candy: Boys... Since when do they show any mercy? Well, that was Yugi Mutou he just whipped... ah, (noun). -Voice: I don't like it when you swear, Candy. -Candy: Well excuuuse me. --The Voice stops. -Candy: That Outlaw punk shows some promise. I'm gonna scope him out from a safe distance, 'K? -Voice: Whatever.
  5. Head to the Adventure Arena, find the Pokemon: The Legends Unite thread there, and follow the story to help the rest of us save the day. Got it?
  6. Ummm? :blush: I should have mentioned this before: No Legendaries! They just throw off the delicate balance of nature! I hadn?t thought people would try to enter with a Legendary in their party, but a few seem to have tried. To those who tried to enter Legendaries, use something else! Otherwise I?ll tell the mods, and I mean it! No Legends! Please! And a few other words (MissiD says [i]"Yeah, right!"[/i]). I'm unfamiliar with Ruby/Saphirre Pokemon, as well as Treecko and Mudkip (unless those are nicknames?). If you could please PM me info on them so I can OK them or tell you to change, your cooperation would be appreciated. Thank you! Welcome(by RPG names): Lloyd Silvia Max Kasite David Hope (yay, Blanko! We got a No-Life! Party!) Glad to have you with us (yay, Blanko!). Hope we can keep things legal. You guys can check in to see if I've added to the rules any from time to time. (gets "evil eye" from Blanko's "Hope") Of course, the Mods and No-Lifes will have their say, too, seeing as how I'm just a Newbie (still, after all these posts)! Anyway, I think I'll get this sucker started! Thanks for joining, blah, blah, whatever! (MissiD says [i]"Bye!"[/i]) Later... Welcome(RPG name): Will (Is that "Elite 4 Will"? Preexisting chars allowed. And thanks for the info on Treecko!)
  7. Pokemon: Exploration Very powerful trainers are sought to explore the yet-unknown parts of the world, perhaps encountering and catching Pokemon only found on Otakuboards.com, i.e., monsters from the fic-Pokemon thread. U need: Name. First & last. Age. Adults okay, but no one older than 25. Specialty. Type of Pokemon trained and any noteable skills. Most Poke-talk and psychics will not be accepted, as these are too overrated. Trainers with psychic-types will be able to understand the language and their Pokemon will translate. Description. Please, no albinos (white hair, red eyes). Those are a fad in anime these days that seems to be getting out of hand. Attitude. What your trainer likes/hates. Keep your trainer true to what you've said here. Team. If you can go without a Tyranitar into unknown territory, try to do so. Tyranitar are very useful when hostile Pokemon attack, but they're very clumsy and large, and they eat a lot of valuable food. If you need to have a Tyranitar somewhere, all trainers will carry laptops, so you can have one stored on PC. Also, off-color Pokemon are rare. They will probably not be accepted. Mine: Name- Rei Mozomi Age- 15 Specialty- Psy, Dark, and Ghost Pokemon. Description- Black hair, green eyes, white t-shirt, denim jacket, jeans. Attitude- Friendly, but gets upset easily. Very forgiving. Team- Psyche(Espeon), Twilight(Umbreon), Blue(Wobbufett), Missi D(Misdreavus), Joey(Houndoom), Snap(Abra) Note- Rei stutters sometimes, especially when she's frightened or angry. Don't laugh at her about it. She hits. And she has a Tyranitar named Tyra on PC.
  8. Sheikahmon


    --As the tournament starts, Candy Himitsu gives Seto Kaiba the -finger-. So the (adjective-noun) was too chicken to fight, eh? She'd just give some other (noun)-hole (Proper Noun). Sipping her Red Bull (Red Bull gives you wiiiings, stupid commercial), Candy steps back... right into some punk(noun)'s butt. -Panik:Hey! Watch where you're stepping! I happen to have been the Duelist Kingdon Tournament's Chief Eliminator, and I can eliminate you with no problem, too! --Yes, ladies and germs, it's our old friend Panik, back from the psychologist and right back into kicking helpless kids' butts, and apparently he has his eye on Candy's! -Candy: Watch where I'm drinking (noun)-hole. *sips* -Panik: Is that a challenge??! Fine! Let's duel properly, so I can see the look on your face when I grind you into the floor, (noun)! -Candy: Whatever. Let's get the party started, (adjective-noun). 4000/4000 -Candy: In case you're wondering, I picked up some of my strategy from a D-K duelist named Mai Valentine. I watched her on TV. -Panik: Hmmm... *starts off with a really powerful monster in ATK mode, sorry, don't know too much about the game myself, and I really hated Panik in the one eppie I saw him* -Candy: I'll put this trap card facedown on the field and put the Kuribo into play, ATK mode. -Panik(in head): She absently mentioned that it was a trap! It must be that wretched Mirror Wall! (aloud) I'll switch my monster to defense, and I play this, too! *Lays down another really strong monster* Scared yet? -Candy: I don't have the sanity for fear. I put Mystical Elf in DEF mode on the field, and I sack my Kuribo in favor of the Lady Dragonslayer (1900/1300, I think, + an effect). And I put this card facedown. -Panik: *sets up that floating castle thingamabob, I forget the name* -Candy: I put my Red Eyes Black Dragon on the field, ATK mode. -Panik: Ha! Your Lady Dragonslayer's effect lowers the ATK of that dragon by a thousand points! Some strategy! (in head) I haven't attacked yet, so she hasn't activated that Mirror Wall yet. -Candy: I'M NOT DONE YET, (noun)-HOLE! I start this ritual card, the Slain Dragon Ritual! -Panik: Sacrifice a beast as powerful as the Red Eyes Black Dragon to create a puny little Ritual monster? Ha! Some strategy! You really -are- crazy!! -Candy: (fill in this sentance with a string of loud and very offensive language)! Instead of my dragon, I have this! *puts down a card. A beautiful, crying girl in chains and very skimpy clothes appears on the field* Behold, the Captive Dancing Girl! -Panik: Oooh, I'm so scaaared, she's going to break those chains and kill my monsters, eeeeeeeek. *breaks into laughter, which really sounds horrible* -Candy: Apparently you are unaware that the Captive Dancing Girl is a Magic Card, not a monster at all. Men really are all (noun)holes and idiots. Her effect is that I can sacrifice her in place of any monster needed to initiate a ritual, and here I'm playing her as a sacrifice in place of my dragon, so my Red Eyes is still on the field. I sacrifice Captive Dancing Girl to initiate the Slain Dragon Ritual! -Panik: So what's this Ritual do, anyway? Whatever the monster is, if memory serves me, it can't attack any of my monsters when you summon it! -Candy: The Slain Dragon Rite does not summon, it creates. I'm using it *raisis her voice* to fuse my Mystical Elf and Lady Dragonslayer together to create... the Elven Dragon-Tamer! Since the Lady Dragonslayer is no longer on the field, Red-Eyes gets its ATK power back, and the Elven Dragon-Tamer's presence also boosts its ATK by any number of its own ATK, and I choose all of it! --Red Eyes Black Dragon then proceeds to wipe out a bunch of Panik's monsters, while Elven Dragon-Tamer goes into DEF. -Panik(in head): Her Red Eyes is destroying all my good monsters. Oh, well, if she's making good use of monster effects, I might as well, too. *draws the Man-Eater Bug (he might not really have one, but it is the coward's ultimate weapon, so it makes sense, right?)* Ooh! And the perfect weapon to start off with! I'll destroy that horroble Dragon-Tamer with this, and then Red Eyes will be weakened! (Aloud) I put this monster upside-down! -Candy: Red Eyes Black Dragon, attack! --Man-Eater Bug appears. -Panik: Now I get to destroy your Elven Dragon-Tamer! -Candy: No, now you get to activate my Trap Card, the Yell Hound! *a white dog with glowing red eyes appears on the field and howls* The Yell Hound stops all monster effects for the rest of our duel! -Panik: :eek: Noooooo! How can this be happening? --Candy, with her REBD still revved-up, proceeds to annihilate the rest of Panik's LP. -Candy: Yes! A Puzzle Piece! Behold what happens when (adjective-verb-ing) men try to mess with a crazy girl! I win! Now, do you have any cards I could use? *takes his Chaos Shield (I remembered that one!)* --Panik swings a haymaker at her, but she ducks, miracuously saving her Red Bull. -Candy: Trying to -eliminate- me like that, eh? Meet your match, sir! --Candy then drains her Red Bull, stuffs Panik into a half-full trash can, and wanders off in search of another energy drink and maybe a Snickers... Candy has 2 Puzzle Piece Cards. The trick she learned from Mai? Bluffing. Remember how Mai got all those other duelists to think she had psychic powers? Candy bluffed that she had a Mirror Wall card, and Panik fell for it!
  9. Sheikahmon


    Umm... looking back, I realize Candy seems a little too perfect. So I've added a little. She has her flaws. She is classified as legally insane, because she is very moody and tends not to trust men. She makes up for almost superhuman strength and speed with a lack of endurance. She can bend a steel bar that?s as big across as a nickel, but she would then need a two-minute break to regain her strength, and probably a little snack, too, because the energy required for such abilities needs to come from ?somewhere-, right? She can cover a mile in under four minutes, but as with bending a steel bar, she would need a break and a little snack to recover from the effort. Brainpower she can handle for long periods of time, as it only places the mildest of strain on the heart, which is how she?s an awesome duelist. But she often uses her physical prowess to its fullest extent, which means frequent trips to a vending machine or a 7-11 for more snacks and energy drinks to keep her going. So she?s not all perfect. Don?t be scared? unless you?re a bad guy?:devil: Still can't get a pic up. Sorry.
  10. OOOOHhhhh.... Battle of the Vixens (including Rika, because "vixen" can be used to describe the kind of girl I admire)! Darnit! I didn't know who to root for! Heck... go, whoever! Sakuyamon wins? Yippee! What fat lady? Her, the one who downed maybe three or four consecutive root beers a minute ago and is currently working on a Coke? Charlene::eek: :eek: :eek: Ooooh... bathroom... *gets up and waddles off in search of a ladies' room. Kitsunemon: :flaming: :flaming: :mad: :mad: Sheikahmon: Umm... Kitsunemon?:eek: The battle's over. Your cuz and her human -friend- won. Kitsunemon: Yaah! Humans are Evil! Poison Kick! Vixen Snap! *kills Sheikahmon, who explodes into a million little sparklies*
  11. I sure as (says evil word and gets shot by Solo) noticed the change first time around! But maybe that's because I saw the theme song and kind-of knew what to expect. Yugi's friends don't exactly have that privelige. Has anyone never noticed that Bakura never showed his pretty face during the theme song from the first season? Even Bakura Evil Mode doesn't show, and even without the E.M. side showing up, Bakura seemed to get a lot more screen time than Kaiba did. I haven't seen the second season theme yet, but my siblings have (I was on a sleepover), and they tell me both sides of that pretty little albino showed. Okay, I'm getting on a Bakura kick... Anyone think we should make a Bakura-themed thread? Where people express their opinions about Bakura? Or is it such a bad idea that Solo's about to shoot me again? Okay, Yami-Sheikahmon just slapped me across the face, telling me that Bakura's all hers. What I really wanted to talk about here is Yugi's hair. (See, Solo? This is what I bugged you about, no more Bakura-babble. I promise *crosses fingers over her mouse*) No doubt a lot of people have their theories about why Yugi's hair is that way. I read a magazine article that had an interview with the author of the original manga, and it said there that he had based Yugi's hair on the shape of the human hand. Weird, huh?
  12. Sheikahmon


    What? No girls? Okay, I'm joining. Name: Candy Himitsu Age: 14 Height: Just below Yugi?s height, counting his hair. Very muscular and extremely strong, but quick and smart, too. Hair: Purple with pink bangs, in a ponytail Eyes: Blue Siggy Cards (My ficcies unless specified as being otherwise): Captive Dancing Girl, Lady Dragonslayer, Slain Dragon Ritual, Elven Dragon Tamer, Yell Hound, Mystical Elf (real), and Red Eyes Black Dragon(real). If Fic Cards not allowed, then the two real cards are her Siggies. M. Item: Tiara, gives telepathic power, but no mind reading Rare Cards: S-D Ritual, Elven Dragon Tamer, and Red Eyes Black Dragon (real) Side: Legally insane, but good. A leftie. Clothes: Blue jumper, white t-shirt, knee-high socks and doll shoes. I?m working on a picture. So am I in? Are my fic cards in?
  13. Rei: *hurriedly applies sunblock as she follows Bremma and Windplume* Ow, man, am I sunburned or what? I forgot to put on my sunblock before heading out to New Island, and I paid for it. Skin cancer, here I come... *continues to whine a bit as she follows* Bremma: Hurry up! Rei: *sighs and hurries up* Coming... Sorry for such a short post. My teachers have been spying on me ever since I got busted for checking my e-mail, and I've had writer's block.
  14. I didn't get to see any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Crazy Takes! :bawl:I love the Crazy Takes, and I love Yu-Gi-Oh!, but my mom (eeeevil mom) won't let me see either one! Can you people try to describe a few for me?
  15. Right. Got it. Whatever. Let's see... ----------------------------------------- The girls (Bremma & Rei) fly to Violet City on Sunny's back. Rei: Do you like the view from up here? Bremma: I think Windplume can fly higher than this. Rei: (curses under her breath) Bremma: (angry) WHAT did you say? Rei: Sunny normally doesn't have two riders. I got ahead of myself. Sorry. (whispers):butthead:hole. Bremma: *slaps Rei upside the face. The two girls start fighting* Sunny: AEROOO! DACTYL AEROOOO! Bremma: She says "Shut up and stop fighting I can't balance..." Man, Rei, can any of your Pokemon use proper grammar? Rei: Think I can translate any of them? Well, Psyche uses proper gramar when she's thinking to me... Sunny lands. Rei sends her to look for the Trio from flying above riderless, so they don't run away. She also sends Whirlpool to navigate rivers, streams, and oceans. Rei and Bremma get out their bikes. Rei: Wow. We're here to save the world, and everybody else here's going about their business. Bremma: They don't know about the recreated Mewtwo. Sunny returns and screeches something at the both of them. Bremma: She says that she's sighted Suicune at the pond in the National Park. Rei: I live near there. Let's go, I know a shortcut! A while later... The girls enter the National Park. Bremma is panting. Because of her white skin, Rei is badly sunburned. They bike straight to the pond in the center of the Park. Suicune is still there, lying in the shallow water at the edge of the pond to cool off from the sun. Whirlpool has somehow gotten into the pond and is sprawled not far from Suicune. Rei: Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't like the heat. At the sound of Rei's voice, Suicune starts, and gets ready to bolt. Bremma calls quickly to Suicune using the Legendary Tongue, telling it of the threat and that it must help the young people stop Team Rocket. Suicune cocks its head at the girl (Bremma), considers what she has said, and nods to her. It then takes off in the general direction of New Island. Rei: It's gonna get there sooner than you think. One down, two to go... ----------------------------------------- Tune in next time...
  16. Got 'em. All three. Chased them down on my bike, because they run when you fly. 1) Fly 2 Violet City 2) Look up the nearest of the three 3) Chase it towards Goldenrod City, or just south of Ecruteak (when you get 2 the latter, the Pokemon in question should run towards Goldenrod) 4) If you get to the junction between Goldenrod, Ecruteak, and Violet, and your luck is right, the Pokemon will go 2 that little road between Goldenrod and National Park. 5) Go through National Park. It won't move! 6) Then you'll be on the same area. Head into the grass and either use a Repel or shove your way through a few common Pokemon to find your Legendary. 7) @ this point, I used a MasterBall. If they're weak enough, you can try Fast Balls, or a fast Pokemon with a sleep-inducing technique. Happy Hunting!
  17. Evolved my Paras. The Parasect looks really cool. And my sister claims she saw a blue Vulpix, but I doubt that, because she doesn't have a GB Color, so she shouldn't be able to tell what color it is. If she said she saw a SHINY Vulpix, I might have believed her...
  18. Here are a few more: Captive Dancing Girl Magic Card When a monster is required as Tribute to Ritual Summon another monster, offer Captive Dancing Girl as Tribute instead. You can save your really good monsters this way. Yell Hound Continuous Trap Card When the Yell Hound is on the field, no monster's Effect can be activated. ...and, a Fusion/Ritual/Effect monster, followed by the required Ritual Card Elven Dragon-Tamer Attribute: Light Type: Warrior/Fusion/Ritual/Effect ATK: 2200 DEF: 2000 Ritual: Sacrifice one Dragon-Type monster as Tribute with the "Slain Dragon" Ritual Fuse: During the "Slain Dragon" Ritual, Mystical Elf(pre-existing) and Lady Dragonslayer are fused. This does not require any other Magic Cards Effect: All Dragon-type monsters on the field are under this monster's command. Also, choose one Dragon and add any number of the Elven Dragon-Tamer's ATK points to the Dragon's ATK points. Slain Dragon Ritual Ritual Magic Card Sacrifice any one Dragon-type monster and fuse Mystical Elf and Lady Dragonslayer to form Elven Dragon-Tamer I'll get back to you with more later, probably.
  19. Ooh, just remembered! Got another fave character, I think everyone can relate to this one--- Mokuba: Hi, everybody! Sheikahmon: (runs up and hugs Mokuba, gives Seto Kaiba her classic EVIL EYE) Seto: ... :therock: I thought you liked me? Sheikahmon: You mean you actually [i]care[/i] that I like you? (Runs up and kisses him, smack on the... face) :flaming:it, why'd you turn away? (big fight ensues)
  20. Himme- defined as a contraction of "hit me" Larvitar/Pupitar (Female): TYRA Vulpix (Female): VIXIE Growlithe (Female): ROARY Suicune: AURORA Raikou: LIGHTNING Entei: VULCAN (after the Roman god of volcanos) Igglybuff/Jigglypuff (Female, got egg in a trade from my sister, because I couldn't catch my own Jigglypuff if my life depended on it): IGGY Weedle (Female, I think): BUGSY ('cause Azalea Town's Gym Leader is so CUUUTE! :blush: :love: ) Teddiursa (hasn't hatched yet, caught an Ursaring and got it with my Ditto): TEDDI Shellder: N/A I want to get a Shellder that's holding a Pearl. I've caught a bunch and thrown them all back. Gligar (female): GLYGIRL (yes, it's spelled wrong, sosueme)
  21. Excuse me, Bremma, but you have a little error here: Sunny is female. That's all. Now, back to your regularly scheduled RPG... --------------------------------------------------- Rei: Whoa. That bites. Gaah! Okay, okay, sorry, Twilight, now would you please take your teeth out of my leg... Anyway, I did some thinking while our Pokemon were kicking butt. They say that a Pokemon of a certain element can detect a Legendary Pokemon of the same element. Also, my cousin Dee told me of a trick that can be used to keep track of Pokemon that always run. The Legendary Canine Trio are known for their ability to detect flying Pokemon that are being ridden by trainers... Anyway, to find the three- --------------------------------------------------- Technical difficulties. Please stand by. --------------------------------------------------- Rei: -and I think you find them one at a time that way. Bremma, could I ask you to come with me? The Three are afraid of most humans, so maybe you could talk to them in that language of yours and tell them we're okay. Bremma: (slowly) Um, okay, but I'd like to know what Pokemon to bring, if we can't Fly. Rei: I mentioned how Pokemon detect Legendaries of their own element. My books say that Suicune is believed to be a Water elemental, Raikou an Electric elemental, and Entei a Fire elemental. So we'd need- Venna: A water-type, an electric-type, and a fire-type! Rei: Uh-huh! Whirlpool will suffice for a water-type Pokemon, and Bremma, don't you have a Ninetails and a Jolteon? That should about do it, I hope. So we don't have to carry anything extra.
  22. Okay, got another "too much" joke. - You draw Suicune for your art project at school and nearly slap your art teacher out of rage because he thought it was a horse. (And it was a really good Suicune pic! :flaming: ) - You get Celebi and Mew [i] without [/i] Sharking! (no, haven't done that yet, but still... a girl can only dream...)
  23. Raikou south of Blackthorn? I keep bumping into that one south of Ecruteak! Oh, well, I guess I'll try Blackthorn sometime. There's also a neat duplicating trick I use a lot on Master Balls, but I never have one ready when a Dog shows up. Sigh...
  24. David is keeping up with the Rockets' latest actions on his trusty computer, and this development deserves a bit of a celebration. As the Rockets slowly accept their Boss's decision to withdraw from the Island and comply, he accesses his computer over the Internet and pulls out a few Potions and Elixirs, as well as a candy treat for all his Pokemon. Rei: The Rockets are leaving! Venna: Looks like they took more damage than they could handle-- Aargh! Rei! Get your psycho Smoochum off of me! Glitter: Smooch smoochi smooch :love:! *Rei hastily pries her off of Venna* :bawl: Smooch! Rei: Gonna hafta watch out for Glitter there, Venna. She seems to have a thing for you. Venna: (acidly) I noticed. Bremma: The Legendary Pokemon might think we only needed their help to fight the Rockets. Rei, my Windplume's pretty tired. Can I borrow your Aerodactyl? Rei: ..... Bremma: Thanks! *hops up on Sunny's back, flies her up to the Legendary Pokemon, and calls to them to stay, that wasn't all we needed help for* Wolf: The Rockets appear to be retreating. Lemme take a few more out before they're all gone... Rei: (quickly) No, I don't want to see any more Pokemon hurt. *cuddles Glitter worriedly* David: Looks like we scared them into retreat for a while. I think we just bought ourselves about an hour's worth of peace before Giovanni thinks up another plan. That raises our odds of success considerably. Rei: Cloning a clone? I think the odds are still against us unless we get a machinery expert to come, and fast. I can't do squat with machines. ---------------------------------------------------- Attatched is a picture of Rei. I modified it from a picture I found on Clip Art. Couldn't get a hand-done one scanned.
  25. Yippee!! :D I'm in! Following is my first attempt to ever attach a picture. It's a pic I pulled from my computer's Clip Art and modified to look like Rei. Hope it works.
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