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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot
((OOC: Meh I could use a little evilness for a while.)) Name: Maximus (Max) Kieler Age: 19 Gender: Male Side: Dark Seraphim Descritption: I wanted to find a decent pic but the attachement is as good as it gets. I'll tell ya what he looks like NOT in this angelic form so to speak. 5' 11 and 160lbs, his build is rather lancky and seemingly lacking strength. His dark brown eyes when not hidden by a clump of brown hair show immense anger and cold-heartedness. His smile even reeks of hatred and loathing. Bio: He joined the Dark Seraphim for the pure reason of the chance to cause pain onto others. He is mildly loyal to the leader, but has been known to disreguard her orders. He shares her hatred and disgust of the human race and because of this is the ultimate bully at the school he is attending. Completely devoid of kindness at almost all times, he is one of the stronger fighters. His cold and efficient use of duel blades makes his battle short and bloody. He only wishes to find the feather earings and then rend the flesh of any who oppose.
Ok So my question or rather topic of discussion is the members you recruit into your RPG. One of the reasons I had both quit posting in the RPG arena AND stopped making RPG's of my own were the member who didn't get involved. I can understand that you may lose a few do to lack of interest. My question lays with those that do not even post or don't give the RPG enough time to develope before they quit posting. Is there a good way to tell if the member will be an active poster? I know that you should read sign ups carefully but often that may not help. They can be a good writer yet not post or not bean active poster.
Yes...I concure it is nothing...I've known this riddle for sometime...err well with one slight modification. In the riddle I know the last line is " and if you eat it you'll die" Which stills holds true eat nothing and well...heh you die. I suppose I should throw down a riddle here. I know a few though the only one off the top of my head would be this one (quite simple). How far can a dog walk into the woods? Enjoy, like I said sort of easy but I'll have more.
Man did Zeddrick hate flying...not only was he afraid of hieghts but the damn ear thing always bothered him to no end. He was frantically rubbing his ears as he got off the plane cursing under his breath. Blake said something to him but is sounded like simple mumblings to him. "Damn these ears..." As he continued to rub them. Jalena lughed from behind him and raised her voice a bit. " You know...rubbing them doesn't help. You have to try chewing gum or yawning." She smiled as she said this then headed to one of the cars. [I]Hmmm yawning eh? I think I can do that.[/I] As he yawned his ears did start to pop, and as they did the group was startled by a sudden shout of joy as Zeddrick jumping in the air laughing. At the hotel Zeddrick sat in his room watching Blake sleep. Jet lag he had said. Zeddrick didn't feel any, he was more anxious to do the simple recon work on the days ahead. " Ahh nothing like acting like a tourist." A sudden splash caught his attention, he walked out onto the balcony to see Jalena swimming. [I]Hmm probably the only other person up...maybe I should get to sleep also...[/I]
((OOC: are we using your town names or? Are we also incoperating the original sever root towns? Just curious for my posts)) The three runic rings materialized out of nowhere. Two mre just like it appeared a second later. Out of the first stepped out a tall warrior one that showed confidence in the way he looked about the town then casually yawned. The other two were not so confident, one looked about nervously while the second jumped up and down cradling a golden grunty statue. Chuckled lightly " Well? Are you going to use that thing or just make love to it?" He said as he turned to the one jumping with glee. "Well duh, of course I'll use it! Thank you sooo much mister Nemisis! Well I have to go eat supper. Hope to see you one again!" The girls waved goodbye then walked up to the swirling chaos gate and vanished. The other a sqrawny heavy bladed looked up and Nemisis and smiled then also left carrying a new weapon. Nemisis ithced his beard then made his way to the item shop. "Wow...that one guy completely depleted my stock of revives...Hmmm maybe I should find some more healing skills..." A sudden out burst of shouts and talking caught his attention. A strange character walked into town. It had to be edited...she looked like a wolf. Nemisis had seen edited characters before, no doubt the administators will delete it soon enough. Just as he turned again something on her neck caught his eye. A necklace, almost exactly like his own. Again his stroked his beard as he slowly followed her.
Well thanks..this both helped and...confused me lol. Hmm after posting that alternate idea i thought it was wierd too. Hmmm I think my other problem is just telling if the girl has any feelings for me besides friendship. And don't worry I'm not at all comfortable with the friends with benifits crap. Just isn't nice...Hmmm I doubt I'd have the guts to do some of the agrressive stuff you people talked about though I did hug one girl I was into...and still am but alass.
Ok I've been thinking...I know I'm not the best at getting girls but I think one of the reasons is the way I got about it. I want some feedback on it. So normally I see a girl I like and think of going out with. I try and get to know her first, become friends and all that. The problem is, that doesn't seem to work. Actually the only REAL successful relationship I've had is with a girl I met on a blind date. It lasted like a year. So my question is basically which way do you think is best? Befriending them so they think of you as a friend and nothing more or just going in and asking them out and what not straight off the bat. Personnaly I don't think I can handle the later I'm much too much of a nervous person. :(
Zeddrick had ben anpping on the couch when the announcement woke him up. He listen carefully not use to hearing Jalena's voice on the intercom. He rose to his feet and walk in a less casual manner than usual. Checking his gear as he went he made a quick stop at his room to pick up his already packed things. Then made his was down the corridor. Ahead of him he saw a few others swiftly walking to the runway. As he came out of the large stone dorrway leading out to the runway the noise of the jet filled his ears. He loved that sound. So powerful yet so docile. He moved tawords the plane when he spotted Jalena. She stood there figiting slightly seemingly in a hurry. [I]Hmmm I think I get it...she isn't suppose to be leaving like this...besides the ergency of it all I don't see our boss anywhere.[/I] A grin spread across his face as he began boarding the plane. Jalena also smiled a devious smile as she ushered Zeddrick the last straggler onto the flight. " Heh. I think I'm going to like this."
Real World: Name: Devon Kieler Age: 19 Sex: (yes please!) Male Appearence: 5' 11" and 160 lbs. An average build which commonly decieves other people. Bright brown eyes and a light brown colored hair. His hair is normally spiked up with Gel and his clothes are of a large variety from dark blacks and browns to light yellows and reds. Personality: Devon is a very, very kindly person. Which he believes is one of his larger flaws. He also has a huge sense of humor which...can float right over some peoples heads. An intelligent guy who is sometimes...dumbfounded. History: Devon grew up in the middle class area of town went to the same schools as everyone else and was pretty average. He and his friends however LOVE playing video games, so when 'The World' came out him and his friends quickly played the crap out of it. Later on the grew tired of it mostly because of college. Devon later returned by himself to find relaxation and to feed his renewed taste for the game. 'The World' Name: Nemisis Age: 19 Sex: (wow even more?) Male Class: Long Arm Level: 41 Blessed weapon: (See the below attatchment of the scythe) Personality: Nemisis is very similiar to his outside self. Still kind and gentle, but can become brutal and efficient in battle when needed. He is one of the first to help newbiesas they seem so helpless to him. Nothing makes him feel better than taking a few under his wing and helping thme out till they are on their feet. Appearence: (see below attacchment of the figure...but without the ughly face heh. Picture a dude with spikey Blue hair and a chest length blue beard.
All during the meeting Zeddrick held his hands under the table clenched in tight fists. Somewhere in the middle of it he found his right hand gripping the hilt of suffering. [I]Hmmmm I bet i could do it...One split second and HIS troubles would be over. Hopefully her's as well...No...I can't...not yet.[/I] He got up to leave...not knowing what to do for 12 hours. He wasn't sleepy or hungry. Besisdes that he was perpared already, like always he took only his blades. Well that and fresh clothes...no one wants a stinky assasin. "Well I think I'll just plant myself on the couch and wait...maybe get in some reading or junk like that." So he sat there. Thinking over what him and Phalen had talked about. His hands still holding the unread newspaper. [I]Could I break it...to save someone else? I think that's justification enough...BAH! Why am I seeking justification? I'm a damned soul as it is.[/I]
Women's washrooms at school (not perverted)
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Burori's topic in General Discussion
Hmm Not much was ever in our bathrooms at High school...though it did reak in there from time to time. We called our Janitor Wild Bill...he rocked lol. Btw...Why is it that women are crueler than guys? I'venoticed this for a while...if two guys who are firends get in a fight they are usually back together by the end of the week. But when ftwo girlfirends fight...man they hold that grudge FOREVER! -
Zeddrick contiued to laugh as the others too wondered what the humor was in such odd behavior. "Well...it's simple really...though I guess I've been the only one observing her for this reason." The others took faces of confusion once again. Phelan simply crossed his arms and listened with a nuetral expression. "See... Jalena has like two modes, the killer and the teenager. I just find it funny that the two change so suddenly and that the difference between them is so great." Zeddrick contiuned to laugh, then seeing no one else laughing stopped suddenly. Wierd looks were cast at him. "What? So I'm a studier of people...sue me." Just then the intercom system buzzed into live with Henry's voice. All looked up to the speaker as Henry cleared his throat. "Attention, all AD-0 members please report to the conference room immediatly. A new mission has just come up. Breifing will begin in 10 minutes. Thank you." The group seperated then some heading directly to the office while Lina and a few others went to change or freshen up.
Gaming Most tragic video game character deaths...
Gelgoog Pilot replied to mononoke_man's topic in Noosphere
Iamcrazyfangirl THANK YOU! I had forgotten to post that one! I hated it too. [spoiler] Llyod wipes out the dragon buster and runs him through...sad I loved him too so loyal and so nice. Also the video that Rose remembers of the previos Dragoons dying during the battle with the winglies. I thought that was sad how almost all of them perished. Mostly to save a comrade as well. OR when at the science city where the Kraken was and the robots there die...man I liked them too. [/spoiler] Now that I think about it Legend of the Dragoon had a LOT of killing even the begining movied had some. Though, that's what made that game so great the feeling that the world was actually in turmoil. -
Zeddrick sat there after Lina left thinking about what she said. [I]I don't bother to pray for them...Hmmmm should I? I really never hold a grudge except a few who are so disgusting.[/I] "HAHAHAHAHA! I'm going to Hell...." He got up and walked into the mansion just strolling through the halls not yet ready to hit the sack. His mind then returned to what happened to Jalena. "Ahhh F***. I can't believe this...I am the one who should have been beaten. That rotten son of a *****! I've seen men like him before beating women and childeren...THOSE are the only ones I took pleasure in killing. Hmmm actually now that I think of it, why hasn't Jalena killed him already? He must have leverage on her. Or is it like the others say, that he is the only family she has ever had..." A woman's scream suddenly startles Zeddrick. He goes into a dead run, thoughts of hired hitment out for revenge of the victims from the last missions fill his head. He gets to the pool area, by now a few others are along with him. There they see Jalena laughing her *** off and a flustered Lina. "Whatever...just a false alarm I guess." A smile creeping onto his face.
[quote]I agree with that...completely. But the thing is, isn't it a thousand, or a billion times more likely for a bat to develop specialised eyes? Or take to sleeping in the open? Or, even become a non-nocturnal creature? What kind of impossible odds, what kind of chances are there of a genetic mutation occurring, which suddenly gives them sonar? 6.23x10^23? To 1? Those kind of odds?[/quote] Ok...yes the odds are incredibly high that I agree with. However, take a look at the MILLIONS or even BILLIONS of different species out there. In fact we find unknown creatures everyday. This no doubt adds credibility as to why only a few animals get certain abilities such as sonar. I find that physical trits can be transfered through genes. Skin pigment which I used in my example shows this. And really a scar isn't considered a trait. Alright, back to my point. Although I won't dispute your concept of a thrid path, I do say that camels growing caluses while still in the room isn't that phenominal. Over time it was seen that the rougher skin on the knees was a helpful trait. Thus, over time the DNA 'ordered' the skin in the knee area to grow tougher to withstand the sand. Such as with traits that are no longer needed. Take our tails for example. Before we fully evolved into what are right now it was theorized that we had tails to help keep balence like other animals. Over time our tails grew smaller and smaller as the legs we evolved into had better balence. It's my bet that over time we will see the tail bone further decrease in size. Already there are genetic mutations that produce no tail bone at all. I know this because I have no tail bone to speak of. (However I think the fact that my mother was a diabetic is to blame) Alright I'm a Chatholic. Personally I'm not happy with my religion. Ok not the point. I have concluded that perhaps the 'Old Testement' was merely made up. I find information in the new testament much more plausable. Though I don't refute that God may have created us I'm just saying maybe not in that way.(btw Chibi could you tell me more of this Lilith thing.) I have more to say but I think it isn't for this topic.
Zeddrick was sitting on his bed, legs crossed indian style. He placed the last chicken leg bone on the plate as he continued to watch TV. He normally didn't get into TV that much...aside from cartoons which he was enjoying at the moment. In a second the TV flashed off, and Phelan appeared next to it. His finger still on the button. "You have some explaining to do." Came Phelan's voice harsh and cold as ever. "Well...see I hate eating by a schedule so I just thou-" "NOT THE DAMN CHICKEN FOOL!" His face became contorted with rage, his cheeks filling up with hot blood. "I know what you meant...Can't we just drop it? How was I to know that I would not be held responsible for my OWN actions. Do you think I liked seeing that girl suffer because of me? I think plenty have suffered because of me already...this discussion it over." Zeddrick got up from his bed and made his way to the door. Phelan didn't budge as the two clashed shoulders. Each refusing to move around the other. "You will kill who we tell you to kill Nemisis...that's final." Phelan responded his voice now a dry whisper. "I will kill who I see FIT." Zeddrick shot back and left. He continued on down the staircase and out the front doors. He sat down on a bench and cried. [I]Damn it...I'm getting tired of causing pain...but..just a little more and I'll be done with this life.[/I]
Gaming Most tragic video game character deaths...
Gelgoog Pilot replied to mononoke_man's topic in Noosphere
Most tragic death eh? I would say in suikoden 3 [spoiler] the entire village...that is burnt to the ground basically. There you see the little boy being killed by Chris and the other villagers fighting for their homes and just being cutdown.[/spoiler] Yeah I felt that FFVII's was good too I mean I felt sad though I really liked Tifa a lot better heh. :D -
*hugs Xai* YES someone agrees! I also hate sports games and my favorite being RPGs. I love all types really as long as they keep producing great games...Really all of the genres have their greats.
Hmmm Linkage....I was lookinf for some anime stuff for some random reason. Hmmm what version was I in when i joined....well I really have no recollection. BUT! I do love this place to an extent. :D CHibi I like how you never shut up! Lol
Zeddrick walked up to Jalena. He knelt down as he recieved a cold stare of anger. He ignored it. Taking out a white rag from his pocket he handed it to her. "I see how things are around here. And that your foster parent is, in my opinion off the deep end...*shaking his head* but...he's a polatician so he can get away with anything I guess." Jalena's stare seemed to soften, but only a little as Zeddrick continued to talk. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. My father, he made me promise not to kill women or children, he believed them to be innocent. He was too kind and laid back to see that not all people are innocent, I know that women deserved to die for whatever crimes she commited, I just...I saw an innocent little girl in her eyes. A girl who once loved her family and through hardships became cold woman. I just couldn't see past that little girl long enough though, that's how it always is with me. I...I ruined my family...this is my punishment...I can't kill like you or the others. I HAVE to kill to save my family,and to save myself from the guilt. Knowing that I'm going to Hell eases my soul...I'm getting what I deserve too. *looking down for a monemt thinking about something faraway from the manision and the jobs. Jalena started to wipe herself off with the rag as Zeddrick looked back up at her. If you want I will address HIM personally the next time I screw up." With that he got up off his knees and walked off. Jalena laid there for a few moments more, waiting for the pain to stop. Zeddrick's heavy footsteps echoed in the great hall as he strolled into the kitchen. Opening the frig and taking a few things the thought the cook wouldn't miss. He had tried the cooking, it was alright but he had always hated eating on a schedule. As he took it up to his room he thought of the past mission, he would not allow that man to to use Jalena in a way to keep the others in order. That's why he had beaten her for, at least that's how Zeddrick saw it. [I]I can hear that bastard now..."YOU WILL make sure your people kill WHOEVER I say! ALL of them."[/I] [I]I'll NEVER go back on my promise, never, not a single women or child will fall by my blades. HE might not be so lucky however.[/I]
Hmmm the word...adaptation comes to mind here. It's the ability of a creature to well 'adapt' to his surroundings. As there enviroment changes the animal or person changes to better the chance of survival. Take us humans for example. Those that lived in the northern reaches didn't build up the large amout of pigment as those that lived in the southern hemishpere. It's the adaptation you talked about with the camels...its science, cool science but I find it nothing more.
Zeddrick almost spit up his drink from laughter. Causing Geraldine to look up confused. "What is so funny Romeo?" Ignoring Jalena's frigid stare Zeddrick wiped his face clean. "Well see Master Will here named it 'A time to kill', when in actuality it's a comedy. I don't know about you but just the thought of someone think it a thriller novel then finding themselves decieved just makes me laugh." "Ahh I see, it is a bit humorus. I must say I do like you Romeo you are quite the character..." Zeddrick flinched again at the name. [I]My God, couldn't Jalena think a little better than Romeo and Juliet? How tacky is that?[/I] Blake started to poke Zeddrick's ribs from underneath the bar. In a flash Zeddrick was behind her, and another split second she was on the ground after recieving a blow to the head from his blade's hilt. "YOU idiot! You didn't kill her." Jalena imediatly barked. Her face turning several colors of red all at once. "I don't kill women. She's not exactly going to run-away, we have enough time to kill her for Christ sake." "I HIRED you to KILL not bop them over the head!" Her face was again in his her words cutting through the air like knives. She unsheathed her dagger and drove it into her back...ending it. "Nemisis you have some serious explaining when we get back...Easy lets get the others and catch the next flight out of here." Both men nodded though Zeddricks eyes held something of contempt in them, the next second he was taking one last look at Geraldine. He then headed out behind the others.
Zeddrick smiled to himself after hearing her words. His fingers gliding over the keys as he began downloading data. "We have to work on your people skills my dear." he suddenly said randomly. "My dear?" Not visible to Zeddrick but the confused look on Jalena's face would have made anyone laugh. "Yep." Typing away, and begining to finish his job. "You know you should wear outfits like that more often, you'll get all the attention you'll need..." Zeddrick's head jerked as he recieved a quick smack in the back of the head from Jalena. He laughed loud enough to let Jalena hear as he finally pulled the disc out of the drive and stuffed it into his pocket. "There, all done...now if you don't mind I have a threesome planned with that beautiful women and Blake...though...I doubt she'll like the idea...HAHAHAHAHA!" He strolled out of the room leaving a puzzled and somewhat angry Jalena. [I]What kind of professionals are these clowns...[/I] Blake turned only momentarily to watch as Zeddrick strolled into the room a grin on his face. He stood behind Blake as the women looked up to him. "Ah I sent two men looking for you, I trustthey found you?" "Oh yes madame, they did, they also mentioned taking a quick break if you're wondering where they are. How was your meal?" "Oh just fine, you know your master here is quite the charmer...I think you can leave now as he's thinking of staying the night" A small smile formed on her lips as Zeddrick smirked at Blake who at the moment seemed full of himself.
BF & best friend troubles, all in one!!
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Redemption's topic in General Discussion
Hmmm try this maybe...if it's alright with your boyfriend that is. I would give ignoring her a chance...I was in a similiar situation (I told you about it) and well it worked for me. Once they realised that they weren't furthering their own cause then they dropped it. Now...don't just ignore her completely, but if she gets ranting rudely and such then you beging the ignoreing or just plain leave...sooner or later she'll see that "Hey if I talk about this like this my closest friends in the world will walk away not caring to hear me". I'd definetly say give it a try it worked for me and all of them are still close friends. -
Hmmm wierd, maybe a little, but I like wierd stuff keeps people on their toes. I'd hate to consider myself 'normal' so be glad you stand out in the crowd. I don't thenk they are too big for your age either. It all depends on the person I've known people with bigger ones at your age. They turnt out alright, though....I didn't ask if they hurt their back with them. :confused: Boos are just Boos to me...a little distraction to keep the guys thinking about you. And trust me a girl with nice breasts does get thought of hahahaha......what? nothing dirty intended?