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Gaming Best Battle System , Which RPG had it?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Sir Auron's topic in Noosphere
Ahhh...well I have many favorites... Lets see...let me just jumble around in my brain for a second. Ok...FF-X Excellent as others have pointed out, its got that hint of strategy while not hindering the speed of the game. I think they should have made some of the bosses a bit toughter though, it seemed easier. Also with bringing in the switching technique it made leveling up characters that you didn't like *cough* Kilmari *cough* not such a boring task. Since you could use them for a couple of attacks and then switch them out again. And FF-X finally let us old time RPG gammers break away from the dreaded 9999. When I first got to see that attack that did 34,000 or so...I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Star Ocean, definetly a great battle system, the free roaming ability helps you out in battle, I had to get used to not personally controlling every character...and got mad when they'd do something stupid. All in all though, the fast paced battles and such made those games very enjoyable. Another Game that diserves credit would be the .Hack collection. Yes, the last one gets a little tedious, but the over all gameplay and battleing (similiar to SO and well others of that type) system made it very enjoyable. I personally could do without the damnable physical immune monsters but...that's just me. Bandai also did a great job making the game, a single player, feel almost like a real MMORG as the anime series depicted it. You'd get random e-mails...there was a forum, just the little things that made it pretty cool. Honorable mention for a crappy battle system? Hmmm I'll indulge myself since others did...I'll have to agree on the Unlimited Saga...It sucked...I played through as two of the characters then sold it back. I wasn't only disappointed with the gameplay but the general graphics scheme of the game. It just...put me to sleep. And I think they tried to copy the battle system from an old goodie, Frontier Saga II, and failed... -
He sat with an annoyed look on his face. The flight had been delayed, by five hours. That meant five more hours of sitting by these noisy children. He was losing his patience, and those damn kids wouldn't shut up. [I]Hmmm that little girl is nice huh? You know we could get it. Shut up...I'm waiting. Well so am I. We need to entertain ourselves...or else we'll go insane my friend. Grrr...I said shut up...do you ever listen? You know I do, but you passed up the last treat. We'll pass this one up too...show some damn class.[/I] His thoughts were interupted by the ringing of his cellular phone. [B]"Yes?"[/B] [B]"Incredible Mi'Lady, I would have never thought you'd bother with them yourself..."[/B] [B]"Yes, yes I finished my task, she evaded my for the moment.They all are? Of course I know where she went, I didn't think they were all assembled yet."[/B] [B]"Rile them up? As you wish Mi'Lady. I will be there shortly."[/B] He hung up his little phone plunging it back into his pocket. He sat there thinking for a moment his evil grin spreading over his face. Getting up he cracked his knuckles walking to the adjacent gate where a plane was almost ready. [B]"I suppose I'll just take this plane then..."[/B]
He had finally gotten away from that creepy woman in the tour group. Apparently she found him very attractive, as such she just wouldn't shut up. [B]"My ears will never be the same...they feel as if they're pounding...ugh...how can I concentrate on this now."[/B] Working quickly he began setting up in the small maintanece room he had found. Luckily he had heard the sweet hum of servers while the woman had been talking. Now his hands were busy booting up encoding programs and attempting to access the data net. [I]Hmmmm it's not as if she was ugly...she was actually pretty good looking. Argh, if only I wasn't too preoccupied on this job, I've been meaning to find a girlfriend.[/I] He was just bringing up some of the key information when he heard a creak. He dismissed it however, seeing as the room was full of noise. Besides, it was proabably a tour group passing by. Behind him a husky yet still built man reached out for the scruff of Zeddrick's neck. When he grabbed it he recieved a jolt to the face. Before the man's eyes lolled off into unconsiousness he looked and saw that his target was the now broken laptop in his hand. "Funny." The man thought. "He looks more pissed about the computer than about being attacked." [B]"Argh, God damn it Zeddrick... you have blades...why didn't you use them...stupid reflexes...now how am I suppose to work?"[/B] As he finished his question he was answered by a loud gunshot not far off, obviously inside the building. [B]"Oh shit..."[/B] He collected his things in a whirlwind and bursted through the door, not caring if anyone saw him come from it. He turned a corner and plowed Michael over. As they both untangled themselves from one another Michael gave Zeddrick the update. Nodding as if saying he understood Zeddrick started off [B]"We need to find Raison..."[/B]
OOC: :animestun Wow...sorry about that...first I was waiting for someone's post...then regretably I took the option for an exciting spring break. So yeah...Its my fualt I was gone for so long...I'm back though lol. Maximus watched her leave. His eyes were cold with hate at letting himself open. He paused there on the ground starring into space, then began laughing. His laugh was indeed one of an insane man. Had anyone been about they would surely been frightened out of thier witts. He gathered himself as he stood up, brushed the dust from his clothing and walked to the waiting limo. [B]"Driver...airport...NOW!"[/B] The young man jumped into action, luckily the company had told him this client was a bit tempermental. Also it had been going around that he could make people disappear. With such insentives anyone could put up with a rude passenger. Maximus was the definition or rude, not only did he insult the man on his driving and breaking for pedestrians he also spent the entire trip cursing loudly and becoming quite violent. While his violent outburst raged on the outside, his thoughts were on something else. The girl. [I]I'll find her...and she'll find that I'm not a push over..nor am I going to be intimidated. I will have her tattoos...hell I'll have all of them, then this annoying collection process will be over with. [/I] As he walked to the main information booth he grimaced at the young women behind the counter. She tried to hide her fear of him but it didn't work, this obvious fear only made Maximus's grin more sinister. [B]"Tell me the recent departures...also I'm looking for a young women who may have bought a ticket a few minutes ago."[/B] [B]"Um...well there were several fights that are to leave this morning...and I did happen to sell a ticket to a young girl yes."[/B] She looked at him suspiously. [B]"Be a good girl and tell me where it was to..."[/B] A charming smile had replaced his earlier grimace. It gave him an almost handsom look. [B]"I'm sorry sir, but I can't by law tell you that information. If you know her you can simply contact her...the flight may not have left."[/B] His cold evil demeanor instantly returned, as Maximus grabbed her throat and squeezed.[B]"You WILL tell me...do you understand little girl...I have not the time to triffle with little matters."[/B] The girl became frightened now and started to sputter out the gate that the New Zealand flight was to leave on. The fear had been too much for her, because as Maximus released his grip on her neck she called out for help. It would never come, almost the instant after her cry, she had gone silent. Her head lolled back as the broken bones could no longer support the weight. Maximus discretely moved her limp body to a broom closet, he paused for a moment, able to feel her well figured body beneath the clothing. [I]It's a shame I had to kill her so quickly...hmm I suppose it was for the best, I'm lucky enough that no one was around. NO...there just isn't enough time to play with her you know. So I say we find the girl and finish this little loose end. I DO NOT want to have fun...she's dead that enjoyment would be all yours not mine.[/I] Maximus had reached the gate and happily found that the flight had left a few seconds ago. [I]Damn you are your wants...you made us late.[/I] OOC: Yes yes...my character was talking to himself...I suppose I'll explain later.
Zeddrick planned on having some fun with this assignment...but then again he had a history of having 'fun' during just about every job. He had been somewhat pleased to find himself part of a tour. He figured he'd look the part...finding a gaudy Hawiian shirt and some shorts along with a camera he'd hang around his neck. He had single handedly put together the most stereotypical tourist outfit there was. His smile brimmed from ear to ear. [B]"This will be fun."[/B] He turned his attention then to his equipement, a small pda as well as a few Cd's with valuable programs would be stored in his fannypack, his laptop and decoding equipement as well as a few jamming devices would be put into his backpack. Finishing up, he smiled as he turned to go out the door. [B]"This is pretty odd...I'm usually a last minute kind of guy...huh...Now...lets go see what everyone else is up to."[/B]
The sound of keys clicking rapidally filled the little lounge area. Zeddrick sat thee on a couch starring at his laptops screen looking over megs of information. He frowned disappointedly a little thinking of how easy it was to get the needed information. [I]Museums are always boring...they have no big need for cyber security so its too easy...the others will have fun though...the roster for this place was just bolstered by five new guards..add those to the old ones and that's around 19 security guards... [/I] He looked up to see Raison sleeping in a chair across the table. he smiled remembering that only ten minutes ago she was hopping around like she was on a sugar rush. He finished printing off the data he thought of as important to the others and walked to find Selene. [B]"Ahh...there you are ma'am. I have the specs on the security detail...but...it looks as though we have a small problem. The system setup there is well...pretty old..I'll actually need to gain access to the building to interfere with survailance."[/B] She turned around slowly facing him. Her demeenor like that of a statue just as they always had been. [B]"That shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll just have someone close by for support...of course we'll ahve to take the security office first now...rather then leave it alone. For now just give the details to the others of the team."[/B] she said, her voice just as cold as he body language. Zeddrick nodded quickly and left, finding the others and giving them each the data they'd need.
Gaming If three's a crowd then why is seven a party?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Sandy's topic in Noosphere
It's true that alot of games that contain tons of characters start to lack in storyline...which is one of the main reasons I play RPG's, to find out the story and to get interested in the character relationships. Where I beleive the 108 'stars' I think they call them in suikoden, are pretty well planed out...they almost all play a role in the game's story[spoiler] like when you have to create your own town or castle court yard.[/spoiler] I actually believe that some games create all of those characters so that the user can pick out his/her favorites. I mean think about it, we all have played games where we prefer to use on character over others. Not really because they are stronger but because we just like them better somehow. Then there are games with a few main palyable characters that ends up having the worst character interaction and storyline around. Ak.a. Drackenguard. Don't get me wrong, I love the game the fighting although sometimes repititious and drawn out is fun. But the other playable characters turned me off...In general the storyline and dialogue left something to be desired. If they had taken the time to connect the characters better or get the player engrossed in the plot...it would have been ten times better. I guess in the end I'm like several others in this thread...I'll take the middle ground on amount of playable characters. It all depends on the effort put into the game by the writers and developers. -
Maximus left the airport in a rented limo. He was told that not one but two of the prospective 'hosts' where in this country. Asad himself had been tracking one in the small island chain, though he doubted she stuck around for more company. The others who had traveled with him; Asad, Ming, and Torent had all caught connection flights to find out if others had been rounded up, as well as a few members that were now missing. [B]"Ireland is such a lovely country I have family origins here...let's see if I can russel up a souvenir or two...HAHAHAHAHA!"[/B] His insane chuckled startly several people nearby, but one look at his face convinced them not to respond. He drove for what seemed like hours until he arrived at a seedy looking apartment complex. Here he paid the driver to wait and went inside. [I]So, this is where he has been living, what a dump. I hope he has what I've come for...I would so hate to have to find those damn tatoos on my own. Hmmm not that I don't enjoy a fight but skinning people is so messy...[/I] He found his door, number 314, of course on the 3rd level. He raised his fist to the slimy looking door and pounded upon it. [B]"Amatsu...I've come for your rent to the organization. Open up...we have business to attend."[/B] The door creaked open as the hired man looked out onto Maximus. [B]"You're here unexpected...I was not informed of the change in plans."[/B] Came Amatsu's dry voice, a hint of fear and surprise lay hidden in it. Entering the shamble of a room, the smell of it even indicated the decayed persona of Amatsu. [I]How does he stand to live in this hell hole yet still keep those close clean...it makes no difference to wonder I suppose.[/I] [B]"The time table has been pushed forward...I want those tattoos."[/B] [B]"That will be a problem...my target has proven very...defiant."[/B] Amatsu seemed to shrink back after saying this, perhaps part of him expecting the things to come. [B]"That's a shame Amatsu...because now...I have to take care of her...and...I have to end your contract."[/B] A short rigged blade shoved its way into Amatsu's stomach. He made a few grunts of pain, a small whimper and then fell to the floor. Maximus pulled the dagger free from its fleshy bed and cleaned it off with a handkerchief. He closed the door behind himself and returned to the limo. Telling the driver to take him quickly to the next town over. Then he sat back brooding of his next task, suddenly spirting out in a sing-song manner[B]"Yuna...I'm coming for you..."[/B] . OOC: Yeah sorry if killing off your enemy makes you angry...but...he just couldn't finish the job. Do whatever you like...you can even throw me off your trail...as long as its a good post you know nothing cheesy. But that only means that we would have to meet...so I leave whatever happens up to you Neuvoxetere.
Zeddrick continued to laugh for a few more moments. then gave the girl an odd grin. [B]"Heh, you know I love milk...I am Wisconsin grown after all."[/B] Zeddrick chuckled. The girl turned back to her leader for an answer. Zeddrick looked at her for a moment, [I]She does look nice in that uniform....wonder how she deals with the boredom of not working on every mission?[/I] Just as the headmisstress was about to speak up Zeddrick interjected. [B]"I'll just have to hack into the system, check out the employment list, and if possible I may have to get in the building to check out the survaliance systems and see if any guards need to be taken out by tranquilizers..."[/B] Everyone stared at him for a brief moment. [B]"What?....I can have it hacked in a hour or so...with help we coud cut it down by a third of the time."[/B] [B]"Alright, that sounds good enough Hack you get on it and tell me the results."[/B] Zeddrick nodded and got up to leave, giving a last quick glance at Raison, he left the room and jogged up the stairs to his room. He grabbed his laptop and a few other hardware devices and went back down. He smiled to himself as he left the mansion in search of a place to tap into the museum data base.
The knocking on Zeddricks door sounded like a herd of cattle had just ran by.He thought to himself. [I]That's what I get for drinking all night....[/I] He kicked the covers off and slumped to a sitting position. Rubbing his face awake for a moment then getting up and dressing. He checked his computer quickly to find that the patches he had needed were all downloaded and ready for use on whatever task he felt like doing. Maybe later he'd brush up on corporate file hacking, he hadn't had to hack anything in a while...he missed the rush a little. He slipped his shoes on and picked the note slipped under his door. [B]"Breakfast." [/B] He trodded down the marble staircase and slipped into the large dinning hall. There he saw the few people assembled already. They looked at him momentarily then turned back to their business. The table they sat at was heaped with steaming food. So many things looked good, smelled good, and from Zeddricks conversations with the head cook, were no doubt the best around. Zeddrick took a place a few chairs away from Selen and Amaya, looked at the food, then poured a glass of milk. [B]"I hate breakfast.."[/B] OOC: Sorry so short...I couldn't think of much plus Im in a hurry.
[I]Orleans, France[/I] [B]"They've started."[/B] Maximus turned to face the old man. "Have they now? And I suppose they want me to follow suit like a little lap dog?" The elderly man fidgeted slightly sensing the heavy tension in his Lord's voice. [B]"I would assume so...why else would they summon us to France? I'm sure its nothing big, they may just want proof that we'll cooperate and even donate a little of our funds to them."[/B] Maximus slammed a heavy fist onto the dark mahogany desk. ?Don?t be a fool Edgar. These people have more money than you can imagine, hell...they don?t even need it really. They?ll want me to assist them?give them some of my men to help the search. I detest being a mere vessel.? The doors swung open and the tall and slender figure of the one named Asad strode into the room. [COLOR=DarkRed]?My dear comrade, you won?t be some little puppet, you will be part of the ruling class of ?his? world. One such as you should know that with loyalty and such generosity as you WILL show him, that your rewards shall be great.?[/COLOR] ?Hmmph, you lie terribly Asad.? [COLOR=DarkRed]?Hahahahahaha! That?s what I like about you Max, your sense of people is so, delectable. You will go out and seek the ones ?he? requires, I?ve chased one out of Greece, another was found out in Japan, and a third in London. You can no doubt find them in one place by now?you know how the power seeks itself out, that?s how we found you.?[/COLOR] His grin was a sick one at that, much like the one Max himself had given so many others. ?So my work is cut out for me then is it. Fine?I?ll go prepare, I?ll use our little friend to sense them out for us. Meet me with whoever is joining us tomorrow morning.? Maximus stalked out of the room going directly to the heavy metal door kept hidden in the back of the château. His footsteps made a eerie sound as he descended the ancient stairwell. Lighting the torch hooked to the wall at the base of the stairs, he proceeded for several moments to the first cage. He kicked the bars to wake the lump of rags in the corner. ?Wake up maggot, its time you earned your keep once again. Tell me where the others are?reach out to them give me the location and I?ll tell them to feed you properly for this week. Lie to me?and I can guarantee you no one will ever walk down these steps again.? The young boy barely 14 sat for a moment, the dirt covered face deep in thought. Then he mumbled quietly and slid back to his corner. ?Very good?you see?it wasn?t that hard?and now you get to eat.? Through the torchlight a similarly sick grin as that of Asad?s formed on Maximus? face. OOC: I also kept your location a secret...partly because I don't know it myself...and I thought the bad guys could use a hostage....I hope you don't mind..if you like I'll edit it for you sis.
Hmmm I do believe or rather feel at certain times/places that feeling that you've been/or seen it before but know you haven't...Basically des jah vue...(yeah Im sure I mispelled it) Although I never really thought about it much it is always amazing that you maybe saw it in a dream years ago or something...Actually I find that its pretty cool...I can't really remember any specific times however... :animedepr
Hmmm would I? Like it was mentioned before...It depends on the situation...some little thing like tripping a kid as he walked by...while very mean and sort of against my usual kindness....would be pretty funny....Now going out and knocking off someone who Im sure does not deserve and injustice...that I couldn't do for all the money in the world.
He liked it rough...sadly...it was too rough.
Discuss POLL: What type of RPGs appeal to you?
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Hmmm I like basically any RPG that catches my eye or tickles a fansy. It's usually one that's pretty original or just plan out there in terms of the norm Rpgs I see. However, I feel that once in a while I like to join a cliche Rpg just to reminice about the times when they weren't so....predictable...Plus I like to see if I can spice them up a bit. ;) My favorite would have to be hmmm well a mix between fantasy and Sci-Fi...so like Ozymandius said...have some elves...but give them machine guns...or better yet...plasma rifles. -
Luigi was crushed when they told him he wasn't the father.
I'm going to have to agree with Desbreko here...There is nothing to feel betrayed about...there was not contract written with sony that SquareEnix would only develope for them, it should have seemed obvious when they put games out for the Gamecube. I say more power to them, let them utilize the graphic might of the xbox...it may prove interesting. I did read it actually, im aware that it has nothing to do with it...It doesn't matter...I still feel like posting dribble about FF :animesmil
I don't think I'd ever associate long hair with that person being gay....that's just odd. Anyway...To answer the question, yes I'm sure I've been guilty of judging people by their looks many of times. I don't name call unless I know how that person is. I feel that judgement by looks goes like this. We humans being basically animals, have instincts ingrained within us. Here lets say if someone looks threatening or strange we tend to think badly of them go on the defensive and such. It's possible that this is merely a way to avoid a possible risk to ourselves. If you see something intimidating or precieve someone as dangerous, right away you're going to exclude yourself from them. Then again...you may see someone who appears weaker than you and to try and bolster your defenses you insult them to try and make yourself look stronger in others eyes who may be more of a threat to you...its wierd...I agree with this idea that we have underlaying instincts but...I think also that we can break these preconceptions of people.
[QUOTE=Reiku][COLOR=Blue][FONT=Trebuchet MS][size=3]Just to let you know. This will be a fight-against-the-bad-guys type of RPG. But there will be twists and the such on the way. I quite haven't figured out which bad guy I should choose but no matter. O_O and some many people joined up. I didn't think it would be like this.... ^_^ '[/size][/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Heh...Allow me to be of service...I'll fill out any non-NPC rolles you may desire for the 'Bad-guy' You know I'm good for it :catgirl: Name: Maximus Leopold Age: (scowls at the fact that he can't use his real age by one year) 25 Gender:Male Origin: America Appearance: See attachment (that's right fable goodness) History: Maximus Grew up in an aristocratic neighboorhood. His parents also being rich he had an easy life, aside from his grandfather that is. For he, was a truely evil man, rumors said he was once part of an ancient cult. These rumors were partly true as Maximus found out one day, the day he was given the tatoots he how bears. Since then he has learned of the old ways and has begun founding the organization once again, for this is the charge of his grandfather. Not even Maximus knows what evil is in store for the world. Personality: A very dark and cold person. He has been known to make a few jokes, non of which were appropriate for the moment. He has a tendancy to come across as very complaicent, but in truth he has a firey temper. Tattoo/s: The one on the face from the pic is an ancient clan symbol for power, his other tattoo is that of the winged pentagram covering his back (as shown in the other attachment).
Stupid games eh?....Yes, I have played them...several...quarters...Basically you need to keep the coin spinning and if you cause it to stop you lay your knuckles down onto the hard surface and they like...fling the coin at yout knuckles...needless to say after a while it hurts like hell, I think the rule was the first to bleed on the table lost...basic elimination. The only other one I remember was bloody knuckles..(I must have a fetish for knuckle pain since I also crack them all the time) and bloody knuckles...well I think everyone knows that game...
Hmmm...Well...I'd like to be taller...not that it directly effects my self image or anything...I just feel as if I should be entitled to reach higher stuff. Also, I wouldn't mind getting rid of this little beer gut...sitting at a computer and runing design and coding programs does NOT burn fat let me tell you. Im not fat and I know that. But for some reason at 150 lbs, I still feel like I could look a little leaner....oh well. That's my input. :animesigh
Sign Up The Secret Society of Le Marc - [M-LSV]
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
00C: That's right....I'm here...its been a while I know..But I do so enjoy your Rps Am... :animeknow Name: Zeddrick Kieler Nickname: Grinning Hack Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: 6 foot tall, His brown eyes shin past a matt of brown hair, done up with Gel. Rather lean in the limbs, with broad shoulders. Usually wearing whatever is clean, anime shirts, humorus ones, rarely does he wear formal attire. Biography: Grew up in the chains of the society's middle class, he was some what jaded with an "honest living" from taking up jobs since he was 13. Starting out by just pick poketing he found the magic of the computer. He began reaching out to others on the net and found friends who had experience at hacking. He adapted his own style and was somewhat successful. Like some new hackers however he was found out and spent six months in juvinile hall, and was let out on good behavior. Is know as the grinning hack because his smile sticks out the most from everything else. He is every friendly and charismatic and of course...an experienced hacker. He was just recently found by the organization. The late administrator tracked him down after a few files had been stolen, he was immpressed and took him in. Professional Trade: Minor pick-pocketing (the brushing upside somone while taking things unnoticed. Also skilled in system cracking and file hacking. Weapon: ( [max 1. A pair of guns is fine. A set of daggers is fine] Heh, you read my mind Am...) Carries a pair of 20 inch blades that are kept strapted to his back waist. Not usually a weapons user but the former administrator adviced the use of weapons in dire situations. -
Ragnarok swerved threw the enemey forces untouched. Every soldier recognized the death dragon cheering as they saw it draw near. He had stayed by his sister's side until the fighting intsnsified. While she was preoccupied he sole away to the small flight hoovering in the distance, the command flight. He was saluted as he reached the generals there. "Sir! It's a pleasure to see you safe. What are you orders?" " Are the new legions here?" "Yes, yes they are...the reched things are already nearing the city, these riders are too busy with us. " "Call off this attack...await for me at my residence with our most loyal men, His lordship will think you dead." "Commander!? I thought you were going to finish this war before him...." "Plans have changed...Meet me there...I may be a while...I'll deal with the abominations here. That fool of a King should have never messed with our people." "Agreed, I'll do as you ordered..." [So....we're moving ahead with out coup de ta?] "Yes, He has gone too far.....Look, that pain in the ass Valo is approaching...Let us get back to my sister." [Of course] Ragnarok passed by the Light rider, causing him to turn in persuit. She lead him back to Brielle's side when the horns sounded. The retreat of dragons began, in only a few moments the skies were left to the defenders of Celebrynn. "I had better inform my sister, the legion will be reaching the outskirts of the capital by now....I told them to ignore these riders...."
They landed on the marble patio of the palace. The hole in the ball room was not visible from where they dismounted, the palace still in its beatiful form. Yet even to Zeddrick the palace seemed to lack it's luster. [I]It's a sign....this contry is losing a war they had won 20 years ago. They'll no doubt make a valiet effort but even elemental riders will soon be ineffective for the things to come. [/I] [Zeddrick...I smell it again...] "Yes, they are no doubt on their way...He's noticed our absence. Tonight will be hellish..." Vanillia passed by her dragon in tow. She had with her a large rope, ones used for taming wild dragons. This one however looked especially strong. [I]You're a bold one...[/I] Zeddrick grabbed her arm as she was passing by, her angry and startled glare showed her tense state. She jerked away once but recieved no slack from his grip. "Let go of me love or would you like my knight to question you again?" "Your instrament will not affect the dragons anymore." "Don't be so sure..." "Does it work on deaf dragons my lady?" A grin working its way onto his face. "I'm listening." "My master has deafened the dragons for your pleasure...they now rely on a mental link...incompassitate the rider and strike the beast right under the jaw line. There is a nerve there that will stun them. You can tow it home after that. OH and when I say incompassitate the rider...I mean it. If he dies...you'll be out one captive and a captain of the guards..." She finally jerked free walking away with Carmel. [What was that all about?] "I don't know...but we'll see if he is correct." Zeddrick watched Heero and Brielle part and as commanded he followed her and her dragon. As he caught up to her he could see her wore face clearly. "You won't get much sleep tonight sister..." She stopped walking and looked at him. Her hands sat on her hips expetantly. "He's sent a legion of soldiers this way...I'm not sure of the number of dragons, if any. I do know that he's been itching to test out his newest toys. They are...horrible...Our own people, changed into unfeeling, fearless killers. They no longer remember who they were, and now they are coming, not to overthrow your army but to eradicate this entire city. They were tested once...on one of our own villiges...I found out about it and looked at the aftermath. You must NOT let them reach the city. It will be difficult. I can't say why but they don't fight like regular soldiers, sending a huge army like that into a land with a sizable dragon flight would be idiotic...These men though...they'll be near to immpossible to find on dragonback. I can explain more to you...only you if you survive tonight."
Zeddrick laughed loudly as Valo took off. The other two looked to him with concern in their eyes. "What is so funny?" Heero demanded standing up. "HAHAHAHAHAHA....That's bastard Valo...he knows how to talk his way out of a corner doesn't he?...All a calculated plan...what an idiot. He is such a good planner that he hasyet to strike a severe blow to our forces OR get any decent information out of his captives. HAhahahahah!" He pushed off from the tree wincing a little from pain then stood next to Ragnarok. "Well I guess we'll be off." Brielle wait, a wasted tone to her voice. She was begining to wear out. Both could see it plainly, niether said a word. The three silently climbed upon their steeds and soared into the night sky.