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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Right now, I'm testing out [I]Too Human[/I]. I rented it just this Monday, and so far I am happy. Not sure whether I want to buy it or not though. The game is reminiscent of Diablo II and as such is very addicting.It is the first installment of a trilogy, so the waiting game is already making me anxious. A couple things I dislike about it however, is that the multi-player on LIVE is only for two people. Another draw back is some balance issues as well as the death/rebirth event(takes about 40 seconds). Needless to say, I would recommend this to any action genre lovers. Rent it, see how it fits you, then decide if you want to buy it.
  2. I wouldn't feel bad about getting lost or asking for directions. I've gone into the wrong room or sat in the wrong class in both high school and college, you blush and then leave and that's about all that happens. Don't worry about not seeing your best buds all the time either, in fact take that time to make new friends. Look at it this way, high school means having only a few classes with your friends. College, means going to a different school than most of your friends. Live up the fact that you are still close and live near each other. Make those four years meaningful and exciting. I don't even see my best friend from grade school/high school but once every two months. Get to know your teachers too, those people can be awesome and if you make friends with them sometimes you can slack off, such as I did in art for four years. Grant it I did plenty of work but that was the most stress free classes I took. Didn't have to talk in turn, could listen to music, wander around, and even try and take a nap.
  3. No worries paramount, thoughts aren't always coherent in the first place. I think the grim reality is that something must be done. I agree with every bit of advice you have all given me, and I'm grateful. I'm not sure I want to just let go, that is my last resort, I wish to just tell her things things I have come to read and realize. If things go poorly then I will have to leave her. I am sorry about the tale being a bit rough around the edges, it was late and I wasn't in the best state for explanations. She is my girlfriend of eleven months, and it hasn't been a bad time, just, little things adding up that have finally forced my hand so to speak. Again, thank you.
  4. So, no one is online with any of my messengers, and I need to get this off my chest. My girlfriend of eleven months is notorious at not returning calls or calling when she says. Now, I'll admit some of this is a woman's prerogative, and so I let it slide for the most part. Tonight however, after being stood up once again, I decided to get pissed off. I mean, I deserve that much right? Normally something like this is just something to fume over for a day, but she was also suppose to spend the night, this call was to let me know if she indeed was coming. Obviously after the second second hour of hearing nothing I figured she had found something else more important ( namely this 'fight' her roommate was going to get into tonight). Frankly, I don't know why I didn't let it go this time, but after five hours of zero calls I snapped. I gave her a piece of my mind via text message ( Yes I know, lame but its late and for some reason text messages carry a bit of a finality to them). She responds with this story of how someone tried to break into her apartment, she can't find her roommate and she's scared. She goes on to say she doesn't 'need' my obvious anger right now. I'm not insensitive so I understand that. What I want to know is, how should I feel. All this happened to her, and she doesn't once tell me that something is wrong? She doesn't turn to me or confide in me about any of it? I feel furious, I feel hurt, and I feel a longing to comfort her,and I feel so many more things. What should I feel? I've racked my brain, I've tried to sleep, nothing works, I need advice, I need someone to talk to. Now please, don't give me the whole speech about how I should talk to her. I know this and tried, but apparently she just doesn't want to right now. I want to hear someone else's opinion, rather than the hundreds milling about in my head.
  5. I don't think I would be remembered much at all...I give myself six months tops. I suppose my roommates would be worried and sad because their rent when up with my passing. I doubt my girlfriend would suffer much, she seems to be almost devoid of feelings towards me these days anyhow. I suppose my family would miss me most, and no doubt down the road resent the amount of financial aid they would be burdened with paying off.
  6. Any of the Dynasty Warriors games. Starfox (SNES) Mortal Kombat 1-4 Hmm I'm sure there are a couple more but I can't think of them at this time :animesigh
  7. I don't think you'll like her response to an in-depth letter. To be honest, if you feel you need to continue this relationship, you should verbally talk to her. A letter...well, it can't display the kind of earth shaking emotion you're going to need to get through to her. I share the same opinion as the others, get out of this situation, stop feeding her so much undeserved aid and let her learn how to live on her own.
  8. "That Monica was [B]this close[/B] to a Clinton sandwich."
  9. Hmm a couple that haven't been mentioned would be: Blue Seed Blue Gender Please Teacher! dotHACK//SIGN dotHACK//LIMINALITY Blue Seed and Blue Gender are a bit older, but still good. Please teacher, I think is pretty funny, a strange story, but funny still. The dotHACK's are a personal favorite of mine, I like the world very much.
  10. [quote name='Godot']cant the both of you taste the alcohol in your drinks, I mean I could tell. Similiar things have happened with people around me but it doesnt take more than two sips to realize its alcohol.[/QUOTE] Now I can't say anything about mai-tai's since I haven't tried one, but depending on how the drink is mixed, and what alcohol is used, it can be very hard to tell. Certain liquors and mixed drinks can be very dangerous in the fact that you can't taste the alcohol and in say, my case, you slam them since there isn't a strong burn. Now, after six drinks I think you would be feeling the effects whether you are sitting or not, but perhaps it is part placebo. You think you are drinking alcohol free drinks so you don't feel the effects as easily. That however is just a little thought, not really true.
  11. I also enjoy Oreos and milk, however it depends on what time of the year it is. During the summer, I snack on things from my garden, so peas and carrots are a big source of snack food. The fall I snack on apples, and oranges, even if I have to buy those ( I'm so broke >.
  12. [quote name='sbsp13668'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Yellow"]Please, try to forgive my cynical *** after this one... Love is money, sex, and power. Or my favourite way of putting it is: Love=Lust![/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Lol, love is certainly not lust. In my experience love is when your thoughts and feelings no longer pertain to yourself or your own agenda. You care more about another's well-being and you want them to reach the maximum of their potential. When you wake up and realize to yourself that without that person or persons your life would be drastically different, that it may even lose a lot of the meaning it holds with those people in your life.
  13. Yeah, If I had to say right now that I kept my current state of mind and was that of the opposite sex, I would be quite gay. First off, I'd take about thirty minutes out of my day each morning to look at myself in the mirror and giggle. More than likely, I'd also play with my boobs, lets be honest here...I like them. I want to also consider the fact that was stated that I'd have NO idea just HOW different life would be. It would be foolish to seriously think on this topic and leave out the PMS and other such female issues. I'm sure I'd be shocked by it, and no doubt be affected mentally the same way as most girls are now. Having a baby would be serious business but I wouldn't pass that up for the world. Women have it lucky that way. They have a far deeper connection to their children than the father. I feel right now that I might love my children dearly once I have them...but there might still be that feeling that I was somewhat isolated. So, I would love to be the opposite sex for the birthing experience and the experiences following. Dating wise...I'd probably end up being just as picky as women are (no offense intended to anyone reading this ladies). It seems practical since I know how idiotic guys can be. I'd love to think I'd be nice to the wierd boys and ignore the 'jocks' but, as stated, I'd really be just more cautious. I think it would definetly e interesting to experiment, but I'm just fine being the gender I am presently. Not too bad of a topic...allows for some pretty strange and humorous banter...and I love banter.
  14. So, I'm back from my long vacation from the forums, and I was curious to know what any of you thought of the old apartment life. I've been doing it for about two years and I think I've had some unique experiences. Some not so great but that's what makes the whole thing all the more fun. Right now my day starts out with either my alarm sounding on my night stand or the shouts of our neighbors. Which ever happens to wake me up first. See, they have these two teenage daughters that seem to love rebelling. I can't blame then everyone should go through that stage in life...it's pretty interesting. However, waking me up on a Friday morning BEFORE 10 a.m.( I don't have classes on Friday) doesn't put me in a good mood. It's usually a resounding "[B]GET UP ALREADY![/B]" followed quickly by a shrill "[B]GET OFF MY BACK I'M UP![/B]". :animeangr Here's some perspective, we have paper thin walls. With the way my bed is situated, my head is right next to our ajoining wall. I can pretty much hear everything. Sometimes it just plain fun, I love to observe people, listening in on conversations included. Other times, I'd love to just shout back to get them to shut up, and wonder just why I did that. Another fine example is that whenever the parents are gone from the house, our own apartment( I live win three frineds of mine) shakes from their speakers. I swear to God they must have them facing the wall sometimes. Actually, this brings to mind a funny story. My roommate Justin and I were down in the basement when the bass could suddenly be felt. I mean it was really loud. We usually put up with it since we're all pretty loud sometimes too. Well, Justin started to get angry over it since it was just so loud it was obnoxious. We have a radio transmitter for...purposes that rarely arise, and we decided to listen in on the off chance our teenage neighbor was listening to a radio station. So we sat there, ears to the wall when finally it came. SHe had been listening to the radio! Quickly we set up the frequency to somewhat act like that of the station. Since our antenna is closer it would pick that one up over the radio stations, especially if we tunned it just right. Once we got our frequency all sorted out Justin set up his laptop to run a pornoghraphic movie he happened to have sitting in a folder(don't ask). Once that transmitter was turned on you could hear the mahem in the next room. The sound of curse words and trampling of feet down stairs got us laughing so hard. Needless to say she didn't turn on her radio for at least a couple of days later, still trying to figure out why moaning had suddenly flooded the air waves. I've got plenty of more stories...but I'd rather hear everyone else's experiences. Do tell.
  15. [quote name='DeathKnight']Right now I'm unemployed[/quote] Right on DeathKnight! I'm also unemployed at the moment. Still schooling in the ways of Graphic Design, with emphisis on Video Game Art. Currently...I'm thinking of applying for some sort of job. I hear the local Block Buster is looking for help. I'm not sure, however, if I'm up to the task, I'm not a lazy person by any means but after 7 or so years of ALWAYS having a job, I'm somewhat enjoying this little break. Although, with my school being as expensive as it is, I'll more than likely get something going before next fall when I start looking for internships. :animesigh Yeah, I'm sorry I don't have a long winded speech about my old work history...I'd just rather not bore you all with exploits from the gas station industry, telephone ordering business, tile setting industry, window assembly factory, and food industry. It would be more of a lack there of on them all...although the factory work and tile setting gigs were fun.
  16. Is there a special channel that all of this is happening? I rarely watch anything religious on TV since it doesn't seem worth while, I hardly watch TV as it is. I've never heard of this 'American dude', and I happen to be from there...
  17. Yeah who cares about boycotting the Danish? I mean what do they make anyways?
  18. I remember those old days...both before the marriges...and after...I sadly...never found anyone on here...*shakes fist* Not that it matters...Besides...then I'd feel all wierd if a person i knew close by wanted to date or vis versa...I'd have to break it off with one of them...probably the online one since the other is more tangable. I fell more for the Otaku family trend...as you can see by my sig. Well actually it all started when someone told me I was on there list or whatever so I decided to keeo one of my own...and that wasn't family I was a bodyguard of Avalon...we knew eachother well from a different forums
  19. .> Umm...I like...well...Gundam...and Gelgoogs...the pilot part..well Im not trying to say I AM an actualy mobile suit...more that Im am pilot of one. :animestun
  20. I've been called a punk....heh...after I threw something through a window...man I was a bad egg sometimes... The reason you say people call punks people who do wrong things and such is well because that's where the name CAME from...Some bands played their music...more conservative grown-ups or elderly, didn't like it. (they HATE change...or so it seems.) So they used their name for misbehaving kids that wasn;t a curse word...you lousy punk...I guess eventually some people thought that would be a cool name or more along the lines a defiant name and stuck with it...If you insist on calling yourself a 'punk' guess what...you're going to have that steryotype hanging over you...why? Because the work and meaning of 'punk' has been around far longer than the music genre
  21. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1]I don't get why people classify 'Punk' and 'Goth' as basically the same think. You can't really be in between. And it'd be nice if you could do a quick spellcheck ;) It also bugs me that people feel the need to classify themselves in the first place. Three out of four people in this thread have said basically "I hate labels. I guess other people/preps call me punk/goth/freak, though." Really, get over yourself. If you want to know what I am (label-wise) check out the bottom of my post and classify me however you want. I'm me, Advanced Red Belt, 15 years old, Junior, Homeschooled, Artist, Comic book artist (I wish), loves my friends. Me, end of story. [url]http://myspace-251.vo.llnwd.net/00319/15/22/319892251_l.jpg[/url] [url]http://myspace-313.vo.llnwd.net/00319/31/35/319885313_l.jpg[/url] [url]http://myspace-651.vo.llnwd.net/00319/15/61/319881651_l.jpg[/url] [url]http://myspace-078.vo.llnwd.net/00313/87/07/313577078_l.jpg[/url] [url]http://myspace-698.vo.llnwd.net/00319/89/68/319888698_l.jpg[/url][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Alright...I'm gonna go COMPETELY offtopic here for a second...I LOVE your pancakes...they look incredibly tasty...man...I haven't had any pancakes/flapjacks in a LONG time...keep posting those breakfast treats! Anyways...ummm...I find it great...someone may have touched on it before...like...my quote should show. Alot of people say "I hate labels" But in the same sentance they'll go something like this. " Why do all the preps have to label me...labels are dumb...no one should use labels." BAM! Guess what...you're a hypocrite....
  22. I'd sign up....but I can't see the characters at all! Stupid freewebs! *kicks* U.U
  23. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I'm a single mom. I hang out with other single moms. Is that a lable or part of a singles ad?[/color][/quote] :animesmil Oh chibi...you always find a way to crack me up every now and again when I decide to come back here and post... Hmm....I'm me...it's a brand new label I just came up with...you can join me if you like...it's pretty flexible with membership...in fact...while typing this post I made me into an acrynim Mostly Everyone No I used mostly since...it starts with a 'm' and as i said I came up with it while typing...heh...yeah...I'm a bit fruity today...dontcha love it?
  24. Don't quit for some lousy reason like..."She was better than me" Competition should bring out the best in you. Besides that...there is ALWAYS someone better than you. The moment you think you are the best...that's when you get sloppy. You have just proven this in your post...you're drawing your arse off to do better than her...competition is a beautiful thing...sure I've done brilliant drawing just when I have no pressure (not a big anime drawer) but I've done far better when I have to try and one-up someone I think..If you're gonna quit...make sure you have no arms or legs to draw with...AND make sure your mouth is like...wired shut...or...your neck can't move...yeah...THEN I'd quit drawing and give up...other than that...keep going...I hope to see an anime by you some day.
  25. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]Well, the new slang for bogus around my parts (Milwaukee, WI, USA) seems to be 'bogey'. But whenever someone says it, I always think of some random flight simulator game. Or a booger. So I don't use it. *shrug*[/size][/QUOTE] I would have chosen wack...then again...I'm pretty white so what do I know heh :animesigh Yeah man...college...it's a good kind of different. A bit tougher, and you do still get people who seem to not want to be in class...usually because it's an required general education...*Shakes fist at Marcoeconomics!* You don't have the snotty groups walking around as much (maybe a little if your college of choice has houses I.E. fraternities and sororities) Work level is quite a bit harder. If you were one who got great grades without much effort...well...I would advise effort in college... And as for your indecisiveness...it's pretty normal...I have already switched colleges because my first choice (although close to home, cheap and alot of friends went there) was not holding the major I wanted. Also..if you are on a big campus like me...you get wicked awsome exercise!
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