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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Not wishing to disobey orders, but also not wanting to leave empty handed Yojimbo hops into a vaccant Turas suit, then rockets out. Yojimbo: Commander where shall we go? I have an ichy trigger finger HA!
  2. Niether the new Oz MS or the strange Gundam had noticed the dark blue Gouf floating in close proxcimity. With apparent skill the Gouf makes a lightning dash to the space cruiser still open hanger. Creon: Well the OZ corp. has indeed build a great machine! Soldier: Yes sir that Gundam pilot was trembling in fear! Creon: Hahahahaha yes I'll take about a hundred of these, give the order for them to the OZ corp. -Alert! Alert!- - Intruder detected in docking bay 1!- Creon: What!.............The mercurius! A bearly prepared Leo drops to the floor as the spear is returned to the Gouf's hand, another Leo falls as gattling gun fire covers it's chest. Yojimbo: Hah! you grow too confident of your security, you didn't even check to see if other mobile suits were out there. the Gouf's hatch opens and a barrage of machine-gun fire fills the room. A man in a spasce suit leaps from the cock-pit and flies to the ungaurded Mercurius.
  3. The day drug on as soldiers from the resistance came and left the rec hall. Yojimbo had slept most of the day, waiting for the leader Aurther to show up. Around noon the announcement was made that Aurther had gone to a troubled side to assist them but was enguaged in a fierce battle. No one was permitted to assit Aurther however, until the order was given. Everyone just hung around with the normal duties done the base was very silent, the light rain had turned into a thicker drizzle and the morale of the troops wavered on the lack of their leader. Yojimbo had lodged on to the base terminal and was looking at new Mobile suits for sale by the major companies. Yojimbo: Hmm......Let's see here, nothing but junk. Maybe I should hack into a couple of mainframes and see what on the assembly line. He causually scrolled through the blue prints of several MS's from the Earth Federation before he was detected. Yojimbo: Nothing good there just improvements for those damn GM's. How about OZ corp. they have pretty good mobile suits. I'll just make a little ajustment here and.....Bingo! I'm in! The OZ corp. had mostly improvements for the Leos and Aries. Then on project stuck out, "Buster Cannon". Yojimbo scanned the page and found a new Mobile suit being designed for anti-Gundam perposes. Yojimbo: This Mercurius suit would prove a useful and interesting suit for me.....hehehehe.
  4. The lounge was filled with relaxing soldiers when the dark cloaked figure walked it covered in dropplets of rain. Officer: Well, well, well look what the strom drug in. Hahahaha Yojimbo: Can it! Where's the commander? Officer: OH Aurther! Gee didn't you hear big man he when on a mission. Yojimbo: By himself? Why doesn't he want back up? Officer: HA! The commander doesn't need back-up he's got the Gundam! Yojimbo: I suppose so..... Yojimbo takes a seat and wraps his cloak around him tightly, then falls asleep.
  5. Yeah I know what you mean.........It's like that In the cemetary as well for ayamie. Co-op kind of lacks sadly.
  6. The two pilots had just refreshed their weapons when a wave of aries came out of the clouds, machineguns blazing. Zed brought up the MS's shield and crouched down to get a bead on one as it passed. He fired a few rounds and the Aries fell as smoke and fire began to emerge. Zed: Damn! By the time we get these Aries the Leo's will be all over us, How are you holding out Omi? Omi: Just fine up here, these Second Sphere regulars aren't very smart, they depend on the numbers to greatly. Zed: yes, but that's what's going to get us. * A second Aries explodes from a missle as Omi passes over head* Say I've got an idea, how about we self-detinate. I mean I've got about five Leo's on radar and two more Aries. If we take out them then we can self detinate without being harrased. Omi: True, but we would not make a safe distance before that time. How would we escape. Zed: well we could always go down with the ship, hehehe, those guys are out of here by now. Or we could just detinate and run like hell. Zed:
  7. Thanks Anten...good luck eith your poster
  8. OOC: nice touch with the car breaking down. the last two remaining Leo's appeared to be falling back but, Zed and the aries pilot both new they had called in reinforcements, and were simple trying to hold out till they arrived. Zed was quicly running out of ammo so with a last-ditch effort he began a straif on the two Leo's, Omi followed the lead and one of the Leos when down in a cloud of smoke. Shortly after Zed targeted the face of the MS taking out it's cameras, once blind he simply left the aries to finish it off with a missle. Zed: We make a good team, what's your name aries ? Aries pilot: The name's Omi, I belive that the reinforcements have arrived, I can just pick the up on radrar. Zed: Yes I read them two, you better tell your friends to take cover down there....Oh crap...the machine gun i depleted of ammo! Omi: You should probably get another weapon.....take one of those Leo's guns. Zed: Right!
  9. OH Yeah i guess I can see Sin too now that you mention it Ginny, but I don't have a clue as to what is on FFIX?
  10. So I've just aquired the new Tenchu (Wrath of Heaven) for my PS2. I was wondering if anyone else has gotten it and what you think about it. Personally I love how they kept the same control configuration and finally made the AI a little bit smarter. BTW: *I'm stuck at this crazy castle level! (with all the wooden dummbies walking around)
  11. So I have a question seeing as i beat the game or rather beat it then found out a secret I missed. Started a new game and accidentaly saved over my flagged data. When does the next instalment come out?
  12. Nemisis had seen the attack coming and had charged a massive energy attack under his robes. Serene was just close enough when Shiro sensing the attack jumped in and took the blast full on. Shiro was knocked back into Serene, But the attack was closer rhan Nemisis had planned and the sheer force of the energy blew him back as well. As Nemisis fell unconsious an blurry vision flashed trew his brain. A memory. From a time before he could normally remember, he was still alive then fighting a huge battle, deamons all around. He was not fighting with the demons, however, he was human and his force was slowly being destroyed. In a matter of minutes he was the only one left struggling to escaped the horde. They killed him then but before he died they corrupted his mind changed him into the wraith he was now. The image died and he awoke Serene was holding the crippled body of Shiro and Raiden was slowly getting up to attack........
  13. Zed was still running down the street to his car when an exposion came from the direction of the two Leo's. Then he saw the aries giving straifes to cover someone..........but who? Zed turned to continue on but spotted several more leo's heading twords the forest. Second sphere troops were every where by now and they were randomly shooting people in the streets. Zed: Damn this place is too hot! I've got to- *Zed turns and hears several soldiers talking* hmmm......i't coming from that house. The door burst open as four men sat at a table playing cards. Immedidatly after Zed emptied an entire clip into the room three had gone down right away but the fourth was scrabbling to the back door. Zed ran after and out into the back yard to discover a Leo kneeled down in hiding. The pilot was struggling to get his gun outof it's hoilster but was shot just as he brought it up. Zed: I think I'll assist that pilot in the woods, besides if I'm correct he's probably feeling a little outnumbered by now.....
  14. Nemisis laughed as Raiden hit the ground hard. Nemisis: Get up Boy! You have a lot more learning in the art of combat bto do before you die. The wraith opened his palm and let a burst of dark energy fly twords Raiden. Raiden jolted up and out of the way, the explosion left smoke in the air and little pieces of rubble in Raiden's hair. Then with a hellish war cry Nemisis again charged Raiden, this time though his sword was ready to rend.
  15. The news of the death of a politian seemed to stir the people in this twon a great deal. Men were rushing up and down the steets carrying any weapons they could find. Zed: Oh crap what have i got myself into now? Man: Hey you! Mercenary get over here the soldiers are coming! Zed: Yeah, Yeah, keep your clothes on............what the- A huge blast fills the air in front of Zed and he is thrown back by the wave of heat and air. A second blast erupts down the street some ways of and gun fire can be heard. A second sphere Leo suit lumes in the distance. Zed: Damn! Those towns people that hired me never expected this! Zed ran down the street to where the villigers had set up a defense, only smoldering bodies and rubble remained. Movement catches Zed's eye as the man from before looks up at him. Man: Sorry about this I thought We would have a chance, here here is your money. Now get out while they can't see you. *tosses an envelope of cash to Zed then exhails and is dead.* Zed: Well, where do I go now? Two more Leos appear and head for Zed's location. The mercenary grabs the money and makes a hasty retreat.
  16. I agree with chris on the matter of limit breaks * flashback* using Rinoa's limit, hoping for full moon,...........getting angelo strike.....Darn :( *end flashback* but at least Squall's attack is dependible, er..I mean if you're good at it. Still it would be easier to help solve your problem if we knew what battle with Edea it is.
  17. Yeah thanks for that post you did on the chocobos by the way, I finally got it!!!! :luv: Of course a lot of people complain about Tidus but mine is damn good! with about 119 attack he does awsome damage with the limit break
  18. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA OMG!!!!!!!!! I've never thought of it that way, of course my head isn't in the gutter when playing games (espesially with disney characters) but now that you nemtion it it is kind of wierd. lol
  19. That's what i figured it was for too JC. But i think another lunar cry destroyed the centra civilization too. I believe that's how the gardens came into existance, and why the old ruin is in the centra continent. btw can someone tell me how to put spoiler tags on posts, I'm having trouble figuring it out lol.
  20. Name: Zed Kieler Age: 17 Gender: male Nationality: American Eye color: brown hair color: light brown Place of Birth: Mid-west America, Earth Role: Mercenary for hire, but dislikes the brutal ways of the Second Sphere. Physical appearence: 5'9 Always dresses in dark baggy clothes, His brown hair is pretty long and forms clumpy spikes about his forhead and shoulders. Bio: Raised in a more rural setting, his family knew or care for war and battles. His boring life however drew him close to thoughts of one day being a soldier. However when the Second Sphere took over all of his family was killed in an intense MS battle as bystanders. Some friends and himself hijacked a few Mobile suits and started a resistance. Soon after his rebel force was crushed and only he remains, hireing himself out as a soldier of fortune.
  21. The others looked on as an evil grin took over Nemisis's face. In a flash dozens of lesser demons were attacking the group from all sides. If not for the shear number of the demons the wouldn't have lasted as long as they did, but still the hunters finished off the last few quickly and stared up at the Wraith a dark smile still on his face. Shiro: Your friends are gone, why don't you run off to your master? Nemisis: Oh please, don't be so nieve as to think your defeating those worthless men would scare me! I am Captian of the Death corps. I have been fighting battles since as long as i can remember, and you shall join my countless victims. Nemisis lept down with terrific force his blade knocked the weapon out of Serene's hands and he struck out with a side slach at Shiro.......
  22. Which battle with edea is it? The first one or the one in galbadia garden? Either way silences are really hard to get to work on edea.
  23. Serene and Nemisis had been exchanging blows for the past five minutes. The wraith could that Serene was begining to tire out. Nemisis: Wolven, I see you are tired, maybe you have fought too much tonight already? You are running out of energy give up! Serene: NO! I'll never give in to scum like you! Nemisis: So be it......... He then made a fierce counter strike which almost caught her in the waist. Then he followed it up with a swipe from his gauntlet, Serene blocked the blow but didn't see the flat of his blade coming at her head. She was knocked unconcious on the ground. Nemisis: Now to finish you off! ????: I don't think so!
  24. Nemisis had followed the wolven here to this house she had almost found him out. He had heard the arguement within the building and now awaited for the two to emerge. Wolven: I hope Raiden will forgive me when this is over. Nemisis: Hmmm you'll never make it back to your friends alive women. She emerged from the house carrying a young man and began to walk down the street. Nemisis laughed to himself "Luck is on my side one is already taken care of". Nemisis lifted himself from the shadows. Nemisis: WOLVEN! You must fight me to escape!
  25. wow thanks for that info zero. I've heard about it recently from some friends, and since I've seen .hack//sign I'll be able to understand it lol. Now to get the $50.............
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