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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Color: Light brown, close to a blonde in the summer (If I actually get enough sun :P) Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes If so what colours? Black once, didn't like it. I also had my hair frosted a couple times, looks ok...and lame at the same time:animestun Length/ Style. It varies from shorter to medium length. I guess usually when I get it cut or have to the hair in from covers my nose completely. I almost alway have gel in it to spike it up or what not. My favorite time is when the gel is rubbed out or worn out and it is all fluffy and still sticking up. The hair I like on girls is generally a dark brown or black I LOVE Brunettes *winks at chibi* Long to medium length. I just like long dark hair really.
  2. There have been a lot of good points made so far. Very hard for me to add anything fresh, but I too am glad that this was battered down. For one, the system would work if it were a free market, but I don't think we will ever see a truly free market in our life-times. There will always be money and favors being passed back and forth between politics and business. Not only that, we would then need to elect politicians that do not own stock in companies, or have any personal interests in them, this is virtually impossible. Chibi, I think you are pretty much correct, I don't find it as baffling though that our current 'war' isn't producing positive results economically. This is an unpopular war, even more so than Vietnam. There is no vast patriotic urge to buy and produce to help support our government and economy which in turn helps our troops. I'm very glad that we are not spending over half a trillion dollars on something that will only fester or return upon us. Currently we are treating this as a poor doctor treats a patient. We are trying to treat the symptom and not the infection. Once we can find the root of the problem and expel it, the economy will be far better off.
  3. I have never heard the theory of the Bible as a variant of an Egyptian religious sect. I do however think it likely or at least possible. The way Christianity and more specifically Catholicism were run included tying in other dominant religion's ideas. The church needed a way to ease others into a new religion, not only that but with so many new followers different influences began to show in the overall Christian religion. I have taken a theology and philosophy class at my college and these two classes touched on this. Call it a personal interest of mine. A lot of what Vicky said is found to be likely, obviously not proven since, who would confess to such things? Also, I'm sorry about my miss quote, apparently that quote isn't in this thread at all now :P. I never really intended to include everyone, I in fact said people, ambiguous yes, but I thought most of us would be able to tell my meaning. No, some people just plain hate homosexuals, whether it be a bad personal experience, the way they were raised, or maybe hidden like feelings, I don't know. It is sad however, that religion gets such a bad wrap from followers totting "God hates you" signs. I wonder time and again how the church can back them or allow them to continue.
  4. [QUOTE]Originally posted by Vicky And since I know someone will bring this up, YES, I KNOW that the bible says being bi, lesbian or gay is wrong. My rebutle is, DO YOUR OWN D*** THINKING AND STOP LETTING THE BIBLE DO IT FOR YOU!!![/QUOTE] Yeah, it is good to just throw it out there since you're right some one will use the Bible as a reason to hate others ( An oxymoron?). There isn't some verse in the Bible that flatly states that it is wrong to lay with another of your sex. There are texts and verses that may be interpreted to imply it. That is where it stands really, interpretation. Personally I think people are using Christianity and the Bible as a blanket excuse for hating homosexuals. Even if we write off the 'references' from the Bible, there is still other beliefs and creeds of Christianity that normally should teach love and not hate. In the end I too think of the Bible as a mere guide or a manual on how to practice Christianity. It was regrettably written by men, in an age and area of the world that thoughts were FAR different from what we have here today. We can't let this script, as holy as it may be, dictate how we should treat our fellow men and women; some who actually practice the very same religion as those who hate them. I'm really sorry that for the most part this discussion turned into a religious one, I would have loved to hear more of a standpoint from a non-religious point of view. I mean, yes I can see how some may think it is wrong, or just strange and unnatural, but I say, why bother with what makes others happy? Especially when that thing isn't harmful and even invokes love. I don't know, religion is on the same level with "the dog ate my homework". An excuse to act out at someone for poor reasons. Worst of all is that these religions continue to allow followers to act is such an unchristian way. Ugh, I'm sorry for this post, I just lost my love for organized religion long ago. Now, onto my next statement, Vicky, wow. That's all I can say. I agree with you on some points but others I'm simply stupefied. You ARE right about sex, it is boring, sex is simply that physical act. However I hope you don't find making love as boring. I believe they are two different actions. They are still technically the same act, but I believe that the latter is far more powerful and far more entertaining. I am going to prevent myself as you asked from saying anything about your performance or your partner's performance. I also think that it isn't a variable, at least with making love. I used to share a similar belief that it was the same thing only with someone you'd like to see more than once, I however had that forced out of my head. That emotional tie should be what brings that physical act to life! Whether it is a man or woman shouldn't matter at all. If you have that emotional attachment, run with it. I have been with both a man and a woman. I have had strong feelings for both a man and a woman. I let shame get in the way of one of those relationships. I wasn't strong enough to take the slings and arrows at the time. I have a lot of regret about that day, simply because i love a good friend if nothing else. I don't know, Maybe your feelings did not run as deep as you thought? I have had a couple similar experiences, thought I felt so much for them, then when the time came, that feeling was lost in bed. Just a thought, I don't want you to think I'm accusing you of not having ever felt love or strong feelings, merely a suggestion. Understand that I think it amazing that you can look past all of the physical and want to be with them purely for the chance to stay at their side. I know that I cannot live off only the emotional and metal connections. To me there are both a part of what makes a relationship work. I wish that you find a like mind Vicky.
  5. The game that I would consider the worst eh? Square-Enix's Unlimited Saga. Basically a great idea, several characters, a nearly infinite way for them to meet, interact, and conclude with each other. The flaw, questionable art and a completely terribly player interface and style of game play. To me it seemed like a horrible waste of a nice storyline. I ALMOST finished the first story string, but gave up as the very idea of playing the game more made me fall asleep or gave me a head-ache.
  6. [QUOTE] Originally posted by[B] Vicky[/B] No one is born perfect at all (at least to people who are modified) and those who have the balls to fix the outer image to conform to their inner image don't have a problem, they simply have bravery. [/QUOTE] You know, who is to say that we are born imperfect? Perhaps we are in fact born perfect? Who is to say what is perfect in the first place, I think we are in fact born the way we are for reasons unknown, whether is be a plan of some God or the way fate or chance had intended. Modifying what you already have is nothing to be ashamed of. It enhances who we are as people. Now, do I think some people go over board? Yes. That's is my personal view or idea of what is beauty or art. That is all Crimson is saying, he does not favor the cluster of images, perhaps he is more inclined to the simplistic. The other part of this that annoys me frankly is that anyone who doesn't feel they need to change their appearance for themselves or others is lacking balls. What the Hell? So because I don't think I need to change anything to display the inner me on the outside I am less brave than others who do? What if I think there is nothing to fix? What if I understand myself and know there are things that I COULD fix but choose not to for my own reasons? Then I must be a coward? This thread is touching more on what rights people have with how they see themselves and how they wish to be perceived by others. You are asserting that certain people are something other than what they think themselves or how they wish to be seen. If you at all respect people who are modifying their body then you should think on what you are saying about those who do not. Just my thoughts, be careful how you ridicule another's thoughts or opinions, especially in a thread like this.
  7. I love my parents and most of my friends. I had just recently found out that I loved my Girlfriend. Parents and friends, I love, because they are there for me almost always. My girlfriend, mostly be cause she knows how to relax me when I get stressed or overly worried, and because she keeps me in line, heh. I also love the Human race for providing me with and endless supply of revelations and entertainment.:p
  8. I have a feeling that this started by either accident or simply as a way to help couples that are incapable of producing children together. When I say by accident I mean that they were studying stem cells and stumbled or realized this option or theory. I think that they were searching for a way to combat infertility though. That's what really interested me, the fact that it would prove useful for same-sex couples seems a bonus (and a way to give this research a little lime-light). Personally I would find it devastating to learn that I was sterile and I imagine it would be just as terrible to learn if you were a woman. Think how relieving it would be to know that you could still have children with a procedure like this. I hope that any side-effects or dangers are minimal. By the way, this really doesn't count as asexuality, there is still fertilization involved.
  9. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]ChibiHorsewoman[/B] What you can do though is get your happy butt up out the door in November and vote to make a difference.[/QUOTE] Exactly what everyone needs to do, and not just 30% of the population either. I know protests are still ongoing, but, they don't go anywhere, there is more that we should be doing, bigger protests that give a far more clear sign that we will not take it anymore. Like I've said, I don't expect something like that to happen, not without some serious stimuli.
  10. I used to have my eyebrow pierced but since I needed to get a good job, I was taking it out and putting it back in...it got VERY tiresome so I just left it out one day. I don't have any tatts though I sort of want a couple, maybe not just now but later in life. My Gf has a ton of piercings and three tattoos to date. My advice, research on who to get your tattoos from, getting a license to do body art has NOTHING to do with artistic ability. Adrienne had a large Hawaiian flower tattoo all planned out for her left-hand shoulder, and the artist, if you can call him that could have done far better. Hell I've never handled one of those gizmos and I could have colored and shaded it better.
  11. I like Gelgoog model Mobile suits from Gundam. So I dubbed myself a Gelgoog Pilot.
  12. I think to see that kind of action you'll have to watch robot chicken. I'll check out my movie folders, maybe I have it somewhere. Lol I would love to see it though, even just one slap or back-hand.
  13. True, but Bratz has GLITTER! Can you say you're not attracted to glitter? Nah, actually I agree with that completely. The Bratz only have material pleasures to offer, while Barbie presents us with some important ideals.
  14. I would think they are more after the acceptance of their peers than just boys. I myself may have sought attention of only girls when I was younger but, I know not every guy was doing the same. Plus since I was on the majority unsuccessful at attracting girls, I like to think they were after other things ( At least I think that for my pride's sake :) ).
  15. Actually I'm using 'we' to encase all Americans of voting age, why would I include those that can't vote? I'm sorry but when governments do things that the people allow, it is a responsibility of the people to rectify it. We may have been cheated out of an election, but we also allowed it to continue.
  16. It appears that we again have sir. I will say each time I leave for a stent and then come back the RPing and writing seems to have decreased a little, but I can't complain since I haven't been a big contributor in one of my favorite activities.
  17. This isn't about me wanting to point blame really. What I mean it to be is that we as a country are finding it easier to blame something or someone else each time something happens. Instead of standing up and realizing that something very strange went on with Bush's election we generally let it slide. I say generally because only a minority of the population questioned the recount or protested it. Even more so we began to see how Bush and his friends ran our country and again in general we simply changed the channel and went on living. I just want Americans to take responsibility in America, even if I know that will take something even more tragic or earthshaking than 9/11. The huge failure that FEMA produced in the Gulf was just as tragic in my eyes, it was another instance that we should have opened our eyes and seen what we were allowing to happen. The mismanagement of our lives and the lives of our countrymen.
  18. Alright, in response to what I started in the [I]Where were you?[/I] thread, here is a discussion in continuance. Apparently, what I had said didn't come out as I had intended. I in no way think that those poor souls should have died. I myself had a third cousin who was a fireman in NY die in the tower collapse, I am not without some personal connection to 9/11. The question though, did we Americans as a whole share some of the blame? Yes. [QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]Korey[/B] It's ignorant and is almost a blatant slap in the face to Americans who didn't deserve to die because of actions our government takes. [/QUOTE] As an American myself and one might I add that takes what we as a nation do quite seriously, to say that we have no hand in what our government does is ignorance. Our system is for a large part dependent on its people. Look the other way too many times and things like this occur, then we wonder how it could have gotten this far. This IS the government that America voted for this IS the administration that we approved of. Perhaps people did not take the responsibility of voting or understanding that we share the responsibility of our government. We elected them, we gave them our consent to lead us. I felt terribly for those people, and I also feel bad that I can't 'honor' them like others. They were unknowing and unwilling martyrs for their countrymen, yet we ignored one of the many messages their deaths sent. Instead of realizing that we are responsible for our countries actions' so long as we are a free people. After those attacks we let people be pigeon holed and persecuted for their religion and ethnicity. We pushed the blame on others instead of who it belongs to. Well, I may not have expressed my thoughts or opinions as perfectly as I like. What are your thoughts on this? I'm not saying those people should have died. I'm just saying Americans can't just keep ignoring their own role in America. Every year this terrible event seems to be propped up as a banner of American perseverance, and truly it is, but as we mourn for those departed we are blind to how the actions that caused that attack are being repeated over and over.
  19. High school, homeroom, most of the day was canceled after that. Thought it was a little lame, since unlike most at that particular school I would have rather learned something and not be consumed by the event. Well look at it this way Chibi-master, you were in first grade, how wouldn't you expect a sugar coated politically correct explanation? Not to appear as some evil angry man but, it had that feeling of inevitability to it. I suppose it is a cynical or realists' view but, what did we expect? Really? We were in everyone's affairs, and not just politically but militarily. You mess with enough hornet's nests eventually you'll get stung, it's just a shame innocent people had to pay for the mistakes of our leaders.
  20. Used both, Macs were forced down our throats for the Graphic design associate degree. Much is always said about how artist depend on Macs to produce the best work, perhaps some of the only reasoning for this is the availability of programs dealing with graphic art. It more or less seems as that the more macs have been associated with art, the more companies invest in mac friendly software. The actual visual product from a Mac and a PC are nearly the same. How I determine what I use for a computer is simply, what can I get at the cheapest. For myself I prefer to buy PC parts on Newegg.com and build it. Just let your budget decide what you should end up buying. As far as viruses go, it has already been said. It depends far more on how careful you are than what company you buy your computer from. You can buy a mac and never get a virus, or you can buy a PC and do just the same.
  21. I think it may also give scientists a new look at theoretical particles and mass, but will they see glimpses of alternate dimensions, I doubt it sadly. I also doubt doomsday is upon us, everyone knows that the Mayan calendar ends at 2012, not 2008. I do have a few friends that want to get smashed or live it up just in case we do all go down in a blaze of glorious discovery.
  22. CASTLE CRASHERS! OH EM GEE!!!!! Seriously, if you have some spare Microsoft points laying around in your 360 account, invest in this arcade game, its addictive, fun, and has some well done graphics, and awesome music.
  23. The Name is Garett, high school dubbed me ferret. I also have G and pilot ( I go by Gelgoog pilot a ton in games and other forums, so many of my computer savvy friends use my handle). My sister's nickname is KayKay! My friend Ashley is nicknamed Smashley by some of her drinking friends, and I call her Ash-dawg.
  24. While I think most of this banter is very interesting, I'd like to throw in my opinion as to why there are even in that museum. These Bratz toys are the representation of a period of time, much like how Barbie was an establishment in the past. The reason they are in a display is simply because they are popular and symbolize the line of thought that has taken over our current society. Lets face it, we brought it on ourselves. They are casting a poor light on the way to view women or how all little girls should look as they age. We as a society did nothing to prevent this, in fact the population as a whole cheers it and begs for more. The only proof you need is to watch the news on any given day. What you'll see is a few segments on local events, some national issues and they of course some retarded story on a celebrity and how they are now pregnant. Now, I agree that comparing them is very foolish, however, I go with Barbie. I only say this because Barbie has had time to 'clean up her act'. She has been given so many career opportunities to help girls see that they can aspire to anything. Bratz, just hasn't had the time to redeem itself, but who is to say Bratz will.
  25. I am currently a blue belt (two stripes) in Tae-kwon-do. I love it. Love my classmates, my sensei is a ball buster, and the exercise that it allows you to get is a god send when you take into account that I spend most of my day at a computer at school or work.
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