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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Well hmmm I won't make a HUGE and awsome list like that one....cus well Im too lazy heh. But I will state the first one that comes to mind Heero Yui (crap last name escapes me) from Gundam Wing Well sure he's a quiet fellow and supposedly a natural born soldier, but that can be good. Any thugs come around BAM! and he won't mess with your personal space or life if you don't bring him into it. Besides that he seems like an alright guy and one you could have a good conversation with even if you had to pry the words out of his mouth.
  2. Ohhh Bouncer yeah that one was....bad to be nice BUT I have an even worse game. And the name of that game is Saga Unlimited....yes that's right square-enix's first attempt at a rpg game togher...failed horribly...ok story line and battle system but...everything else sucked it seems.
  3. ((Heh assuming I DO have a positions locked in this Am lol. Hmmm I think you won't get along with me or my charecter real well lucifer We're both laid back and care free heh ;) )) Name:Zeddrick Kieler Codename:Nemisis Gender:Male Age: 19 Description: (ahh I like it old school thanks) 5 ' 9 160 lbs dark brown hair normally spiked up and soft brown eyes.....not the picture of intimidation, but he never was into the macho man deal. he wears simple baggy pants of darker colors, dark colered shirts as well along with chains dangling from his pants. Likes the idea that older people take him for a Goth or trouble maker. Personality:Laid back in almost ever way possible, he has a wonderful smile and he can be as kind as anyone. A little unsure of his own abilities but other wise a confident jokster. He believes his only major flaw at times it being too kind. History:Grew up in a middle class home with his younger sister and two parents. A fire changed all that. He had been playing with matches...again this time he paniced and ran. His father was the only one who made it out, this weighed so heavily on him that he purposely pushed he past out of his mind and ran away. Just recently he heard of his father being arrested for a murder. He researched every asspect of the crime and found his dad innocent. Taking full responsibility for his dad's fate he is now looking for a way to make his bail and pay off a good lawyer to free his last of kin. Profession: Simple Bartender and a killer for hire (not very successful at the last one) Skills: He isn't especially ready for such a life as an assasin but through his close freinds he learns that it can be......very lucritive. His only merit is his adept skill with twin blades. Both decorated with his own art they are only 20 inches in length and straped onto the back of his waist. Specialty: Zeddrick has...a silver tongue, he excels at talking his way into his victims homes and then quicky killing them to keep for loosing himself. He distastes the killing part but he sees it as punishment for his past. His other speciality is reading people, he spent alot of time studying people as they ate at restaraunts or just visited the bar. He only has to look and watch a person for a day or so to figure them out enough to well...manipulate them.
  4. Heh since you're in need of another guy...AND Im feeling generous (lol just fooling ya) I feel like joining and seeing how this goes. :D Name: Zeddrick (heh go firgure) Nickname: animals eh? ah screw it, Dragon! (uhhh if that's alright) Age 18 appearence: You know Im not good at the image stuff so...the old fashion way. Stands politely at 5'8 he isn't imposing at in the least. Only weighing 160 lbs he could hardily intimidate someone. His brown eyes however, have fire in that surprises some, and his face is a mix between stern and kind. He is a little strange his brown hair spiked up, black clothes usually on and chains hanging about him. Tribe: poppers Skills: Not many to speak of, though he was excellent charisma, a certain charge to his voice that urges loyalty and friendliness. he is hand with computers or at least was before the disaster. Weapons: Duel blades as well, both straped onto the back of his waist, (sorry man I love duel blades too) and one 45 hidden in his trench coat, 1 bullet saved for a "special" occasion. Bio: He was a pretty normal teenager before all of the death and desruction. After that he was afraid, many people beat on smaller fellows like himself, so he aquired some weapons to do the talking when no one would hear him out. Basically he drifted until he joined up with the poppers. (Gah sorry if this sounds crappy or anything it's a bit late and Im dead tired pm me if you have problems with it then I'll fix or something)
  5. ((OOC: Wow...that was so well written that I thought maybe you were implying something for real lol.)) Although Zeddrick didn't know the two girls he could guess as to what Kaitlen was angry about. HE had known that pain as well...though he kept it bottled up inside. Always he kept it bottled up. Zeddrick slumped to the floor of the tent, the could feel the soft furs as his hands made fists in the carpet. He remembered, what had been happening to him, before he had meet these people. It was only a day yet it seemed so long ago. He clenched his fists even tighter, feeling pain in his palms. What was he going to do once he got back home. IF he could get back home. He had no one to care for or people to care for him when he would go back. He knew his parents proabably loved him, but it wasn't enough. He suddenly snapped out of it, his logical mind coming back into power. He opened his white fists, blood was running along his skin. His nails had cut right through his skin, running down his arms. He looked up quickly, no one had seen. They were too busy with the argument. He swiftly wiped it off on the fur carpet, and stood up as best as he could in the tent. "Listen...I know you're mad and all, and I'm sure Valerie has done whatever you've accused her of, but, I'm not that strong, and that guy *pointing to the body laying face down* isn't going to sleep forever. I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting the hell out of here." He looked momentarily at the group, ignoring the red hot glare Kaitlen gave him at his blunt insult. Then quietly he slipped past the tent flap.
  6. Zeddrick had been noticing Daniels increased reactions...he was croutched down now, not to keep from being see but from something else...pain maybe. Zeddrick put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, then with his other hand opened the tent flap. Zeddrick and Daniel being in the front of the tent saw it all. Their eyes were wide and the mouths dropped. THey had suspected as much but, they were still caught in shock. Presently Kaitlen didn't even noticed her eyes were closed with what seemed like pleasure. Which of course was surprising given her situtation. The raider boss however, did notice the sound and thinking it was a guard of his didn't even bother to look up. "I TOLD you, NOT now!" A sinister grin came over Zeddrick as he unsheathed his blade. "Oh I'm afraid this can't wait!" The man had only a second realization of what happened when he did look up, but the hilt of the sword against the back of his head calmed any fears, for at least a while. Zeddrick, seeing Kaitlen in that.....situation backed away unsure, while Valerie some what angry crawled into the tent. ((OOC: Ooooooooo! Looks like some one is in trouble for have too much fun. :laugh: hope that's alright.))
  7. Zeddrick chuckled again, not really meaning that las phrase. He was getting used to these people and he was feeling comfortable to fool around with them. "I was just teasing Charisma, you can hold on as tight as you like. I have to admit I was like you the first time i rode one too, heh, this IS only my fourth time." She tried to smile at his attempt to comfort her, but she ended up with a terrified look as her face grew paler. They rode straght out of town the dust heavily drifted behind them. There was only one problem however...and that was, the lack of other tracks. They had riden a mile out of town and suddenly lost the trail. Daniel and Valerie cricled the last hoof prints looking for a light trace. The growing darkness hindered their search. The wind was picking up as well. Daniel stood up in his stirups. "Listen, we had better make camp soon, its growing darker by the minute and I think there is a storm coming in." Zeddrick looked absant mindely into the sky sniffing the air quietly. "I agree, it smells like rain, though i don't see a whole lot of clouds."
  8. Taking her hand Zeddrick gently shook it, as he did with everyone who shook hands with him. He smiled warmly and released her hand. "My name is Zeddrick, pleased to meet you." Turning to the others "I'm heading down to that weapons shop, you guys coming?" The others nodded and walked along as the stand came into view. Zeddrick picked a beautifully decorated broadsword. One that was made with such craftsmenship that even though it's huge size it was incredibally lite. He swung it back and forth a few times getting the feel for it. He paid the man with a smile on his face and placed the sword in it's sheath. A small crowd was suddenly moving past the stand, not a normal crowd either. This crowd was full of panic, women and children struggled to keep with the flow yelling and screaming as they went. Beyond and behind the mob the reason could be spotted. Several men on hoarse back were riding through the streets cutting down those not quick enough. Grabbing the young girls and women. Raiders, and it was a surprisingly large group...too large for the measly militia the village had engaged against them. ((OOC: Hopefully this will rekindle the RPG..))
  9. Of all of the times that I've been a Mod....I have accepted because it's an honor really, that people respect you and look up to you (most of the time) and I do like to help others and sort of keep the peace.
  10. Gelgoog Pilot


    Alright....you requested that I join up so i will.... name; Zeddrick Kieler age; 19 gender; male bio; Born and rasied out in the country he was somewhat sheltered, and raised 'properly' by his parents. His friends and himself held a fixation for fantasy and the way of the sword. Wether using sticks or crafting their very own they practiced forming their own style and becoming skilled with a blade. Of course having grown up in the country he also learned the use of guns. Then soon after his 19 birthday, the airships passed by, and his world changed. Not only had the cities been hit, but the countryside as well, effectively crushing any chances for feeding an army or hiding out in the vast plains. Zeddrick's entire village was crushed, all were either dead or now under the direct rule of the new enemy. descrip. [IMG]http://animeshack.com/gallerysource1/fushigi_yuugi/fushigi_yuugi05.jpg[/IMG] mental descp: He's a great gentlemen, big sense of humor and very dependable, but although he normally has huge patience, he can become extremely angry wether at himself or others. weapon; A large broadsowrd, exceedingly light and sturdy for its size.
  11. ((OOC: Heh...well this WILL prove interesting)) Still a bit shaken by 'Daniel' as he heard the other gilr call him. He stood admiring the weapons they all seemed to have. "Am I good with a blade you ask? Heh, I don't have three swords hanging in my room for nothing" Smiling sardonically. The others smile a bit seeing an obvious playful manner in him. Stepping forward Zeddrick extends a hand. "By the way...my name is Zeddrick, you may call me Zed if you like." The others exchanged their names with him and shook his hand. He smiled at each and just stood there silently observing while they continued to chat. Thinking to himself all the while. "Hmmmm just my luck, a group of good looking girls and they are all interested in one another. Heh. Oh well not like I had a chance anyway...." Stepping forward suddenly " So? Where did you buy those weapons, I might want to check it out, seeing that you all seem to need protection. I wouldn't want to be without it now would I?" Grinning, getting a joke probably only he caught. But he loved doing things that way, not only did it make him look dubious, but it keep others on their toes.
  12. Hmmm I've only played a little just as Blue here....and well I have to agree with his conclusions. As much as I like Rock star it just doesn't excite me all that much...and it seems too much like GTA but without all of the freedom. The fighting action could really use and overhaul...its a bit clumsy when you start out and you still have a feeling of it when you get used to the controls. The storyline as far as I could tell was very good though, as well as the graphics I would no doubt rent it before buying it though just to make sure you're into it.
  13. Zeddrick got up from the couch, the three still smiling in all of their plesentness. Normally this would have struck him as strange, but he somehow knew their intentions and calmly smiled back. "Well...I think I'll take a look around if you don't mind, I mean, I can now right? Without being jumped by any men." "Yes of course, I've taken care of that, I'm an old friend of the elder's." Getting up to say her goodbye with a quick hug. Recieving the hug and giving her one back at the same time he slipped out the door. The sun was out, and was it bright! This was such a wonderful day, the kind you only see like once a summer. He strolled down the main road for a while, whatching the people's reactions as he passed them by. A small chuckle escaped his lips. "These people aren't used to seeing a thief walking about freely I bet!" So many stalls lined the street now, definetly a market of sorts. There were even a few people milling about that he had seen at the stairs of the town hall. One of them hailed him, waving about frantically, a couple of girls...
  14. Heh...I'm voting for Kerry prolly, I wanted John Edwards, hell ever Screaming Dean would have been better. At least that guy is optomistic heh. seriously though........check out my link in a previous post. It will help you decide who to vote for. Btw: why would you think voting for Kerry will bring alot of change Mage15? We might get out of this retarded war, or finally get someone who knows how to handle a war. The only thing about the Bush admin I like is the Moonbase/mars mission plans. Im big on space programs. But really wanting to stay the 'same' or something is not a good desicion to use as a justification to vote for the current president. ( I hope that last part made sense its getting late and Im tired lol)
  15. yeah I've played around with it before....its nice I'll say that. sadly it wasn't my program so I havn't used it as much as I'd like. :(
  16. Ok Here's the link to my cruddy site that I haven't finished yet. [url]www.geocities.com/chaotic_pilot2000[/url] Its the picture of the Chair...you can't miss it...Or can you? :smirk:
  17. Heh...I doubt many older member remeber me even though I've been around for a long time....I got mine well......cus I loved the Gundam animes at the time. And one of my favorite mobile suits was the Gelgoog So I became the Gelgoog Pilot. :cool:
  18. Heh....I'm currently taking a major in Videogame Art and Design so. This definetly applies to me. I'm a big RPG fanatic so that's what I'll hopefully get into. Not that it matters I like most game types. Right now I have a program on my PC for designing games...as well as the good old RPG Maker2 yes, I know its a bit....constricting but after a while you realize you can still get alot out of it. And have made 2 short RPG's, it helps to send them in with your transcripes when allpy to an Art school like I did. :D
  19. Ugh....no offense to anyone but I hate it when people refer to it as the Only two candidates. There are other parties out there. Its just the way society has been for so long that only two parties have all the power. I personally don't like either of the two men. Nor do i consider myself part of any one party. I'm voting for Kerry if you want my reason then check this site out. [url]www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com[/url] if that link isn't working just tell me. I'll edit it and fix it. It's a well put together site really. I suggest reading the articles.
  20. ((OOC: Heh?. I take it that the ?excellent? is for me, I?ll try and get up to speed right now.)) Zeddrick followed the three, he didn?t know why, but the lady?s voice had been so soothing. They walked a ways down the main street. Only a few villagers were there to look on the man and his strange attire. He noticed the looks, a first he had thought is was because of the pie, but now he noticed them looking him up and down. He followed the three into a small house. The interior was grandly decorated, wonderfully crafted wooden chairs and tables. Elaborate paintings covering the wall, along with beautiful cushioned couches. The lady turned to him them, smiling greatly, even causing Zeddrick to blush. ?Come, sit, my name is Miriku.? Patting the seat of a fine red couch as she sat down. Zeddrick took a spot next to her. ?You know you are welcome to join with us, and I do hope you do. Here let me introduce my friends, this is Tenji and that is Kayin.? Pointing to them each in turn. ?I am Zeddrick?I will of course accompany you, since you want me to, besides I have no idea where I am anyway.? Smiling still Miriku gave him a little hug causing Zeddrick to blush even more. ?Please, allow Kayin to give you some better clothes for this place, trust me it will help.? Getting up off of the couch, Zeddrick followed Kayin into a separate room. There He was shown a closet where clothing would be found. As he shut the door Zeddrick couldn?t help but laugh. There was no way he could have said no to her at that moment, even if he had known where he was. He looked into the closet finding twenty sets of the same outfit. ?Hmmm not exactly a huge decision.? He grabbed the baggy black pants, a pair of dress shoes that were almost like boots, a white button-down T-shirt, and a black cloak. They all fit him very well, which should have struck him as strange, but didn?t. He walked out to the main room then, finding the three looking upon him and smiling. ?What?. isn?t this what you wanted me to wear?? Blushing while he looked to each beaming face. ?No, its not that, you just look so splendid in it!?
  21. ((OOC: WOW!....Heh makes me regret going on that class trip..ugh I missed alot of posting and now Im behind ARRRGH!)) Zeddrick walked down the crowed halls, treating them as if they were empty. The other student rushed past him either not noticing him or giving curt replies upon bumping into him. He was completely lost in thought. He had just gotten another C+. Although this was a dream grade for some of the students here, he was not pleased. His grades were tho only thing he had pride in anymore. He was losing it, and he knew it. He thought of a way out of this depression as he walked aimlessly down the streets. He had no intention of going home. He knew his parents would go balistic over the C. He crossed a small lane and into a small wood. He simply sat down next to a tall Elm, letting a sigh escape his lips. Gently falling alseep. He woke up suddenly...concerned that he had fallen asleep at all. Immediatly aware that his parents were going to kill him now for not showing up. He didn't mind though, something cause him to laugh out loud thinking his recent fear something terrible foolish. Rising up on his feet he walked aways, once his laughs ended he began brooding again. He knew he was not acting like himself. Something had been distracting, making him lose his place in his own life. He walked for hours it seemed...coming to a small town he croutched in the bushes. "What the hell? I think I'm in deep **** now. I don't remeber any other towns this close by...or this odd looking." He started out again not just because he wanted to ask for directions but to get some food. As he came closer he say a pie on a window sile. Cooling no doubt. He grabbed it up and took a bite. A scream sounded from the now open window, a young lady was shouting now, as men gathered around and grabbed him. They drug him to the town center, there he could just make out an elderly man standing at the top of some stairs. A group of people were gathered there and now there attention was on him. He dropped to the ground as the men left go. "Hey! Watch it fellas!" "Shut up fool...as a thief you have to right to speak!" The man seemed about the back hand him as the elder called out. "Enough...this is not how we treat our prisoners, he'll have a trial as soon as Im done with these young ladies here. In the mean time take him away." Zeddrick jumped to his feet as if to run....but as he did so the girls turned to him...all of them were pictures of beauty...and this cought Zeddrick off guard. One of the women seemed to have a face that told him everything was fine. He calmed down then and turned to leave. ((OOC: Wow...my hands hurt....I hope this will do heh.))
  22. ((OOC: I'm hoping that this sign up is still open.? I had a class trip so I was gone for 3 days?I really am sorry about the delay. I?m hoping this is alright callmegoddess.)) Name: Zeddrick Kieler (Zed) Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: (Real world) 5"10, 160 lbs. Not the most imposing figure, but that doesn't matter to him. In fact everything about him looks like he is as carefree as can be, and he is carefree most of the time. Always wearing His simple black T-shirt with the word 'American' on it and an upside-down flag on the back, his baggy brown pants almost his calling card. A wallet chain hanging from his belt, a key and a USB key on the key chain. His hair spiked up with gel and a sarcastic smile on his face. Deep brown eyes hiding his thoughts and emotions. (Dream world) Still only 5"10 and 160 lbs. Zeddrick looks just about the same in this strange world. His clothes change to that of baggy black pants along with a pair of heavy dress shoes. A white button down dress shirt, partly hidden by a well-kept black trench coat loosely hangs off his shoulders. He has a very respectable and even businessman look to him, his carefree mannerisms contradicting his appearance in obvious ways. Personality/persona: Zeddrick is a very carefree person, giving him the reputation of a lazy good-for-nothing. This isn?t true, though, he always is helping people out by giving advice or just by offering assistance. Most people are surprised by the intelligence he possesses, and his determination we he actually decides to do something. Absolutely loyal to his friends, he can become quite vengeful and heated when they are threatened. His only faults are his carefree tendencies, caused by ADD, and his trustfulness. Zeddrick, as some have said, has too much trust. Almost trusting people completely when he only knows them a little. Of course this has burnt him many times, as a result he doesn?t make friends as easily as he had once before. Bio: An average Middle-class child. He was loved by his parents, even if he was a little rebellious at times. He had an easy time in school never having to truly apply himself. He is now attending college for Videogame art and design having been a huge gamer while growing up. He?s got a small circle of friends and though he seems happy almost all of the time, he has been becoming more and more depressed with his lack of motivation. Sick with himself he stays away from contact with others even his close friends, determined to dig himself out of this hole and find a purpose.
  23. Ugh....I wish to join this RP........just give me a sec to type up a sign up on word....I'm at work right now so heh. Can't really do it now! :D
  24. Yep, ADD right here. Hard to pay attention in class even though I try (sometimes) and once in a while it'll cause a little sufferage in my interaction with g/fs. I took Adoral (sp) but it just made my thoughts more scattered. But i do ok with it. Im learning to control it a little. I'll tell ya what though when I was little Mom would tell me to do something and I'd completely forget like everytime.........man did I get grounded alot!
  25. YAY! someone made a thread for this! Im soo happy, and yeah man your pics aren't working. Anyway I loved 2 and 3........and now with the coming of four I'm getting hyper. Love the mech battleing and was always happy to play a good old turn based game. Sadly I hope I'll finish drakenguard soon. Very good game and Im maxing out each wepon heh.
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