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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. [QUOTE=0ber0n the Neko]I dunno... Posts with an "order" tend to be kinda monotonous... ^_^ And...are we all on the same plane? (If we're not, it might help if we are!) Ummm.. .that's all for now. *looks sadly at Momo's cookie* -DK[/QUOTE] How can we be on the same plane when some are from different countries? :animestun You need to think about that one....
  2. Alright here I go...heh...I still don't have a real recent pic of myself...maybe I'll get one...maybe not... :animestun Name: Garett Kieler Age: 19 well I'll be 20 by july... Gender: Male Apperance: See attached photo...I'll be the one in the middle with the camo on...unless I get a more recent pic...So imagine my hair like that...but with some highlights in it now. Character snippet: Swiviling around in his computer chair, Garett struggled to pay attention to the boring tale his roomate was telling. Something about how his accounting class was driving him nuts. Garett turned his attention on the computer, he had been working on some work for C++ but was also checking up on the Otakuboards. He refreshed the screen to find a new private message. He clicked the pop-up link to read it. Hey guys, School is finally out, so I want you all to come spend a week here in Texas with me. I hope you all can come; I can?t wait to see everyone! Hopefully we won?t have any problems with planes and such. As soon as you all get here, we?ll get you settled into a suite in the hotel, and then we can all go out to party at my place! I?ll meet you all at the airport in two weeks time, at seven, your time. Hope to see you then! Kelly a.k.a. Simple Chaos [B]"Wow...That's sort of odd. But, I will be pretty bored this summer..."[/B] [B]"Garett are you even listening?"[/B] He turnt to his roomate,who was now staring at him with a little frustration. [B]"Yeah...not really...you know how I get..."[/B] [B]"Yah, yeah...It amazes me that you actually pass classes."[/B] Garett nodded and smiled a little...it amazed himself sometimes. [I]Well....looks like I'll make a little trip to Texas...I've never been there...wonder how it'll be?[/I] OOC: Yeah...for some reason the pic is really small...hmmm Well I'll try and get a better one.
  3. OOC: :animestun You guys went a bit faster than I expected...I hope you will forgive my tardiness. I had promised Reiku that I'd sign up a while ago but I was kept busy with Exams...*bows* IIC: Courtney slapped her forehead vigoriously. She was late to her first day of school at this new high school. She had rushed into her uniform which was delivered to her a few days go, and began jogging to her school. Luckily for her it was only a short distance of a few blocks. She glanced at her watch as she climed the stoop before the school's double doors. [B]" Well...I'm only a half hour late...maybe that's not too bad...ugh..Yeah right."[/B] She found her first class relitively easy, thankfully the map the school had sent out was both detailed and easy to read. She peeked in window checking out the classroom. A large lump began to form in her throat. [I]God I hope the teacher doesn't yell at me...[/I] She knocked slightly on the door before entering. Now she really was nervous, all eyes were fixed on her as she walked to the proffessor handing him a notice of her transfer. [B]"Well Miss Banks, I'm glad you could grace us with your presence. I've been expecting you, now have a seat. For some reason I'm just blessed with interuptions today."[/B] Mr. Sounders gave a short glance at a girl across the room and continued with his lecture. Courtney kept her eyes to the floor, a bit of a nervous habbit she had sometimes. She let out a sigh as she took a seat in the middle row of the class room. [I]Whew...well I guess that wasn't REAL bad.[/I]
  4. Sorry for my delay dear sister...I'll try and make it up to you shortly...I decided to post my sign up here so everyone could see it easier. I'll make my post momentarily... - Sign up ? *As a condition of the RPG, you have to be the opposite sex character compared to you in real life. Example: Girls play guys, guys play girls. This will make it much more interesting.* (ARE YOU SERIOUS! GRRRR....Ok.... :animedepr ) Name: Courtney Banks Age: 17 Gender: Dur! Female Appearance: Courtney is a rather short girl at the hight of 5' 5. She has curly blonde hair that only goes a little ways past her shoulders. Her eyes are a deep blue and her smile is such that it can light up a room. She normally wears whatever she feels comfortable in and doesn't much care for fashion, when she doesn't have to wear her uniform. Location: I didn't see a map...eh...I'll live a few blocks away somewhere... Personality: A very chipper person who not only wishes to get along with everyone but often does. Is a little insecure at times and as such can become a little depressed. Has a very good sense of humor, and loves to laugh. Can be a little clumsy. Short History: She grew up in the burbs of Mid-west America. There she had a great life, did wonderful in school, had many frineds, and a loving boy friend. This all went away however when her mother was reassigned by the military to move to the base in Japan. Feeling betrayed by her parents Courtney decided to live away from her family, at least for a little while. So she came to attend this high school, one full of new people and a new culture. Subjects: Mathematics ? essential ? we all do it English/Japanese ? essential ? we all do it Physics Visual Art Chemistry IT ? programming, computing That'll be meh classes... Relationships with other students: None as of yet...
  5. [QUOTE=Fairy Dust]Even if its a pity laughs? lol The whole reilgion thing doesn't work for me cause one of my ex was uber religious! It started of ok until he join a christian group and his friends kept telling me I was "evil for leading their friend down the path of sin and debauchery" :animestun and then he turned on me because I drank and somehow me being an athiest was wrong! Reilgion in a relationship I think can work if both parties [COLOR=Red]DON'T[/COLOR] force each other to convert to theirs![/QUOTE] Heh, I'll take whatever I can get! Actually we both are always trying to convert each other...I don't know why but it just works. We just love testing eachothers will and knowledge. Besides, if her friends started calling me evil I'd probably give them some smart remark...OH! Like God loves a sinner...which is true >.> apparhently. That and it takes alot to get on my nerves. :p
  6. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Now that I'm re-reading this thread I'm realizing that I'm old and need a walker since my ten year reunion is in 4 years! Ah, high school. I still can't say I miss it even though a lot of the rumors about me were pretty funny. Example: When I was a Sophomore there was a rumor going around that I was a lesbian while at the [i]exact[/i] same time there was one going around that I was trying to take some girl's boyfriend... Hmm, maybe neither one was true. Sometimes I guess I wished I was popular, but that was only because I had an after school job at a local grocery store with a guy that [i]was[/i] popular and couldn't grasp the fact that after 2:15 PM school was out and the high school caste system didn't apply in the real world. Nope, some people are just so dumb that all that really exsists is their popularity and since he wouldn't leave me alone I went off on him and got fired. :mad: But like I said at the beginning, my ten year reunion is in 2009 and I now have a beautiful baby girl and I'm married so it's time to forget what happened.... Unless I run into that cheerleader who just wouldn't leave me the hell alone.[/color][/QUOTE] Heh if you do stuff a pom-pom down her gullet for meh! *Gelgoog hates cheerleaders....well Gelgoog hates cheer...so it's to be expected*
  7. You want my feelings on race? I think generally that people have messed up the meaning of a race of people...My definition is simple, we are the human RACE, not a culmination of different ones. That assumption is asinien. The differences in peoples are not different races but rather different adapted traits. Those who lived in more tropical areas have the darker skin to guard against the sun, those of us from the northern regions never needed such protection. I believe it as simple as that. I think people have just simply confused rascism with ethnical prejudices. Now do I agree with your statements...Hell yes, I'm sure most people know there is a double standard with racism. You can either discriminate against a seperate group, or you feel and complain that your particular 'race' has it worse than any other. It should stop, not to sound cold or anything but, if you start playing the race card and a sob story, I stop listening and taking you seriously.
  8. [QUOTE=Corey][size=1]I daresay you're right. ^_^ I have absolutely no physical boundaries with women. I don't much care what race you are, what body type you are, what color your eyes are, or anything else. All that matters is what kind of a person you are. I can't date anyoe that isn't open minded. Close minded people get on my nerves to no end. Also anyone that is fantically religious is a major turnoff. I also like to be able to talk and discuss things with my significant other. Communication and philosophical coversations are key.[/size][/QUOTE] HAHA! I agree with you on the religious thing...however...I'm in a wierd situation. My g/f is well a bible thumper...she'seven going on a crusade if you will this summer to convert people and such...*shakes head* But forsome reason I love arguing about the topic og God with her and everything. I guess that bood Pride and prejudice had a point. Intelectual challenges can be as attractive as good looks...Luckily she has both. Sadly, she still tries to make me go to church with her. :animestun My preference with girls is as such...smokers...yuck..not thanks its a turn off. If I wanted to kiss a cigarette I'd be a smoker too...Also I'll admit it...physical attractiveness does play a minor role...I just can't imagine seeing someone that for some reason or another doesn't attract me. Im not saying they are ugly...just saying that there has to be something that catches my eye or tickles my fansy...Besides all of that...Im not too picky...so basically if you laugh at my lame jokes you're a saint to me heh... :D
  9. Maximus grinned, he loved how feeble minded these 'chosen' were. He strolled casually around the building looking for a good point of entry. He could almost get in anywhere now that the alarms had sounded. As he continued to walk just begining to march across the lawn he caught something out the corner of his eye. [I]That man...he's been following me...I sense...something...ahhh yes....the one that eliminated his collector from the start. Well...I'll just have to finish the job.[/I] Maximus stood there waiting for the man to approach. He did of course, and tapped Maximus on the shoulder. [B]"Hey, your tattoos, and those others...you all share the ability to manifest them don't you...I can...feel it. They call me Scarcrow...perhaps you've heard of me?"[/B] Maximus grinned, not letting it be known that the grin was the last thing he'd see. [B]"Why yes, you're another chum of ours then aren't you? My name is Maximus Leopold pleased to meet you."[/B] Maximus extended his hand, and as the other moved to take it, a strong blast of energy emminated from his palm, slamming into the Scarecrow's chest. The smell of charred flesh began to fill the air. A few onlookers scattered as Maximus looked at each of them with a cold deadly stare. He stooped down to the body, reaching behind his back and retreavied a small ornate dagger. His other hand revealed a pouch like object hidded in one of his pockets. Methodically, Maximus carved the tattoos off of the corpse's body, then placed each of the two into the pouch. He wiped his blade off on the others clothing and put it back behind his waist. He quickly tucked the pouch away in his pocket and made his way to the government building, leaving the body for others to sort out. As he entered the unmaned door Maximus again drew his blade, just incase someone was waiting for him. Two guards called out to him as he entered the building, they charged down the corridor, both rather angry. The first one to arrive huffed out orders to sound the alarm upon seeing the dagger. The later never made it to the alarm, a dagger drove into his back. The one still out of wind began to panic frantically pulling his pistol out of his belt. Again, the task went unfinished. Maximus placed his hand on the top on his head and with a brisk flick of the wrist, turn the guards head 180 degrees, snapping his neck. The body thuded to the floor as Maximus again cleaned off his blade. He then stalked off in a random direction, wanting to find the others, but not caring if he did all the same.
  10. [quote name='x kakashi x']well, as most people know, brains aren't done developing yet at the HS stage. Sometimes kids don't even realize what they're doing, and how greatly it affects people. Some people are scarred for life due to embarrasment or harassment from other people. At least thats what Dr. Phil says.[/quote] *nods* That man knows what he's talking about. Basically High school was ment not only to fine tune your lessons already learnt, but to establish a stepping stone for your way to college...or at least that's what it's for now. Franckly, I don't think they're doing a good job, true you learn plenty of interesting things (also boring useless things) In high school, however, I think they are lacking when it comes to truely preparing you for higher education. Once they fix that...life will be good.
  11. [QUOTE=James][color=#D6A204] I think it's logical though. What if someone wants to have a shower while someone is using the toilet? It seems illogical to put the two in the same room, especially because there is a lack of privacy as well. So having them seperate is highly convenient. ~_^ [/color][/QUOTE] [B]*shakes head* I see your point James, but think of it this way...If you're taking a shower and someone who was going to the bathroom flushes....wow...it's a rude awakening. Water that was once cozy and warm, now becomes frigid and evil :animedepr . Not to mention the possible smell reprocussions...you'd still get then since the rooms are usually close to one another, what with piping and all. Maybe you guys are more fortunate and you have a seperate line for your toilet and shower...me I live in an old house. I'd rather have the toilet in the same room that way I know nobody will get devious and flush the toilet while im in there. Which brings up another use. Not only is it for torturing cats, but by either flushing the toilet or turning on a faucet you can torture your roomate! :animesmil[/B]
  12. I talked with Wanda Sykes from "Wanda does it" at O'hare airport. She andher body guard sat next to me...it was pretty cool...she's both nice and funny in real person. That's always better than snobby stars. :animesmil
  13. Well Debresko....I envy you....Around here..at MY Gamestop (which I really don't go to anymore) They are pretty daft...It's in a mall so they figured they hired any mall rat that needed a job. There was once one employee who knew her stuff...and I mean reallly knew it...I know I dated her...(on a minor note all she'd want to do is friggin make out, and trounce me in videogames >_
  14. That's exactly what popularity is, a measure of how many people knw you and well like you. If you were hated by everyone yet they still knew you I'd say you'd be more infamous than popular. :animeswea People just keep messing up the meaning of being 'cool' with being popular. So yeah you can be Popular and not be cool. That's the rub.
  15. Well...let's see...Is it morally just? Probably not...is it still considered theft even if they are merely bytes of virtual data? Of cousres it is. Does Gelgoog still do it? You bet your britches he does. I feel...that, well...I'm getting a bit screwed by society. I'll admit it's a little childish but, it still makes me feel,like my problems with society has been resolved. Honestly it doesn't bug me morally to steal files and such off of the internet. Does it bother me that a flagrant act of stealing has no effect on me....not really. Do I think it makes me a bad person....no. Let's face it people, if we all [B]knew[/B] we could get away with stealing, most if not all would steal. Since many people know they can steal data without punishmentment, they simply do. Basically I steal because I can, hack? now that's different, I was shown the way of the hacker by afriend of mine, so I only "destroy" your files if you well do it to me first. And really most hackers don't destroy the files that's just a myth. Mostly you'd either install a virus to piss them off, or a cooler approach, send them a trojian Horse lol! Groups like the RIAA have tried to "punish" those they felt worthy...like the 12 year old girl who was sued 200,000 for 60,00 downloaded Mp3's. That's rediculous. She's tweleve...you already make millions...give the little people a break...
  16. :animesigh Will do...hmmm that may mean I have to start believeing in God again...meh...I'll just keep them in my thoughts for you. I know what it's like losing a friend like that.
  17. [QUOTE=Panda]I am not sure but maybe the school has to follow HIPAA-type laws which will not allow them to discuss the heath status of students. In my home state you cannot discuss anyone's health history without their or their legal guardian's (if under the age of 18) written approval. If the school were to send out a letter telling everyone the health status of a student they could be liable to lawsuits for disclosure of confidential information. More than likely the school could not legally put health information like that into a letter being sent to the parents. Just something to take into consideration.[/QUOTE] *slaps forehead* Oh crap...I forgot about that...Yeah you're right they can't do that legally. However...if it really bothers you that much (I don't know why they're jsut parents) Then you can try and give them the right to send that information out if you happned to have another episode. Also I'd suggest kicking that mean girl in the ovaries! :animesmil
  18. [quote name='Baron Samedi][SIZE=1']... Or not ~_^[/SIZE][/quote] Those were my thoughts exactly Baron LOL!
  19. [QUOTE=Harry]HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Whatever you do, don't do that. As for your social problems, it sounds like you're trying a bit too hard getting friends. I know you have social problems but just try to get them normally, instead of arranging some big party. Also candyland is awesome.[/QUOTE] Why...what's wrong with that. The school should know already about his condition, it's their mistake for not mentioning it as well as for making such a big deal about it...The last time someone went psycho in my cafeteria the teachers just took him out not empty the whole damn room...that's just ridiculous. No, I think the school needs to apologize.
  20. Meh, I'm laid back most of the time....sure my sister can set me off like a rocket once in a while...but that's what little sisters are for. Most of the time, when I lose my patience it's because it's a serious topic and they aren't acting as such, or Im just having one hell of a horrible day/week and have no time for plesantries. I think I told Kakashi that when I'm angry I get pretty blunt with people...yeah...that's about all I do to people when I'm angry...get blunt...lol :animesmil
  21. *nods* James is correct You can only attend if you belong to a company that deals with videogames and the like. Surprisingly enough, even though my intership allows me to go...I'm going to refrain. Yes, I know it's like my dream to go there but, I can proudly say I have things that need to be done first. Whew...never thought I'd say that...something more important than videogames? :animestun
  22. Other than complaining to the school for almost commiting defamation, no not really. You're in a tough spot really, I understand how you feel that it's not your fault since I too have a mental problem heh, nothing like yours however. I'd say just tough it out, you still have friends in the world. And so what if some social rejects can now say you have fits? They aren't that important. But hey if it makes you feel better to have the disorder out in the open, get the school to send a notice in addition the the previous one. Having you parents on your side would help in this. I's almost illegal what they did, almost. So I'd say go into the school administration office, tell them that they made a mistake, that you're outrageously insulted and they should fix you up with something.
  23. :animestun I just recently got one of these...apparently my apprenticeship felt I should have one, meh. Anyway I don't know it it screams personality, but whatever floats your boat. Right now my ringtone is from of cousre, "real tone jutebox" *makes the matallic sound that the site always makes* I have System of a Down - Chop suey on. It fits becsue most of the time im asleep and the first lyrics you hear are "Wake up"! SO yeah, it gets plenty of laughs while taking naps in the student center and all. LOL I have a few more but...I'm lazy...and I have class in 5 minutes heh.
  24. PAH! I don't need any of you! I have 3 Bigillion cool points. That's right I've been keeping score ;) Exhibit A: Gelgoog....While in High school a loser. Talked with half the people that went to his school thus somewhat popular. However, Gelgoog was extremely cheap, (parents love the whole work ethic stuff) and couldn't afford decent clothing. So most people no doubt knew 90% of his wardrobe within a month. Because of his lack of willingness to blow his cash away on clothing, (alright I did it on videogames) he was 'uncool'. On a minor note, he was liked by more people than some of the 'cool' kids. Exhibit B: Some random 'cool' kid that went toGelgoog's school. Popular, 'cool', terrible at anything that required a brain. That's right! Gelgoog could not believe it either, being 'cool' actually requires no brain. Was good-looking, some what ok in sports, (Better than Gelgoog anyway) considered 'cool', although most people thought he was a jerk. Could afford $50 shirts because his parents gave him money, did not work for his money by getting two jobs, did not attend college, still lives with his parents. In the end...Gelgoog also still lives at his parents house, (lol) however is moving out this summer, does go to college, is still liked by more people, and he is totally fine with never being 'cool'. That was my whole case study on coolness...take it or leave it people. It's ok I suppose to be cool, just don't let it get to your heads that it makes you better than anyone else. Instead work your Arse off like Gelgoog so you can afford to get into college. :rolleyes:
  25. This brings up a good question...since as I have known you don't have to be just attractive to get anywhere in life, (though through actually studies good looks improve your chances of being hired for just about anything) you also need the know how, or you need to be a likeable person. Now...back to my question. How in the name of all that is holy did a man....who's not only ugly...but also stupid and most of the time pretty unfunny, become president. Honestly I still can't figure out why most of the counrty voted for him... :animesigh That's right, Gelgoog hates Bush... Right there is the only evidence you need to disprove the theory of good looking people ruling the world. In fact all you really need is a rich Daddy...and aparently you can either have your own TV shows, (such as paris and nicole) or you can become president. (Like Bush and Kennedy and several others) MOney rules the world folks...you all know it...so it's money, not looks. END'O STORY.
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