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Everything posted by Sheikahmon
Awright! Ficci Cards! Mwahahahaha! Eat this, Seto Kaiba! Lady DragonSlayer Type: Light Attribute: Warrior/Effect ATK: 1900 DEF: 1200 Description: A woman who dresses up as a man because women aren't allowed to slay dragons Effect: [Flip] All Dragon-type monsters lose 1000 ATK points Dragon's Sacrificial Princess Attribute: Light Type: Spellcaster/Effect ATK: 1200 DEF: 1800 Description: a princess sacrificed to a dragon to save her people Effect: If destroyed by any monster except a dragon, the attacker loses 400 LP. If destroyed by a dragon, the dragon used gets 300 ATK points. Can be destroyed by the person who played it.
Hey, Talen, have trouble with Thunder using Thunder? Try Whirlpool using Whirlpool (by the way, that's my Gyarados). Mewtwo: MIRACLE (as in genetic miracle, while I'm just a fluke) Mew: don't have a Mew Aerodactyl: QUICKSILVE(couldn't fit the R), SUNNY, SUNSHINE Ho-oh: RAINBOW Lugia: SEABEAST (should probably rename it BLU EYES WHT or something) Gyarados (Red): RED (how original) Noctowl (sparkly like Ash Ketchum's): HEDWIG Paras/Parasect (gold): GOLD Eevee/Espeon (female): PSYCHE Eevee/Umbreon (male): KITE and TWILIGHT Eevee/Umbreon (female): MAGIC (as in "Dark Magician... Dark Magic attack!") Sandshrew (male): PICKY Smoochum: GLITTER ...And lots lots more! I do a lot of nicknaming.
Oh, and as to that kicking Hitmonchan? Maybe this title could be worth something: "The Punching Demon with Extra Kick". Nah, that just sounds like I'm trying to sell it or something, and it isn't mine to sell! And about that Smeargle Sketching Transform thing, I have an alternate proposal that could work with a fast Smeargle. Put a Pokemon other than Smerg at the top of the list, then when a Ditto comes up, switch fast to Smerg. The Ditto will use Transform before you get to choose to use Sketch, so... (I used that trick to give my lady Smerg Hidden Power from an Unown, so I'm not 100% sure it will work. If you try it and it doesn't work, PM me and I'll delete this part.) Now, for a question related to the topic... What about TM compatible moves? If a Hypothetical Pokemon were given a TM move, say, DynamicPunch, and were mated with another similar Pokemon, would the resulting baby Pokemon have DynamicPunch? (I know, the answer is probably no...)
Rei stares at the Legendary Pokemon for a moment, before a Rocket's Raticate reminds her rather rudely that she has to defend them (No, Raticate does not talk to her. Think Hyper Fang here). It should be mentioned that Rei is really not much of a fighter, but when the Legendary Pokemon are at risk, to :devil: with that part of her personality. Rei: Everybody out! *her mismatched Pokemon come out of their :ball:s* The Legendary Pokemon are in trouble. Get out there and kick some Rocket :butthead:!! Sunny wastes no time, but sails up into the air and starts taking them out one after another with her Rock Throw and Fly attacks. Picky burrows into the ground and starts hitting Rockets and their Pokemon alike with Dig and Magnitude. Whirlpool simply Strengths all his opponents out of his way, then starts using Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, and the other Rockets for target practice. Psyche's Psychic, Psywave, and Psybeam attacks seem to be everywhere, and only a few Rockets with Bug Pokemon can defend themselves at all against Twilight's Faint Attacks and Bites. Various Rockets: :faint: Glitter sits there, just watching the other Pokemon go at it. Rei: Glitter, these are Legendary Pokemon at stake here. Won't you please help? Glitter: -_- Smooch smoochi. Rei doesn't need Bremma's interpretation. Glitter doesn't want to fight, unless she gets some sort of a reward... Rei: Huh. :genius: Glitter, remember that candy machine with all the pretty plastic jewelry in it? If you help us blast these Rockets... Glitter then proceeds to nearly hit Picky with an enthusiastic Ice Beam of her own, followed by a few Psychic attacks and the occasional Powder Snow. Glitter: Smooch smoochi smoo-- *realizes she just nearly hit Picky* Chum. Smoochi chum! Smooch smoochi smoochum smoochum! More Rockets: :faint: But there are still too many Rockets, even with Glitter now helping to take them out. Rei: How the :devil: could a crime kingdom have grown this big without my knowledge? This isn't enough. My Pokemon are good, and it's good that the other people have their Pokemon working with them, but there are still too many Rockets... My Pokemon are going to run out of Power Points pretty soon at this rate, and I'm low on Elixers...
I mated my male Wobbuffett with a female Misdreavus and got a Misdreavus that knew Destiny Bond. Blue knew that one, but Missi sure didn't. I think that BabyMissi inherited Destiny Bond from Blue. (Yes, I'm perfectly aware that the leader of Viridian City Gym is Blue, but hey, I've always wanted a Wobbuffett called "Old Blue".)
Rei: Wow, they're all comming? Here? Now? *she looks down at her black leather jacket, miniskirt, and combat boots* I should've worn something a bit more appropriate for the occasion. Legendary Pokemon coming to see a group of kids! And me just a fourteen-year-old long-distance student of Earl's Pokemon Academy... She hands everybody their Pokemon back, retrieves Picky, Whirlpool, and Twilight, catches Psyche in a flying leap away from Wolf -- she *is* a boy-hater, and Wolf *is* a boy -- and pries Glitter off of Venna. Glitter: :bawl: Smooch smoochi smoochum! *tries to kiss Venna again* Bremma: Awww... she says, "But mommy I don't want to go home now I want to play with the nice Venna lady" Rei: :therock: Bremma: I guess she's too little to have proper grammar. Rei: *shrugs* Whatever. Sorry, Glitter, time's up for playing with the nice Venna lady. *finally manages to pry Glitter off of Venna*
Rei: *sighs* When I was little, I used to refer to those three as the "Mad Sprinters", and it was for a reason, too. Once you find one, it's gone. It would take an extremely fast Pokemon to keep track of even one. And they have incredible stamina, too. If Psyche or Glitter could actually Teleport, I'd try, but as it is, I'd need much faster Pokemon. Sunny might be able, but... ------------------------------------ Sorry for the short post. My science teacher is spying on me and trying to stop me from doing this. Okay, forget it, I'm back. ------------------------------------ Xion: If you're looking for fast Pokemon, maybe you can borrow my Scyther. Bremma: My Fearow, Windplume, is pretty fast (I did get that right, didn't I?). Wolf: A Scyther? How about my Scizor, Rei? Venna: My Jolteon's fast, and judging by your Espeon and Umbreon, you're pretty good with Eevolutions. Wolf: I have a fast Jolteon, too. Rei: Umm...:blush:... ----------------------------------- Sorry to break it up, but if any of you guys have problems with Rei "borrowing" your Pokemon to look for the "Mad Sprinters", PM me, and I'll cancel them out for you. Please don't post, I get so embarrassed when people post to protest something I've posted! Now, back to our show... ----------------------------------- Rei: Umm...:blush:...Okay, but I guess I should leave some of my Pokemon with you guys so Officer Jenny doesn't bust me for having too many Pokemon. She gives Whirlpool to Xion. Rei: Um... yeah, he hates that bow, but he's got more Normal-type attacks than anything else. She gives Picky to Bremma. Rei: Watch out, he's as much a fussy eater as his name implies, and he's a severe coffee addict. She gives Psyche and Twilight to Wolf. Rei: Since you're loaning me two Pokemon, I guess I have to give you the siblings. She gives Glitter to Venna. Rei: Watch out, she likes to--! *Glitter kisses Venna* Venna: Hey! Rei: Um... yeah... I was going to say... She does that sometimes...:blush: Well, here we go, I guess. *takes offered Pokemon and flies off quickly on Sunny to look for the "Mad Sprinters" ------------------------------------ Gotta go-my teacher's looking murderous:nervous:. 'Later!
Thanks, I realize all you other characters are busy kicking some Rocket :butthead:, and I'm going to postpone your arrivals on my scene until I've swatted that lady Rocket's Yanma --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rei stands, feeling Psyche's rage through telepathy. That stupid Rocket female with her bug Pokemon--! An idea! Rei nods to the Rocket. Rei: You got me, and you got Twilight, too. I don't want any of my other Pokemon hurt by that Yanma. *as she says this, she moves closer to said insect* So TRY OUT MY PERSONAL BUGZAPPER, YOU ROCKET PUNK:butthead:! With this war cry, Rei swings her Modern Encyclopedia of PokeMythology at the Yanma like a flyswatter, managing to knock the clear-winged Pokemon out of the air onto the ground. Now that the Yanma is in his Element, Picky is easily able to put the hurt on it. Rei: You show some talent, but you know what a Professor would probably say was wrong with your style? You don't give a :flaming: if your Yanma gets hurt or not, that's what's wrong! *with that, the Rocket decides she's had enough, recalls her Yanma, and runs* Oh, Twilight! :bawl: I forgot to pack some Reviving Medicine! Poor thing! Oh, poor, poor Twilight... Psyche was thinking some very major threats at those Rockets. Rei was crying over Twilight's prone form...
I finally got my own GBColor and a Gold version for myself, and in three days after starting, I caught three Sparklies. 1) Guess. :rolleyes: 2) a gold Paras. Think it will stay Sparkly when it evolves? 3) a Noctowl that's a dead ringer for the one Ash caught on the TV show. I call her Hedwig, after the owl in Harry Potter. Excuse me. I just noticed my own grammatical error in #2. It should say: Think [i]he[/i] will stay Sparkly when [i]he[/i] evolves?
Oh, and sorry, G/S/B Master, I was kinda in a bad mood that day, I guess. But my official Nintendo book on the G/S versions says that Kangaskhan is only female! On the other hand... anybody notice that Sabrina's Mr.Mime is a female? So should we call it a Ms.Mime or a Mrs.Mime? Are Meowth and Eevee compatible mates? I wanna see if I can get an Eevee that knows Pay Day! (in a Pokemon Comic I read the other day, a guy taught his Fearow that move by using its Mirror Move attack against Meowth!) Please don't tell me that Eevee can't get Pay Day as an Egg Move, it would make me so sad... well, maybe I can try for a Meowth that can use other element moves... gotta experiment! *puts on a "Mad Scientist" costume and takes GameBoy into secret laboratory...*
Sunny glides down, and Rei closes her Modern Encyclopedia of PokeMythology, using the mysterious note she recieved as a bookmark. Glitter sparkles on Sunny's tail, and a stray Murkrow who checks out the sparkling gets a faceful of Powder Snow. Glitter heaves a little Smoochum sigh as the frustrated Murkrow flies off. Psyche, dangling with her own tail wrapped around Sunny's, sends Rei a little thought of relief at having arrived at New Island. Rei's eyes are no sharper than those of the young Espeon, but she has a higher viewpoint and can see a number of dark shapes moving around on the Island. Trainers? Others? Either way, she can tell that she and her friends are in for a fight. She checks out the Pokemon she has out, making sure they're ready for battle. Glitter, using her own meager psy powers to read Rei's mind, taps on the NeverMelting Ice her trainer so kindly had mounted in a shiny little necklace. Psyche picks up the idea and tosses her head, making the Twisted Spoon tied around her neck flash in the sun. Rei strokes Twilight and positions the Umbreon's favorite Dark Glasses on his face. Inside of :ball:s, Whirlpool has his hated Polka-Dot Bow, and Picky has his bag of Soft Sand. That leaves Sunny, whose Leftovers are in a bag slung across her narrow chest. Good. Rei checks her supply of medicines next. Mostly Super Potions, with a few Antidotes and various Berries. Good. She doesn't want any of her Pokemon to get seriously hurt in a battle. Rei: Sunny, find a landing spot as far from those trainers in black as you can manage. I don't want to have to fight. Sunny's landing is rather clumsy-- she never could manage a good one--and soon a number of the people in black clothes show up. At this distance, Rei can see the letter R printed in bright crimson on their chests. Rei: Team Rocket?? I thought you people disbanded a long time ago! Rocket Grunt M(male) 1: You thought we disbanded? Hah!:laugh: Guess who's back? Back again? Rocket's back. Tell a friend! And who are you, insolent female? Rei: (sarcastically) I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees...:rolleyes: Now, if you excuse me... *steps as if to go around the Rockets* Rocket Grunt M 2: Us? Excuse you? *laughs* Oh, yes, and I'll go introduce myself to Officer Jenny! *gets serious and throws a :ball:* Golbat, use your Bite Attack! Rei: *throws a :ball:* Whirlpool, I choose you! Show that Golbat your Strength! *Whirlpool growls at Rei, gets Bitten by the Golbat, and promptly takes out the Golbat using Strength* Rocket Grunt M 1: A Gyarados, huh? Well, let me show you something! I choose my Ampharos! Ha!:devil: Ampharos, use Thunder Punch! *lightning appears around Ampharos's forepaw as it lunges and hits Whirlpool--hard. Whirlpool reels back from the blow, seriously hurt* Rei: Whirlpool, return! Picky, go, with Magnitude! *Picky appears and uses a powerful Magnitude attack, KOing the Ampharos* Both Rockets look at their fallen Pokemon, look at Rei, and then back at the Pokemon. Rei strikes a dangerous pose as if to usher another Pokemon into battle. Rocket Grunt M 2: How many Pokemon you got, anyway? Rei: Enough. *her eyes narrow menacingly* Rocket Grunts: (nervously) Um... bye! *they both recall their Pokemon and bolt* Rei waits until they are both gone, then calls Whirlpool out of his Pokeball again. Rei: (in tears) Oh, Whirlpool, I'm so sorry! *takes out a Super Potion* That Ampharos... it happened so fast! There, anything else? *Whirlpool struggles to get into a proper position, but it's obvious that he can't move very easily* Whirlpool, you're paralyzed? Oh, here, have one of these. *pops a PrzcureBerry into his open mouth and waits for it to take effect* Poor Whirlpool. You were great against that mean, vicious, evil Golbat, though, weren't you? Oh, and Picky, you really know how to take on an Ampharos! *She continues to praise her Pokemon and pets, grooms, and cuddles each one, except Whirlpool and Sunny, who are both a bit too big to cuddle* I think that's enough :butthead: whipping for now, huh? Rocket Grunt F(female) 1: That's what you think, kiddo! *jumps out of hiding place nearby* I can see all of your party, and calculate their weaknesses. You don't have a good Fire-type, and your Gyarados looks stupid with that bow on his horn(you know that little three-horned crest on a Gyarados' forehead? Guess where Rei put the Polka-dotted Bow?)! I choose you, Yanma! Ha-ha! Attack that Umbreon! Your Pokemon are wimps! And you're just a bluffing little pacifist who loves her Pokemon too much! Rei: Twilight! Her cry, however, does nothing to stop Yanma's attack of Twilight, and soon he lies mangled on the ground. Psyche rises to avenge her little brother... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hint: New Island is a small place, right? Rei is probably within earshot of somebody... *cough, cough* Also: I have drawn a picture of Rei and company flying towards New Island. I just can't get it scanned. Grr...:flaming:
Sorry, I guess Rei'll have to read up on Legendary Pokemon (she didn't even know what Raikou was when she saw it!). She's too sympathetic towards all Pokemon to be much of a trainer, and she's all thumbs with machinery. *sigh* Dig into mythology, Rei. See ya soon, guys, I hope. Another Note: What was I going to say? Oh, wait, okay... Rei adopted Twilight and Psyche when they were just Eevee from a Pokemon Center where they had been abandoned, she caught Whirlpool as a Magikarp on a fishing rod, she found an egg somewhere that hatched into Glitter, Picky was purchased from a pet Pokemon store, and Sunny was cloned from a fragment of bone found near Grandpa's Canyon.
Speaking of breeding with Ditto, I tried that with the Red Gyarados, trying to get the rumored Gold Magikarp, but it didn't work. Just another orange Magikarp.
Right. Got it. I just really like to know I'm actually in for once. Rei's specialty is (drumroll) Communications! She can understand Aerodactyl, Magikarp, Gyarados, Eevee, Espeon, Umbreon, Sandshrew, and Smoochum languages, most if not all slang of the above, and can usually get one of her Pokemon to translate any other for her. She knows little more than the basics about computers, and just more than diddly-squat about the Legendaries. Note that I didn't mention before: Rei does know something of obscene language, but I'm not about to publish anything that would upset the moderators. All of her curses will be written as (expletive), (curse), *bleep*, (bleep), or (deleted). I may also substitute faces for dirty words, so don't ask me about some of the spontaneous faces that will show up. (Her Pokemon sometimes cuss, too, and what's typed above holds true for them as well.)
Name: Rei Mozomi Age: 14 -Sunny the Aerodactyl: Hyper Beam, Fly, Rock Slide, Rock Throw. Holds Leftovers -Whirlpool the Gyarados: Surf, Strength, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam. Holds Polka-dot Bow (not happy about it, but better than pink) -Psyche the Espeon: Psychic, Psybeam, Future Sight, Morning Sun. Holds Twisted Spoon -Twilight the Umbreon: Faint Attack, Bite, Moonbeam, Confuse Ray. Holds Dark Glasses -Picky the Sandshrew: Magnitude, Earthquake, Fissure, Dig. Holds Soft Sand -Glitter the Smoochum: Powder Snow, Ice Beam, Psychic, Recover. Holds NeverMelting Ice Legendary Pokemon: Raikou (she thinks she saw it once) Specialty: Communications, some knowledge of Legendary Pokemon, some knowledge of computers Personality: Rei herself is generally a friendly girl, but she's had some rough times and won't go near certain topics. She's addicted to coffee. Sunny is very friendly to Rei and almost hostile to most other people. She's addicted to coffee. Whirlpool likes Rei and has a thing for Sunny, but tries not to show either one. He prefers Coca-Cola to coffee, unless Sunny's around. Psyche tries sadistically to annoy all the boys Rei falls in love with (Rei has an annoying tendancy towards developing crushes on the weirdest boys). She likes her sugar with coffee and cream. Twilight enjoys very physical games with his older sister Psyche, but knows not to take it too far. He likes his cream with coffee and sugar. Picky puts up with Rei and disses her a lot, but he really likes her a lot. He is a MASSIVE coffee addict. Glitter has tried numerous times to evolve into a Jynx, but then stopped--Rei seems to like her better "travel-size". She prefers milk to any other drink. Appearance: Rei has very black hair cut close around her head, bright green eyes with short eyelashes, and very pale skin that has a tendancy towards acne. She's a little thick through the middle, unlike many anime toothpick-thin females, but is still quite a sight in her black leather jacket, white t-shirt, black leather miniskirt, and combat boots. Sunny is an average Aerodactyl, maybe a little on the short side. Whirlpool is an average Gyarados, a little on the small side, but still plenty fierce. Psyche is a perfectly average Espeon. Twilight is a little more compact than the average Umbreon, but otherwise average. Picky usually wears his own Thermos on a belt around his big waist. The Thermos is full of espresso. Glitter is an average Smoochum, perhaps a little more... rotund... than usual. But the extra girth might just be all the extra plastic jewelry she loves to wear. Am I in?
Lemme in, you people... please? Kitsunemon Female Animal/Data Rookie Attacks, Description: Check out my entry in the Fic Digimon thread in the Digimon forum. I'm hoping to post her pic there someday, if my parents EVER let me use the scanner... Personality: To put it lightly, Kitsunemon has an attitude. During her In-Training stage, she had severe sibling rivalry against her cousin, who later became Renamon, found a Tamer named Rika, and you know the rest of the story. Kitsunemon has a slight distrust against humans, as well as a few hard feelings that a human "stole" her cousin. She does, however, believe herself to be prettier than Renamon, *muffled laugh* though she acknowledges the yellow Digimon as the stronger in battle. Kitsunemon seems to always either be preening or kicking evil Digimon you-know-what. I'll figure out her Champ, Ultimate, and Mega (gonna Biomerge, soon as -she- learns to trust a human, and I find a name for that human) later. Am I in?
Hey, wait... um, can I join? Name: Kathrine "KT" Vebson (don't ask) Neopet: Krissi the Kiko (like I'd tell you my Kiko's real name, it's kin) Age: 14 Description: 5 foot 4, a little thick around the waist, with blue hair that never goes where she wants it to go. KT usually is wearing the first shirt she got her hands on this morning and blue-gray cargo pants (yes, baggy pants like the boys wear. So sue me) Persona: A little paranoid... for some reason, everybody she knows has made fun of her because of Krissi. They say Kikos are wimpy, and it may be true-- Krissi has never won a round in the BattleDome. But KT loves the little Kiko, and is positive that Krissi's Armoured-level Defense will come in handy someday. She's a bit bereft of NP, but knows 1) where all the free food is, including the Soup Faerie, 2) where the cheapest food is in the stores, 3) how to haggle over food prices, 4) how to work the auctions to get food for the lowest prices, and 5) how to slap Punchbag Bob silly. She also has a talent at the game called Cheat, and has won Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies at said game. So... am I in? Please? *takes an hour to count how many members already* (makes use of some very dirty words). There's already seven of you. Man, trust that to happen the instant I find an RPG that's right up my alley...
Whoa, wait a minute. Basic error here, G/S/B Master. You said that your male Kangaskhan hatched from an egg with a baby in its pouch. Very strange, considering that Kangaskhan is one of those species that is ONLY FEMALE! There are various Pokemon that only come in one gender. Hitmontop is only male, Tyrogue is only male, and Tauros is only male. Jynx is only female, Miltank is only female, and KANGASKHAN is only female! Hope to have cleared this up.
Hey, this doesn't just have to be "too much Pokemon" gags! I intended for all kinds of jokes to go here! How many members of Team Rocket does it take to screw in a light bulb? ... What's a light bulb?
SORRY!!! Ummm... quote... *makes face into really weird expression* oh yeah! Remembered it! Bandit Keith is sneaking into Joey's room to steal that qualification card or whatever. Joey: Hey... you can't take that... *rolls over* Bandit Keith: *looks up quickly with worried expression* Joey: ... that's my pizza! *still asleep* Bandit Keith: :nope:
I noticed that a lot of other forums for games/shows I play/watch have humor threads, so I'm making one here. You know you play too much Pokemon when... -Your watch is set to Johto time -Pikachu follows you to school -Your rival jumps you in the halls at school -When somebody gets on your nerves, you pull a :ball: and threaten them with the awesome wrath of your Gyarados! -The SS Anne comes back to Vermillion City -You keep checking at the police office to see if they've jailed Giovanni yet, even though they have no clue what you're talking about See if you can think of a few other Pokemon jokes!:laugh:
My buddy finally got her Tyrogue to evolve into Hitmontop and put it in the Daycare with a Ditto. When I got to play with it, she had a Tyrogue egg in her party, so I hatched it. Then I went to the Daycare and found another Tyrogue egg waiting. I hatched that one, too. Now, I'm playing some more, and Hitmontop and Ditto seem to be at it again...
Got another FicPoke for you. It's the amoeba Pokemon, Omibby. It's body is mostly a clear, blue, jellylike substance with a reasonably tough membrane around it (Defense is not too high on this one, but attack is worse). Its purple core has a wide-eyed face on it. Omibby isn't really phoenomenal in battle, nor is it extremely rare, but it can: -stand temperatures up to 163 deg. Farenheit -stand temperatures down to 22 deg. Farenheit -use photosynthesis to produce its own food -use some Plant-type moves: Solarbeam, Absorb, MegaDrain, and Synthesis Oh, by the way, Omibby is a Water Pokemon (Misty: Oooh!:love2: And it's so cute! *dances around in a happy little circle*)
Well, I don't do to many weird catches myself, but once my sister was on my Blue, and since she's really good at catching, I asked her to catch Mewtwo for me (also because she jumped to the wrong conclusion and used my only Master Ball on a Vulpix). When she caught it, using an Ultra Ball, she used my Victreebel (Blossom, see "Dream Teams" thread) to put it to sleep, then whittled away half its HP and threw the ball... Poof! She still hasn't told me how she did it (and to this day I have taken advantage of my favorite glitch to multiply my Master Ball first).
As for this argument about liking Bakura... Well, he's kinda cute with his squeaky little accent and all, and he has these great BIG eyes. Normal Bakura, he's cute in a weird little way of his own. Actually, I'm not quite as fond of Yami-Bakura, he gives me the creeps.