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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. YOu got outbreak before mutation? weird but, then again you said it was a gift....Personally I hate having wavemasters in my party I just like to you for example blackrose and sanjuro (sp) to go to data buged areas. I beat skeith at level 31 .....however without all of that stuff -_- probably would have saved some time..... Anyway I want some help finding info on grunties, Ive got a few wuch as noble(of course) aqua, milky and rocker, but the rest is a mystery......
  2. Zeddrick had grown rather hungry tracking down that man who had nudged against him while walking down the street a few days a go. Sure it was a petty reason even to Zeddrick it left a foul taste in his mouth, but he was suffering froma lack of excitment. He walked down the main square looking for a decne tplace to eat. A small stall caught his attention with the sign stating "The best beef sandwitches in town". He grabbed a stool and told the attendant his order. As he recieved the sandwitch a few of the other customers began to eye him up. Zeddrick put the sandwich down and simply stuck the nearst man in the side with a dagger from his sleeve. The man immediatly began to yell and ran down the street holding his side carefully. His friends figuring out what had happened did the same, and took their leave. After finishing three sandwitches he gave the worker the amount due and got up off his seat. Stretching calmly he spotted a strange girl go past, she had been in a hurry and was trying to conseal a weapon of some sort. This intreged Zeddrick as he began to follow her from a short distance.
  3. WOW.....I'm just speechless....... Name: Nemesis Age: 18 Sex: male Appearance: (bah pics who needs them?) Nemesis has long spikey brown hair, with deep brown eyes. He stands a an average height of 5'10. He normally is wearing a black t-shirt and black baggy pants, also wears his favorite faded green trench coat. Personae: He isn't a very convident person when it comes to normal activities such as talking to girls or just hanging out with friends. Though, he really shines at military strategy and has been known to be reliable in a fight. A guy who doesn't go out much, but when he's with people he trusts he can be rather friendly. Bio: He was a son of a middle class family, nothing excedingly speacial about him until he was in 8th grade, he was found to be a bonified genius. This of course attracted the seeker who found the talent within him. World: He loves the Idea of war, the conflict, the struggling and the comradary. Thus his world is that of a few decades in the future, a great war it tearing the planet into factions. Once prosperous countries are now reduced to city-state governments. Nemesis can be found normally around hi hometown of Kieler campaigning against opposing warlords.
  4. Zeddrick sat there on the pourch of the qaint little house. He whitled at a piece of wood with one of his daggers. The man's body on the ground next to him made a quiet gurgling noise. Zeddrick grabbed the head by the hair lifting it up to expose the slice across the neck. Zeddrick: You got something to say to me old man? Well that's too bad isn't it, because you'r dead and either way I would simple kick you in the mouth just for talking to me. Hehe. Man: Gurlllch, plea-.........please........don't do this.........I..Iwant to live.... Zeddrick You know I like you old man, not because you're so polite but because you dumb enough to think you'll survive this. Anyway I have to get going. So you know that means I'll finish you off now. Man: N-no! Don't! Zeddrick: Don't!?.....Don't?.....What the hell are you going to do to stop me eh? Zeddrick jabbed the dagger into the mans temple, twisting it methotically, humming as he did this. Then he got up wipped the blade clean and walked down the street. In the distance screams of the man's neighbors could be heard.
  5. Its fine with me....I wanted to be evil thus my character's mental state is psychotic......err.....yeah however you spell that again...lol
  6. Um I didn't mean it that way I sorry. Anyway is my 'cast' choice ok or?.......not. Please tell me jro13
  7. o.O second character.....dude I've done that once before.....it gets too old for the participants, I suggest waitng it out a bit, definetly post after this one to keep this thread on the active list. *edit* Oh and for you cast I'll take the top guy if he's free I think he looks psycotic enough if He is taken give me the fourth one down. I would prefer the top dude though and no, not because of his techs.:rolleyes:
  8. I'll join up! Man, I haven't done this in a while so forgive me if my post is a bit lacking hahaha! Name: Zeddrick Kieler Age: 19 Gender: Male race:Human (what else? lol) Descripation: See attachment ( Oh crap.....where is it!? ok ok its coming soon) Weapon:Two short blades hidden in his sleeves as well as a large blade (one sided) Job: Bodyguard Bio: Zeddrick Never had a chance of a normal loveing childhood, His father was a successful business man and a very rude fellow. His mother was....to put it lightly a slut. She slept around alot but then so did his father. He had just entered college and his life was starting to get on track. His father was begining to speak with him more. His mother who all his life as a boy, had hired maids to take care of him was starting to care for him. he was on his way to see them at their request. He imagined they wanted to redem all of those lost years. He never met with his parents. His father lay strewn on the floor in various places, him mother had killed herself in the back room. He snapped....... Mental description: Very insane...he has at time lapses into sanity were he can be very calm and colected, as well as a very kind person. However, he is also a calm and calculated killer. He rarely kills out of pleasure, but he will kill out of just about anything else. yeah that's right my bio could make a nice plot twist *wink wink* If you don't want it I can change it.
  9. PHHTTTT! You can't seriously think they'd do something like that to the .Hack series I mean it would at first be pretty kiddy with a bit strong language at times but then suddenly switch to sex crap!? I know other countries are more open to their sexualities but give me a break.
  10. I actually went through the game twice once I acquired all of the Aeons and most of the final weaps (tidus' is a pain in the neck) Beat the game pretty eaisily. However on the second run to get items and stuff i missed from before I somehow got all the weaps but was too lazy to get the magnus sisters. It's in my opinon not that hard to beat the game without al aeons though, Yuna's 1 mp per spell is a god send along with all of the other finals weapons's abilities. You just have to level up alot. Find a bunch or double AP weapons and hack away lol.
  11. Thinking that they are going to put incest in an anime of this style is rediculous, besides when it would come over to america we would never see it. Think incest is, illegal or at least not socially accepted.
  12. Ah yes I for one am very close to those answers that you speak of. (I have 3/4 games) They're definetly fun to play, the consept of a single player online game IS VERY origanal and nicly done. Also you meet up with a few of the cast members from the series.
  13. ((OOC: I thought Gareth was in The capital as well........anyway sorry about my delay i've been off for a while.)) Zeddrick: Having recieved some work finished his drink and got up to leave. Alia's head shifted as she gave an irratated look. Alia: Why are we leaving, I was just about to have some fun..... He rolled his eyes, and began to walk out the door. He turned his head while going through the open door... Zeddrick: You can stay if you want, I have a job to do. Alia: Well............*looks behind her as several men wave her in* I'll come I guess... Zeddrick stepped off the bar's stoop and into the crowded streets of the city. now he had to find some leads. He glanced at the piece of paper given to him with addresses on it. Then, he walked away as Alia tromped reluctantly behind him.
  14. Zeddrick and Alia walked into the bar, it was a very noisy bar and the stench of sweat and ale filled the room. Zeddrick took a seat at the bar while Alia wandered around aimlessly. Zeddrick: Hey, tender!............I wish to have a drink. The bartender looked up rather angrilly, obviously he had been rather busy wiht the heavy crowd. Bartender: What 'da ya want? Zeddrick: I'll take some nice ale........as well as some possible information? I'm looking for some work, some 'interesting' work. Bartender: Right the ale will be 3 copper pieces and the info.......make it 1 silver...no 2... Zeddrick handed over the coins and leaned forward to listen better. Bartender: There's been a few abductions going on lately.......people just gone missing, it's wierd. There is no trace of struggles or anything, some think its a proffesional group of slavers but I think its something else. They're paying big money to anyone who figures it out. Zeddrick Right. Thank you.......and by the way........Why don't you buy into the slavers? Bartender: 'Cus....I knew one of the guys to go missing and he was't the kind to go without a fight.
  15. Zeddrick sat on the curb, quietly whittling a piece of wood. A loud crash sounded down the street, a window had been broken. He looked up presently and saw several men running out of the house with valuables and women. He stood up then, tired of his rest he threw down the wood and walked down the street. The fetid smell of waste was much more rank today than the last, but that was because of the heat. Homeless men and women looked up as his shadow passed them by. He reached the house that was just ransacked, a rustling came from the inside. He stepped inside and instantly wished he hadn't. There were still several brigands inside, for the most part them were watching a comrade have his fun with a little girl laid on a table. Her tears had created small pools of water on the table top, presently she looked over pleadingly she whined. Man: Shut up!.............Who are you? Zeddrick: I'm no one of your concern, but i must insist that you let the girl go. Man2: Pah! You just want her for yourself...............tell ya what you can have her when we finish. Zeddrick: What i'll do with her isn't your business, and no I won't 'wait'. Two of the men chose that moment to rush Zeddrick, however he was too quick. The first swung and missed planting his sword in the wall. The second obviously smarter than the first slashed forward and after missing backslashed hitting Zeddricks side. Zeddrick flinched as a sharp pain rose from his torso, the attackers laughed. Then, one dropped, the attack was so sudden and unexpected that the actual action was unseen. The laughing stopped, and this time the lowlifes saw the sttack at the one previously pulling on his lodged sword. His blood splattered on the wall as Zeddrick used his momentum to spin around and strike upward, slicing the man's chest. He made a garguling sound as his companion ran out screaming, his pants hindering his swift escape. Zeddrick quickly turned toward the door and flung his sword into the escaping man's back, dropping him swiftly. As he wiped the blade clean with his handkerchief, the girl climbed off the table rearanging her dress to how it was meant to be. She stared at him, no sure of what to do, should she run or should she thank him. Zeddrick had finished has his sword was now back in it's well oiled sheath. She backed away as he stooped to speak with her. Zeddrick: I belive your family is gone sweety, you better go to a friends house ok? Girl: They weren't my family, they were co-workers. Besides I have no friends or family. Zeddrick: Oh a brothal huh? Hmmmmm............You might as well come with me, if you want to anyway. Girl: Uh.......*looks around rather confused* I suppose I will.....My name is Alia. I'll do whatever you want, Im indebted to you. Zeddrick: AHAHAHAHA! I don't want anything but someone to keep me company for a while.............besides you're about 12 years old hahahah! Alia: NO I AM NOT! I may look oung but I am 16! Zeddrick HAHAHAHAHA! You will make fine company........come. They walked out of the empty brothal, Alia following slightly behind as Zeddrick headed towards a nearby tavern.
  16. I suppose I'll join Jahnshen........ Name: Zeddrick Kieler Age: 19 Gender: Male World: Jahnshen Magic: Dark Blast: A shot of dark energy which comes from the soul of the user, a relativley easy spell to learn but very effective. Wrath of Malheleco: A spell taught early on to the Priests guards, the Templar, It puts the user into a pyschotic state enabling them to take heavey wounds without feeling and to fight with vicious ferocity. Weapons: A large but surprisingly light scythe, A long sword strapped to his side, and a metal clawed gauntlet on his left hand. Location: Somadina Bio: Zeddrick was raised in a wealthy Bounty Hunter family and it was presummed he would also take that path. However, Zeddrick became facinated with the fanatic guards of the priests known as the Templar. He registered at the Main temple and was readily accepted. His family shunned him, and left their home city to forget the disgrace Zeddrick had given them. He did well as a Templar for several years, But when one bounty hunter appeared to kill his client preist , he failed. The bounty hunter, his brother, had been beaten easily in the combat but Zeddrick could not kill him. As a result Zeddrick was bannihed from the Templars guild.
  17. Name: Paladin Age: 19 Species: Human (altered) Gender: Male Appearance: Long Spiked Black Hair (down to mid-back) Dark brown eyes, and a dark complextion. All hidden by a deep Cloak and cowl. Weapons: Large broad sword as well as Katana, Metal clawed gauntlets. Powers: Ability to use high energy blasts(rarely does) super human stealth skills, as well as speed. Bio: He grew up only knowing his parents briefly before they were killed by assasins for political reasons. He found the proffession as one of art and a means to get vengence. He works for Armage and does it with pride, he is one of the Elites but he doesn't show off his rank. The others in the elite ranks are like brothers and sisters to him, he would readly die for them..... Personality: An open person not afraid to share his feelings, though at times of danger He'll turn cold as ice. He would be one of the first to help out a fellow mwber in need and would die for his co-workers. Altered: (Im not sure what you are looking for in terms of this area so I'll be brief and simple.) Paladin has muscle enhancements in his arms and legs allowing him to reach far greater speeds than other humans, His eyes of course has been fixed with solutions for night vision, though he must where sunglass during the day or indoors. He has also been tested in one of the newer programs for greater pain thresholds, allowing him to take much more pain...useful but dangerous for the assasin will not know the severity of his injuries in a heated fight.
  18. A second carrier floated into view, and as it passed by a huge blast erupted from the hull and one of the Master suits went up in a gush of flame and debris. One light blue suit emerged, a gouf custom carrying a large magellan cannon. Yojimbo: Well sir it seems orders were meant to be broken after all. Aurther: Yes indeed, I'm glad you stopped by. How many shots do you have left? Yojimbo: That was the only one, the barrel is melted. Shall we tango commander? Aurther: Yes, yes we shall.
  19. So are we going to start and see if anyone else joins?
  20. Yojimbo: Hey you! Where's the commander? Soldier: Hmmm? Oh Aurther he went to inspect a Gundam signal in space. Yojimbo: And no one went with Him?...........That's crazy we cannot just stand by and let the commander risk his life. Soldier: It was an order sir. Yojimbo: Screw orders! I'll not let another one of my commanders die! *rushes to the hanger and the sound of a mobile launcher can be heard* Soldier: Another commander? What's he talking about?
  21. ummm............ might want to keep posting on here to keep the thread visible.........just a suggestion. lol
  22. Name: Zeddrick Kieler (Zed for short) Race:Prowler Age: 17 Descritption: Dark spikey Hair that almost seems I could cut your hand, Deep brown eyes giving off intimidating stares to any who dare look into them. Wearing always a dark cloak and often puts on a deep cowl to hide his malice and terrifying grin. Bio: He and his family once had great pride for their kind and their clan. Now the pride is gone, replaced by anger and fear. Zeddrick alone holds the pride and corage for his family now. Rumors have been spreading of a new prowler leader, one who will unite the clans under one banner. Zeddrick seeks this man now wishing to do something better with his life
  23. Yojimbo arrived at base to find several fellow soldiers congradulating him on a new Ms. Yojimbo: What are you talking about it's just a Turas soldier: No, No I mean the new gouf ms the judges send you. Yojimbo: What! Yojimbo dashed through the lounge and out the hanger door to the foot a the new gouf Custom. The light blue paint still had the glossy sheen and every inch was polished. Arther wondered into the room with a big grin on his face. Arther: Well now it seems you don't have to bring out the Gundam, I know how much you hate piloting it. Yojimbo: It's not that I hate the Gundam, I just hate what I was when I piloted it....but this *looks up* this is marvalous, I'll enjoy putting an end to Pyro's army with this.
  24. Very nice I didn't see the whole piture at first then it came to me
  25. Yojimbo alos overhears the radio transmition. Yojimbo: Arther sir shall we ambush them? Arther: No let's let them have this match> If pyro dies then fine, If Creon is killed we use our full force to crush the gundams. Yojimbo: Yes sir! Shall I retrieve my Gundam?
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