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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Ah yes the threshold of forgetfulness. I know thee well. Often are the times I am in the car about to leave when I remember something. So I get up to my room and BAM! I have no clue why I went in there anymore. Sometimes it comes to me...other times I say ******* it and drive away, leaving something important -_-'. I also have the "brain farts" as I call them too. Though I usually just blame it on my ADD and continue on. It doesn't emmbaress me, Im used to it, and I'll usually remember it later on and spurt it out randomly. :D
  2. All in all I agree with what these other members have said...well not Mitch. But anyway, just talk it out and stuff. Though I must ask this question. Do you hang out with these other dudes more often than with him? If that's the case, I would bet it is the source of the problem. You're fourteen...don't get worked up about it. Hell I'm nineteen and I still don't...even though mabye I should start no? :D
  3. Hmmm I know how these bible thumping Grandma's can be I have two...hehehe! Though I like both of them, one is starting to get pretty senial so she's past critizism. The other...well she's like yours Chibi...she'll make rather snide remarks and is a terrible gossip but since she's Catholic she's ok with God. I've heard some real mean stuff come from her, nothing about me, well at least to my face. Though if the problem arose that she was begining to say nasty things to me and about my spouse (if I had one) I'd actually accept and...well being the blunt person I am when Im angry I'd tell her what's bothering me. After all she is only an old women (ok that was a bit of a joke) She is family though...I have always thought that you could talk things out with family. Of course my dad and his brother hate each other with a passion. (Ahhh getting off topic) Chibi. My advice is this...you're not going to get her to change in any certain way. Also its pointless to wait till she dies because then you may regret not parting on good terms. Just talk to her about it. If it doesn't go well, then find rest in the fact that you tried your best and that she just wishes to be stubborn. All in all I think its rather funny...I mean the similarities with my family. Yeah I don't know what my own grandparents would say about me quitting the religion.
  4. None too shabby! I like the Avatar...though I don't have the slightest on where it came from...And as a Gfx designer myself...I do like the sig as well...though...maybe a little plain with the background. Hmmm I'd say and over all 8/10. GOOD! :p
  5. Yeah man...I can't believe it either I just tried doing it again after talking about it and wow....I think when I beat it I was more lucky than anything. Lol first I dies on the 23 floor....ouch. Then I got to 59. Finally made it up to the final boss...got smoked and said well...I beat it once goodenough for me heh! :D
  6. Ahh! Parasite Eve...I loved this game...I sort of tided me over during one of those gaps between FF games heh. Im a big fan of square what can I say? Anyways..I believe I beat it in about 13 hours the first time through. I did play the ex game...AND Imaging this..beat that damn Chrysler building..let me tell you...it is truely 100 floors of hell...I went through the game 3 times I believe to finally have enough power to make it up to the last floor. Ugh 5 times that idiot boss beat me down...BUT after hearing that the last cinema was worth it I just kept at it and pulled an all-nighter. Yes it is worth the trouble heh. Though I won't say anything about it I don't want to let you off easy MUHAHAHAHAHA! :smirk: I haven't played the second one though...maybe some day I will...Im too concerned with some new games right now heh.
  7. Garett shifted in his chair. Then scratched his sides mindlessly. "Hmmm I noticed that as well...SO?...YOu want to go to the bar and talk about them?" A little smile escaping his lips. "Them!?...What are you talking about?" He was obviously trying to dodge the subject. he had a worried face as he responded. "Oh come on Kayin, I've known you since we were youngins...I know about your fear of women. I mean you cut a pretty ugly picture of man hood just before. Well anyway I'm heading to the bar, to both drink and to hopfully find out some information on those buildings." "Alright Garett!...I'll go. Just let me close up here first." kayin took about ten minutes shutting down his computer then locking up his office. The two headed to their usual bar. As was expected everyone greeted them as they walked in. Garett and Kayin sat down, ordered a round of regulars then started asking around.
  8. ((OOC: Looks like its up to Old Gelgoog to try and keep this thread alive. Also Just a suggestion but I think we need to get to the part where the earings come into play...otherwise...yeah.)) Max sat there silently. He only listened to a quarter of what was said by the teacher. In fact Max was done with the worksheet handed to him by the teacher at the begining of class. The rest of the while he watched the girl...the one who seemed too fond of Koji. [I]Hmmm what in the Hell is her name again?....Hosh something...Hmmmm she is listening to this babbling idiot so intently. She doesn't seem like a fighter. She's immensely fond of Koji though...at least that's what Kyoske tells me. That in itself is dangerous. Koji is just fresh enough to fall prey to his emotions. Then again, if I simply off this girl, he'll no doubt be pissed. We can't afford a wild card right now...we need his utmost loyalty. Yes, I believe a talk with him is in order.[/I] Max was starring at her when she happened to turn around. he continued to look at her until he suddenly realised he was looking directly into her eyes. She gave off a faint smile, which actually caused Max to blush. Something he NEVER did. In fact the blush quickly turned into a heated rage in his face as he turned away. "Ahhh f***..." Then, the teacher's ruler was in his face. A slap issued as it slammed into his cheek. Before the teacher even opened his mouth, a heavy punch was planted in his gut. The teacher fell to the floor gasping for air. Max grabbed the man by his shirt, brining his ear close Max's mouth. "You listen here...NO one hits me understand. Now you go back to the front of the room, and you finish your speech about decimals to these other idiots. Otherwise, you'll wish you had." All these words were a mere whisper, no one heard what was said, but all looked on with their mouths gapping open. The teacher stood up and brushed himself off as if he still had his dignity. One look into Max's cold stare reminded him of the pain. He returned to the front and began teaching once again. No one was listening, most were trying to look at Max with the corner of their eyes. The rest...tried to hide their faces. [I]Oh christ...Maia is going to freak when she gets wind of this...[/I]
  9. ((OOC: AHHHHHH! you're right...dorms! Oh man my sister Amgoddess is gonna kill me. Well I can edit mine I guess. *Points at the rest* HAHA!)) Yojimbo slept...dreaming of a giant ice cream cake, one that was at the time chassing him down his street. A sudden smack on his face woke him up. His own hand lay over his eye, a dead fly now squashed on his forehead. "Gotcha!" A rumble from his stomach shook his body momentarily. "Owww....damn I have to remember to go easy next time Mom sends me Ice cream cake...I fell so sick." He rolled out of bed. Literally, one half of a roll and *thud* he lay there among his clothing on the floor. He picked himself up slowly, got dressed and was ready to leave his room when a thought went through his mind. "Oh crap...I need to have my crest with me don't I." He slide his white school uniform shirt over his exsisting black 'Bad religion' shirt. "Ugh...I look like s***.....Meh I'll get over it." He slid down the upstairs bannister, knowing that if the Dorm administrator had seen him it would have been a five minute lecture. He headed over to the unisex bathroom where he quickly brushed his teeth and found his bag. He slipped his shoes on and hopped on his skateboard. Iddly skating down the street yawning from time to time. He looked over at the opposite side and saw Kimika cycling to school. She was looking great on her bike...like usual...well, until she flew over the firehidrant that is. He shook his head laughing and looked back to his side of the street. A block from school he was picking up speed like usual, the hill there was great. He let the wind blow through his blonde hair, then shouted. His skateboard made a dead stop on a large rock. Yojimbo flew 5 feet away into some bushes. He peeked up, saw that no one had seen his biff, then proceded to kick the rock into the road. Four minutes later he was just closing his locker, when he saw Kimika's locker crash its contents onto the hallway floor. He was about to go help when the warning bell rang. [I]Ahhh crap...I can't be late again or the principal will eat me alive.[/I] He entered the room taking his usual seat in the back. he wasn't listening when the teacher started the lessons. He was doodling in his notebook. He started then suddenly, looked around then shrugged his shoulders, he could have sworn he had heard a cat...
  10. As they entered the ball room Zeddrick Leon and Lina stood frozen in amazement. The room was just too BIG to fathom. Five minutes later with several high-rollers looking at them curiously, the three remembered why they were there. "Wow...Hmmm well I guess we should mingle for a bit eh? I don't know about you Leon but Im getting something to drink." Zeddrick left the two and meandered across the polished marble floor.[I]My god, this floor is like a damn mirror...crap...this security is going to suck a**....[/I] He found the punch bowl...he laughed as he took a sip. [I]HAHAHA! This punch actually packs a punch! BAHAHAHAHAHA!...Oh man I crack myself up.[/I] He looked around carelessly, observing the fine 'gentalmen' and their VERY fine ladies. [I]Just look at all these rich guys and their arm candy...I wish I had some arm candy...[/I] He spotted Jalena then out of the corner of his eye. He had wanted to escort her out from the car but, with Phalen already besides her he dropped the idea. Now he couldn't help but stare a little, she just played the part of a beautiful upperclass person so well. Then he noticed Phalen...staring straight at him. A deep scowl on his face. [I]Hmmmm I see how it is. She's taken. Well...now what do I do. I can't just sit here...I'll think too much I need to DO something. I can't wait till we crack the system in here.[/I]
  11. ((OOC: Grrr go figure when I'm up to my neck in PR's some one makes a damn Gundam one...and guess what kind of Rp is my favorite *points to name* lol)) Name: Garett Kieler Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearence: See attatchment. Mobile Suit: See attatchment. Name: Gemini The mobile suit constructed by Garett is a ground based mobile suit. It's highly menueverable and battle hardy. Dubbed the name Gemini in tradition with the other constolation mobile suits (also his zodiac sign). Colored with a bright red and highlighted by yellow segments (yellow where the pink and purple is red just about everywhere else) The arrmaments vary. A heavy double gattling gun (as seen by serpent troops) salvaged from Mari Maya's war. Two vulcan cannons mounted on either side of the head. Three missle pods in each shoulder guard (also houses the boosters). One custom made double sided energy axe, the pole normally fitted on the back of the mobile suit. Although it's strength is hard core land battles, Gemini is still proficient in land to air battles but relitively weak against water based assaults. Country: America Personality: Garett cares alot about the lives of the people, much like Wu Fei he refuses to allow people to let others fight there battles for them. He is almost too kind to be a mobile suit pilot letting enemies off easy or giving them distinct advantages. However, when comrades are in danger, Garett can become an efficient pilot in battle. Outside of battle he has an open sense of humor, alot of the times he is the one constantly joking. This gives him firends with tight bonds to him, he normally has a high sense of loyalty to them. History: Garett was born into the home of a middle class family in America. After several years living in his home town of Madison, Wisconsin, his family moved to a far away side in space. There he grew up a bit of an outcast, being considered a feddy, he only found a few good friends. These people he clung to thus establishing his strong loyalties to friends. Once he reached 17 he foolishly joined in Mari Maya's Army. At the time is was seen as an adventurous and romantic thing, going to war. This changed after his serpent was put down by the preventer 'Wind' in the final battle. After his seemingly shameful defeat he stayed there on Earth, settling down in a small community within the United States. He grew bored during the two years of peace and during this time used pieces of old mobile suits combined with new technology over the black market, to construct his mobile suit Gemini. Not certain whether it would ever come in handy he figured it would be a good prop for story telling or worth alot more on the open black market.
  12. ((OOC: SOOOO tempted to be Lucifer...but nah I'll be a good guy in this one..)) Name: Yojimbo Hiroshima :p Age: 18 Gender: Male Values: Power and Justice Earth Appearance: (Okay so what! I feel like looking like Vash....of course angelic version has white wings. Angelic Appearance: ( for both appearances I'll look up later and edit them in...I'm bushed right now heh) Weapon: A large scythe the length of about 6'0. The blade itself a curved length of 5'0. although looks unwieldy its quite balanced. The blade a clean sharp edge on the inside curve and a jagged edge on the outside curve. the metal is engraved with runic symbols for power and justice.
  13. Zeddrick finished putting the Tux on. Very carefully. He then strapped his blades acros the back of his waist. The suit perfectly hididng them. "Hmmm better be extra careful with this suit...Hell it cost more than I do..." He was leaving when the recalled something, he doubled back and grabbed his small laptop. Again he was leaving when he remembered something else. Some after shave. [I]Have to keep the ladies happy some how...[/I] He thought grinning to himself. "Ok. I actually think I'm all set to go...now where to the lobby?" "Yeah....where else?" Blake stated from the hall. Zeddrick jumped slightly, he was only talking to himself previously. "Christ Blake...I just bought this suit I'm trying NOT to dirty it eh?" Laughing out loud. Blake joined him as then made their way downstairs. There Jalena was waiting. Rather immpatiently they noticed. [I]Well....that's quite a dress...Besides that she doesn't even look her age...Hmmmm[/I] ((OOC: sorry blacke if I move your character just trying to keep him alive.))
  14. Jalena continued to giggle as Zeddrick lay there trying to catch his breath. Not only had she scared the living hell out of him but she landed right on his gut, forcing the wind out of him. "You should look more carefully next time Jalena." He sat up clutching his stomach. "Oh come on it didn't hurt THAT much." "Well you aren't exactly the wieght of a feather you know." He said rather sarcastically. "WHAT!?" Jalena shouted and flung a pillow at Zeddrick. The first he easily dodged while the second thrown immediatly after the first hit him square in the face. They both laughed then for a few minutes. Zeddrick stood up and stretched a bit. "Well I better go coordinate myself with whatever Phalen has planned." He rolled his eyes as he said that. As he left the room he through a pillow casually back behind him hitting the ususpecting Jalena. Upstairs he entered Phalen's room without so much as a knock. He was sitting there staring at his computer screen. [I]No doubt preparing for tommorrow.[/I] "Well...what are yours plannes Phalen? I ask because you are sort of my superior officer." "You've gotten one thing right Nemisis...I'm superior...but I'm not an officer or YOUR leader. I like you follow Jalena, so that means you follow her EVERY command on this mission...no repeats of the last. You understand me?" ".....Yeah...I read you loud and clear." He turned and left, his fists in balls of rage. [I]Don't worry...I WON'T let that happen again...even if I have to kill that bastard myself.[/I]
  15. Max sat on the cool hallway floor, and watched as Taena turned the corner. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That girl is fun to mess with...now...enough of her. Time to ask Maia if we have had enough scouting...I'm anxious to kill." [I]Lillia...she has that same fire as Lillia...but she is a bit more stupid. Lillia at least feared me until I...no...find those damn earings and get business underway.[/I] Max got up to head to his next class...math. Just the sound of it curdled his blood. Besides that he now had another task to do. Kyoske was bothered by her actions around Koji. Max had noticed it as well, he was new to the whole evil thing, a fierce fighter when he wanted to be, but he was still not used to human emotions. [I]I'll make sure she isn't a threat....I know better than the rest what human emotions can do...DAMN THESE HUMANS![/I] He opened the door just as class was getting underway. Everyone looked up at him, his face contorted with anger. The teacher looked up a bit angry himself. "You know that you are late? What happened I want an explaintion." "Lost...new school and all..." He took his seat not even hearing the teachers response. [I]Math...and a damn girl...this will be an interesting class...[/I]
  16. Nemisis stood there...jaw dropped. I a second he recovered and a grin spread his lips. "Hmmm I see that more than just the appearence was hacked." Lenka snorted. An arogent yet defeated look filled her eyes. She restrapped he blade and began to walk away. "You're free to go...however...take care if you start trouble, the Administration WILL hunt you down and delete you. I went easy on you and held back on using my extra abilities. You're good kid, but like I said keep a low profile." Lenka then disapeared within a flash of runic rings. Nemisis walked up to the stunned Hunter. Placing a hand on her shoulder he patted her on the back, nearly knocking her over. "Good! Very good, keep fighting like that and you won't even need my help." The fact that the character was hacked more than he had figured was far from his mind. A level one character had taken down a level 78 if his memory of her served correctly. "Well...I suggest that since the administrators are off our back, that we dig up information on our necklesses." "So? Back to Sargon?" Hunter turned to Nemisis looking up with eager eyes. "No...we'll head to my favorite spot for information gathering. Root town Mac Anu." "Oh wow ok...lets go then!"
  17. Zeddrick looked at the clump of Lira in his hand. A confused look crossed his face as he scratched his head with his left free hand. "What in the hell do I do with this? I mean really? She wants ME to buy a suit...I don't know anything about suits. Hmmm hoow much is this anyway..." He continued to study the money in his hand. " Well looks like quite a bit." A grin filled his face. "I bet I could get a cheat suit THEN buy tons of great food!" Blake was awoken by an annoyed Zeddrick. "Get up you ouf! You're going suit shopping with me." He continued to shake Blake out of his sleepiness. "I don't wanna!" He cried as he turned to lay back down. In a swift mothing Zeddrick swept Blake off the bed and onto the floor. "Like I said lets go...I feel wierd doing this alone...and besides two heads are better than one right?" He stood up and silently waited for Blake to put his shoes on and finish getting ready. In a half an hour the two were a rather pricey suit store. Not known to them at the time they marveled at the suit fine feel and great fit. However once they paid for them they recieved their change. Both jaws dropped. "Oh crap...I wanted to find a nice pasta shack somewhere too...I only have like 10 bucks left...I can't eat less that ten Lira worth of food I tell you." He clenched the money in his fist then shoved it into his pocket. Blake did the same. Then Blakes stomach grummbled. "Stop that Blake...I don't need to be reminded." "Ok...YOU tell me how to stop being hungry and I'll stop reminding you of how we should have went to another store." Zeddrick rolled his eyes and walked towards the Hotel. 30 blocks away... "WHAT you two guys bought Armani tuxes..." Tanya's look of surprise startled the two. "Umm...is that a bad thing?" Zeddrick asked perfectly innocently. Tanya smacked her forehead. "Yeah...they are ONLY the MOST expensive stuff you can find." "HEY! I think we found that out find on our own ok...Blake...I htink we better save these things for use after this mission..."
  18. LOL! I love the idea and your thread starter. However I happen to agree with Zidargh. They have always been difficult to maintain in past comedy RPG's like I have seen but like the current one Apartment building C they can be VERY entertaining. I just love that one. Ok back on track here. my question for you to think about when or if you make this is: How closely do you want this spoof to relate to DBZ? also I suggest making is a requierment of all participants to be knowledgable of the series. As I guess some may be too daft to catch the spoof right away (But Im sure almost everyone has seen DBZ). Those are my thoughts...well some of them I had more but I seem to have forgotten them. Hmmm Well good luck with it. I will say it would be a very interesting one to join up with.
  19. Max scowled as he left his last class. Dragging his right hand along the lockers the entire way down the hall. [I]Nothing but more dribble....UPON dribble...I learned this crap CENTURIES AGO. Hmmm but, PE next...hehehe time for some skillfulness in sword mastery![/I] He perked up a bit with this last thought and hurried to the gym for his class early. He strapped his two 15 inch blades on the back of his waist in a criss-cross fashion for quick draws. He ambled into the Sword area, ready for some play acting of killing humans. He grinned deeply then spotted the two figures. "That damn girl....and some boy with a sword...interesting I wonder if he is any good with it?" Max charged silently towards the boy. and at the last second unsheathed his twin blades. Yunsung turned intime to throw up his massive zwihander sword in defense. Max's blades met his sword in a scissor-like fashion, trapping the sword. The two stood there both straining at eachother, a stalemate it seemed. Max grined ferverishly and stepped back. Placing his blades back into their sheaths. He then bowed lowly. "Hmmm you are better than I had excepted. I really must say you did that rather well...for a boy." He glanced once and Taena, smiled then left to the other side to wait for the bell.
  20. Yes I've only paid 6.50 for my movies. Chibi you think that is bad try watching Lord of the rings while the idiot in front is making surprised/disgusted noises when people get killed...and if you know ALOT OF PEOLE GET KILLED! lol Wow we had alot of fun making fun of him though. :p I can't stand...dumb Drivers, its the only thing that gets under my skin besides my sister that is.
  21. Taena and the boy she was with walked away, the boy still turning back to see Max's starring face or anger. [I]She's lucky...if she hadn't of caught my hand I swear her jaw would be gone...Not a bad grip though.[/I] He turned and walked to the outside area, mostly to get away from all of the clamer of Human gossip. Apparently Max had been in jail a few times. "Heh. Fools, I wish they knew even a fraction of the truth. Then it would be all over. No more idiots thinking they could challenge me." As he reached to double doors leading outside he saw two of his comrades talking with females. "Oh God no...I can see that maybe Koji would do this, being new to Human company, but Kyoske? He's as ruthless as me..." Discusted he turned back to the halls. The silence in them was golden, there he could actually hear the inner workings of his mind go over the ways he'd make them all suffer. [I]Hmmm hiding like this....I hate it. It would be easy, I could do it myself, transform and slaughter enough of them. No...Maia would not like that. Hell...why should I care? Because I've known her for centuries? Hmmmm no I will not. Maia will give the word, I'm sure she has the same distaste in all of this...[/I] He walked past an open door only to see Maia herself reading. He strolled in his insane grin forming on his lips. "Reading? Tsk Tsk Tsk. Just because we are ACTING like students doesn't mean we have to actually learn any of this unimportant dribble." "I'm reading about the students here Max...Besides...I'm not happy with you. I'm getting the feeling that you are about to do soemthing rather rash." She glanced up fire in her eyes yet a satisfied grin oh her face. "Oh...you know me too well. If anything I will end with that girl...to show her the futality in defying me...Then again it was quite funny, thinking that I was interested in her. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He sat down across from Maia still laughing, surprisingly with honest happiness. Raising an eyebrow Maia looked up again a fiendish grin oh her face. "You know what I think Max...I think you only THOUGHT you were acting...I recall the last time we pretended to be human...AND I remember that girl...Lillia." "Don't you even speak her name to me! I was bored AND restless. Besides...it was suppose to be MY duty to take care of her. YOU went behind me back and did her in yourself." His happiness was gone, replaced by pure rage. His eyes shown with malice towards Maia. He got up and left in a flurry of black fabric and chains. [I]Lillia...Damn you....you ruined me. Compassion...ugh....why did I ever fall for a stinking human. Never mind it. I won't let it happen again.[/I] ((OOC: Well can't have a COMPLETELY dark and ruthless character...well I guess you could but I don't feel like it! Besides adds a past to the Dark Seraphim.))
  22. Jalena stood in the center of the room. her usual 'business' look on her face. Zeddrick studied it quietly as he sat on the couch. [I]Actually...she's pretty cute either way...her other side is much more appealing, but...this way she has a tough look on her...yet...an innocence as well.[/I] He moved a bit to the other side of the room. Getting restless waiting for the others he had been the first to be notified. Also he had been given the difficult task of wakinf up Blake. he looked over at the still sleepy look of Blake. [I]Easy...heh...He isn't so easy to get out of bed I had to roll him off the bed and kick him a few times...[/I] Everyone but Tanya and Phelan came after 15 mins of waiting. "Good thing Phelan isn't here, I don't know if I'm over that little discussion of ours..." He mumbled softly to himself. Just then the two arrived, and quickly took a seat. Jalena took a deep breath then began to brief them on the plan of action.
  23. ((OOC: Im posting assuming that the Max you spoke of ,DuoMaxwell, is a different one..considering that it is a different name all together. If you meant it that way, I can edit or just delete my intro post...wow 8 posts in one day I wasn't expecting this.)) Max stood by his comrades as they all were given a seat. The teacher then turned to him. " Please introduce yourself Mr. Maximus." His grin made Max's skin crawl with hatred, he barely held back the urge to break his neck. However, a quick look at Maia told him to hold it back...for now. "Why bother introducing myself?" The teacher looked at him with a stunned face, a few whispers could be heard from the other students. "You already told them my name...It's really all [I]they[/I] need to know...Now. Where is my seat...sir? "Oh right..." He pointed to the desk on the otherside of the girl Taena, and then turned to teach the class. A shaken look upon his face. Max walked to his seat and slumped down onto the chair. [I]Oh THIS is my definition fun...Maia...we better kill something soon.[/I] A dark grin filled his face, confusing Taena. "What is so funny?" She whispered quietly a quizical look on her face. This made Max almost burst. [I]Imagine...If I told her what. Just look at this race of idiots, she sits there actually thinking I intend on telling her anything...reched creatures.[/I] "Nothing...at least nothing you'd understand." He gave her a frontal look of arrogance. His eyes burning into hers. She turnt away after that. A few minutes later Kyoske entered. Again Max smiled to himself. [I]Late as usual...[/I]
  24. Thank you all...to speak truthfully I basically knew there was no way to tell if the person could be a reliable/active poster. I was wondering what others did to well prevent of cope with this. I've been in quite a few RPG's that have...fallen short of their potential. Normally I know the creator and can communicate my feelings of the RPG, but there have been some where after a while I gave up trying to 'save' the thread. I have infact refered to several past threads on a few occations when I was questioned about my past experience, its alittle dis-heartening, but I don't mind. Well I think I will pay much closer attetion to sign-ups on my next RPG (its been a year since I made one). Wish me luck!
  25. "You are certain that you did not modify 'the world' in anyway when you first logged on today?" Nemisis sat back in the wooden seat, stroking his beard and contemplating Hunter's answer. "I've told you, all I did was enter...strange that the character I picked looked nothing like this...but...what should I do?" She looked concerned no doubt that she just blew money on a game she'd soon get banned from. "Hmmm nothing for now...it seems there is something else going on we cannot understand." He nodded behind Hunter causually. Hunter however was as sutble as a rock and looked directly back, seeing the wave master looking on intently. He caught her eye and turnt taking a sip of his ale. A paranoid look crossed her face when she again was facing Nemisis. "You're attracting alot of attention...there is another as well. I've seen her around before she's not a threat...the other fellow however....hmmmmm. Him I do not know, and that says alot for my amount of time spent here." Scratching his beard absent mindedly. "No matter, I offer my hand in assistance to you. I have made it a hobby of sorts to help new comers like you out. Besides that...I think we should both find out the meaning of these necklesses, I too do not recall picking this out when I made my character so long ago. Hunter noded in agreement, this game was starting to get interesting.
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