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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot
Do the Olsen Twins actually sing? My god that's horrible....They must stink... Personally...I blame the parents for being stupid skin heads. Then again, the two girls should learn eventually that what they are preaching is wrong by all standards. I'm sure they have lived a sheltered life...but...still...some one influencial to their lives has to be against what they are doing at some point in life.
heh...I'm here to entertain Chibi. I'm not really labeling the girls more like saying if you dres like them and in some cases act like the 'stereotype' then I find it a bit attractive or intrueging. Ladies...the whole depressed Goth girl act...not attracting anyone...I know you may not be doing it for that purpose but let's face it...the majority does that just to get attention. I'll say right now...the nice guys don't want a depressed nearly suicidal girlfriend
Of course I'll see it...I too am a fire-fly enthusiast. Although I didn'thear about them being canceled...which angers me! :animeangr STOP playing dumb old hulk episodes and get some real sci-fi! I love the hulk and all but c'mon its like kicking a dead horse it's not going anywhere... Ugh...yeah Im pumped about it...I've alreadly downloaded the series...or what there was of it. :animecry:
I'm in college..so who cares...ermmm what was that I go to a computer school....? Damn...that makes me a geek of types I suppose...but I'd be proud of whatever I'd call myself...and it does change once in a while. On a side note...I find Goth/ punk girls pretty damn hot....so...SWARM TO ME LADIES! SWARM!!!!!!
[quote]Isn?t it a bit strange that Doctors call what they do practice[/quote] Not really...they do what they do over and over again...that's basically what practice is...and since there is no "test" out there parsay they will always call it their 'practice'. Is it stupid? Oh yes...it is...lawyers use that same term and look at them... Do you ever wonder how big of a geek you are...and....do you wonder how to get rid of the girl repelling (or boy I guess) Aura that goes along with being a geek?
What are you going to be for halloween?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Starr112's topic in General Discussion
Me and my buds here in college have put some thought into some Domo-kun costumes...if only we could find them then we could prance around State street..Orientals hugging us....others wondering what we are...and little children running in sheer terror...then again there are no kids on state street...but we'd go hunting for them hee hee :animesmil -
He does have a point....I'd think I'm more agnostic than christian anymore....hmmm I'm what you get when an old Catholic kid decides God doesn't deseve his worship...toss some stones at me if you like...I just don't agree with God anymore.
:animesmil Yes....no one will remember me...or at least the people who do know me here will never see this lol! Besides that I'm sure some Moderator will take this off the forum...oh well.... I was gone for like....four months actually...but I've cooled off....got settled in this new college and apartment...Im good to go! :animesigh
What the hell chapter are we on anyways! :animestun I feel as if some have totally skipped the second set of posts and gone onto the party....it has thrown me off! lol....meh, I'll live though...
OOC:: Neuvoxraiha, I'm making this post assuming you're in the city we all are...if you aren't well frankly you should be since anyware esle would sort of...hinder the story...no offense meant. :animedepr Horres woke up the light coming through the cracks in the sudders played on his tunic. He gave a deep yawn, noticing that Kasuka was still awake and sitting in an upright postion. Even odder was the look of terror on her face as she stared at the door and the bar room unseen on the other side. Then Horres heard it, a scuffle. A rather large one at that, glass was shattering, tables busting apart, and the shouts of both men and women could be heard. [B]"Stay here Kasuka, I'm going to see what exactly is going on..."[/B] Horres unsheathed his scimitar and peeked out through the crack he make for himself, immediatly getting a face full of liquid splashed upon him by a thrown bottles smashing against the door. He saw a general brawl going on. with a few minor oddities. The first was an Elven women among the brawn men of the desert. The second being the man who lay dead and bleeding on the oaken floor of the tavern. He could basically see what had happened. Just like in most human cities, some racist oaf managed to piss off a skilled Elven warrior. She looked rather overwhelmed dispite her obvious skill at fighting. Not being one to let undeserving people get hurt, Horres lept into the motely fray, his scimitar slicing off the ear of a rather large bearded man. He shouted loudly and dropped his dagger, racing out of the bar in a frantic retreat. Another burely man, no doubt the other's friend came at Horres with a mean looking axe. He was not so fortunate as to lose an ear however, as the scimitar made a sing-song noise before is dug into the man's fleshy gut. By now the severity of the brawl changed many of the participants minds as they fled or returned to the bar. A few of them looked at the now blood stained man as he cleaned his sword. One in particular caught his eye, it was a young women, standing calmly on the steps to the upper level. Her hand ready to unleash her weapon from it's sheath. Horres knew her from somewhere. He couldn't quite think of it however, then in a torrent it came to him. [I]OH shit! It's her! Damn it...where is the other?...Does she recognize me? Damn Horres that was a mistake showing yourself like that...[/I] He looked around quickly, discovering that the only person looking at him now was the Elf girl, the male assasin was not present...or at least as far as he could tell. [B]"Hello my name is Lillutha, thanks for the help but it wasn't needed."[/B]
OOC: Really sorry guys...first I had finals...then writers block...and then a funeral for my second cousin...ugh...but I will post! After all it is for family! :animesigh Garett's arms felt like lifeless lumps at his sides. Next time...he would surely pay an assistant to help carry his luggage or just get some new stuff with wheels. He had been moping around the O'hare airport in Chicago for hours now. [B]"Ugh....connection flights...man do I hate them..."[/B] His thoughts again went to the trip ahead of him. His ears ignoring the constant roar of aircraft, carts, and people all around him. [I]I wonder what this will be like....I never seemed as well known as the others...will they except me? Or will this just be the vacation to hell?[/I] [B]"Now calling flight 435....flight 435 to gate C 14, First class boarding begining"[/B] [I]Well, that's me...I better finish this soda...man...this will be a long trip I think...3 hours...[/I] OOC: Yeah...sue me about the short post...I felt like ugh...I had nothing to say...I hate airports and usually just listen to music...and that wouldn't be an interesting post but...yeah neither was this heh! *waits for next chapter*
[QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium][color=#808080]I think you're misunderstanding the angle that people like me are coming from, though. First of all, how on earth is this law going to be policed? Are you going to have cops in people's bedrooms or what? Secondly, what right do you have to legislate people's sex lives? As I've repeatedly said, I don't think anyone here is actually agreeing with incest. But many of us acknowledge that it's literally impossible to police people's individual sexual activities. Conservatives frequently have this backward notion that people's bedrooms should be somehow controlled by legal standards. That's utter nonsense. Not only is it impossible to police, but it's a massive invasion of privacy - isn't the whole idea to keep Government [i]out[/i] of people's private homes, so that it may deal with issues that actually matter? I think doukeshi actually summarises the point pretty well. There's a key difference between incest among consenting adults and, say, rape or pedophilia. In the latter cases, we are talking about unwilling participants being forced into an act of violence. In the former case, we're talking about two adults having sex. I may not have an interest in incest, but I have no right to literally stop those two adults from having sex. It's none of my business what they do in their bedroom. I don't know why people are so interested in people's sex lives, honestly. lol[/color][/font][/QUOTE] You're right, there is no way to effectively police it...but because of the fact that it usually ISN'T two adults performing it but rather an adult and a young child...it makes us want to try and police it... I'm pretty sure it's illegal in the U.S. can someone back me up on this?...Then again there is all of that incest porn around >.> Don't ask how I found THAT out...
[quote name='Momo']Yay..jumps with anticipation...snatches Gelgoog Pilot's cookie before it is dipped into soup. Well hope this rpg goes all the way and deosn't stop half way....V.V[/quote] Mein COOKIE! :animestun :animecry: I'm a little late on posting...but I will...I've just been really busy with finals...and er....Jade Empire...heh >.>
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
Gelgoog Pilot replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Box Hoy']Well unless the guy is feeling like a piece of meat being used to pleasure you than I say there's nothing wrong. Sure you may think you're having too much but just remember there are people out there who selll themselves for sex. Think about them and just remember that you don't ever wanna be doin it as much as them.[/quote] You basically have no point on this issue do you? "Please! Think of the hookers!" That's all I got from you. :animestun -
[QUOTE=Havokio][COLOR=Indigo]It should be illegal, whether or not it's the immediate family, or distant relatives. But it also shouldn't. Why? Adam and Eve. I'm not religious, but I read the bible. Eve was made from Adam. They bore children, and they bore children. If any of this is true at all, then aren't we all byproducts of incest? On a scientific standpoint, we were also byproducts of incest. If so, then we are all commiting incest when having sex with ANYONE. So, if we use this technicality, then having sex would be illegal. So, yes in normal terms, no in technical.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] ]That's obvious isn't it? Why else would the world be so messed up right now? We're all retards. James...I see your point but....It's too hard to tell if someone is a willing participant or not. maybe some cases it's clear as day but manipulation and suduction are two very powerful tools that make people appear to consent to the act. They've made it Illegal even if you consent as a way of covering the bases and catching people from attempting to escape through loop holes. Now I mean with the direct family...if you're talking about like a distand cousin or even a 4th then...hell its not right for us.
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
Gelgoog Pilot replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86]At fifteen you should not have been married, even in Nebraska. Whether it happened or not something isn't right there. The minimum age with parental consent is seventeen for men and women. Without it's 19. So it wouldn't have been a legal marriage, if anything. But even so, there's 'too much sex' and 'sex too soon', which is a fundemental difference between the two situations. It's not as if any amount of sex will get you more pregnant- once is enough. But anyway, I didn't really answer the questions in my last post. 1. I would say yes. But a lot of couples, when they first get together have sex very often. It's not unusual. You just need to remember that it has to be purposeful, otherwise it loses its meaning. 2. Yes and no. While sex can strengthen a physical bond, if you have it too often it can desensitise you to how much it actually means. Whereas the first time might have been something incredibly special, doing it over and over again becomes just plain sex. 3. I would say so, but really it's up to the people who are going to have sex. If it's a mutual itch that both want scratching, then fine. If not, I wouldn't force either one into it. 4. I think so. Just be firm with yourself (and him)- the longer you leave it between times, the more enjoyable it'll be the next time you do.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually without consent it's 18...My cousin is getting married in two monts...which will be 3 months after she turns 18 and trust me...the parents DO NOT consent to this guy...hell even I don't he's a douche. -
Meh....I understood the situation pretty well...it's not like you coded it or anything...you got pregnant figured you should get married to the father...and obviously it didn't work out for big reasons...not much to misunderstand.
I'm about to ask the woman i love to marry me
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Lightwing's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]IF I read this right, unless I'm having an onset of dislexia and I'm not I'm thinking you're jumping the gun a bit ok, a lot. You know this might just be me, but I think that getting married, or even thinking about getting married at 14 is a bad idea . Yeah, I know it probably worked out just fine in the Middle ages and even for immigrants in the turn of the last century. But not now. We have a higher life expenctancy now it's just not neceassary to consider marriage at 14 anymore. Wait until you're much older and have a steady job... like the military. Then you can ask the girl you love to marry you properly. Like say asking her to put up with your crap for the rest of her life.[/color][/QUOTE] LOL! Spoken from the lips of someone who knows! Heh I know what popping the question really means as well. "I love you and you love me, but...do you think you can stand me for the rest of your life?" Ah....but love rocks...*gives high-five to chibi for awsome post* -
Heh You are forgiven! Everyone has a brain fart now and then! :animesmil *Dips his cookie in some soup*
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=x kakashi x]Wow, people weren't very happy with Raider's quote...Oh well, its always nice to have a scape goat :rolleyes: I assume he wasn't referring to me, considering Atreyu isn't usually of cereal box quality. And concerning that, I love cereal, and have yet to read a box with philosophical quotes on the back. Mazes, yes. Cut-outs, yes. Random quotes, no. Some people just like the simple things in life, so they have simple, yet good quotes, while others like to analyze it and create a pathological analysis concerning the world and the thoughts bouncing around in their head. Personally, my quotes are a little on the morbid side, but I feel they have much more meaning then those of a "cereal box" as some might put it. For instance... "If your heart was broken, you'd be dead" Some say "thats stupid" but if you actually read it, and comprehend its meaning, then you'll realize what its all about. Not only is it meaningful, but its short, proving a quote doesn't have to be 6 lines long to mean something. Besides, this thread was based on personal thoughts anyway, so stop taking up post space as well as your own time trying to bring other people down so that your's will look somewhat better or you'll start to feel smart for an instant in your boring meaningless life. Thank you.[/QUOTE] Heh....Kakashi That is my new favorite quote. Not only is it deep and meaningful, but it's downright logical too. Lol if your heart is broken....I LOVE IT! :animesmil -
Isn't....incest illegal already? I'm pretty sure it is here...If not then it's called sexual abuse. It's already illegal for obvious reasons, and should indefinetly stay that way...There's no need to put thought into it...the act is just plain wrong. Try reading Children in the Attic. That's a disturbing book....I think they actually made a movie or two as well.
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
Gelgoog Pilot replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]Like kakashi, I'm a little confused. Perhaps a typographical error? You're [B]fifteen[/B] and [B]married[/B] someone? And had too much sex, and lost your baby? Sorry for the prying, personal questions. I guess I was a little ... taken aback when I read it. v_v Too much sex? If it's damaging your life in some way. Aside from that, don't take my advice on this topic. I don't know anything about it. xD[/SIZE][/QUOTE] No its not a typo...check her age...her birthday was in 1989. Same year as my sis. Like she said she got pregnant thus felt it best to get marriged...then not surprisingly the marriage flopped. This type of situation is occuring more and more. Though in most cases the guy leaves all responsibility to the girl since men are jerks. -
[QUOTE=Delacroix][SIZE=1]I was going to say the same thing as Gelgoog >>; Sean and I will come together, we could fly out from London or something....if that's okay with him...where ever he is. Steeeff....is it okay if Trevor and I have a hotel room together? We'll be more than happy to supply the [S] rating. ^_~[/SIZE][/QUOTE] :animestun You do know the 'S' stands for soup right...So you just stated that you'll have some massive amounts of soup in your hotel room...I'll warn you right now...Soup is a dangerous thing missy...it can really mess with your mind. :animesigh
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
A qoute that satys with me huh....well...He'ere one I was thinking of this morning for no reason. "An army marches on it's stomach." Sorry...nothing too profound On my mind as of right now...I'm too busy stuffing information for finals in there. :animeswea Usually my deep thoughts are concerned with the fact that life seems to have no real big purpose. Even if you take religious beliefs into account. Also...when I first read the thread I though you all wanted Deep Thought quotes (aka the computer from the book/movie Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy), in which case I will repeat a quote. "Oh, the show's back on!" -
Too much Sex? (slightly mature discussion)
Gelgoog Pilot replied to vegeta rocker's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Raid3r]I will address number one and number four, as I do not like to offer advice on relational issues. 1. The **** is too much sex? Your orgasm must have gone to your head and mushed something around. The act in and of itself cannot be defined quantitatively as harmful, although other factors can apply here. I suppose your uh... pearl on the step could require more and more stimulation to achieve the clouds and the rain, but thats hardly a bad thing, right? 4. If you really want to cut down, copulate so much that it becomes boring. That will force you to take a step back, and either become more inventive, or just drink some wine with clothes on rather than off. But to answer your question, I don't think you should. Keep those good old fashioned juices flowing and prove to society that there are still some things that don't need to be over analyzed.[/QUOTE] That is the most retarded answer you could give someone...Of course you can...its all about repitition. If you keep friggin playing the same game over and over you tend to get bored with it. Same can be said about any actions (take work for example), it seems everything is good with moderation. Also I'd like to go along with what the others said, if the person thinks there maybe too much going on...then she's obviously not comfortable with it. Another way you can have too much sex. I'm sure I would be comfortable with doing it twice everyday or some outrageous thing like that...because...I'd get burnt out, and that's a lot of pressure on someone.