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Gelgoog Pilot

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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot

  1. OOC: *huff huff huff* Whew...you don't make it easy to catch up with you guys Reiku...its hard to find an opening for your idea of my post... : animesigh Ok here it goes. Maximus had waited long enough. The plane trip, the dinner, now that everyone was assembled in this lounge area he should make himself known. Getting up cautiously he made his way over to what seemed to be with leader, or at least the one giving all the speeches. Then next moment all eyes were on the strange young man walking towards Lani, all were alert for an attack of some sort almost, Maximus suppressed a girn. [B]?Hello?? Maximus extended his hand. ? I am Maximus Leopold?I hate to intrude but?I couldn?t help but over hear you speaking about tattoos, and buy the sounds of it?not normal ones either.? [/B] He smiled pleasantly as Lani took his hand shaking it. [B]?Yes, we were, I?m Lani, umm, I see you also have tattoos.?[/B] She took her hand back letting it rest at her side. Maximus looked around quickly seeing most of them relax a bit. All but Yuna, she had a strange look on her face, but Maximus wasn?t worried she had never seen his face back at the flat, so she had no reason to know him. [B]?Ah, yeah, I used make-up to hide it from?well some unpleasant people.?[/B] His smile was genuine this time, mostly since he hated the others with a passion. [B]?Wow, you are being attacked by collectors as well!? Does that make-up actually fool them though?? [/B] Renee came up and touched his face to test the make-up a little. [B]?No, not really?I figured it was worth a try though.?[/B] ?I?ve seen you before?.tell me?why have you been following us.? The group?s eyes collectively looked towards Yuna, who was now standing their with her arms crossed defiantly across her chest. Maximus looked down for a moment. [B]?Yes, I have been following you, at least since I heard at the airport about tattoos and noticing that you all had at least one. I thought that maybe we were connected, especially when you mentioned ?collectors?.?[/B] After saying this several of the group nodded as Yuna walked away temporarily satisfied. Maximus was quite happy with himself, at first he figured they would find him out and he?d have to haul all of them back himself. Now he figured if this kept up they would to the hauling for him. Lani looked back at Maximus and smiled a little. [B]?Well you?re among friends now, uh Maximus was it??[/B] Maximus smiled deeply, and while the others thought it was a smile of gratitude, it was actually the beginning of their undoing.
  2. I'm sorry NPC if it sounded as if I was comparing it to the fictional Necronomicon....I really wasn't. What I meant was that the idea of the bible being fictional...it doesn't matter if there was an original copy the fact remains that it's still disputed to be fiction. Also...I'm not sure the Old testement can be considered original in common respects...It was a culmination of stories and folk lore and ideas. It didn't have a single author just possibly a group of people who pasted it all together.
  3. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3] There's more than one version of it, each pretending to be a different "translation" of the actual book in some sense. They're all fiction, every last one of them, regardless of how well researched they can be. Believing these to be true is like believing the events in Dinotopia actually happened. They're presented as factual, yet they're anything but. [/QUOTE] Now I don't want this to blow up into a heated arguement but I feel I need to get this off my chest...Technically...they way you put it the bible, Korhan, and Tora, can be stated as the same as the necronomicon. Aside from the fact that we know who thought up the necronomicon. All are different interpritations of the supposed book called the Old testement. I having fallen out of the ranks of christianity tend to think these religious books are also...well fabricated. I can only guess as to why someone would do it...respect form others or power over others...humans are pretty power hungry. Hmmm there was another supposed demonic book out there. Apparently written by an acolyte of the devil.. Also there is that odd story of a monk in midevil times becomming possesed by a demon and forced to write some odd book . This I believe was actually supported by the church for sometime (catholics I believe) I think he murdered anothe rmon who found him out...ran with his book and started some cult...I beleive he was later burned. Give me some time and I'll recall the Monks name as well as the books. I know there is no 'real' Necronomicon...I own some fictional version of it mostly because I loved Army of Darkness so much....Lol But also because it was pretty interesting to read...
  4. Ugh people, people, people. Terri Shaivo was NOT in a coma...she was brain dead...comatose patients still have low levels of brain activity in their frontal lobe. As others have stated...yet some still chose to not read their posts, Terri's frontal half was completely dead. This is not a coma...also Im not sure if this is just the movies talking but comatose victims usually just lay there with their eyes closed. Terri always opened them up, she still had a blank look on her face, and really that was one of the reasons the parents 'thought' she'd get better. And the claim that the husband asking for Terri to be let off the medical equipement as having a dishonest motive is crap. I wouldn't blame my son-in-law for wanting to move on after 15 years of hospital payments and living alone. Let the man try and live out the rest of his life. It's his choice to either find someone else or spend another possible 10 years by that bed side. :animeangr
  5. "This is what I get!? This is my payment after hours and hours of being on the road with that maniac bowser...a star...I wanted Bananas!" Oh how I love mario cart!
  6. *feels afraid* My character won't last a second up against you two... Oh by the way...Ragnarok is awsome...I've borrowed their character art a few times myself. :animesmil I await the Rpg happily
  7. I own the damn thing....Its somewhere deep within my attic right now...I'd most definelty quote some finner points out of it...however...I'm lazy...The book sort of reminds me of the chaos theary...I don't know why though... :animestun You folks should buy it...it was only like $30.00 or something like that...
  8. Yes he passed away at 2:11 today...errr my time that is...I don't see why everyone is saying they are surprised...Paul was old, and very sick, we all know death is just an inevitability. He was a great man, and he lived out his duties. Now we (Christian community) can only hope for another revolutionary pope as John Paul II.
  9. [quote name='x kakashi x']people keep reminding me of these awesome battle systems, I havn't played Legend of Dragoon in forever, but thanks to Iori Yagama ;) , I remembered how much fun I had playing, the combos were crazy, at the end of the game combos could be as much as 15-16 moves, and it takes a lot of practice to actually get the timing down so that you could execute the combo, there was also the switch into dragoons, and dragoon moves and combos were definitely awesome, ahh, thanks Iori *starts playing Legend of Dragoon*[/quote] :animecry: I felt the same way man...sadly my disorganization has allowed me to lose it somewhere...I found the little booklet but where is my game!
  10. [QUOTE=Godelsensei] I'm also interested in what guys might have to say about Barbie, likely having no real experience playing with one. I loved mine to death, literally, as did most of my friends, while allot of girls I know still have theirs in perfect shape. It's interesting what you'll do to a toy before you have any concept of monetary value. So, what is Barbie, to you? Do you think you've been influenced by Barbie at all? What are your parents' take on the doll? (I know my mother was hesitant to give me one, at first, because she thought she would be a "negative role model".) Look beyond, "It's just a toy...!" What do you see?[/QUOTE] HA! I, sadly, have played with barbies! I wasn't always the cold evil older borther I am today, and my sister wasn't always the materialistic popularity engrossed girl she is. Believe it or not, to pass time we used to play dolls. Laugh if you will, I do... I'm going to have to say that to me although still just a doll, barbie does represent societies veiws of women. Obviously, it is sad that they make the barbie so far from life like. No not the particular parts of her they leave out! I mean the proportions. It's similiar to the fashion industry, all we see are skinny women we forget that most women aren't paper thin. Though when I thought about it...I saw it this was. Corporations really don't care about the impact it'll have on the girls while growing up...they want money, plain and simple, much of the reason why you don't see a box with "Fat Barbie" on it. (I'd buy it heh) Your points on how girls use her as a role model is interesting and probably true. Also a reason why they don't make Barbie pregnant. If girls thought the only way to look like their role model was to become pregnant...can you image...wow. Although...I don't care to look into as much depth as you, I do happen to agree with what you've said...and if they took Barbie off the market...I can't imagine what it would be like. They've been the mainstream toy for girls SINCE 1959. What will take over? Polly Pocket...I doubt it...they just weren't as much fun as Barbie.
  11. OooooOOooo! Desert stuff....I do enjoy it...besides, one of my current RP's is how should I say lacking something. :animesigh If you'll have me I'd take your position as the hero, haven't done that in a while. Harlequin glad to see you still take a fancy to some RPs. Also I take it that 'play format' is the same as present tense eh? Name: Horres Dind Age: 24 Race: Human Class: Swordsman Height: 5'12" *wink* Weight: 160 lbs Eye color: Deep brown Hair Color: A light brown. Short Bio: Born of a more prominent family, Horres lived a quite comfortable life in the more, tropical parts of Ashrania, he was somewhat stunned to see the expanse of the desert for the first time. Opening up a very prosperous spice trade with neighboring cities. His move to Theode brought on another drastic change. Raids had been a reality of this city for quite some time, though only a few of the larger tribes still dared to contest with the city guard. On one such raid, the last actually, Horres was slashed along the face while running like a coward, as all rich men do. The scar, a constant reminder of his past cowardice, he took up the practice of the blade. Not really wanting to join the military on their foolhardy campaigns, he trained simply to help, if the raids began again. So it was that at age 24 after only 4 years of training and barely a scrap of actual combat he sat there in his saddle with a problem, someone in real need of his help. Equiptment: A long scimitar sheathed at his side and a two smaller daggers strapped to his wrists. Armor: A thin coat of chain mail covered by his dark blue desert cloak, as well as a tall hard leather collar to protect from those nasty beheadings. Spells: BAH! Bah I say?BAH TO MAGIC!
  12. OOC: Ugh....I had more ingenious things in mind than waiting but...I'll abide by your request. [I]Waiting...always waiting...even my patience has a limit...I just wish all of these would come together already...I'll get stiff sitting here.[/I] A fimiliar figure walked by, not like the others before her had...this one was more, paranoid it seemed. Maximus smiled. [I]She should be...there are wolves among this flock...so close...I could reach out and touch her, that would be fun...I'd at least be entertained.[/I] Maximus leaned back casually switching from looking out the window and then back to looking at the small group that was forming. Again he smiled. Unlike those fool collectors, Maximus valued the ability to blend in more, sure he had to put make-up on to hide the tattoo on his face but it beats sticking out like a sore thumb. An hour passed...he spent his time watching them and thinking. He had been doing alot of thinking. Lady Jetta had yet told them the reasons behind this. All Maximus knew was that she needed them, and that the world would be a much different place once she succeeded. One thing, however keep popping up in his mind. The families, what reasons were there fo such a worthless act. Sure making the ones you hated suffer could be enjoyable, this however was a serious matter. There was no time to anger the prey when you needed to catch them off guard. This tactic would only counter their purpose. He was sure he'd find out why after this little excursion. [I]That Yuna...the one that fool Amatsu couldn't take care of, she distances herself from the others...I'm going to find out why. Heh, the tough loners are always the easiest to break, I always did find that hilariously ironic. I'm going to enjoy breaking you Yuna, count on it.[/I]
  13. [QUOTE=Iori Yagami]I hate when people just dismiss card battle games as crap... I just finished Baten Kaitos and nothing beats the feeling of doing a final sunrise combo. (Doing a straight from 1 to 9.) And the elemental clashes make the battle system more challenging I, personally, found the card system to be fun and challenging and definitely not the worst battle system ever. The best battle system is either the Tales of Symphonia style or the Legend of Dragoon style. I enjoy the linear real time battle system a lot and this game doesn't disappoint. This was loads of fun to play. Legend of Dragoon's battle system was fun and challenging at the same time. Getting used to the timing to pull off the magnificent combos and the extremely high damage hits. It's a great deal of fun to play.[/QUOTE] Here's where I get a little funny....See I hated Baten Kaitos...also hated Phantasy Star Online III (HOW COULD THEY! :animecry: ) However...Gelgoog...was much immpressed with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories. I don't know why, maybe since I loved the charecters and story so much the rest didn't matter or that it just seemed like a good battling system reguardless of how many damn cards the bosses broke! *shakes fist* Also...the mini game from FFVIII I thought was great...I played that just to get all the cards...definetly not an easy task...I'm guessing others must have liked it as well since FFIX tried to simply copy it...which didn't turn out well...
  14. [QUOTE=SunfallE] hmmmm.....I guess another way to put it would be to ask if the desire to end suffering was selfish. I can't imagine anyone wanting to be hurt. And as a child after being tormented for so many years I certainly couldn't see it as a temporary problem at that time. I often wonder how many others out there are in simular situations. On some level I would agree with what many people have said. There are situations where suicide is completely selfish. But I also still think the desire to be free of suffering isn't.[/QUOTE] Well I agree with you there. There are ways that it can be totally free from any selfish thoughts, just pure want for the pain to stop, to feel at ease. I suppose for that it depends on what you belive will happen after death, which I won't get into. I'm still a little gray on the selfless one...you can try and make it sound really Idealistic and say they felt they needed to do it to try and shed light on others pain...but I don't think at that time they were actually thinking about that. [QUOTE=DerelictDestiny] That specific example is what made me want to reply since my suicidal friend and I had a discussion about such a scenario. However she put a real mean twist to it, where in saving me from the oncoming train she can have the opportunity of killing herself at the sametime. Thank something that the chances of that happening is slim to none. How would one live with the knowledge that their friend sacrificed themselves for you as an act of love but at the sametime wanted to die anyhow? [/QUOTE] I think I should have worded that better or..you just misunderstood me...When I used that example I mean to say that in any way shape or form, it has nothing to do with suicide. I know what you're saying " Killing two birds with one stone" so to speak. It's just not the way I see it. I feel that if you're actually willing to do that for someone you love, then you would rather see them live, not that you somewhat want to die, if you love them you'd want to be with them, but their saftely just comes before yours. I don't know if I just did some serious repitition there but, it's a complicated thought and I'm not the best at expressing it. :animestun
  15. [quote name='x kakashi x']any suicide could be considered selfish or selfless, it depends on the POV you take on the situation, most people do believe that suicide is for the persons benefit and no one elses, and it usually is, life gets to hard and they give up, but some people's suicides contribute to a greater cause without even knowing, now this isn't quite "selfless" since its not happening on purpose, but like I said before, suicide, or the death of someone close to you, often brings people together, it teaches them not to take things for granted, and to love the people in their lives, even if you see them everyday, I don't believe that someone would kill themselves for this sole purpose, but when options are limited, it just seems to be the way to go[/quote] You have a point that it may bring people together and the reason it isn't considered selfless is this: The person when they killed themself didn't think " I'll die letting everyone come together for the greater good" They died more likey thinking " I'll end my suffering once and for all." Again people are saying suicide can be slefless without giving a situation to back it up...
  16. The reason it was considered a 'humane' death was because she had been in a vegitative state, meaning she had no brain activity. For all intents and purposes Terri Shiavo was already dead, that was the basis fo letting her die. Also, they chose it this way because she was being fed through tube, what's the most cost effective way besides smothering her with a pillow? Turn off the tube...I'm not saying it was the best decision they're ever made, but it really wasn't the same type of starvation that goes on everyday. Her body was still alive while the mind was gone...she really didn't suffer.
  17. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude] Oh, and Galgoog Pilot, what reality show are you tlking about?[/QUOTE] Oh well the first post states that these are all reality shows and asked us if we thought they were all fluff like the others...I jsut said that they aren't what I'd call a reality show now-a-days...
  18. Maximus grinned getting off the plane. Sure he was no doubt being looked for by the police. One would at least expect that much for delivering a plane filled with dead passengers. He still remembered the look on the womens face when she opened the side door to let the passegers off, she screamed so sweetly, who would blame her, 128 or so dead people give out alot of blood. [I]"Hmmm now...I wonder what she has planned for me? I didn't think you had it in you anymore Maxi, I thought you went soft on me... Be quiet, if they had simply shut up it would have been fine...but then again they just had to be heroic. It's their faults now."[/I] As he entered the lavish hotel he could hear the distant screaming of sirens. This made him smile even more. He rode to the top floor on the glass elevator...looking nervously down at the lobby. [B]"I hate hieghts..."[/B] Knocking on the door a young maid answered, her cheeks flushed giving her a very attractive look. Her soft voice questioned him curtly. [B]"Can I help you sir?"[/B] [B]"Mi'Lady Jetta has requested my presence, my name is Maximus Leopold. I trust you know of it."[/B] [B]"Oh...of course sir, come right in she's waiting in the sitting room."[/B] She curtesied and walked into another room. Maximus simply walked into the room he was directed to. There he saw her. Her delicate form sitting lazily on a large soft couch. She always did have a strong presence about her, even for her young age of fourteen. [B]"Maximus...come...sit with me...We have much to discuss"[/B] He walked over, sitting down on the opposite side and turned to her. She watched his every move intently, then upon him being seated slide herself closer ot the dark man. Maximus' eyes narrowed as she did this. [I]"She always was good at making me feel uncomfortable..."[/I]
  19. I wouldn't worry too much about being yelled at...I've been here for oh...4 or more years and I haven't been yelled at once...and trust me I like short posts better than long ones sometimes... >.> I'll edit this...hopefully someone out there will read it....I'm planning on sneaking away from the group at night to kill off those who haven't contacted me about their characters. So...if anyone belonging to our RP reads this...I say again Pm me or your inactive character will die.
  20. I have to agree that thoses boys are, if indeed lying, screwing themselves out of the case. They have changed their story on too many of occasions. On the other hand...what is up with Mj's sudden fetish for stalling the case? Could it be he's trying to work on a settlement with some members of the jury or with the prosecutors? I don't know. His actions in court are becoming idiotic...if anything they should hold him in comtempt for his repeated tardiness to the court date. Around here or any other court room a missed court date or even a tardy arrival is still fined or slapped with another charge. Anyway...I'm still on the fence about this one...he could have done it seeing as his infactuation with little boys is long standing, or it could be just that an infactuation that has yet to materialize into molestation.
  21. I don't think this topic wanted to know if seflishness was a bad thing...or good thing. It wanted to know if suicide in your opinion is a selfish act. I think it is. You are only thinking of how miserable YOU are and how unhappy YOU make others feel and how worthless YOU must be. these thoughts are in nature selfishness...you're simply looking for a way out of a temporary problem. Yes life is absolute hell for some, that doesn't mean you should end your life. Ahhh I'm going to stop before I start to get fired up...I'm big against the whole suicide stuff...probably since I know several people who have committed it and several others who even now are thinking of it. I myself have I'll admit it. At times whent the stress is at it's worst I'll think of it as the easiest way out. Thankfully I have people who can pull me out of depressions in a heart beat. Besides that I also have an issue with the pain heh...I'll admit it I could stand having steel pins in my leg for six months but to cut myself...oh hell no... I actually want to know something if anyone would be so kind...show me an example of a selfless act of suicide...I want to understand better where some of you are coming from. As of right now I can't imagine a selfless one...and I don't consider throwing yourself infront of a train or something to save a loved one and act of suicide...that's an act of love. Of transending the instinct of self-preservation.
  22. [QUOTE=Drix D'Zanth] I'm disturbed that this has become such a political issue. Politics have no place in medicine, IMO. I really think it should be up to the doctors. I understand that many people considered in PVS and locked-in syndrome have recovered in similar situations (though not entirely recovered, obviously). [/QUOTE] *applauds Drix* YES! Finally someone says it. This case has nothing to do with politics in fact...I'm wondering why it has so much air time as it is. Why is it on world news for God's sake? I personally don't want to hear about how a women has been in a coma most of her life, and her parents want to keep her even though she's still in a vegitative state, over and over again. Once was enough. I'm saying let her go. She'll die anyway, as will everyone else, let her go since she can't really get anything good from life unless in goes through her IV. Take it this way...the last time the government got involved with medicine...we find drug prices soaring...nothing like haveing the pharmacidical cartels run our country and vise versa. I don't want to sound harsh...I value life, but is this really the way anyone would want to go through existance. I wouldn't. As far as the case is going, the parents have lost. The fact that they need to show tapes from 10+ years ago to prove that she isn't completely gone is fact enough. She twitched 10 years ago...get over it. Her partner in life has requested to end her suffering, I'd allow him that right. I'm sure the man wants to go on with his as well.
  23. Hmmm I'm an old school doomer...just happened apon it while playing Duke Nukem heh. I played it on the PC (doom 3 I mean) I'm actually happy for it...after playing console games my skills at PC FPS really just disappeared. Plus...I'd rather not go on that quest to find the right pc that can handle Doom 3 just right. *will laugh if Xbox can hardly handle it* I'll prolly rent it..I have yet to beat it but oh well...Not exactly feeling the need to beat it...
  24. Not sure reality Tv is a good genre for this channel...or well what you claimed them to be in the first post...The way times are now...reality Tv is that crap like fear factor. These...hmmm I'd call them like talk shows which is basically what they do...I don't watch it anymore...I had a big falling out with it as others have stated. I do like Icons...and I can still get a kick out of X-play. Cheat...well cheat I always liked...I sort of miss it being all cheats...I find that cheating is just fun, but best to do it after you've beaten the game fairly otherwise, you actually USE the cheats your first time through.
  25. See I have to somewhat agree with Blanko....That guild master should have shut his yap...I wished so hard when I was evil that you could just....murder him...you can beat on him but Im pretty sure he keeps coming back...And his annoying advice which at first was useful did get rediculous with bad timing. thankfully I liked the game enough to block him out after a while. The other Ncpish character... now some will agrue that it isn't a character is the AI, Overmind, and Judicator. On Starcraft. Sure... I like to know when Im being attacked...but when 'I' just sent tin the goon squad and it keeps telling me Im under attack...god. I just hate that stating the bovious part I think...So of course hearing you need more minerals...gas..it gets on my nerves. :animestun Alright... Yeah...I also hated Navi...."HEY!" "LISTEN" *punts Navi across highrule plains*
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