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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot
Her body stiffened, her eyes went wide, and a small murmur escaped her lips. Maximus smiled deeply, a smile mixed with glee, charm, and malice. His thumbs brushing the skin of her shoulders softy. [B]"That's right...you're not all that hard to figure out my dear...now...the question is...what to do about your....I'm sorry...OUR little secret?"[/B] Although seeminly impossible his smile grew wider, his face once again close to hers. His breath a steady beat, as he looked at her...not at her face, but her being. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, laughed in a manner that only mad people use and saundered off towards the kitchen. As he left he spoke just enough for Yuna to hear. [B]"This is what I like about you Yuna, that strength you think you have, heh. So much is it ingrained within you, that you'll never ask for help...for that...I thank you..."[/B] He sat quietly at a table across from the others, having set out the stuffs needed for cereal, he poured the milk and began eating. A few of the others glanced at him noticing the odd smile on his face and he munched away. A few moments after Yuna returned again seperating herself from the others. She had the same determined face as she had before the little conversation in the hallway. Maximus caught her watching him, but paid it no heed, he was enjoying his food too greatly. [I]I must remember to slip away tonight...there are things that must be taken care of...Oh...the girl? FINALLY MAXI! No you twit...some loose ends...Who? You know who, other ones such as these. I found some, I think we should start adding to Lady Jetta's collection. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I knew you at least had something fun in store for us...you never do let me down entirely.....Shut up...[/I]
((OOC: Lol no worries...I was never too hung up on spelling anyway...Whew...that was a long post lets see what I can do then. I figured you guys could easily beat me down right now so of course I won?t win any battles?I hope you like what I put however, im interested in your responses.)) He had been aimlessly riding around for some time now, simply to test the horse and to get some time away from the city. He looked up at the sun through his face guard, his eyes squinting at the brightness. [I]What a day?it?s just plain beautiful.[/I] [B]"Huh?"[/B] Hoof beats from the left, a cloud of sand, obviously trailing horses. He thought nothing of it. There were far too few riders to be bandit raiders. He turned his horse to leave, and then he saw her. A little girl, stumbling forward, fell, and then two riders came into view. The man?s deadly blade, already drawn and ready to finish the girl off, arched into the air. In a heartbeat Horres was thundering towards her. His breath intensifying with a small bit of fear, he didn?t bother unsheathing his scimitar just yet, he could only hope that his horse was fresher than theirs. [I]What in the name of God are you doing!? Horres...these people are armed?you have hardly any fighting experience![/I] His mind was screaming at him to rethink the idea, but it was too late. The female rider had just noticed him; her blade was now drawn as well, no doubt to cut him down. It was too late, his course took him closer to the child, and he scooped her up with only a few yards to spare. He tugged at the reins forcing the horse to change direction, this bought the two bandits time to catch up. As his horse regained her speed, the sound of hoof beats pounded in Horres? ears. A glance to the right side caught him the image of the male diving into him. The two tumbled to the ground; rolling through the sand, both attempting already to gain the upper hand. The horse, still feeling the weight of a rider, the girl, continued of at a hurried pace towards the city. Sand flew over the two tangled men, as the female rider continued to pursue the girl. Horres was lucky enough to get in a lucky punch to his assailants face, giving him a second of time to draw his sword. Immediately it was met by a katana, the clanging resounded in Horres? ears. He began to panic, the man he fought was far too fast, and he could never keep up this pace of countering and deflecting. Horres slashed out sloppily, knocking the man back, but forcing him to stumble back as well. Horres rolled down a small sand dune, stopping at the bottom only for a moment, his instincts forcing him back on his feet in seconds. The man grunted as he hopped down the dune after Horres, bringing his blade around to attempt to finish him off. Horres? eyes darted around him as he tried a last ditch tactic, just as the man was upon him Horres flung sand into his face, and then ran. He could hear the man cursing slightly as he sprinted across the sand, his hope dropped however has he heard two sets of hoof beats. It sounded like one in front of him just over the dune, and the other one behind. He turned back to see the male rider gaining fast, again he twirled his blade, ready to slash into Horres. He was only moments away from the top of the dune, and yet he could practically feel the steed?s breath on his neck. With a spurt of energy and speed, Horres crested the dune, dived down the other end and rolled. The sound that followed made him smile slightly. Cursing and a heavy thud told him that the two riders had collided and one at least was dismounted for a moment. Horres reached the bottom of the hill, jumped to his feet, and ran. He couldn?t believe his eyes, before him was his horse, the women must have stopped it, the girl lay motionless on the sand. As he closed the few more yards to the waiting mare, Horres could again here hoof beats drawing near. He grabbed the reins, stooped to check the girl, and finding her still alive, tossed her over the saddle. He followed shortly, and began jabbing the horse with his heels fiercely. The horse responded with tremendous speed, the two riders were not far behind, however this time they were losing ground. Half an hour later Horres reached the city gates, the two riders had disappeared after the city came into sight. He had a feeling however, that they wouldn?t give up their quarry that easily.
I'll suggest a good game I found out took loads ot time...ok well a couple...most of the ones from the other two consoles were mentioned as well as some from the GameCube. I'd suggest, since you're looking for some serious play time, Gladius. Basically its a world like ours back when Rome ruled over most of the European continent. Here you will take over the gladiator school of your father. When I first popped it in I figured it'd be a 30 hour game. It turns out..this game could take you 50 + easily I still haveen't beaten it but that was because I had a faling out with it (I won't tell you why though). Another good game although a bit repetative is Phantasy Star Online I & II for GameCube...no you don't need an internet connection just to play it like the stupid Xbox version. And you can invite 3 of your friends to hack/slash with you. Pretty similar to the Dreamcast ones but the graphics are a little sharper and some new stuff was put into the game. Also the Extreme difficulty is fun as hell! lol With 200 levels to gain experience for Im sure you can waste plenty of energy over this one :animestun
[QUOTE=x kakashi x]The basis of Afire's post was just as I said, an opinion. Did she write the poem? If not then all her comment was was speculation, as was mine. We both did the same thing, except we read and interpreted the poem differently, just like others did. It just got to me that you felt it necessary to ignorantly criticize those you simply disagreed with. I understand your criticism, it just seemed, harsh? I don't know, I just think that if you really wanted to enlighten someone, or express your opinion so that others might understand, you wouldn't do it so bluntly, it just didn't seem necessary. Anyway, I'm glad I intrigue you lol, and I thank you for your thoughts on the original subject as I do everyone else.[/QUOTE] :animeswea Yeah...I do get blunt once in a while...not the best of weeks...anyways...yeah I suppose I shouldn't go ape on everyone who doesn't see it the same way. It was an interesting topic...I think I made one like it some time ago...eh...I still have problems...not that they are more mysterious...but rather...eccentric...sometimes....very eccentric.... :animestun Yes! That is Gelgoog's final word on women...and I quote..."Women are eccentric"
[QUOTE=Xander Harris]No. You read [I]A[/I] Necronomicon, not THE Necronomicon. Go here. [url]http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/103-3490448-3537467[/url] Look at all the different books that are "The Necronomicon." All works of fiction, by different authors. If you claim to have read "The Necronomicon", you should specify which 'Necronomicon' you speak of. One book entitled 'The Necronomicon' is an encyclopedia of horror. One book which is THE 'Official' fictional Necronomicon simply does not exist. People can say they have read A Necronomicon, but not THE Necronomicon. EDIT: Since some books are entitled "The Necronomicon" one could perhaps say they have read "The Necronomicon" in reference to the title, not the content. Like I said above, one should then specify which of the myriad of books labeled 'The Necronomicon' of which they are speaking. There's a sucker born every minute...[/QUOTE] Hmmm...you caught me on a technicality...grrrr...fine I've read 'a' necronomicon Meh...I have a feeling we've all taken this issue a bit too far lol
[quote name='Xander Harris']No, they haven't read this book, because IT DOESN"T EXIST! What there is to read are fan made works that are all different from each other. Some are just the same Arabic text repeated over and over, because they figure no one is going to bother reading past the first few pages. Saying you have read the Necronomicon is like reading a fan fic called Star Wars: Episode 7: Leia Gets a Mohawk and saying you have read Lucas's script for a Star Wars sequel.[/quote] UGH! The fan made books are still called the Necronomicon...what it means is that there was no REAL one...trust me...my book is called the necronomicon...I know its just a fiction book but it still has the name...so we have read the necronomicon because it exists as fiction... :animeangr And whether or not the other version repeat themselves for 40 pages or not...the actually reading can still be accomplished...besides that I doubt may people are going to buy a book they can read or hasn't been translated into a readable form.
I'm about to ask the woman i love to marry me
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Lightwing's topic in General Discussion
Oh God yes man....find out if she wants to get married...or if it'll even work out...Im mean love is truely awsome, but it may not work out at that time in life. No doubt do to whatever career choices either of you make. You may feel that your best chance is to go to college at one end of the country while she feels her best option is 100+ miles away from you. That would throw your palns out of wack. I'd say congrats for wanting to put planning on it...even though the spontatious usually has the best results. I'm thinking fresh out of highschool isn't the best of times to just get married...try living with each other first...and see what the college education plans are...then you can think about popping the question more seriously -
Am I the only nocturnal/insomniac here?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Bloodseeker's topic in General Discussion
I often wonder that myself with all the people from other time zones and such on here...maybe just maybe...not ALL of the members here actually post anymore... :p Take it from me...after a while you see the same people posting over and over again since so many join and then gradually die out...but Im up late normally...I may not be on this message board at the time or I may just need some damn sleep....Meh....there is usually 5 or 6 members on late when I stay up real late...that's plently -
[quote name='x kakashi x']Gelgoog, narrow-minded... :animestun . The poem was fine, but it was interpreted differently by different people. Just because we thought it meant something different then you doesn't mean we're wrong, your right, and we're stupid for thinking of it that way. Next time, just post your opinion rather then busting on the people that posted before you, sorry, but its annoying to open a post and find more of your opinions on everyone else rather then the actual subject of the thread.[/quote] As afire pointed out I was merely trying to give you a clearer definition of humility...since...some were not useing it correctly... I could care less if you saw it as someone putting girls down...or if I was wrong...I just felt that automatically stating a negative opinion would cause everyone else to do the same...I'm sure you're much smarter than that...but I've been here a long time...and trust me there are some pretty stupid people who post here. I do however enjoy the critisism lol you intregue me in that respect. And going off topic...meh...I do that I'll admit it...but that's what discussion is about...not only the primary topic but somewhat related topics...otherwise discussion wouldn't be as fun...you'd need not return to this tread because EVERYONE would respond to the same topic and most of them would simply agree with others views....
Well...I can see how you would THINK the poem means that...but it doesn't...only fools would actually take it the way. No offense to those who have though. I said long before the humility bit, that they were made to stand beside us. I believe this also, and hell I think my g/f is stronger than me and supports me...she'll say the same about me. Thus the term better half is used when talking about them. I think, what the poem meant by humility was that it was intended to be the opposite of pride. Which of course is humility or humbleness. Don't think because you support man that he doesn't support you back. Or Don't think that you are better than him because you are equal. Not, humiliate yourself to support your man...that would ruin the entire poem up to that line. Sorry, although I found your comment funny Godelsensei, its basically just you adding some remark to which you know nothing about or just breifly read the poem. Read it more carefully next time before you chose to interpret stuff like this. Afire...congrates on the poem I loved it...thought it was a bit too long at first but...I did actually enjoy it...and that's saying alot since I nrmally don't enjoy poetry Thanks for sharing it. :animesmil
His grin was full of mirth...he didn't try to hide it from her now...he knew she didn't like him or trust him, and it wasn't like he cared. He just kept clapping after she spotted him in the corner. [B]"Bravo...nothing like kicking at flies to get the blood pumping huh? Hahahaha. Tell me do you always exhaust yourself for no reason? Why...if a collector showed up you'd be quite vulnerable..."[/B] In an instant it seems he is next to her whispering in her ear, she trembles a bit hearing his sweet but menacing voice, and the sound of him smelling her sweaty body. [B]"Why don't you trust old Max...hmmmm? I haven't done anything wrong...yet you seem...afraid of me a little...why is that?"[/B] [B]"Get away from me you freak..."[/B] She clenched her fists fully ready to clock him one in the chin. Stepping back a bit the charming smile returning. [B]"Very well...I'll be waiting for you at the dinner table."[/B] He gave a wink and then left the room laughing to himself quite loudly. [I]Oh how I enjoy her...she is so full of....well...life...I will so enjoy breaking her....[/I]
Gaming Online Morals....have we lost them?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Gelgoog Pilot's topic in Noosphere
Well that article reminds me of the Everquest scandal...Did anyone hear about the guy who had been playing it for like 3 years, then he had some hacked character kill him and take all of his stuff...THey found him 3 days later after he killed himself in the basement...I'm glad I never got THAT into a game before... :animeblus -
Gaming Online Morals....have we lost them?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Gelgoog Pilot's topic in Noosphere
[quote name='Bloodseeker']Who cares? If the guy's being an asshole, nobody ever said that you have to respond or even read his messages. I've never been big into online games (seeing as how most MMORPGs cost additional money to subscribe to, and I'm not too big on RTS or FPS), but the times that I've been on (Army Men, Star Craft), I found that beating them is the best way to get the ******** to shut the hell up. And even if you lose, once again, you don't have stick around and talk to your opponent.[/quote] That really isn't the point...you're not saying if you feel the morlas have diminished really, you just stated that its best to ignore people...I'll admit I let it piss me off...but it's not like it continues to bother me hours later or what not...it just amazing how badly some people treat others. And Generic I actually have to agree...when I played ragnarok online most people were nice...and if you just happened to run around with them for a while most of the time you could team up and have, well a decent amount of trust with them. The mean people still remain out there and it's just like real life I know but some are just ridiculous. -
Alright....not sure if there is another one about this...so too bad you have another one... :p What I'm saying is this...on pretty much all online games, the morality or players has dwindled. My favorite example is Battle.net. Take either starcraft or diablo, you can hardly find nice people anymore. You are either a 'noob' because you don't religiously study the abbreviations or because hell you're a new comer to the game. Aswell you can still enter games where some one will feel they 'need' to betray their partners even after the initial win was accomplished...Honestly it gets sickening. I'm more lenient..if you call me a noob during a game while I fended off several waves of 3 players...then shutup...but if within like 4 minutes I was sloshed...you may have had a point...And if you betray me...wow I usually get angry...since there is no need to do it in the first place than to be malicious. Whatever...maybe I'm jsut fed up with people acting like jerks or maybe I'm whining..who cares...I want to know your opinions..not just on these two but any online games share some experience...
[QUOTE=Mitch] [i]Starcraft[/i] is an amazing RTS. I've been playing it for years and it hasn't gotten old. This game can sap hours and hours of your life. To this day, battle.net still has quite a number of people coming onto SC and still playing it online. It's that good.[/QUOTE] Ahmen Brother, I also still frequent the halls of Battle.net. In fact I still find people who have NEVER played the game before...like...this dude who didn't know how to make a sunken or how to lift off his Command Center...I of course unlik ethe other people on ther didn't just call him a noob and move on...I instead helped him out and tought him the ways of the zerg lol :D
[QUOTE=x kakashi x]I don't use appropriate grammer, get over it :p and I'm not looking for advice, but I did say the advice was appreciated, and the post wasn't meant for me, it was meant to be a discussion on what girls really wanted, what specific girls liked and what they didn't like, not really advice, and I definitely didn't ask for it, I guess the writings hard to understand without periods, just stare really hard next time and maybe you'll get it? ;)[/QUOTE] *slaps forhead* I went and quoted the wrong part of the post....ugh.... :animesigh Whatever...I'm gonna dropt it anyway...lol....too much other stuff to do than bicker about some non-point :animesmil
[quote name='SpiritWolf']It can be wrong to love someone, but it isn't always. It is wrong to love someone who is... I don't want to say abusive, exactly, but someone who... say... takes you for granted. Or ignores you. That kind of love is unhealthy. I can't really ask you to trust me, seeing as how I haven't earned your trust, but I can still hope that you will.[/quote] I understand what you mean exactlt...if you continue to love someone who definelty treats or treated you like dirt...physically, meantally or whatever...basically I've been in the position. But I still think that for a while you loved the good in them or something...
You're "Unspoken catch" May or may not exist in my opinion...The question is how long have Amy and Jeff been seeing each other? It could be that Jeff is ready for marriage while Amy is not. Just because he is going to propose or says he will doesn't always mean straight out marriage. I've seen a few freinds who have been engaged....then moneths later are still engaged....then years later...and finally one says they really weren't ready for marriage with that person and leaves. Or they start living together and relise they can't stand each other. Also I know a good friend of mine. she has a boyfriend let call him Josh and her terry...since it is their names after all lol. Terry will flat out tell you she'll never end up marrying Josh. Though they've been together for oh...4 years now. They jsut feel better being with that someone but don't feel they could be with eachother forever. Love is wierd like that...I know if I was in your situation (which I actually was a while back) I'd feel terribly confused. My advice is as Clouds...Ask her...be confrontational...sometimes you need to be like that with people to get information out of them. Ask her about why she did that stuff...and if she loves Jeff. For all you know they could be together for pure convienece. Its not unheard of to stick with a relasionship because nothing better has come along. Which reminds me of another girl I know...she stayed with her boyfriend far too long...he hadn't come to see her in months, along the lines of 8 I believe...now he had really no reason to not actually go see her (until we found out he was cheating on her). Yet she stayed with him... I know...I had wanted to aske her out but...found she still considered herself going out with the guy(again until she found out she was g/f #2) I'm sure I made myself look pretty wierd...and...ranted a bit. I'm sorry...Im a wierd person and I don't always stick to topic...You can thank my ADD for that. I'm saying don't automatically think she "Loves" Jeff, Trust me I've loved a girl before who didn't share that feeling...now luckily I found this out before I proposed. SO it pays to do your homework...so like I said...DO your homework and ask her what the beef is. :animesigh
Well Yoda...You and I are very alike in our thoughts of those two spectacular games. However I have some differences...you say that Malak was a terrible Sith I disagree...I feel that the "dog" feel to him was appropriate. If you'll recall he was a mere apprentice...he was still new to being the Sith Lord...I think they worked it out nicely. Although Sion was definetly a bit more evil. The definetly could have done without Tatooinee...lol...but the Wookie planet? Come one how can you say no to [B]"Rawwwr!"[/B] I mean really...That statement is far too compelling...and the only reasons you had to go there was of course the star maps...that was it..that was why the story took you there... To try and solve your quetion about Nihlius...well you'll have to look somewhere else for advice on that...I will firuge it out...I jsut haven't yet :animesigh So yeah, I loved KotR and the sequel...but honestly a favorite Video game...are you crazy...I love all of them...that's why I got them...sure some sucked ***...but I only rented them or sold them as soon as I could before someone found out I actually baught them like...*shudders* Unlimited Saga...I have yet to find someone who liked that game...
[QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]Your other games that work... are they CDs or DVDs? If they're all CDs, your laser might be having issues reading DVDs. In that case, you can call Sony and they'll fix it for free. You should get it back within a week or two with a new warranty. If your other working games are all CDs and DVDs... then I'm not sure. I remember reading that Xenosaga had more layers on its DVD than other PS2 games. Maybe it is a laser related problem with that as well.[/QUOTE] He's absolutely right... friend of mine had one that would not read My xenosaga disc...he described the same problem he got his when it frist came out whle mine was about a year newer....so mine had no troubles reading the Dvd's...Basically he sent it in and got it fixed...simple and clean. Mine Lol....mine stopped reading the normal Ps2 and Ps formatted discs...the remedy Sony gave me...Put some tape on the disc to give the rom a better grip they had said the newer drives where having problems finding enough friction. :animesmil
[QUOTE=x kakashi x] on another note, no, I wasn't really asking for advice, but it is appreciated, I'm sure all guys here could improve on something, I mean, I try to be romantic best I can, I wrote a song for a former girlfriend and played it for her in private, and at an actual show I dedicated it to her, I usually give flowers on Valentine's Day, since I can't really think of anything else, but the post was just to find out what other girls liked, maybe other ideas or things I could do, when I actually get a gf, cause now, I don't have one lol[/QUOTE] First things first...that is one Huge sentence...I wanted to cut it down for my point to come across...but I found no period LOL! Ok second point...you said it basically right there that you wanted advice...after you said you didn't...so...you need to watch yourself Anyway my opinion...everyone needs a little stimulus once in a while for dating...Im not saying change yourself entirely...but some people don't realise doing the same thing all the time is boring...just try new stuff..and be yourself. :animesigh
I'll probably get it jsut because of the things I've read aobut it,the fact that I can't play it on my current pc...AND because its a classic...although a drowl and repeditive classic at that... There is actually another old school game coming out for the Xbxo soon, that would be the old arcade game Area 51 Im sure most of you can recall the ornge and purple aliens running around along with the half decayed and mutated personel. I've read a lot of good things about it and I've played a demo....its pretty tight...much better than the old one, so they've done alot of changes unlike most of the game play of doom 3... :D
Zeddrick was glad he didn't have to mess much with the ball. All had to do was get in, find his position and set up some simple programs to track the steps of the security systems. He smiled to himself as he sat down taking off the constricting jacket. Taking out his new laptop he had to outfit in a hurry he started to hook up to the network. [B]"This should be a simple task for me...I always get the easier jobs."[/B] He chuckled. He looke dto his watch and saw the reamining time before the device of Raison's would go into operation. He bagan to count down as it got close. [B]"Five...four...three...two...one...bingo we have....what the hell!"[/B] He jumped up with an astonished and confused look oh his face. All of his equipemnt which had just been humming with tasks went silent. [B]"Oh....DAMN IT! That thing wasn't suppose to blind us as well! I better find Selene...or someone for christ sake."[/B] He left the server room in ah hurry just getting the annoying jacket back over his sholders as others at the party spotted him. He changed from running into a hurried walk to not draw too much attention. Thankfully Selene was still in the main room with her date. He walked up to her, took her by the arm and pulled her away from him. [B]"We've got a problem ma'am....We'll be running this blind..."[/B] [B]"I thought you were going to tap into the system to monitor it all, and then monitor local police as well!?"[/B] [B]"I was...it seemes that jammer was a bit too good...it traveled right through my link and into our equipement...I have the looping program established for the cameras...but its only a matter of time before someone sees things happening over and over again."[/B] [B]"Go find and tell the others...We'll have to do this ahead of schedule..."[/B] Zeddrick nodded and walked off towards the exhibition. Selene returned to her date for the evening, he of course had a concerned look on his face. [B]"Are you ok? Do you want me to call security on him?"[/B] [B]"There'll be no need dear. He was an ex of mine just a little jealous."[/B] [B]"Oh I see..."[/B] OOC: Take it away someone!
you should probably tell them that I need the first post as well...just to stop any friction or confusion. :animesigh
Kakashi...when a human is fitted with robotic equipment it doesn't make him an android...nor a cyborg really....an android is a robot made to look and act human...a cyborg is a human who depends on the machine half of him/herself. You'r character just ahs a prostesis...plus Im not sure that fits with the time frame I'd ask the thread producer through a pm....which is prolly what I should do...hmmm too late