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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. ((OOC: Oh my GOD life sucks....heh sorry swordsaint, I've bee uber busy I'll try to post as much as possible)) The Commander hadn't killed Zeedrick like he had thought he would. In fact he had given him the Lt. rank saying that he would need officers after this morning. No one went into the Officer mess for the rest of the day. The screams had been enough. He was now in the front of a column of troops. Evidentily the resistance was here. Severl squads of men had been found dead, and several sightings had taken place. He had been unsuccessful as of yet. Only a few minor members of the group had been found. Grunts were all they were, none of them belonged to the faces on the wanted posters. He was hopeful though. They would be found out.
  2. CrH I think is refering to ff tactis advance.........where there is a blue mage. Funny enough i don't even know yet how to get the darn guy heh. haven't played it in a while. :D
  3. Now let me ask you this dot hacker.......why would you buy oh say the first to episodes of the old star wars sieries, having never seen it, but decided to not get the last one. It would be pointless, that games are suppose to be the same except for the plot because it was designed to be ONE big game, a series basically. How would you like to get accustomed to say the battle system and controls but have to change everytime you advanced the plot far enough? Anyway, no hard feelings I have all four and they are great, though hunting for viral cores sometimes makes me angry heh.
  4. Mya's smile was simple to read. "No doubt those two had a girl talk about it heh" Rodya thought. They were just walking into the house when Rodya heard some rustling from behind. He didn't bother telling Syn or Mya who were talking to each other. he simple strolled straight to a bush. The bush shook as its contents tried to flee. Rodya was too quick, however, and caught the frightened student by the collar. She tried to fight back, but Rodya simply lifted the skiny girl off her feet. He came into the house still holding her in the same manner, as if she was a small kitten being held but the scruff of her neck she accepted it. "Looky here, I found a rat." Rayne and the group looked up staring at her trying to discern her nationality. Rayne proped himself up on one elbow. "Well? who is she?" "she's Russian even though she hasn't said a word." Pointing to a patch on her shirt* "That's a common fad in Russia now-a-days...plus i saw recognition in her eyes when she saw me." "Well? What should we do with her?"
  5. The rumors spread like wildfire, their new commander was, as they knew a manufactured human. Many of the officers could be heard talking of their disaproval in the darker places of camp. Not disaproval for the removal of the corpral but that the cammander was no doubt as brutish with the officers. This could go bad for us indeed...not only the harshness fo these orders but that lack of respect for the other officers will not prove efficient. Zeddrick thought as he looked over the orders. He had been called to the officer's mess, probably more harrassing while he was still a grunt. When he pushed through the doors however, he realized it was something more than jokes. Officer: Zeddrick.......we have an errand for you. We've been looking over the orders. We find that with the resulting civilian casuilties, there will no doubt be an increase in the resistance movement. You are to give our revised stratagems to the Commander. Zeddrick:*eyes wide in surprise* You do realise what he'll do. Hell he'll probably kill me just for being the messanger. Officer: This is an ORDER! You will carry it out or I will shoot you myself. With a stern salute Zeddrick exited the mess hall and made his way twords the Commanders quarters. All the while he knew that if he lived threw it his promotion would be assured......because there will have to be alot of replacements.
  6. HA! You did answer part of it right.........BUT you forgot about the way to get the black one as well as the fact that you have to get it to class 'S' to have the best chances ........other than that you got it heh......
  7. The group crowded around their previously missing companion. Many had stern faces yet Rodya could see the relief in their eyes. He however, was not as immpressed or happy to find Rayne after his little fight. "You know, Rayne..........I believe we said before that we were going to kill as few people as possible. I don't mind killing a few in self defense...but these are other youths, students just like us. I just don't feel right going about it this way." His angered Russian features seemed to be emphisized in the dim light. A few of the members drooped their heads, having a small taste of guilt. Syn and Rayne stared into Rodya's face, searching for something. "We'll see what happens Rodya, then, maybe I'll take some crippling shots..." With that said Rayne signaled the class to move out, in search of that something
  8. You have to have [spoiler]Odin the Guardian Forces junctioned..........then at the Final battle against Seifer (sp?) Odin dies and Gigalemesh comes done to take his sword[/spoiler].....Thus you gain his GF :D I'm a FF VIII Lover heh Sorry about this second FF question but I can't think of anything else right now heh. In Final Fantasy VII, what is the proper way to get a Golden Chocoabo by breeding? (which is the only way)
  9. Heh, Yes Ignoring prople is fun.............though it always seems mean. I've always been the one to be dumped...........I never really got cheated on but I was used by my first girlfriend, she laughed in my face when she said she had been using me. God if i didn't have any honor I coulda punched her right then. But I ignored her after that..........it's just not that important to worry over. If she doesn't stuff like that, she's just a worthless human being.
  10. Yes, you see The christians were sone of the first followings who converted people in great amounts. Sometimes to make the conversion less forgien or to get more of the native people from the area. They would adopt and change local myths so the religion was more appealing so to speak. There you have it, the true face of Christianity. Not the reason why I left the faith but just plain interesting. :D
  11. See no offense Justin but you are the type of christian I hate.......Also One of the reasons I quit from my religion. YOu can't say things like that. You just can't force your beliefs on people like you just did. Even if you tried to do it descretly. I stopped beleiveing in God but I don't try and convince people otherwise nor do I tell them something to the effect of "God bless". Ugh.......It makes me sick to think that i once belonged to about the same following as you.
  12. Hmmmm its sad really...........whenever I am actually sick and stay home I never feel like videogames.........it seems like the more i play them while Im sick the worse i feel. Most of the times this is true others it isn't
  13. Yes, I have read articles about the power source possibilities of anti-matter.....the only problem is, we currently don not the the technology to apply it or use it properly. Kinda sucks really. We have the ultimate power source in the known universe and in huge quantities, and we can't even used it yet. Kinda ironic.
  14. The musty smell of the dimmly lite baracks was a welcoming scent to Zeddrick. He had spent most of his semi-adult life in buildings such as this. Created for the sole purpose of housing soldiers, these places were also favorite targets of the resistance. It was sad really, back in the day the groups would attack war factories and smaller key outposts and supply convoys. Now they had possibly realised that the only way to demorilize Alexander was to slaughter troops while they slept in their beds. He shook his head as he remebered a scene several weeks ago. His squad had just got finished with a 20 mile hike, their camp just coming into sight. They the sky lite up as several building were blown to bits. He thought to himself, "Man, that clean up job was the worst." As he reached the entrence on his way to the rec room a private first-class stopped him and saluted. Man: Sir! I bring orders from the 'brass'. Zeddrick: Hmmm....Really? Well it's about time! He hastily opened the letter, completely forgetting to let the messanger to at ease. He read the letter with hunrgy eyes, then, stopped. The letter was released from his hand and it floated like a feather to the cement floor. Man: Is there a problem sir? Zeddrick: *a bewildered look on his face* No, no there isn't..........uhhh you're dismissed private. He began pacing as the messager exited through the door. He began thinking to himself " Hmmmm all of them....dead. I know Alexander is not the best tempered but...all his generals? And this new guy? Alexander really expects him to do by himself what a whole group of generals couldn't?" The letter had been blunt....like always. It pertained to the execution of the former generals and then stated a brief describtion of the new commander. Who then in several lines gave orders to some various regiments. Zeddrick's regiment was to attack a small town in the east coast, suspected of harboring and contributing to the resistance factions.
  15. Ugh! *slaps his forehead* You cannot and will never find matter AND anti-matter together as one substance. It's compleately immpossible. As is the way with and acid and a base, they would cancel each other out. They would then no longer be matter and anti-matter anymore. They would be a completely different nuetral substance. This is all in theory though. ;)
  16. YAY! Shinken! I hate PETA too.....or as I call them "People eating tasty animals" heh. I've talked to a veggie at my school quite often. She says she doesn't eat them because we torture the animals and kill them brutally. Now see here......there just is NO way to kill something in a nice way, and for seconds, we don't kill animals cruelly. The send an elctrical shock into the temple knocking them out. then they slit the throat. They don't even feel it. And for the torture. She said the placing them in pens before we kill them. The holding pens where the animals ar put for like 10 mins before they are killed -_-' . Veggies.......gotta hate'em.........or at least some of them.
  17. Alright, not a problem James...........I'll get on it right away.......hopefully while Im making some I can remeber the size....this time *shakes fist* :mad:
  18. Oh yes, I don't know if you relise how many times people told me that.......and trust me there were times in my life while I stilled believed in him and I wanted him to show himself with all my heart. He never once showed up. I guess you couls say I think he may excist but that he doesn't give a damn sometimes. No offense. But If there is one God why would he allow so many other people misinterpret him and then kill each other over him? Doesn't that sound odd for a merciful God?
  19. Well. I was a catholic for 17 years as I stated before. And after a while.......I began to question it. I don't really believe in it anymore. Though I would call myself an athiest. Hmmmm, It's hard to explain but God seemed to show himself alot more in the 'ancient' times. The question that riddled me was....Why did he stop? Or was this the manipulation of the wirters and founders of the religion? I'm not going to argue the point right now in it's fullest, unless some one wants me too. So I'll just leave it at this. ;)
  20. Alright thank you James.........I'll probably be a while on those avatars (I have alot on my plate right now). Also I could direct you to some already made ones that are found on websites. I don't know if you only accept original ones or if I "imported" a few of these.
  21. Rodya sat down, rather depressed at the groups disfuntionality. He laid back against a tree as the rest of the group continued to argue. "Hey!.......THAT'S ENOUGH!" The startled students stopped and looked at Rodya's direction. "We are going to die if you guys keep this up. They will sneak up aon us and bam....all dead. I know this becuase its a favorite of Russians. Sit in wait for the prey to become too occupied to notice anything." "We never spotted a soul anywhere near hear." Mya retorted rather angered. "That's because they wouldn't WANT to be seen. Did you ever think of that?" "Its no doubt possible they could have avoided detection. I think we should follow Rodya's lead and find a different, more securable camp for a while. Just until we figure out what we are going to do." Rayne said with a nod. "Right........." was heard form the whole group. They began packing up and were moving off in a matter of minutes.
  22. Oh.......simple enough heh. I think i'll start on that right away. How do I present them to you? With the avatar submision thread?
  23. Uhhhhh......I think you are a little confused there. See Catholics are a sub-group OF christianity. To be a christian is to blelieve that Jesus was the son of God. I know this because I was a Catholic for oh.....say 17 years. I sorta stopped believing in it. heh. Anyway You might mean a difference between catholics and protastants or methodists and such. All these I listed (and there are more) are sub-groups of christianity.
  24. Hmmmmm interesting........I have a question then...Do the Bhuddists hold plants sacred as well? They are living things. See I always have a gripe about how vegatarians don't eat meat because it's a living being, but so are plants.....anyway back to the topic. Do the bhuddists respect plantlife as well? I assume they do but, to what degree?
  25. Yeah, Im sorry if there is an older thread for this but i got mucho tired of looking back. Anyway down to business. I am wondering why there are no Gundam avatars......if someone would be so kind to put up some default gundam avatars I would be very pleased. ~Gelgoog
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