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Everything posted by Sheikahmon

  1. I've loved Pokemon since I was in... uh, fourth grade, I think, or whenever it was that the game really took off. I didn't know what it was or what any of it meant until I was in maybe sixth or seventh grade (I'm in ninth now), but I just loved it. I loved Pikachu, I loved Ash (not that much, actually, but I do have a soft spot for Ash), I loved Gary (don't tell Ash), I loved Gary's Eevee... Now, I love Wobbuffet, I love Gary's Umbreon, I LOVE James's Victreebel (the one that's always trying to eat him), I love how Brock can never get a date that works out... As far as I'm concerned, age limits and Pokemon simply don't exist in the same dimension.
  2. My best friend is trying to raise this team on her Silver: Umbreon (I raised it and nicknamed it Kite) Espeon (No nickie) Lugia (Doesn't need a nickie) Fearow (No nickie) Jynx (No nickie) Ampharos (No nickie) My best team on my Blue version is Weepinbell or Victreebel (Nickied Blossom) Gyarados (Nickied Whirlpool) Pidgeot (Feathers worked well as a nickie, but I prefer "Car Alarm") Aerodactyl (Nickied Sunshine or Quicksilver, sometimes Sunny) Vulpix (Nickied Kitsune) Either Mr. Mime (Marcel) or Mewtwo (Miracle, 'cause it was a miracle my sister caught it!)
  3. I wish I had a Silver Version of my own. I can fool with my best friend's Silver a lot, because her parents won't let her use it on weekdays, but she has limitations on breeding. I wonder if one can find a way to breed an Eevee with Grass-Element abilities (ie, Razor Leaf) or something, because there isn't a Grass Element Eevolution.
  4. Where the heck is the whole Eevee family tree? My favorites are Eevee itself, Espeon, and Umbreon. Eevee: Because it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Espeon: A character in one of my fan ficcies has a female Espeon named Psyche. Psyche loves messing around with Sara's (that's my fic trainer's name) boyfriend and driving him insane! Umbreon: A friend of mine asked me to evolve her Eevee, Kite, into an Umbreon. Since another Eevee had evolved into an Espeon at level 41, she thought Kite would evolve with friendship at around level 40. He tried to evolve this morning at level 32! But I stopped him, 'cause that would have just resulted in another Espeon.
  5. Jessie: Jessie! James: James! Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! James: Surrender now or prepare to fight! Meowth: Meo-! Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! Anybody remember that episode's name? I can't!
  6. I thought Porygon was pretty cool for its Conversion abilities, so I made a virtual-reality Eevolution called Cybreon. It's mostly pale lavender, with markings symbolizing all of the elements on it, and it's body is almost entirely composed of straight lines. Its strongest stat is Defense, and it can use Conversion to become the strongest Type against its enemies. Cybreon has no gender, but can be mated with Ditto to have an Eevee, a Porygon(?), or a Ditto(?), species varying randomly. Weird, huh? I mean, most Eevolutions have Eevee babies... I've made up a bunch of other Eevolutions, too... Cybreon (already mentioned) Dazzeon (Grass-type) Frigeon (Ice-type) Venmeon (Poison-type) Ireon (Steel-type) Oreon (Rock/Ground-type, not to be confused with Oreo the cookie):D Spectreon (Ghost-type, evolves by dying):eek: If you want a description of any of these, PM me, but be prepared: I might ask you to be buddies!:D
  7. Here's another: "FEEDING FRENZY!!!"
  8. I agree with Solo. Pegasus will come back someday. WHEN he comes back is a different question. :smirk: *Later* Wait, didn't Shadi say that if Pegasus lost the Millenium Eye, he would pay "with his life"? Or something? :confuse2:
  9. Here's one nobody else has claimed: "Bakura! Why have you taken us into the Shadow Realm?":eek: :faint::confuse2: :wow: "Bakura? Bakura is not here..." :devil: Okay, remember in the final Yugi-vs-Pegasus showdown, when Yami-Yugi summons that Magician of Black Chaos? I think I'll always remember Pegasus' reaction... "Oh, no... not him!" Or in Yugi-vs-Bakura... that Shadow Duel... With Joey appearing as the Flame Swordsman... Yugi: "Really, are you all right?" Joey: "Aah, I figure I've lost my mind, but hey, I'll go with it."
  10. Hey... Wait up! Age:14 Fave Monster: Ooh... I made up a female dragon tamer, can she count? If not, then probably either the Mystical Elf or the Performance of Swords. Fave People: Bakura (The Incredible Adventures of the Amazing Accent!) Yami-Bakura (I'm gonna kill you, but make a really cool speech first) Seto Kaiba (Half of me wants to tell him to stuff it up his disk-drive:blackeye: :nope: :stupid: :bash: , the other half of me wants to run up to him and hug him :luv: :love2: :love: :smooch: ...) Fave Magic Card: Book of Secret Arts Card to relate to: Shadow of Eyes (I fall in love with every cute guy on the show... S of E is being used against me) Fave Episode: 2 many 2 count Where can I talk about fic characters and the such? [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Try and keep content approprite please. We have a lot of kids around. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. Earlier, I had something typed here that offended many people because it was making fun of Yami-Bakura. For all people who had their feelings hurt by what I typed, I apologize, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Oh, yes, I also had the thought of a Necklace with the power to absorb the soul of whoever the owner wished, referred to as "Soul Draining".
  12. I've been considering a pair of Gauntlets that give their owner the power to levitate things and move them around in midair. Think about the possibilities... Shut up, Yami-Sheikahmon... Must get Millenium Items... oh no you don't... One false move, Sheikahmon, and your link to the Internet disables itself...
  13. I've heard rumors that Bakura might be gay. I don't like to hear them, because (don't tell) I have this super BIG crush on Bakura.
  14. Did Pegasus have his real eye torn out or something when What's-His-Name gave him the Millenium Eye, or did the real eye just get shoved back in his skull? Either way, it's gotta have been really painful, not to mention gross.
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