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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Name: Zeddrick Kieler Age: 19 Gender: Male Description: A man who stands at 6'1", he is a very imposing person. His deep brown eyes can penetrate into the soul. Brown spiky hair is usually wrapped with a head band, only causing it to stand up taller and straighter. Normally wearing the uniform of his army, he likes to wear his own pair of baggy black pants. Faction: Alexander Pandora Occupation: 1st Sergeant Weapons: The Standard Issue HK MP5A4 assault rifle. Also carries a pair of Ingram Mac 10 SPs. Other equipement: Standard Military issued Rations, a boey knife, grenades, and Night vision goggles. Bio: He was a citizen of the former United States while Pandora was in power. He joined the Military to gain honor and respect. He also did it for the money. Pandora had used huge amounts of money to entice young men to join up. As Pandora began to manipulate the country?s armies and resources to his will. Some men dropped out of the service for his sheer tenacity. Zeddrick stayed, he liked the ideas of glory Pandora promised as well as his monthly pay. He is boviously a thawed soldier, as the expression goes, a soldier who was frozen until needed. The resistanc movements have become more active and thus he and thousands like him were waken. He is a loyal soldier on the verge of promotion for his loyalty and leadership. As of late, however, he has begun to doubt some of his leaders orders, not disobey but merely question them.
  2. yes chain of memeories will have similar characters.....but it is a card game.....which Is WAY different form the PS2 KH. I dunno if I'll see the movie.....depends on how good it looks heh
  3. Heh....I played a bit of the game.....game play is about the only thing that didn't bore me to death....the story line and characters were...a bit lacking to say the least. :sleep: I had high hopes for this one.......
  4. After Rodya was dressed he scooped up his chosen weapons and began to stretch......he had been very tense all moring and he felt this would be the calm before the storm. "So.......What is the game plan? Are we to go down in a shower of blazing bullets or hide like dogs? If you don't mind the expression heh." "I'm not to sure myself.......we should explore this place more throughly. There has got to be a way off this island....or at least a control center." "Good, I'd rather not take out more innocent students."
  5. Raskilnikov noticed the girls confused expression. Rayne's ears were a bit.... odd. He didn't much care though, more important things were taking place. He sat down in front of the weapons looking them over carefully. He settled his eyes on the soviet weapons. Weapons he knew small amount about fronm his Grandfather Mitka. "If you don't mind, I'll be taking these weapons *pointing to the soviets* I happen to know a few of these well enough." " Fine by me...... there is plenty to go around." Raskilnikov scooped up a AK-47 and slung it across his back. The other pistols he stuck in his waist coat and smaller ones up his sleeves. "Well........... nothing like having a piece of 'Mother Russia' here to comfort me.*looking up at the girl* Tell me, what is you name? I am Raskilnikov, or just call me Rodya my familiar name."
  6. ((OOC: Um, did you say you'd tell us what weapons we were to use?)) Raskilnikov had barely heard what the fellow student had whispered under his breath. If fact he hadn't really cared. He was thinking about the reason behind this guy not killing that french girl. He had already heard of this boy's reputation. No doubt he had his reasons. "Yes, I'll accompany you, and as for the fact that we'll never go back to our normal lives, I happen to agree... I've read about this 'Program' before, terrible atrocities during it coused it's cancelation. It seems as though some private investors got it running again. Tell me what do you propose to do? You see I'll help us stay out of the Russians clutches, but as for the other nations......I can't promise I'll be able to predidct their movements." "Fine by me....lets keep moving, as I said I have to get somewhere."
  7. For some reason I love the turn based battles of Final Fantasy tactics, Tactics Advance, and Disgea (sp?) Just something about have Godly characters fighting, and without any way of stopping it watching them get slaughtered on the field. Then of course you have to frantically try and get a white mage to bring them back to life before they are gone for good. lol I lost more worthless theives that way....... :rolleyes:
  8. [COLOR=Navy]((OOC: man I love star wars........I hope you don't mind me doing this for the clones either.)) Name: ARC Trooper #17 Company #1 Age: 21 Species: Cloned Human Gender: Male Allegiance: Republic Soldiers Weapons and Armor: Green ARC Trooper armor. Main weapon: Heavy blaster rifle. Secondary: Vibroblade and blaster-pistol. Spacecraft: Is stationed on the Republic Cruiser StarLance. Bio: Number 17, a highly trained ARC in Company #1, and one of the original troopers who were traind under Jango Fett himself. One of the Companies weapons specialists, he excels at both ranged and melee combat. One a few clones even carry the arcane blades, even less have mastered it. [/COLOR]
  9. I think it's just you man, I looked over the pics and the tralier again after I read your post.......doesn't seem to be any earings on him, then again maybe I missed it.
  10. Raskilnikov leaned up against a tree trying to find reason behind this current maddness. He wanted to know how unlucky he could possible be.....first he transfers to a new school in the middle of his senior year, now he's stuck on a damnedable island. He could easily rest where he was, his current class had picked out by a Russian one. He easily ran away, knowing all of the old russian hunting tricks taught to him by his grandfather. He wasn't much concerned for the rest of his class however, he had only attended their school for a few weeks when this trip went haywire. A young girl from his class dashed by, along with one of the boys. Strange he could have sworn he had seen strange ears. Almost immediatly after some of the Russians passed. Two however noticed him, taking only a second glance the spoke to him in Russian. Telling him that their prey was on the run, urging with him to join. He simply shook his head no. They muttered coward under thier breath and moved on. Raskilnikov: That was simple enough! HAHAHAHA! Now if I can find some classmates.....Oh ****! I wonder if they'll think I'm a Russian too?
  11. -_-' It still doesn't say what nation we are from.....but to save the hassel of changed my sign up I'll keep all the personal stuff but just forget about location if we aren't from Russia......and too bad the name stays lol Im a transfer hahaha!
  12. ((OOC: so do you want like one person per nation? Or can a few be from the same country. Either way you should name what country you hail from. btw what's with all the assassin students lol.)) Name: Raskilnikov Gulukovich Age:19 DOB: (06/07/2098) Sex: Male Nationality: Russia Eye Color: dark brown Hair color: brown Legal Guardian: Himself (duh he's 19) Address: 1258 Lehnin Street, Moscow Occupation: Gas Station Attendant Personal Information: He's an average 19 year old. A year older than most of his class he took a job at a gas station to earn money for the university. He was like most students not real built but tough enough to handle himself. His job however was in a bad part of town, he has now perfected the traditional Russian Boxing style with a little Tia Kwan Do (sp?). He's happy to be graduating from school to start his life. He's very kind but because of his recent situation he is suspisious of strangers. Not quick to anger once he begins to know someone he trusts them completely. Distinctive marks: ! tatoo on his right arm, the Hammer and sickle 1 scar from a thief's knife on his chest.
  13. Meh....I would go if it weren't so far from me lol.....but the price isn't too bad. I have a few of the soudtracks and I definetly like going to see concerts, so if they come around the Mid-west IM THERE! :wigout:
  14. Zeddrick rose to his feet,. Having been knocked down moments before, he saw the group of fighters begin to talk about the now tame beast. Walking away silently, the could just hear the groups words. "So they are headed to windurst? What could they want there........not much goes on there anymore as I recall." Matt: Hey! You..........I want to have a word with you. You're a paladin aren't you? Zeddrick: Yes, but what does that have to do with anything. Matt: Hey, take it easy. Im from Clan____. The name's Matt. What are you doing out here by yourself? Normally a paladin is in a group or some sort. Zeddrick: *turning around now to face Matt* Yes, normally we do.....but you see I had been tracking that wryvm's parents. I was hired onto an escort service. The adult Wryvms annihilated, the others. *walking towards him slowly, extending his right hand* I believe this is how you Humes say hello.....My name is Zeddrick Kieler.
  15. Zeddrick hung onto his sword as if it were his life. He began regretting this oath though, for the wryvm was twisting around constantly to face different attackers. The group were good fighters, that was evident, however wryvms were tough and this was a baby. He mustered his strength and managed to place his now ragged boots onto the beast's back. Then he pushed down dragging the sword out of the creature's back. Instantly falling to the ground he rolled onto his feet and took several slashes and the wryvm. Zeddrick: HEY YOU! *pointing to Matt with his sword* YOu have the look of a beast master, for if you are hurry up before the parents come looking for their babe.
  16. Zeddrick leaned heavily against the tall oak tree. He took in the vast plains stretching out until the horizon curved into the sky. He took a deep breath, letting the gentle country winds cool his face. He suddenly pricked his long ears to a sound coming from his left. A rustling, then a sound of something big trampling towards him with immpressive speed. He turned quickly and came face to face with a infant Wryvm....It growled nastily, barring it's teeth. Three rows of them. He methodically stepped into a ready stance, sword drawn. Movement caught his eye on his right. A small group of Humes with one Gulka. They froze in place. The Wryvm Saw them too, loudly sniffing in thier direction. Zeddrick: GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! It was too late the Wryvm began it's charge, without hesitation Zeddrick jabbed his sword down into the the back of the creature. It didn't even make it flinch. In Fact it drug Zeddrick along the ground, the latter refusing to release his sword.
  17. Zeddrick walked down the street whistling to himself. Not a real crowed night tonight, he thought to himself. Childeren were busy playing in the street. Kick the can, was the game Zeddrick observed. The parents were all watching from benches, some sat alone reading a book or intently worrying about their kid. Zeddrick smilied devilishly, walking onto the side of the street behind the parents. He then procided to walk to the benches out of the grown-ups view. Being busy with the game niether the kids or the parents even noticed his precense. One by one he placed a hand over a parent's mouth, then jabbing dwonward with his dagger into the back of the neck. This way only a small amount of blood managed to escape the wound. He then sat back and grinned. Observing the seven parents who seemed to be sleeping. For at first glance on one could tell that they now sat limply in thier seats. He had walked to the other end of the near by park humming as he went. Smiling to passersby, giving the impression of a very kind man. He took his seat at a cold stone bench under a lamp. And laughed. The screams and shouts could be heard from across the park. Apparently the kids had finished playing. Zeddrick: Yes, that's it. Scream and cry all you like, they won't come back. I should know, it happened to me............BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  18. Name: Zeddrick Kieler Age: 18 Gender: male Race: Elvaan Occupation: Paladin Nation: San d'Oria Bio: Son of a Noble family he was predestined at birth to become a great knight. However as his training as a Paladin came to a close he, left the order to seek a meaning to his life. He never really had any choices, even as a privilaged upper-class youth. So now he wishes to join a clan to help erase his old life and start another. Description: I'll just use the male Elvaan provided if that is ok.
  19. ((OOC: I know there isn't a real point in me posting this....but Im bored lol so enjoy)) The enemies front lines crumbled under the frontal charge. Deserters ran to any direction available. Many still surrendered. Nemisis smilied to himself at this desisive victory. Now the enemy would have to rely on thier second defense, as well as trench warfare. Of course this was bad news for both sides of the battle. Heavy losses were going to follow, urban warfare had always been bloody. Nemisis sat down on a crumbled wall as the after math was being tallied. Troops cris-crossed the small square which would serve as a supply depot. "This battle will be fruitless.....unless we can assume the air power. Those blasted flak and sam sites pose a problem. I will find a way around them though." Just then explosions followed as the enemy commensed artillery bombardment. Without sufficient scouts however, most of the shells never came close to their intended target. Several were even hitting buildings with their own troops inside. "Yes, tear yourself apart, that way, you won't suffer as much."
  20. He gave her a simple nod. Scaring her, but she quickly hide the signs. Zeddrick: I'm not stupid girl......I see those twitching hands.....wandering rather close to you 'protection'. Nikkie took a quick gasp as he shifted her hands further from the weapons, but still readying them to fight in a given moment. Zeddrick: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! You amuse me child....and I'll let you in on a secret. I like to spare the things that amuse me. Now I'm going to leave and find something else to occupy my time.....but don't be sad....I'll be back. He laughed again, an empty laugh one that would silence everyone around in fear rather than insight happiness. He chuckled to himself the whole while he walked off. ((OOC: Im sorry about the name thing I wasn't paying attention, also if I write your char wrong just let me know and I'll fix it k. Why do I get the feeling you and I are the only ones posting anymore lol?))
  21. ((OOC: I guess we just create a story of our world until you enter eh?)) The heavey fog had not yet risen, but the bridge was still very visible. Nemisis stood admist a regiment of armored troops, many were resting their assult rifles atop their shoulders waiting for the charge to sound. Other still were checking their swords for the coming battle. The heavy booming sound of the artillery drug on, every few seconds another sounded. Seconds later a crash of the shell could be heard and seen. The city they were attacking was three times the size of the armies home town of Kieler. Yet by conquering the souronding villages, the small to be empire had assembled a vast army of 70,000. Still stratagy and supirior training, were not enough to defeat their enemy. With 285,000 or so troops waiting across the river luck would play a major roll. That was were the fog came in, it would mask the army until they were right ontop of the defender's front lines. Nemisis unsheathed his blade, the entire army could be seen tensing up, jolting to attention of their commander. With a swift single motion Nemisis thrust the sword to the direction of the bridge. A tidal wave of soldiers rushed past Nemisis, charging the enemy's lines. Hopefully the bombardment had done it's job of disorganizing a hard defense. The roars of the army could now be heard as the enemies heavy guns began firing on the men half way on the bridge. Nemisis: *smiling dubiously* Go ahead and fire all you want you won't desroy that bridge and you won't stop the coming wave.... With that he gave a second wave of his sword signaling another charge, this time he lead it into the dense fog.
  22. He circled around her quietly smiling the whole time. She still had the blank expression when he finally made it around her. Zeddrick: I see you aren't afraid of strangers? Nikkie:.... Zeddrick *looking to the ground* Hmmm, Or is it that you hide your fears with expert skill? Still no answer...... Zeddrick: *Now pointing at her face with his index finger. His facial expression changing to malice and hatred* YOU listen here! You WILL fear ME! Nikkie: You haven't answered my question Zeddrick: Oh...Yes.....*seeming to compose himself* I regret that my answer is......irregular *smiling again* You see I have no idea why I followed you, but I knew it would lead to some.....fun!
  23. might I suggest starting this thread soon? Because I don't think anyone else is going to see it to join unless we keep posting so often to keep it active...
  24. Zeddrick stood there in plan view as the girl dissappeared into a house. He began for the door but something stopped him....something inside told him to have patience to wait... He said quietly to himself " Normally I'd walk right in and probably kill everyone in sight...but no....not this one.....But why?" He backed away observing the whole building, a rather nice one at that. To his right side he spotted a bench occupied by and old man. Zeddrick: That's the ticket! Walking over calmly he grabbed the man by his collar and threw him onto the street. Immediatly the old man began to frantically crawl away speaking jibberish. Man: M-My God! NO.......His eyes....they're, they're empty! He finally stumbled onto his feet and ran in a full panic to no where particular. Zeddrick: Hmph! Not very nice to make fun of me...and after I spaired his life too. A large grin covered his face as he sat reading the old mans paper.....waiting for the door to open...
  25. Well of course, it was made confusing on purpose. It's these plot twists that keep the viewer interested and has them watching it a second time for things they missed.
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