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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. It was a ten minute drive to the beach house...and traffic was WONDERFUL! " GOD DAMN YOU ALL!" Zeddrick shouted out of the window as the piled up traffic once again came toa hault. "You know Nemisis that really won't help." Blake said turning red a bit as people looked their way. "I can't help it, the ONE thing that really bugs me is driving...I get road rage you know." "So you know what to do once we get there right?" Now hanging onto the steering wheel almost weeping. "Yeah yeah, I escort you to the door, while I'm in there I sneek off, get anything useful out of her data base and we do her in...correction YOU do her in." "Wait a minute...YOU have to take her out! I'll be busy distracking her and stuff." "Whatever." ____________________________________________________________________ Zeddrick lead the way for his "master", knocked upon the door and stepped back. A tall and muscular man answered the door dressed as a butler. [I]Hmmm probably doubles as a bouncer I bet...[/I] He lat them in closing the heavy wooden door behind them. The beach house seemed like a lavish mansion almost in comparison to the H.Q. Rich paintings and colorful objects filled the room. They were lead to a large dinning hall, the long talbe taking up much of the room with a few plants around the edges. A huge window taking up the entire far wall faced the beach giving it a wonderful view. Suddenly the Lady of the hour walked in, two more towering hulks of men followed. She took a seat and noded to the one across from her for Blake. As he sat down Zeddrick began making his move. He backed out of the room making his way down a hallway. Carefully lookinf into each room searching for a computer station. Two rooms later he found it, and it was still on. [I]Ah YES! This will save me the time of finding the password.[/I]
  2. Hmmm well It'll all come down to this Chibi if you were asking me...which you sort of are since well I am a guy heh. I would say yes...if I like HER not her twins, I mean her, it wouldn't bother me....well ok it might a little seeing things that huge...but whatever not the point. I would if I actually cared for her. I wouldn't go out with her if I heard she did. And If I had been going out with her and she told me she was getting them I wouldn't break it off just for that. And to easy you surprised girls minds. Look at it this way...I doubt many guys here are pigs because well those types of guys who think only of breast sizes are prolly out there banging some easy girl or an airhead (no ofense to any girls), instead of posting online. To tell the truth I don't know too many of those kinds of guys who knw anything about computers or rather message boards except that damn wishoops.net dumb spots message board you don't even get an avatar.... :mad:
  3. Heh well there is ONE way it would end happily...say if yu mentioned breaking up and he actually had been thinking of it too (trust me...experience). He'll be sort of glad but you know if he's smart he won't jump up and down screaming yes. That prolly won't happen I mean I was just being...well humorus. Take it from a guy who has always been dumped in relationships. He prolly won't like it but WILL get over it. Though the liking his best friend thing...I'd advise waiting a while to follow through on any plans. It'll look bad, make him feel bad, possibly ruin thier friendship and thus make you feel bad. If all of those things don't convince you then well good luck, no one is THAT reasonable.
  4. Breast size...NAH! I don't really care...to tell the truth the first women I actually fell in love with was...well flat...and it didn't bother me help me actually. saved me the trouble of looking down her shirt and all that o by getting distractd by them while talking to her. I'm serious lol I even told her this, she laughed her *** off. Anyway the way I see it anymore, nice sized breasts are well...a bonus so to speak. If she's flat so what she's still great in my eyes. If she has nice sized ones wonderful still the same women or what not. heh personal note: Im actually a leg man myself...MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! :tasty:
  5. Alright I used this one in a Modern American History class recently. So this guy who's really ok it in my class. During it he keeps asking dumb questions like "what if the Civil War never took place" or "What if the Nazis won WWII". Well after like a month of this I turned around right in class after he made such a remark, and said. "Alty (his nickname) what if you were never born? Then I wouldn't have to listen to you stupid questions now would I?" heh caught eveyone buy surprise with that one...even the teacher's face was beet red from laughing at it. Though after class he told to me to refrian from cutting people down anymore....stupid high school....
  6. Heh...I like this thread... Well I've been here since *checks profile* Oh yeah 2002. I consider myslef a average member here, at least here long enough to witness some of the previouly described happenings. Hmm I found this forums while looking for some cool anime paictures to use as wallpaper. Well I saw the 'forum' link and I was like "Hell I'll join". And so it began. I fell in love with the battle arean at first, having never seen anything like it since I'd played D and D. There I found one of the coolest members here...Harlequin. I had made a duel cahallenge and he accepted. Now me being new to the whole battling experience lost...but his post quality and stlye really got my to stay. Then I grew a bit tired of life here. To me it seemed a bit...colder than it is today. So I decided to leave in search of other forums, after recieving an invitation. I fell in love with that other messsage board. After a while I decided to check the old faithful out. Low and behold it had changed into what it is today...even though I've been back here almost everyday for a year it still amazes me how this place became fiendlier. Now I visit the Adventure arena and have meet a few really cool people there. I haven't been involved in too much of the big evens here but I do recall them. Such as Kuja's dismissle (sort of funny eh? a crappy FF enemy turns out to be a guy who gets banned. Just wierd that he seemed to fit into his screen name i don't know heh.) Anyway I must say I do like coming here again and I know I'll be here for a while.
  7. Yeah....one it took me FOREVER to get to the top...then of course the first time I fought Rayquaza I was going to use timer balls but after a while one of his moves (I forget) takes hp away from him so he ko'd himself well the second time at him I caught him using only 4 ultra's whew I consider myself lucky!
  8. I'm from wisconsin...but currently Im up in Alaska working and stuff. Hi to anyone in Anchorage! Yeah when it was a couple weeks before I came up here all my freinds kept asking if i was going to live in an igloo and marry an inuit...*sigh* that got old. Up here everyone calls me a cheese head. I just can't escape it! Anyway Right now Im working for my uncle laying floor tile. Earning money for my college degree in videogame art and design which is well worth being away from home.
  9. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Zeddrick laugh heartily at Easy's remark. Startling the group and earning a glare from Jelena. "Yes, I have never been there maybe you have a good idea Easy." "That's quite enough out of both of you...I think we had better get into the details of this operation." Jelena's voice cut through the group like a knife, again her inhumanity showing through. She continued to talk of the mission but Zeddrick had stopped listening. He hated planning out every detail, it usually spelt disaster. He left out a chuckle, again catching Jelena's attention. "What do you want to share that is so damn funny Nemisis?" One of her eyebrows raised in obvious anger. "I was finding this planning funny, those who grow too used to sticking to the plans find themsevles lost if something goes wrong. You know, something simple even and the whole group will end up running around confused like chickens without heads. HAHAHAHA! It's really quite funny." He jumped as Jelena was right there, her face in his, and her hands grasping his shirt collar tightly. "You work for the government now, we do things differently, you have been hired because you have experience and can think on your feet if something goes wrong. BUT you WILL stick to the orders! Do you understand this Nemisis?" "Sure..." His words were cold as he stared back into Jelena's anger filled eyes, there was something there he saw, but it was gone just as sudden as Jelena returned to addressing the group.
  10. Kayin seemed to pause a moment trying to find his composure once again. [I]Oh geez here he goes again he's starting to drown...better step in.[/I] "Right!, The murder occured several weeks ago..." Garett's comment was so sudden that the assasins practically jumped then turned to hear him out. "Another hired professional eliminated her for reasons of which are not yet clear. We are now in need of you three to gather information on this murder and ultimately, put HER assasin out of commision." Kayin seeing a pause took the oppertunity to continue. "My assosiate is correct...this is a very delicate matter so the utmost caution must be carried out. We are not yet sure of the motives or the employers of the said assasin. Do you have any questions so far?" ((OOC: ahhh moving right along..I believe that's the gist of it, right Delirium...If not you can fix it up in your next post...))
  11. Kayin's door burst open suddenly as Garett strolled in. "Hunny I'm here! Hahahaha!" Taking a quick look around he took on a puzzled face. "Aren't they suppose to be here by now?" "Yes, they are...and you were planning on calling me hunny if front of them weren't you?" Kayin replied getting a little frustrated. "Oh you know I would too Kayin." "Yeah I told you not around girls you know how i get..." Was Kayins half serious relpy. "Ok ok..I'll tone it down for you...So...do you think they can pull this off Kayin?" Taking a seat on the black leather couch. "Let's hope so Garett...but their information seems reliable and promising." ((OOC: How's that? Keji If you're a bit confused just take a look at the recruitement thread...and if you're not cosher with it just pm me. This is cool since i know a little german myself!))
  12. Name: Garett Kieler Call sign: God Send Age: 22 Gender: I be a MAN Appearance: He's 5'10 and weights 160 lbs, thus his lankier build. He has stunning brown eyes that are usually hidden by his dark brown hair. He wears only casual clothing not needing anything fashionable. he normilly wears a pair of black or brown slacks, and a random T-shirt (he'll wear a T-shirt no matter the temerature) and his trade markfaded black trench coat. Personality: Garett is a laid back jokster, he acts cocky around close friends but on the inside he's fighting his heavy insecurities. He'd be the first one to help some one out and the last to betray you. History: he grew up along side Kayin, and the two were always close friends. The sudden death of Rynia's death hit everyone hard, but Kayin even harder. Kayin was charged with hiring a group to seek out the murderers. Garett took it upon himslef to help his friend carry the burden. Weapons: Garett carries his two blades he named pain and suffering. he has kept them strapped to the back of his waist since the murder. He also packs a 45 just in case. Extra: Garett also learned English in school, and also became quite the notorious hacker in his day...which helped to research their current help. Normally seen either hanging aroundKayin or at home on the web doing mischief or haveing.."me" time (thought I'd add that part for humor lol).
  13. ((OOC: Heh time to kill 30 mins)) Zeddrick stuffed his deck of cards in his pocket and began to make his way around the mansion when he stopped suddenly. To his left Jelena was having a seat on a large couch, no doubt prepared to sit patiently and wait. [I]Heh, just like an assasin would...wait it out.[/I] He strolled into the parlor in his usual fashion of his hands stuffed in his pockets and humming to himself. Jelena only acknowledged the movement he produced then contiued to stare off into space. Zeddrick found a seat on the opposite side of the room. He simply placed on leg on the knee of the other and watched Jelena. [I]Yeah I saw those eyes, devoid of humanity. I wonder if she shuts off herself for her business end of life?[/I] His hands were claspingunder his shin as he stared at her in pure study and thought. "If you want to say something just say it. I don't like people who stare..." can Jelenas emotionless voice. " Oh I'm not staring I'm thinking...you just happen to be in my line of sight" Zeddrick responded clamly even letting a little yawn escape his mouth. "Why don't you take a look around Nemisis You'll be spending quite some time here..." "Oh come now even if I'm not that well known of an assasin, I have been in some pretty rich houses. Besides it's not like I need to got check out weapons or equipement I usually just use the stuff I have right now. No...you've seen one mansion you've seen them all" He smiled at that last part...thinking of his last little job. Taking out some fat cat merchant.
  14. Believe it or not but the studly Gelgoog is...a virgin. There i said it I really never felt that much pressure about it....Well a little until I saw what happened to a friend of mine. He didn't catch a disease but after his g/f that he had gone out with for a year or so he was sex crazed. (prepare for rude comment for effectiveness) "Dude I need to get some ***** soon!" Ugh. That was like the strangest thing I had ever heard and well frankly took the pressure away. I really don't want to end up like that. Anyway...I've often thought about why people do it with out reguard to moderation. Girls (Im not picking on ya) are really strange especially when the word is it that they reach their sexual peek during their thirties and even later(guys reach it at 17 and contiue till god knows when). The several "sluts" I know are mostly a group of popular girls who really are worthless in anything but the sack. One i have known for years upon years, and I got to thinking maybe they are searching for that special feeling...the climax of sex. I'm not an expert on sex or anything but I have heard and read and all that stuff that women tend to climax in a much lesser amount then men. So i got to thinking (this girls is only 14 for christ sake) maybe besides trying to be accepted to the "in" crowd she was searching for that feeling, not getting it with the guys she had sex with she moved on to others. Aside from my little rant there I don't know that much about the feeling I've never experienced it, I'm both trying to find the right person and well am too busy with my life right now to have to worry about getting laid tonight. And Chibi just so you know I partly agree with you on the double standard names for women not men...but I have called one such guy who slept around too much a slut heh...OH yeah he got pissed and punched me but...I still got the whole class laughing at him.
  15. Hmm im in one assasin thread already and Im feeling like I'm high on assasins right nwo so...what spot did cloud have persay because if you'll have me I'll gladly lend my hand Delirium...just give me an answer and I'll edit this post and put up a profile.
  16. Hmmm i happen to agree with quite a few of you and disagree with some too...Especially about Kuwabara, just something about his honor codeand never give up crab that make me like him. Anyway to stay on topic and off the mod hit list...I happen to find the ENTIRE cast of characters on Hamtaro annoying to death...frankly I can't believe someone didn't bash the already. Just the fact that they are always some how meeting outside of their cages and stuff is dumb I wish they'd get like ran over or something. Hamtaro himself is the worst of course. Hamtaro's little comentaries at the end of the episodes really bug me....If I had Hamtaro as a pet and knew how annoying he was...I'd stop feeding him his pellets lol. :devil:
  17. Zeddrick smirked as Jelena put her blades away. [I]She's quick....I love....[/I] He walked over to an understandably concerned Zeos. *placing his hand on his shoulder with a few quick pats* "Don't give it much thought, I'm skilled with duel blades and I could hardly keep up with her movements" *Zeos gave a quick nod, indifferent to thisvagabond who acts like an old friend* Zeddrick didn't much care for big groups, it had a tendency of making this more complex than what they should be. [I]Hmmm I hope we'll be split into smaller groups by the Feds...I work better when i have room to breath[/I] Walking over to Jelena, who still seemed rather tense. " You can count on my blades being there......J..." A smile escaping his lips at the secrect Jacob had been hiding. Jelena swiftly performed a percise sweep kick. Whipping Zeddricks feet from under him. He landed hard on his back against the floor. He erupted with laughter at the attack tears begining to roll from his eyes. "Oh this WILL prove interesting." ((OOC: Ahhh nothing like being beaten up by a girl to get the blood flowing. :laugh: ))
  18. Well Being good friends will help im most relationships because you have the 'being comfortable with eachother' phase under control. Unless of course you're like me and sometimes clam up with the girl you like heh Im cursed! Besides freindship and all I'd say it depends on the person. In my experience I either still talk to my ex's or don't Hell Im better friends with one after we broke up than before. But still I've tried the whole wait for life to hand you something, it doesn't work you have to persue what you want otherwise it'll pass you by. AND SHE LIKES PLAYING VIDEOGAMES MAN! How often do you find girls who like videogames that much? I sure wish i could find one heh.
  19. Wow phil we should swap clueless stories once heh Bet it would be entertaining. I believe you said you told him off in your own vocabulary right there is a hint that maybe you didn't just tell him flat out no. That's what I would do, I would make it clear as possible. He just sounds not really like a stalker but just, crushing you a bit to hard heh. So I agree with those above, before you start making a huge deal by telling teachers and such and giving the dude a possible wrong and bad reputation just tell him. "Hey I like you as a friend but I don't want to date you ok" If he doesn't get the message there try telling him that he's being well creepy and that he's been making you uncomfortable. If he has any brains in his head he'll back off.
  20. Hmmm I haven't kept tabs on these that closely maybe I shoudl have eh? I'd like to comment of something from up top. Some one said they'd hate to see the PSP do good and kill Nintendo........Ummm let's be realistic. The PSP no matter how good it is will not ever kill off the DS market or Nintendo. As James put it so nicely they are in different markets. Besides that. DO you realize how big Nintendo is in Japan, I mean that's where it was founded and those little Japanese kids would never let it die, not to mention die hard fans since the original Nintendo.
  21. Zeddrick strolled up to the bartender. Giving a quick smile as he always did. "Hello Jake, I'm here yet again, I was banned for a week this time!" "Heh, how many times has it been? 5. You know you really otta keep an eye on your mouth from time to time." "Yes well, they should come to expect it from me by now, hahahaha. Tell me *leaning closer to the bar* where can I find a nice new job from the papers?" "You'll want to head to the V.I.P. room, ask around for a gal by the name of J" *He grinned as he said that last part obviously hiding something* "Thanks Jake I will see you around" He then continued to stroll in his cocky fashion both hands stuffed into his pockets and a sharp grin on his face. [I]J huh. Well I hope she isn't tto hard to find AND that her job isn't too difficult.[/I]
  22. Well here's my deal....Im not the type who gives a damn about what people think about me. I do what I feel is right. There is a girl that I like and am great friends with. She's 15...Im 19 4 years meh nothing really. my parents are like 6, though I don't mind that age difference I think I'll wiat a while to go steady. its definet;y easier when both of you can drive and well yeah. My parents know that I won't go out with her and sex it up! they leave me be with my relationships. My sister who is a friend of hers didn't take it so....gracefully. her parents I don't know how they feel really haven't gon out with her seriously yet...like I mentioned. And as advice.....her parents are being protective...I bet if she tried to go out with someone from work they'd come up with an excuse. My last g/ dad was sorta like that. The mom liked me while the dad was stand offish. I asked her if her dad hated me and she goes "No he likes you alot it's just that you're dating me." I found that pretty funny.
  23. Hmmm I as well think this is an awefully cute thread heh. I had an Online crush once i think...*thinks* Ummm yeah i did. Anyway it wasn't a member here, back then Otakuboards was like a city back alley at midnight heh. But it was nice I found out she had a crush on me. And another member of here told me they liked me once, which does make you very happy. *smiles*. I've never taken real crushes too seriously. Im a hy one I'll admit but I'd like classify them into two groups. Ones that we short were just infactuation and I dropped them. While longer ones I'd try and act on to see if I could go all out. My advice is this...GET to know them. when you do end up going out with them you have to get to know them then, and so it's easier to have a head start so to speak. Besides this, relationships that have grown from friendships usually do better in my opinion. Me I'm screwed dating wise...my first g/f used me no if ands or buts USED me. Heh needless to say that sort of ruined me for dating, now im too causious and paranoid. My second g/f however was a dream, lasted like ohh 1 year and then we broke it off. we sort of got back together where i was doing most of the trying but I could tell she wanted to stay toghether. Nope didn't work, you need both people trying their best in a situation like that. I still talk to her and we still go on dates from time to time, it's wierd really.
  24. Ummm Lilith I think he's trying to tell you something there....ahh what the heck I like spam once in a while myself! I think roads are funny words not just because of tommy Boy but well its an 'o' followed by an 'a' so basically all those words are funny to me sploosh! I also like that one heh I bet Tenacious D fans will get that one! :wigout:
  25. Hmmm I don't know how this could be not interesting...I like to learn new things I never really asked too many girls about this sort of stuff. I mean what am I suppose to do ask my stinking mom lol. I know what all the stuff is and what it's used for but..I enjoy reading and getting a sort of understaading on it. What can I say Im a studier of people. This sort of stuff facinates me. Though for a time (last summer) I got a second job as running a gas station and wel had to clean all the garbage cans and stuff every night.......WOW...some of the stuff that I've seen scared me, thus is definetly why guys DO not want to know all about tampons and such *shivers* yes wow and then you'd have a sloppy women who wouldn't hit the trash with her tampon, yeah had to pick that stuff up. I of course learnt about this crap for school then when the "talk" came I had already known the gist of it. Man I want to a Chatholic school so lucky me a preist had to teach us this stuff. *braces for molesting preist jokes* But, in my opinion they either need to drop that procedure or just do a better job at it. Well anyway I took quite a while to read all of that heh....thank god for coffee. Nothing like reading about girls periods after a long day of work heh.
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