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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. Mitch no question for me? well i think Micth is right about the 'unsent' seing as i was playing it last night. They are people who weren't sent to the farplane. Question: In Final fantasy Tactics, what is the name of the dark Knight who betrays Razma?
  2. Yeah i heard about trouble with hackers as well. It's too bad it will only be for online play, i mean couldn't they just make it like Fantasy star online was using both online and offline play. That might be one of the determining factors for me not to buy it.
  3. well maybe we should just start it and see if others will join because this thread hasn't had many new participants. what do you think Hayate?
  4. Apok: Hmmmmm......... I believe i can sense them right now, yes the energy signal is close by. You can sense it too eh forest sprite? Ken:...........yes i feel it as well, i'm sure we'll meet up with them. Apok: Curious, they seem to be exerting themselves physically. Chris listening in on the conversation now Chris: Could.....they be fighting something? Ken: yes, but they seem strong enough to handle it......... The day wore on as the group finally spotted the castle looming up in the distance, relief washed over Chris as the quest would be under way soon. The companions though were filled with a eerie feeling about the two other fighters...........
  5. Oh god yes that would rock! I mean sure the idea of redoing a game would sound silly but i would get it anyway even though i have the first. Mostly because the game was a genuine original, the storyline and mini games were great, i'm sure if they did it that way it would make some money.
  6. I need some thing to do so i'll join! (made up player ok?) Name: Nemisis Age????? Weapon: Soul Stealer Blade
  7. Apok was totally overcome by the scent of 'pretty' flowers Nemisis: Ugh!? What's going on here? *looks over to Ken and see his smug look* How Dare you do that to me! Dark energy began to gather around the enraged wraith as the other party members look over to him Ken: ............You know that it will ware of soon don't you? Nemisis: Well.........yes i suppose (seeming to calm down) Just be lucky i can stand your scent, you don't see me putting spells on you. Shayliegh: Are you acctually sulking? Nemisis: NO!...........Wraiths never sulk we have no emotions *Shayliegh giggles* Nemisis: Damn it! Ken..............
  8. The dark wraith stepped through the heavy underbrush (he loathed forests, too cheerful) and happened upon a curios creature looking over a pool of water, it turnt and looked at him in fear. Laitina: Who are you?............... What do you want? Wraith: I am..........(seemingly can't remember his name) i'm....I was called Apok. I'm only tracking a curious scent and it isn't you so excuse me. With that Apok left the creature and continued on going deep into the forest, where he then caught a glimpse of a tiger and a rather odd one at that. In fact it carried the same scent, and in an instant he began persuit after the tiger. As he followed he also picked up the scent of the forest sprite and an elf, he thought to himself (good let them follow then they will find out my purpose for being here.
  9. The gaurds were terrifed at the sight of the rain drenched monster that approched. They became even more so when it spoke to them in a soft but devious voice "You there let me in, I have been summoned" The gaurds hesitated, but very quickly shook their heads "no". The gaurds could see the reaction of anger in the Wraith even without having seen his face. They went snow white in the face as he walked up to them and said directly to their shivering faces, "Very well tell you master I await in the forest." Then walked away....... The Wraith could smell the scent of several creatures as he entered the woods, there was an elfish being, a forest sprite, and somthing else that he hadn't smelt in a long time. It wasn't quite human but something else as well. He ambled on in the direction with an impulse to feed his curiosity.
  10. why couldn't we you do the same thing in sparring. Oh well i can easily wait for six more.
  11. The wraith was on his way up the steps when the storm hit humans close by began to run frantically to get out of the weather, but his pace stayed the same. He had been caught in much worse weather than this. rain flowed off his cloak as he finally caught sight of the castle. He thought to himself(Well thes humans better have a good use for me. hmmmm. the storm seems strange....a bit......of darkness is with it, yes an omen of things to come. This should prove interesting.) With that he gave a great laugh as he strolled into the gatehouse
  12. The busy streets suddenly parted as the dark warrior ambled in resting his great black sword on his shoulder. the break in the people continued as he walked, aswell he noticed everyone staring at him and whispering to themselves. "i get that alot." he said to himself, then gave a little chuckle. suddenly he stopped walking when a strange creature confronted him looking into his eyes with stern concintration. The creature then spoke in one of the most gental voices the Warrior had heard, "I am Ken, you had better not come for trouble in this town Wraith" (he pointed a long slender finger at him) The wraith answered in return "Nonsence i've been sommoned here by someone, so my dear sprite will you show the way to the castle?" a devious grin showed on his face.
  13. umm....sorry for the double post but if you want this thread to be seen by people they you and me have to post at least every day otherwise you have to dig it up.
  14. Name: subject Nemisis (Nemisis) age:???? Occupation: Mutant Weapons: Large sword, 9mm Pistol (stolen from killed guard) Power: something like a ki blast from DBZ
  15. [spoiler]sorceress eada you can draw alexander plus don't pass up the chance to get the brothers. at the tomb of the king place[/spoiler] [size=1][color=crimson]Put spoiler up. Your post quality is poor; improve it. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  16. um you cam get onislash from the battle arena like i did i also got the w-summon, but i have a question.........how in the hell can i get a gold chocabo iv'e tried killing the ruby weapon but found it neartly impossible but i can't seem to breed any special chocaboes.
  17. ok ill be on stand-by till then, yep acn't wait a thousand years of darkness is great!!!!!
  18. so Zerosaber shall we begin or?????????? do we need more people to join
  19. sorry man i kinda forgot.............. ill change name to Mirumoto Kieler and become only a mercenary really sorry for mistake
  20. I beat the game easyily with out tidus's weapon but i had auron's, the best itme i had for the race was 3.5 seconds i got so mad after that that i said screw it and beat the game.
  21. Name: Nemisis Kieler Clan: Dragon Proffession Mercenary/druid History: Grew up in a repectible family, had nobale blood in him. When he was 14 his families manor was ran-sacked and his whole family killed. He turned to a life of crime, joined a thieves guild but the left and started his own Mercenary business. Side Nuetral: (Whoever pays the most) fighting style: tactics from nobale background, stealth from the sreets, is deadly with his sword "Soul Stealer"
  22. I agree with Zanarkand here, you could spend a lot of time on blitzball but yeah i was so disapointed in the end boss i mean all the little thing did was cast a gravity attack and cure it's self but one of the hard bosses for me was Semoure on Mount. Gagazet, i don't know why he was hard but he just was.
  23. so can we create our own charecter or what............do we use an existing person?
  24. I just recently bought the game as well and it's the bomb although it's a little short.............defending Helm's Deep is awsome
  25. I think that a thousand years of darckness sounds better to me. i will probly join anyway because i have nothing to do.
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