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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot
The demon army was camped at the edge of a rocky cliff filled with caves and nooks of all sizes. Most were alseep as the sun brightly shone in the sky, some were on watch. Nemisis suddenly stirred and sensed a huge battle taking place, a few demon hunters and a high level demon, one of the hunters was very good, but it wasn't his place to go charging into town and destroying it. He was ordered to take out all resistance in the area so the main force would simply walk through unhindered. They had one town left, this one might acctually stand a chance of defending itself..............
Nemisis: Duo do not chicken out on me now, I know what you mean but they did this to us on purpose we were designed to kill and we will show them that they made a mistake. Duo: but- Nemisis: What do you want to do, go to the federal H.Q. and say I'm sorry you tortured me and then I escaped and killed a lot of people? That won't work, the first chance they get they'll imprison us and open us up to find out what went wrong, or they will simply kill us to hide their dirty little secret. Duo: I see what you mean now...........but it is still wrong what we're doing. Nemisis: I know..........but..........when I'm in the heat of battle I can't stop myself anymore, I guess i was in that lab longer than you, I'm a level higher that you i have almost lost all remorse for my actions. Duo: Nemisis I'm Sorry I doubted you.......... Nemisis: Let's just go! The two walked down the street, the sun slowly setting behind them..........
The little villiage burnt brightly in the night sky, a few last screams of terror could be heard over the great roar of the fire. Demon: Sir the villiage is gone, and the last of the humans died by my hands. Nemisis: Good, we will return to camp for the day, inform the troops that we are to eliminate the next town called Hio ching. Demon Of course captian,..........but Nemisis: But what........i know the orders, find the defected demon in the area, by destrying the villiages we minimize places to hide. Demon: Yes sir, shall we send the hunters out to search for him during the day? Nemisis: No I will find him myself............ The dawn was a bright red when the thundering hooves of a mangey looking steed crested the hill. The dark riders cloak aborbed the light and flowed violently in the wind. A lone demon in his normal form ran before the hourse, then in an instant the runner fell as the rider passed him by..........
note: duo maybe you should make your posts longer Nemisis: We are causing this destruction so that the feds never repeat the experiments did on us, they'll belive its too unreliable and will be forced to cancel it. Duo: Ohhhh.............well then what other lessons shall we teach? Nemisis: *grinning* We will teach them the lesson of why you don't mess with human DNA....................HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!
Hey i'm playing Saga Frontier over again for the second time and i can't remember how to get past the army of fake Gustave his steel knights are beating the crap out of me which really sucks. so if you have any tips please tell them.:toothy:
Apok reached his room and found a simple human bed a dresser a small table and chair and a fire place. It was the fire place that interested nemisis. With a quick prayer like chant the fire went out and nemisis settled himself into the still warm ashes, this was the bed he liked no comfey soft human bed would do. He thought to himself " this quest better get under way for if it doesn't the whole world will be in danger not just this nation. And this darckness wasn't ordinary, he had lied when he had told the forest spirite that i didn't hurt the wraiths, for it did it changed them into slaves for the darckness made them even more evil and treachorous."
Well what do you say night wing shall well begin? Personally this sounds like one hell of a rpg.
The hussle and bussle of the street was perfect cover for the two fugitives who walked among them. Presently a street thug bumped up against Nemisis Thug: Hey watch out old man Nemisis: *sneering* That's right alot older than you!!!!!!!!! THug Wha......... In a lightening strike nemisis's blade sliced the man and was back in concealment before any one saw the action. The man dropped to the ground and the two fighters walked past as the sounds of shouts could be heard.
AS far as i'm concerned America wants the OIl secure for the future and i think Bush has a hidden agenda........just think he wants to finish what his father started as well as keep the fact that the U.S. econimy is crap right now. Bush wants to be remembered for fighting wars instead of ecenomic ruin all in all he's a loser who needs to face the truth.
Those graphics are pretty nice, i'll probably get'em then my collection will be complete...:devil:MHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! Oh DAmn i for got about anthology, it's nearly impossible to find these days. hey btw why are the names vivi and cloud in that pic?
As Duo was beginning to speak a large grin crossed his face. Orien: WHat are you smiling at? Hayate: Huh?...........whooaa!! Nemisis had grabbed Hayate by the back of the neck and with little effort held him off the ground, Orien looked over stunned and a look of fear in his eyes. Nemisis: Sloppy, you asummed to quickly that there was only one of us, Duo we don't have to tell them who we are. All you have to do is ask your federal agent friends they'll tell you who and what we are. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! With that Nemisis threw Hayate into a pile of rubble and then him and Duo walked down the street, then in an instant they disappeared. Orien just stood there frozen in fear...............
King: ...........Well Chris will you help save our people? Or will you simply step back and depend on outsiders to save the land? Chris: ...................yes my lord I will join. King Good! Then you shall depart tomorrow at sunrise, for now.........a feast shall be held. The king begins to walk away "Oh the feast will take a few hours to prepare why don't you all get ready for the journey" Chris............yes my lord.
Name: Nemisis Legarthy Age: 241 Race: Wraith Occupation: Captain of the Death Corps. Appearence: 7' tall 172 pounds,Dark Brown eyes, and brown hair. Deep black cowl and cloak which allows no light in. Bio: Once was a great warrior for the side of good, died in the last major war of good and evil. His unit was cut off in the heat of battle by a troop of demons. Sencing Nemisis's will to fight, the demons converted him into a tirelss wraith with no past. he now leads the death corps. of the army of Darckness, destroying villigaes and small armies. He has quickly risen to be one of the strongest of the side of evil, but feels he is doing the wrong thing.......... Alliance: Evil Weapons: Iron clawed gauntlet (on left hand clawes are 4 inches long) Soul Blade 4 1/2 foot blade which steals the soul of a victim, thus empowering the user Death scythe. Powers: power of darckness
Sniglefager does have a piont with lulu, she was human but in FIX the black mages were like stolen souls or somthing they were dolls, when i first got to the black mage villiage i remember hearing that the black mages were dying out after a short time i think because they were artificially made but whatever i just scare myself when i get this into it. lol
ooc: better make longer posts Duo Nemisis: Well Duo i Think a little celebration is in order what say we go find a nice bar.............(Duo looks confused)..........and mess it up? Duo: Huh? OH yeah! that'll be great fun. Two dark strangers stalked into the "Purring Kitty" saloon imeadiatly silencing the entire building. The strangers then proceeded to the bar and took seats. Bartender: Ummmmm what'll ya have? Duo: i'll have a shot of scotch. Nemisis: double it for me. Bartender: OK! Nemisis: And one more thing BArtender yeah Nemisis : Good bye............ In a flash Nemisis and duo whipped out their weapons and gunned down half of the room, when the rest responded by pulling out their weapons Duo was right next to them taking them out, Nemisis was slicing threw a group of weakling swords men. Within an minute the bar was emptied out, and the only sound heard was that of the two fighters drinking down their scotch.
The Federal guards came in waves at the two fugitives, but they we cut down by nemisis's expert sword skill and the quick speed of duo. After about 20 minutes the entire building went silent. Duo: I don't think we got the message throuth to them do you? Nemisis: I agree..........We have many more lessons to teach. COme we will systematically raid every fed office until they give to us what's ours, if they don't we will simply go to the main Building and kill every last one of them. Duo: This shuld be fun..........a real hay day! The two suddenly disappeared into the smoke as sirens could be heard. The police were completely stunned at the weackage. Surprise turned to horror though as a final support gave out and the entire building crashed down on the on lookers and police cars, burying them.
He loved egging on weaker minded creatures but the elf's request stopped the taughnting. Apok: for once i must agree with the spirit.........Chris lets get this damn quest over with i have much more on my agenda for the century. chris: WHAT!! How dare you insult me! Apok: What ever let's just go. With that the dark wraith stalked over to a dark courner of the room and eased himself into an arm chair.
The two fugitives casually walked down the street. Nemisis had planned to walk directly to the nearest government building, but the increase in police activity forced them to take another route. They had destroyed several more squad cars, and took out about 13 policemen when they came to a halt at the foot of the government building. Nemisis: I had hoped to run into a few more runaways but it seems they have all scattered. Duo: Me too, but it will just as fun with a small group............more to destroy anyway. A large grin appeared of Nemisis's face Nemisis: Let's go show them the power of their precious specimens! With that they suddenly rushed into the building, screams and shouts could be heard as Nemisis fired a powerful blast. A huge hole appeared on the other side of the building, many people laid about the floor dead and dying. Then the security gaurds came, Nemisis drew his blade and Duo cocked his shotgun, the guards were in for a surprise...........
Nemisis hadn't stoped laughing even when the cop had pulled a gun on him, besides he had seen the other one of his 'kind' sneaking up behind him. Orien: I SAID DROP THE WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!! Nemisis: HAHAHAHAHA! And what if I don't?........Are you gonna shot me? Orien: Yes that's exactly it! WHAT THE....... ????: You are the one who shouldn't move. Orien: Damn! Nemisis: Take his gun, we have to leave. The other mutant took the gun and tossed it to Nemisis, Then when Nemisis had reached the cop he struck him over the head with the butt of his sword. The two then walked away.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm let me think, i know of your tactic i tried it once but it didn't work for me, so i just killed the arms first then i destroyed the head, plus i had leved up and aquired Haste, Long long time but very helpful.
hey you got my question wrong Tasis his name was Garfanion. Delita was a black sheep knight, and he didn't really betray Razma.
HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!! That's pretty funny sage "hmmmm my secret name will be garnet" yeah i agree that i's stupid to renaim people in games , i did it once in FFVIII and at least it didn't say "Zell's name is zell or anything, but you do get a bit confused.
Nemisis slowly stalked through the wrekage of the destroyed convoy. Nemisis: Hmmmmm..........that was pretty easy that guard depended to much on his gun, well i have it now and i found my blade, this planet will suffer for what it did to me! Guard: stop him! The public can't know he exists! With a lightning fast attack he opened his hand and stuck out the arm in the guards direction, then let a powerful black blast flow into them. Nemisis: Hah! chicken Strips.
After the initial shock of the teleportation the group followed Ken into the castle, Apok thought to himself( good old Sprite magic, so unpredictable..........If he does anything to me ill run him through) the Wraith chuckled to himself and Shayliegh over heard it. Shayleigh: What's so funny? Apok: Uh?.......Oh! Nothing just thought of somrthing funny. Shayleigh: Yeah right............. as the walked through the gates Chris waved to the guards and the towering doors slowly gave way. Apok simply noded to the weak humans as the instantly recognized him, theirs faces went white. Ken: well it seems i'm not the only one who dispises wraiths Apok: Ha! They're too afraid to hate me my friend.
The only thing i don't like bout the two towers are those uri-kia with the extra long swords (bezerk uri-kia?) I mean those things just beat the crap out of you at first until you get the hang of it anyway. Yeah the game rocks the casba i'v mastered it completely, funny i never heard of a health restoration code though, what is it?