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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot
((OOC: Ummm not Im not the evil king...Im a servent of him....unless you wanted to change that or have me double up.)) The sun was setting, the village was falling into a deep sleep. A young couple sat on a hillside watching for shooting stars. One passed and they embraced and kissed. Another passed, but this one was different, it seemed so close. I had been, the ground shook with the fire ball's impact. THe young couple again embraced themselves in terror as the siloette of a giant beast was outlined in the sky. In an instant several more similar fire balls fell onto the hapless town. It came awake then, with the screams of terror. Men gathered in the square as the women and children ran for the woods. Arrows were shot into the air zipping past the Dragon and its rider. "Shall we finish this quickly Zeddrick?" A low and almost sad voice sounded from the black dragon. "Yes, Ragnrok, we'll finish this now" He whispered from the neck of the dragon, petting her gently. The group of militia men huddled together firing arrows into an oncoming group of enemies. In an instant they were torn apart. Some still clutched in the talons of the black dragon. The 'special' forces ravaged the villiage, all of the women and children were rounded up and hauled away acroos the border. Zeddrick and Ragnrok watched the village burn to the ground.
Garett walked along the paneled floor, his boots making a hard pounding sound with each step. He heard a series of shouts and words from down the corridor. He paid no attention to it until he recognized Imogen's voice in a loud angery shout. He stiffined up..trying to hear the conversation, then bolted down the hall. He entered the rec room finding Wu Fei and Imogen staring each other down. Wu Fei leaning on a table and Imogen hoovering over the figure of the 'God of Death' himself, passed out on the couch. "Jesus H Christ! The hell is going on here? You're fighting, when we are supposed to be allies. Imogen...we're leaving...we're going to head back to base....we'll plan our next movements later. I guess I see you in the hanger." Garett trodded out of the rec room anger building in him. he informed the others of there soon departure and strapped himself into Gemini. He waited, the other two left after being instructed. [I]I don't like this, we may need there help yes...but these Gundam pilots are wrecks...I think it's best to let them sort their problems out. [/I] "DAMN IT! Where IS that Imogen!?" His fists slammed into the console of the mobile suit.
Zeddrick shifted slightly in his leather war saddle. He hated wiating. He'd rather just do his task alone and get it done than wait for a company of 'specialists' to arrive. They were late as well this REALLY pissed Zeddrick off. "God damn them. Don't they realise the urgency of this assignment...they better some or I will begin this myself. Alone." Zeddrick hissed from under his cowl. A similar hissing sound follwed his voice. "I will of course be by your side, so that you will never be truely alone Zeddrick." Raganrok's head turned towards the angry rider calmly. The deep yellow eyes instantly easing Zeddrick's stress. He stroked the scaled neck for a moment, then figidted in the saddle once more. A rustling from behind signaled the long awaited arrival of a band of brutish looking men. Without even turning his head to address them Zeddrick spoke. "I've been waiting, you know how his lordship wishes for this to end quickly. Do this efficiently enough and I may forget your tardiness." The group made a quick bow then headed back the way they came, begining the mission at once. Zeddrick returned his attention to the vast valley below. An army 10 thousand strong paraded on the feilds, waiting for the single command that would begin the innvasion. Amoung them a nameless soldier looked up momentarily to catch a giant black dragon taking off from a cliff face high above. The rider seemed at ease on the twisting form of the flying serpent. It sent chills down his spine.
Nemisis smiled as Hunter said those words. "Difficult eh? You forget you are with the famous Nemisis of Mac Anu!" He grinned at his old mostly forgotten title. He sped towards the monster his scythe in a raedy position for striking. "Famous?...How come I haven't heard of him?" Bewahren asked himself out loud, as he too prepared for battle, by begining a spell's chant. Nemisis reached the monster's attack range eaisily dodging the few swipes it made before Nemisis delivered a kill slice. The monster's body slumped motionless. Then arose again swatting a surprised Nemisis back several feet. "Damn! So it's true! Infinate Hp...Now what?" Nemisis jumped to his feet rejoining the startled group. The monster leered at them as it closed in for battle.
Sign Up Dragon Riders of Celebrynn (M - Blood and violence)
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
((OOC: Ok I'm joining...and yes Im after you started it AMgoddess, but then again you told me to look at it heh!)) *Rider* Name: Zeddrick "The Zealot" Kieler Age: 22 Sex: Male Appearance: Attachment below Short History: Zeddrick was born of a noble family in the kingdom of Zerveria. As a noblemen he was entitled to become a vassel of the lord or a warrior for his Lordship's armies. Being of the tender age of two, his father chose the valiant life of a dragoon. He went through years of training with his Dragon, Raganrok (Norse for apocolypse). He lost his mother during the One-Hundred Year War's closing. A raid into his families estate left the family broke and torn as several of his siblings were dead or missing. His Lordship then disowned the Kieler family shunning it into darkness. He joined the army (under obligation mostly) and struggled to make ends meet with the measley pay. Zeddrick climbed his way to the high ranking levels of the army, thus catching Ilthazar's eye and rekindling his families honor. Zeddrick now fights with determined loyalty to restore the family honor and to find his lost sibling...a sister...one that was taken during the raid. Weapon: A hefty broad sword, custom made to be extra long and light for air duels ontop of dragons. Is usually slung to his back when not engaged in battle. *Dragon* Name: Raganrok Sex: Female Appearance: See attachment Element: Death -
Yojimbo heard the ruckus from behind him and turned to see Sakura, Aida and Asaku wrestling on the floor. He shook his head chuckling. Then turned to the frig. Opening it up ha took out his carton of milk. "Mmmmm Milk....I love you milk." He took a swig only to spit it back out again. He quickly looked at the carton and gasped. "GAH!....This is two weeks over the experation date...I like, just drank a cheese curd for crying out loud!" He continued to spit the foul milk out of his mouth. Everyone stopped and watched as Yojimbo placed his face under the water spout to 'clense' his mouth. Being thouroughly disgusted he headed up the steps to his dorm. Along the way he knocked on Kitty's door, then snuck around the corner of the corridor. She came to the door only to find the hall empty, sighing she said. "Oh great Yojimbo is back to his old ways....I'll get him back though."
Zeddrick tried to let the insident slide by. He couldn't though. [I]Oh come on man...you've been rejected and denied plenty of times...why is this ONE girl bothering you so much...She shouldn't distrack you from your goal. Ah crap who am I kidding I can't help it...[/I] He looked over at the others...out side the mansion...something just didn't add up to him. He glanced at Jalena, gingerly taking a few steps. [I]This isn't right....that sniper...what was he doing up there....he should have been able to warn us...I don't like this at all.[/I] He gathered his things, making sure his suit was extar safe, then boarded the plane. Making his way to the back area. He sat alone thinking over the mission carefully. He looked up as Jalena moved back from the others too. She didn't however choose to sit by him as he had hoped. The engines whined as the jet took flight. [I]This'll be a LONG trip back home.[/I]
Jalena stared into Zeddrick's eye for a moment her innocence shinning through. Then she asked. "What's Happened?" Zeddrick smiled gently " You breathed in some of that gas downstairs..you have been out for 15 minutes, I was getting worried, you were tossing and turning there for a little." She smiled back. Then she turned sad. "I'm sorry...I got careless...I won't let it happen again." She looked down avoiding Zeddricks and Phelan's gaze. ""Don't worry about it..everyone makes mistakes...you know that right?" She seemigly ignored Zeddrick still staring down to the floor. "I'll have the code cracked in a second. We'll get out of here and meet up with the others then." Phalen said in the pause still clicking away at the key board. "You know what Phalen...I just realised...we could have just revered the ventilation in the ball room...I would have taken us half the time." A Grin crossed Zeddrick's face, admitting both their temporary stupidity. Phalen just looked up with a blank look on his face, the idea taking him for surprise as well. Zeddrick helped Jalena off the table and onto her feet. The gas still lingering in her lungs causing her to become dizzy. Both walked to where they could watch Phalen finish cracking the code.
Nemisis thought to himself quietly. [I]Festival?....Oh...the Golden Grunty Festival has been going on for a few days, should end by the end of this week..that must be it.[/I] "Right...then we head to the Highland city...that is where the festival is being held." Nemisis spoke out suddenly causing Hunter and Ammilia to jump. Bewahren smiled "Very perseptive of you..." "you don't play in 'The World' for as long as I have and not learn a few things." A quizical look came over Hunter's face..."What festival is that then?" Both Bewahren and Nemisis replied at the same time. "The Golden Grunty Festival." All four walked to Net Slum's chaos gate and left for the Festival. They reached the root town Dun Lorieg, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary...except for the festival that is. "Well...I suggest we enjoy the festival until those monsters get here huh." Nemisis chuckled to himself grabbing Hunter by the arm.
Yojimbo walked down the steps...playing a Gameboy Advance. His fingers mashing the buttons frantically. He walked into the common room and gave a quick wave, not even looking up from his game. "Don't you EVER do homewrok Yoji?" Sakura questioned, already knowing the answer. "Heh, you know me... why do homework when Im really not at home...now if they called it dorm work when they gave it too me...I'd maybe MABYE consider looking it over." A friendly smile gave everyone a laugh. "So...what do you think is the deal...with all of those demonic creatures?" Takahiro asked rather randomly. "Well...its definetly more than the usual group or solo demon...but...I'm just not sure." Yojimbo said turning off his game and stuffing it in his pocket. ((OOC: Meh..not the best post ever but...Im sorta tired))
Legos my friends...Legos...I had a ton and I STILL have that ton plus another or so heh. I sort of got into collecting them. When I was younger though my cousin and I would set up HUGE Lego armies...or not that huge but whatever...and we'd battle it out and stuff...He was great at building stuff...I had great things too though...they fell apart eaisier. Well yeah I still have them in the old attic somewhere...I love those things... :D
Dude...he was your best friend? Well...pushed to my limits...Hmmm Well I did have to have sergury on my leg...One that would keep me in crutches for the better part of a year...9 months I believe. Well yeah that pushed me in several ways, mental, physical and spiritual. I had to seriously adjust my pain tolorance...(6 metal pins in my thigh) and I felt depressed all of the time, not to mention the mental tension of being stuck in the house or what not for that amount of time. [QUOTE]A-MEN! Seriously if anyone knows of anyother forums to check out, please post a link... God this place is like a Kindergarten housed inside a College University.[/QUOTE] Kind of funny eh? You saying this in a thread YOU created...
I think the earth has a limited time of use...and of course a lifespan...though the things you listed wouldn't have an effect like killing the world more like us. Anyway lol...I believe we'll run dry of resources forcing us to leave for more material..actually people have speculated on mining operations on the moon...meh good enough for me..I like advances in space travel.
Does Experimentation make you Bi or Gay?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to k9-Girl's topic in General Discussion
UGH! K-9...I wasn't talking to you....lol You're fine. I was refering to a statement Delierium made, thus the *shakes head AT Delierium comment. Na as to you're fit for the goose is fit for the gander....I have NEVER judged women from only a few observations...there are good ones and bad ones, just like men. I never said anything as to what you were reffering to.... What's wrong with me is that you need to read posts more carefully before quoting the hell out of them. -
Imogen barcked out the orders for mobilization. Garett Looked up from his computer screen. "What's this all about now? I didn't hear you I was listening to my mp3." "There have been several heat signitures located in the desert not far from here. Three in fact match that of a mobile suit." She huffed, totally used to Garett's inattetiveness. "Alright...you want me to go check it out?" "No...we'll ALL be going." She turned and left. [I]All huh...she must have a notion as to what's going on then...because otherwise one pilot would be more than enough.[/I] He swiviled in his chair and stood up, walking down the hall he saw Allesandra zipping up the top of her flight suit. He waved causually and threw his arm on her shoulder. "You ready Ally? I think this may be a difficult one for all of us to be called out. Just keep cool." He said this with a funny grin knowing full well that she could fend for herself. "Ugh...Garett...I told you NOT to call me Ally..just my name ok?" "Yeah sure...well let's get going, before Imogen gets all irritated and stuff."
Ive been thinking about this lately
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Random Fan Girl's topic in General Discussion
To speak truthfully...I've thought about it myself. NAd rethought it and rethought it again. Though ever time I always remember that suicide is a permanent solutiont to a temorary problem. Evertime I pulled myself out of it. And like others said...just clear your schedule...if the person DEMANDS an explaination...tell them. They'll back off plenty fast. All you need to do is relax for a while...see the sights of your area, and think about what it would be like to NEVER see it again. I've had 4 friends kill themselves...and I knew at least 4 more who I was a mere aquaintance. YOu'll be killing the spirits of EVERYONE who loves you. My frinds bother hung himslef...to this day he NEVER talks about him. Hell Im nervous when I tell him my probs with my younger sister, he gets an empty look in his eyes...its scary. I think its great that you are afraid...it basically means that some part of you just will not give up living. I know when I felt like you do, I seeked out a friend...and it helps it really does, I love her for it...and whenver I get so depressed and stressed out and feel like Im a totaly ******* up...I think about her crying and I stop and calm myself down. Find some one to lean on...it has done me wonders. Life is just too beautiful to skip... -
[quote]Hey man, I just gotta disagree. First of all, I would never in a million years go out w/ a girl just for sex. Especially not Ally. (gf) We've already been together for over four months, so it's definitely not some passing phase.[/quote] Alright dude...I NEVER said you would do this...I said it ahs happened, and don't be so sure, sex is a very dangerous thing. Once you experience it, BAM you're hooked in a way. How do I know...HA! I just experienced it like a couple days after my other post. *does the jig*. Anyway, about your statement of four months not being a passing phase...I've been in three relationships in that area of time. Two were about 4 mounths as well...BOY were they permantent. The other lasted seven months, also not a 'lasting relationship'. Don't be so confident in the feeling that you'll be with her next month. I have a feeling she isn't so into the idia as you your self are. Give her some more talks REALLY get under skin as to her feelings about it. Ah you know what...forget what I said...you're a 14 year old who is holding his member like it was a fishing pole...you won't listen to anything we say. You basically stated that in the post. I think for you the only way you'll understand it, is if you screw up your life. Go ahead and knock her up...I'm tired of being nice to people who are to young to think of the future.
Oh Yojimbo knew alright, the sounds of battle was a mere drumming in his ears by now. The pounding was increasing turing into pain. In truth He had been having a hard time understanding Sakura when she came up to him. His vision as well was blurring. [I]Damn it! I can't keep this up...[/I] Four more monsters burst into flame as Yojimbo charged them. He however miscalculated his remaining strengh and fell to his knees. His sycthe made a dull metal clang as it hit the ground. Momets later he too fell to the floor, blacking out completely.
Zeddrick's thoughts were still bouncing back to the image of Jalena's thigh. [I]NO....must remain control....I have to finish this mission. I can't afford to screw up by becoming distracted....but....she did look great...NO![/I] Phelan joined him and Jalena in the hall. The latter quietly closing the door behind her. With a quick nod Zeddrick and Phelan swiftly yet silently marched down the corridor, peeking into the rooms to find the one holding the vualt. Closing in on the end of the hall, Phelan made a signal to Zeddrick. Zeddrick, not watching missed it, Phelan started to get irritated. "NEMISIS!....I found it. Get over here will you." A harsh and surprisingly loud whispers was issued. Zeddrick followed him into the room, switching on the lights casually. Both sat down at the desk at witch the vault security terminal was set on. Phelan was booting up his laptop and a large man walked in with a very angry look on his face. "Damn it...I can't believe I am missing that action with that girl...stupid ****s telling ME to stand watch...I'll show them I---" The guards sentance trailed off as he sighted two blades rushing for his chest. In an instant the only sound coming from him was his lungs emptying for the last time. "Get on it Phelan, I would whip out mine too but it seems unnecessary. You're skills should be enough, besides I better hide this body and continue to guard the door." His voice gave off a surprising command style tone. Something Phelan did not expect out of him, nor did he care for it. In minutes a large metalic cracking noise was heard as the giant safe unlocked. Zeddrick rushed to the door, sticking his head out to both see if anyone noticed and to get Jelana. To his surprise she was right there, infact....her chest was right there at eye level. Zeddrick regained his composure in a split second. "Hunter...the safe is open, shall we begin searching for the notebook?" Jalena slowly shook her head, she walked into the vualt and and instant later walked out with the book in tow. [I]What the...theere wasn't even any time spent looking for it in there. How did she know where to find it so fast...[/I]
Yojimbo breathed in deeply. He was growing a little tired, they all were. wave after wave of the beings had been coming at them. They were also fighting with a ferocity that they hadn't had before.[I]Hmmm, we'll have to pull out of here...just isn't enough room to fight effectively....Damn I just knew something felt off today.[/I] Two more creatures came charging at Yojimbo. With a swift sweeping motion of the scythe, both were felled only inches before his feet. He started fighting his way to the doorway. Slicing the minions with each step. All around the only images were that of the companions fighting and creatures bursting into flames. Their dying shrieks filled the air, coupled with the sound of screams from humans. "Sakura! We need to fall back into the main hall, there will be more room for us to fight them off." He yelled loudly over the din of battle. Sakura looked to him and simply nodded, message recieved and understood. She knew full well that when Yojimbo thought a retreat was needed, then it MUST be needed. The fighters filed out the last ones keeping the beings at bay. Out in the hallway, an even bigger seen of pandemonium was taking place. The creatures were everywhere, some fighting other angels others dragging female students away for whatever purpose was intended. Yojimbo leapt into the frey. His monstrous scythe rending multipule beasts at a time. He beheaded one who had a girl by her hair, but another clawed his shoulder. He stumbled back, a burning sensation followed the cutting pain. [I]Poison...[/I]
Uh 14 dude...that's too young...and how do you know you're ready? You do realize that men reach the sexual peek at like 14ish and retain it till well into manhood. So of course you think you are ready. However, are you ready for it to ruin relationships? I've seen it man, the guy has sex with a girl and from then on only goes out with girls so he can have sex. That's just not right. Also how do you know she is ready? Maybe you ahve been pressuring her to it, constatnly talking about it with her. She may feel as if she ought to be ready. I just don't know....today everyone thinks they shouldn't be a virgin still by 16 it seems...Am I the only one who is too busy at the moment to have to worry about sex as well? I mean sure of course I want to with a well BUNCH of girls but...Gah hard to explain I guess. Just let it pass you're 14 for christ sake, this girlfriend will no doubt be gone in a few months or so...usually how they last. Its not worth it, not this young.
I have a good one to check...though I normally look on google images. YOu can try animeshack.com that normally has some nice ones I've used. :D
((OOC: Gah sorry folks I was sick for a while there...OK i've been given permission to move Amgoddess AND to sort of move this mission along. SO that I shall do)) Zeddrick turned...his eyes softening upon seeing Blake. "Oh just communicating with my operation partner. He'll be great fun." He chuckled to him self, this htoughts lingering on Jalena, she still was attatched to his arm. Zeddrick sipps the punch momentarily. Then continues to look around. He eyes the way tanya holds onto Blake, not only with a bit of affection but with a look of unsteadiness as well. "First time in heels Tanya?" A devious grin stretched across his face. "HA HA Zeddrick...I'd like to see you in a set of these." "Well how about I take you up on that after the mission? I'd gladly humiliate myself to prove a point HAHAHAHA! The other also began to laugh, the image of Zeddrick in heels bouncing through their heads. "Zeddrick In heels eh? I would like to see that!" Jalena stated suddenly. So suddenly that Zeddrick started and spilt punch on the pant leg of his suit. "Oh....great....well....still good heh!" Curious as to why Jalena had suddenly come over to the three. He thought, [I]Business I bet...time to steal the goods.[/I] "Well team, I think we are ready to begin opperations. Split up now, wander off into the estate, then meet up with your mission group ok?" Three nodded of acknoledgement followed as the small cirlce of party guests split up and strolled casually through the ball room.
Does Experimentation make you Bi or Gay?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to k9-Girl's topic in General Discussion
*shakes head at Delirium* That really hurts...I don't know if you just called me gay or a bad guy. YOu shouldn't judge us on only a few observations. We don't go around saying how girls are eather carpet-eaters or justworthless sluts. Sorry Im getting heated up. Well. Ok on this topic....I don't think experimentation is a way to brand some one's sexual preference. I experimented once *bows head ashamed* Thank god I can blame it on being drunk. I was NOT cool...I sort of wish i had been so drunk I had forgotten it heh. But enough of that, if you enjoy it and seek it out then well you're just that way. I agree with the statment that alot of bis are probably chicks wanting to be wild or erotic...some load of crap like that. I personally don't find it as a turn on. I don't want to go to my g/f's house and find her making out with a girl on the couch. Cheating is vheating...no matter the sex. -
MY GOD Chibi! I think you're on to something! Lol. My dad has hated his brother since Frank (the brother) got into his car accident and lost the use of his right hand. Well the Grandparents apparently spoiled him after that, though I thought it a little jealousy. Dad later told me of how he had gotten to the accident before the cops and had hide all of his brother...well stash of drugs. I know that is true because my uncle was a wild ladies man and strangely still is. Frank NEVER thanked my dad for it or even tried to get away from the pampering. Its wierd he's on government paychecks...yet...he can make picnic tables and animal feeders with one stinking hand! Yeah I could go on about the fued but...I think I better save people the trouble of doubling over in laughter over some of it. Luckily my parents have never hit a rough spot. Sure they have thier fights and they both make mistakes but they have never hada huge fight...as far as I've seen. Besides that...I don't see my dad going to his mom for advice lol. Mybe his mother inlaw but no one else.