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Everything posted by Gelgoog Pilot
A swift kick in the jaw sent Saio flying back into the living room wall. Yojimbo stood there, panting, and bleeding from a cut along his shoulder. Saio simply got back up, hurt but setermined in his dreadful task. "This is just great.....first one now the other..." He dodged a strike from the puppet Saio and whipped around with a back hand to his neck. [I]Hmmm He may have endurence up the wahzoo....but his skill and speed and strength is so reduced.[/I] He had spoken a bit too soon a powerful punch landed right on his wounded shoulder. The merciless Saio had obviously ment to hit him there, laughing a cruel and evil laugh. Yojimbo stepped back letting Sakura have a turn at wearing him out. [I]That damn Jem....where could it be?[/I]
Zeddrick sat there still at the pool when explosions rocked the mansion and pool area. He jumped up seeing a number of men marching forward out of the woods. [I]Ah shit...what's all this then?[/I] He rushed towards the mansion, two troopers appearing before him. He ran right between them, the troopers fell to the ground. Dead. He reached the stair case to find Jalena and Phelan exiting his room. "I'm not in there....in case you didn't notice." A funny grin on his face. "Joking at a time like this....will you ever grow up." Phelan shook his head and rushed down the steps. Jalena followed, Zeddrick picked up the pace next to her. "Are you ok?" He eyes her injuries, instantly ripping a bit of his shirt to tie the wound bleeding on her arm. "I'll manage Zeddrick...we have to get out of here. And find that bastard for this." "You really need to drop this whole trained killer thing...its a real bummer. I mean it you know..." She looked up, her cold eyes still shining in their intensity. She didn't answer as they rushed into the woods.
Yojimbo cluthed his side, the wounds had been mostly heald, that was what was now cousing the intense pain. His wounds had opened again his new skin ripped apart. His left arm was raw, having blocked the brunt of the energy. He had an angry look in his eyes as he struggled to his feet. He began mumbling ot himself, yet the others could hear him plainly. "I'm sorry Asuka...I'll ease your pain, justice will be served....I'll make sure you rest well my friend...I will." "What are you talking about Yoji?" Sakura's confused voice sounded, a concerned look on her face. "He....he had a sad look in his eyes, he's trapped in their...something happened and part of him snapped. His soul is now tore. Like I said, I'll ease his pain and send him to the heavens." He then stumbled up the stairs, drained both spiritually and physically. He had laid on his bed for a long time thinking, of a way to destroy their old friend. Presently Sakura knocked on his door and then walked in. She was worried and was there no doubt to seek some sort of council from her old companion. She looked down at Yojimbo's messy floor. "What do we do old friend? What do we do...." "There isn't much we can do." Sakura looked up startled "I mean...having his Jem gives him a huge advantage. All we can do is wait...but I do have one theory. That look he gave kitty, it was the last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out. He looked so sadly at her, SHE is our only trump card right now...We...better keep this from Kitty though...No need to give her added stress." "Maybe you're right...I don't know....you know how horrible I am at leading Yoji..." "No...you aren't...you're new to it. Also, this is a huge task before us...you'll take time, and I'll be there for you as well as everyone else...you're the one we look to after all..."
Zeddrick smiled.....A wave of dragon riders approaching fast. "Good....come, hahahaha, I have a few surprises.......ATTACK!" A great gust of wind swirled the dust as a flight of dragons lumbered off the ground. The numbers were nothing compared to the wave of riders, but it was only just begining. As the forces battled out, a horn sounded, two additional flights fell from the clouds engulfing the remainder of the wave. The enemy was perpared however, as a second wave of dragons few into range. "Hmmmm They have their wits about them...some of the elementals are already here I see. They are more than a match for the Hell Bringers, but that really doesn't matter." Zeddrick looked up to witness another oncoming wave. Again more of the deformed dragons rose from the rubble of the city this time. Their huge armored forms tore into the hapless dragons. In the center of the battle however, he saw 'him' coming. Straight down towards the hoovering Ragnrok. "A brash one indeed...." Zeddrick flew up to meet his charge. With fierce roars the two dragons clashed, their talons locking onto one another. Their heads lashing out with fangs. The riders, while holding on tighly drew out their weapons, glarring each other down. "Your farse has failed...our informant knew of the plan." Valo stated with a bit of a victorious grin. "HA!....I'll let you in on a little secret friend....I don't tell lies." Valo's eyes went wide with realisation. He guessed it, this ambush itself was a diversion. The capital would be attacked, and with most of it's army an hour away. Enraged Valo lept onto zeddrick spearing him off his saddle and causing them to plummet into a tree. Both fell busting branches and twigs as they desented. Both in turn landed on their feet. Zeddrick brought up his sword, just by looking at it most would say it was meant to cleave and not for speed, but Zeddrick loved the fact that his blade was as light as a katana. Valo stood poles ready, confident that two weapons could overpower one. The two fighters faced each other, while their partners tore at eachother above. THe riders at the capital were by now just seeing the swarm of regular 'dark riders' approaching, only a few Hell Bringers were mingled within them. Even with a couple elementals guarding the castle, this would prove difficult.
Yojimbo was just kicking the kitchen counter when Saio Stumbled in. He had been kicked out of school for sleeping in three classes. He was used to it but he still became angry over it every time. "Saio? What the Hell.....I sense dark energies about you." He turned to the huffing teenager. "Yes its a control collar or something, listen he's coming for us. He's already slaughtered an entire store of people. We have to end him NOW." Saio struggled with the collar trying to pry it off but he passed out. The sudden noise of a door being kicked in caught Yojimbo's attention. "Surprise surprise.....Awwwww look if it isn't my favorite nephew and my favorite angel. I'll have to be extra tough on you two HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Shinoshu dived in with his jagged spear, missing both fighters as they frantically dodged. Yojimbo's scythe was in his hand, and had it swinging for the demon's neck. He missed as the spear deflected his attack. A quick movement and Shinoshu's elbow was in Yojimbo's side. He hit his knees in utter pain. He used the mind link then [Shit....I need you all here NOW we have company. I'll hold him off till you arrive.] Hoping the others recieved it he jumped up and counter-attacked, arching his scythe upwards he then brought it down upon the spear's shaft. It shattered. Saio was motionless the collar rendering his strength useless. Shinoshu stepped back, laughing again insanely. Then, a dark and familiar figure stepped foth between Yojimbo and the demon. "Asuka, thank God you're here. Let's get down to business. I-" He was cut off by Asuka's attack. It of course threw Yojimbo off guard, but luckily he had defended at the last moment. A heavy metalic 'clank' sounded as the weapons met. Yojimbo fell back on his knees once again. "Asuka! What are you doing!" "Forgive me, but....I'm following my own path... nothing personal Yojimbo." His voice only faltered a bit, the rest was said in a cold and heartless tone. Standing up again Yojimbo brought his scythe to a ready position. "You realise I won't go easy on you Asuka, you've turnt, and now I'll have to execute you as well....I'm sorry. It's the way of justice." Just then the runic 'justice' symbol began to glow, and Yojimbo gave a cry of attack.
"Sir, the van guard approaches....It seems they think this force a minor raiding party. I doesn't even come from the capital city." The soldier saluted then left running away back to his formation. [I]So you take this attack for a small annoyance hmmm....I guess our rouge was too good. No matter crushing this force should draw out the REAL reason why I'm here. If not I'll have to take matters into my own hands.[/I] Ragnrok took off souring twards the oncoming riders and their dragons. They first tow dodged his beast as he closed in on a red one, he raised his sword and with passionate fury he grug the blade along the side of the red Drake. It cried out as its fluids escaped its scaled body. The rider held on as his companion fell from the sky. [I]Ah...this is why I like actual riders and their dragons....the connection. That is the way I wish to go when destiny reveals herself.[/I] Another dragon plumetts from the sky, this time the rider screams in terror at the pain cause by the beheaded dragons death. He swong his sowrd to the left of Ragnrok catching a rider in the chest, his spear sticking into Ragnrok's side. She faltered only for a second as Zeddrick gently pulled out the weapon. He picked up a large horn and blew into it. In an instant a dozen dark riders (as they are called by their enemies) rose from hiding and finished off all but one rider. That one was let go to warn the rest. He went back to hiding. Petting Ragnrok for a job well done.
((OOC: Yes I think we need more girls lol)) Yojimbo was running late....as he normally did. He was now actually [I]running[/I] though, his skateboard had broken and he had to go on foot. He reached the entrance huffing loudly. The two girls laughing at him quietly. [I]Damn these human legs....[/I] "Are you ready for classes today Yoji?" Sakura asked. "Yeah I guess....though this is sort of dumb." He had his hands on his knees still catching his breath. "What does?" Kitty questioned, actually interested in the topic for once. "Now besides having to pay attention in class I have to watch and see if anyone has my Jem thingy....it's going to be a long day huh?" All three of them stared at each other before bursting out laughing. "Oh our poor Yoji....sad that you can't sleep in class today huh?" "Hey, don't rub it in I enjoy my mid-morning naps..." A smile crossed his lips.
"GO! The plan has been set in motion. The informant was fed the false information...They'll be expecting the attack to occur at the capital. HA! I love spies....so useful." The kings laughed a sinister and insane laugh as the cloud of Dragons dubbed 'Hell Bringers' headed across the border. The black Death dragon swooped down, taking several guards off a nearby tower. Zeddrick laughed, it was his plan after all. At first the king wished to dispose of the spy, but a point was made to slip false information to him. He took the bait. Now the enemy was perparing for an attack that would occur and hours flight away, while they anticipated it on their capital. [I]Hahahaha! One hour for the report to reach their ears and another for them to get to us. This will be spendid. Once they reach us the trap will be sprung.[/I] The city of Plenal fell easily, though Zeddrick had his riders hold off killing everyone of the guards, he felt comfortable letting the city think it was still in this battle. His dragon flight awaited the enemy reinforcements in the town square. The rest hid for the ambush. [I]If this goes well.....I could be over. Finally it could be over, and I could find my sister. And who so ever took her will pay by my blade...[/I] "I'm counting on you Ragnrok...." [As I you Zeddrick...]
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
Hmmmm I forgot to mention my dear brother Harlequin,........SO there! Add him to the mighty family tree. :D -
Zeddrick breathed in deeply. His eyes went wide with astonishment. Before him stood hundreds of dragons, similair to those used previously. These though, were adult, and big. Very big. THe size was only half the surprise. They were mutated further than the last, their carapace as thick as steel, and claws noticably were sharper cutting into the stone floors like butter. "Well? What do you think? Are these not the fabled fighting machines from the legends!? I HAVE DONE IT! I Ilthazar have fulfilled the prophecies with my kingdom's strength! Well commander what do you think? Are these our tool into the heart of our enemy, or do you still believe conventional means are needed." THe king crossed his arms over his chest waiting for his minion to make the 'correct' answer. He didn't get it. "This is what you created from all of those villagers? You used their energies to play God with dragons? These are monsters of pure evil, they will never win. The strength of the pact is missing, you're now just placing men ontop of mindless lizards. This is ridiculous!" Zeddrick had been trying to hold in his disgust, but his emotions overpowered him. He stood there with clenched fists, looking down and relising he'd messed up. "You worthless lap dog! How dare you scoff at my genious. THese beasts are TEN TIMES stronger than my current dragon riders. The pact that you speak of is a weakness, riders and dragons being too causious in battle worring out there partner. THESE will go into battle with heartless abandon, riping the flesh of their enemies. And YOU my principaled friend will lead them. Also, don't worry about those villagers....their purpose has yet to be revieled....I asure you, when you see the rest of my plans you'll again become the 'Zealot' you once were." The king walked away still marvoling at the beasts he had created, perfectly secure in the fact that they were cold killing machines.
Yojimbo had also been sealed into his room...though after realising the spell was present he sat back and waited. As he imagined the seal broke as the demon left. He felt the need to do SOMETHING about it but, he sat there on his bed motionless. [I]What is there for us....endless battles...why did our queen put us here? I just don't understand it completely.....and what's up with all of that noise![/I] The three boys contiuned playing their games, shouts of joy and happiness echoed from the rec room. Then a loud shout was heard from upstairs, the boys thought that it was the demon returned. Getting up they reached the stair way only to come face to face with Yojimbo. His face an odd color of red. "As much as I love videogames....do you guys mind keeping it down? My room is right above this one and your damn shouts are keeping me awake.....GAH!" A little vien on his forehead popping out more and more. The boys laughed, happy that it was only an angry room mate. Yojimbo stared at them for a while then laughed himself as he walked back to his own room. He passed Kitty's room, again he laughed seeing the duck-tapped door. He walked up to it and pushed on it, not surprisingly it fell right down with a thud. Reveiling a VERY angry Kitty.
Zeddrick sat in his bed thinking...he sat there for what seemed thrity minutes until his train of thought was cut by the intercom. "Will Jalena please report to the top floor for debriefing." It was that Henry guy, as far as Zeddrick could tell he had been an alright sort of man, besides for his horrible companion. He drifted off again but the message was repeated two more times. [I]Idiots, maybe she doesn't feel like talking right now? Maybe she's asleep, you should give her a break....[/I] Raising his arms in the air out of frustration. "Argh...That's the fourth time...I have to get out of here before it drives me insane." He walked about the garden for a while before he saw her there sitting by the pool. He strolled over and sat down next to her. She looked and saw who it was smiling then. "Hello Zeddrick...I thought you'd be asleep by now..." "Nope...too tired to sleep HA! No actually I just felt like some fresh air...Oh by the way...they are calling to you to meeting room. I think that bastard wants his prize." She saddend a bit he saw it in her eyes. "Yeah I figured he'd be calling here soon enough. I guess I'll get it over with." "Do you want me to wait by the door way, that way if you need me i ca-" She but a finger to his lips silencing him with her erie calm. "No...you don't have to do that...I'll be fine I promise." With that she got up and left.
((OOC:Takuya that was not needed at all. You have no reason to claim that this RPG would die because of that. Also...I'm getting tired of you're explaining the 20 years of training. We all read the bio and we all read your SEVERAL explainations as to why your character would win. Well put he has trained vigorously. Training alone cannot win battles I'm afraid, take note that we are ALL dragon riders, all skilled in combat. On the battle field training only keeps you in the fight physically. It is NOT decisive. Also...I'd appreciate not posting a little thing like that again without contributing to the story, unless you're resigning.)) Zeddrick knelt there, his head bowed low and his eyes peircing into the marble floor. "You've failed...I expected more damage to be done than that. Perhaps giving you this chance to redeem your family was a mistake on my part?" "I beg your forgiveness your Lordship." His left fist clenched tightly with hot rage. "You do eh? Tell me [I]Commander[/I], what happened that you came back with your tail between your legs like a worthless mut?" He stood directly infront of Zeddrick, placing a dagger's blade against the back of his neck. "The corrupted dragons were found out before they had their chance to attack. On top of that, the enemy had several battle ready elemantals. More than we had thought. They slaughtered the men and dragons. It seems that your new toys have proven obsolete." He stated in a cold flat voice. "Hmph....you have YET to see the wonders of my new toys, those dragons were but babies, once we learn how to accelerate their growth even more, then those elementals will suffer. Funny, I knew the number of elemental eggs when that idiot king first found them. I made sure to trim down that number, it seems those have found there way to the palace. You are dismissed Commander. I'll expect you're immediate action on the following dawn." With that said he replaced the dagger in its sheath and walked back to the throne. His attention now on the group of harem girls attending to him. Zeddick stood up and tromped off, his anger evident. He entered the stable seeking the comfort from Ragnrok. "He's pushing me too far...We ended up killing more innocents in that battle. But I must get my family's good name back." [Is that name so immportant to you? It matters not I'm simply talking foolishness. Don't fret, he's simply stressed out, defeats do that to leaders. Be happy that we made it out alive. That had been a daring attempt at your life.] "Yes.....yes is was, it was quite interesting really, if the battle were not lost at that time I would have loved taking him up on his offer, but with you in danger and the remaining forces retreating...." [You need not worry about me, I won't go off an kill myself, I have you to look after don't I?] "Hahahahaha....Yes Ragnrok...you have me to look after..." Zeddrick laid down there and slept huddled next to his only friend.
Yojimbo had also heard the yelling, but seeing that Sakura had already scolded him several times for leaving it he laid there thinking of nothing in particular. In fact he was just turning on his playstation when the shouting increased and one of the angels...maybe Kitty flew away into the distance. Normally, Yojimbo would have went back to his game realizing that she was....usually a littleangry with the world. Recent circumstances, however, lead him to open his window and leap out. Spreading his wings as he did so in persuit. [I]Oh no she doesn't....the last time someone ran off they were kidnapped. THIS time I'll make sure they'll be safe. Hmmmm I better stay back though, she can be angry about these things.[/I] He followed her for what seemed forever. He was about to drop from the sky when he noticed her land. Rather than be noticed walking behind her he lept from tree top to tree top. Again he was about to collapse whne she stopped, looked around, and then sat down. He saw her there, sitting almost motionless aside from a slight shaking. Then her hands were covering her face, he could just make out crying. He sat there for a while, letting her alone time, but finally grew tired of the tree and dropped down, wincing from pain as he did. "Ouch....forgot about that.." He exclaimed clutching his side gently. Kitty sighed, not even looking up. "It's about time...." "Oh I see you knew I was up there eh?" He said a bit surprised as he sat down on the bench. "Yeah, what do you want? Came here to bug me too?" "Nah...making dure you'd be safe, besides I need the fresh air, no matter what Sakura says." He placed his hands on his knees and looked about the park. "That was a pretty clever trick you got me with." Kitty looked up, surprised at this. "Oh...how did you find out?" "Well...One: I know we've been having a fued. Two: You left a pottle of laxative on the bathroom counter." He said smiling a bit. Kitty laughed once then hugged him, leaving a surprised Yojimbo.
OB Geneology? A massive undertaking
Gelgoog Pilot replied to Roxie Faye's topic in General Discussion
HA! I bet you're having fun with this odious task. (crap I BET I spelt that wrong...I can't believe it Im in college and I STILL can't spell to save my life.) Sisters: Delirium, Amgoddess, Avalon (she's pretty sister ish) Ummm I may edit later on....I had some more but I forgot about them DOH! Also...Im disapointed Delirium...you forgot me *sniffles* :p -
The group of warriors reached the fourth floor, and indeed it was the sourse of enemies. There in the center of the main hallway sat Shinoshu, meditating, large blood red puddled bubbling infront of him. These puddles were the summoning spell in manifest. "We'll have to break his concentration. Then we can eliminate the remaining Dogs and go after him." Sakura said, glad that a way was clear to fight him. She still knew that the demon himself would be a hard one to take down, even with the whole group attacking. They all sprang forward charging into the mess of beasts slicing them into pieces. The battling was heated but after Aida successfully awoke Shinoshu, the renforcements ceased. Out of the corner of Sakura's eye she spotted a lone figure at the stairway door. She spun around thinking it another demon only to find Yojimbo, leaning against his scythe. His shirt was partly torn off and his bandages were still wrapped around his stomach and chest. "What are you doing here Yjimbo!" As Sakura said this the others turned as well. "I heard through that mind link, I figured I'd help get my own revenge on this bastard. Besides, there's something you should know about him." "What? We know enough already we'll end his wreched life today." Kitty exclaimed. "NO! I noticed something fighting my way up....all the classrooms are full, and it still appears as if nothing has bothered them, even when I knocked on the door telling them to get out. He's....he [I]has[/I] them......
Zeddrick took out his extended broadsword. Placing it heavily on his shoulder. Valo scoffed loudly. "You're dragon slaying blade is nothing against the agility of my sword!" "I'm glad...I didn't have it fashioned for ground battles really. I think though, that it will suffice." He grined as he took his cowl off, revieling a hansome face, long black hair down to his mid-back. A red tattoo on his face. Valo struck swiftly, but Zeddrick dodged easily. He closed in...too close for another strike from Valo's sword. A kick caught Valo hard in the gut, sending him to his knees. Zeddrick hefted his blade, seemingly to take the beheading blow, but replaced it in the sheath. "You're too cocky you know that...never underestimate an opponent with a cause. RAGNROK!" "I..I told you...you're dragon is as good as dead!" Wheezing slightly. The black dragon of death dodged a pass from her opponent, catching it in the face with her tail. Although a painless attack, it confused the Dragon for an escape. I swooped down getting low to the ground. Zeddrick jumped into the air landing onto Ragnrok, and making his way across the border. In the forest Sef silently boserved the leagion flash, then fade into the forest befoe him. "Magic...they were a mere distraction..." [CENTER]--------Above the border--------[/CENTER] [You have to watch yourself...he surprised us. I couldn't help you down there. I did see you with an easy kill...why didn't you take it?] "Why should I? He was a fool to take on the invasion commander of an army. HA! He thought I'd be a push over I bet." [I think you're just getting soft Zeddy!] "HA! Watch out, I don't take that kind of insult from just anyone! HAHAHAHA!" [So do you want to get serious next time?] "So much for our peace eh Ragnrok?" ((OOC: Um SkillGannon...I didn't kill any elemental dragon riders...just a couple of regulars. Something like the tons of riders killed in the battle. A kingdom like the one you're protecting is bound to have an sizable army of normal dragons and riders...so yeah...you killed my evil fun....shame on you! lol take it easy next time I kill something ok?))
Yojimbo tossed in his sleep. He may have been pulled from the battle physically butmentally he still fought. Shinoshu was still there fighting him in his sleep, and winning. The demon had been just too fast for him, His strength was surprisingly weak yet, with an army of hellish hounds he had made a difficult opponent. That last blow to the head had finished Yojimbo, he had felt himself slip after that. As they carried him away, he saw through his half shut eyes, Shinoshu grinning. His shield was down already, yet he didn't bother to persue. He floated there, a blood red message etching itself into the sky. That message was ingrained into his mind. The four sat there mulling over the situation, Aida was just opening his mouth when a fatigued Yojimbo stumbled into the room. A hounted look on his face. The others rushed to him. "You should be up you idiot! What do you want to get better or not?" Kitty asked, a sound of concern beginning to form in her voice. Yojimbo didn't even raise his head to look at her, he looked off into the distance at nothing in particular. "You who have been chosen by the heavens. You have insulted me for the first and LAST time. Sit happy in the comfort that hundreds of you peers are to be destroyed. Their consumed souls will only serve to inhance me power. Yes, They'll ALL be dead by today. They will be MINE! So says Shinoshu Of the dog clan!"
"This sounds bad....almost as bad as when the last virus swept over the servers...but back then there was the player Kite and his friends who stopped it. I'm afraid we are nothing compared to those warriors. Even the great Lenka who you fought Hunter is a mere shadow compared to anyone of them." Nemisis said is a serious and shaking voice. "I don't know anything aobut that, but I feel as if we togeter can do anything, besides that beast wasn't so hard was it? Hunter replied coyly. "No....but I don't think this guy is bluffing when he says it was just a test. I think...we better do some leveling and item searching, these actions could beef up our characters for the next attack...what do you two say?.....Alright then its settled hahahahaha!" "We didn't even give you aour answer." they both replied, but Nemisis was too busy laughing to hear them, he just simply walked down the street towards the chaos gate.
Yojimbo smirked. His scythe in hand. "So Shinoshu...you use a worthless spell like this to stop us!? You need to keep us in range of your army of hounds? What kind of demon are you?" "What are you doing Yoji...he's pissed enough as it is!" Kitty yelled up, deflecting a dog's bite. Shinoshu looked up a grimace on his face. Yojimbo paid no attention to Kitty's warning. "You have to use these summoned beasts to do your killing...I think the gargoyels have more grit than you!" "How DARE YOU! NO ONE instults the great Shinoshu of the dog clan, NO ONE!" "Come then...let's see what you got..." Shinoshu flew in a B-line for Yojimbo, his anger overwhelming his actions. He swung at him furiously missing mostly but landing a few heavy hitting blows. Yojimbo used the mind link then. [Get out now, the spell is gone...he's too preoccupied to keep the chant running in his head. I'll watch your back, just get Sakura out of here!] Yojimbo took a slash to the face, a deep cut running down his cheek. He lashed out with his scythe catching the left shoulder of Shinoshu. The deamon let out a hellish cream of pain as the scythe's angelic power burned the unholy flesh. The others were hesitant, but the pack of dogs regrouped and continued their onslaught. Regrettably they withdrew, the sound of Yojimbo's attacks still echoing in the air.
A group of Dragon riders appeared in the distance, Zeddrick smiled to himself and petted Ragnrok. The group sped towards the pillar of smoke rising from the trees, the limits of the city just begining to pass by beneath them. The leading rider started as a black blur flashed past her. A second later she realised something was wrong, and spun her dragon about. "EMEMY!" She shouted to her comrades, it was too late. She had turned in time just to see two riders plumet to thier death, their heads following behind them. The riders former dragons screamed for lives of their riders and spiraled to the earth. The effect of all dragons when one of the pact dies. The black dragon and its rider flew to the center of the city, randomly shrieking and dodging projectiles from the ground forces. It landed on a large balcony, and its loud voice boomed terror into everyone's hearts. "From this day forward you shall live in terror! His majesty of the realm of Zerverius delacres war on the peoples of Celebrynn. Let the skies fill witht eh smoke of burning cities and the land become slick with the blood of the fallen! So sayith the messanger Zeddrick, of the family of Kieler!" In another instant the Black dragon rocketed upwards climbing higher than most dragons dared. I became almost a dot in the sky when a huge bellow issued from the beast. A black stream came from its mouth and blasted into a sector of the city. A black cloud spread over the area, screams were barely perceptible and the cloud flowed into the nearby streets and dissapated. Brielle looked on in horror as she recognized the attack... "The Death element dragon! And how did that legendary elemental dragon fall into 'His' evil hands? No...I know that area of the city, it was the barracks...most of the city defenders were in there. How could they just fly in here like that? We were right here and we were so powerless." [I]There I'm done....that should make him happy. Damn, my back...it still burns, 50 lashings. [/I] [Are you ok Zeddrick...I sense pain...did one of those rabble strike you? ] "No...my back it still aches" Zeddrick whispered clutching his back. [He won't touch you again...I promise you this Zeddrick. You don't deserve to be treated like that.] "It doesn't matter...We have to finish this, then we can rest Ragnrok...then we can have our peace."
The demon showed himself then, His dark black wings drug along the earth as it crawled tawrds them. He laughed again, that's when Yojimbo saw the figure slung over it's back. It was Sakura he thought. The others saw her too. Asaku jumped out, drawing his weapon and striking at the demon. Without even seeming like the demon moved, Asaku was knocked down to the ground. A quizical look on his face. "How...how did he move so fast!?" "Look at him...his whole appearance is a giant bluff, he looks too bulky to be fast he slumps and walks slowly his wings dragging along the gound. He's fast though...I didn't even track those moves." Yojimbo sputtered. An unhappy look in his face. The deamon laughed again, and drew a long spear from its back. "You'll learn the power of Shinoshu soon enough chosen!" He lept forth Sakura still dangling over his back, bound and gagged.
Zeddrick watched as Jalena walked past him...he wanted to talk to her...He watched her leave the plan, the strange man following closely. [I]What? Huh...what did I want to talk to her about? God only knows, I don't have the spine to tell her I care for her more than a comrade. And what's up with that guy...[/I] He pushed these thoughts back however and entered his room. There he turned on the TV...immediatly seeing news updates on the massacre at the Pope's palace. This wasn't good...the whole christian world was in an uproar and they were laying the blame on anyone convinient. "Our little pebble of a heist, just made its huge splash...." He turned off the TV then disgusted with it, laying down in his bed he thought of how the missions were just getting better and better.
Zeddrick's footsteps made a hollow sound as he walked down the marble hallway. He pushed the two oaken doors open and entered the vast throne room. There King Ilthazar sat along with the group of brigands from the previous raid. Zeddrick didn't bother to bow he was too angry at the moment to care for formalitites. "Your highness...what is the meaning of this!?" "Commander Kieler, whatever do you mean?" A polite smile of confusion, covering up rage. "The location of the villagers...you never told me about that factory!" He huffed his fists clenched in white anger. "You had no need to know about that Commander. It is of MY concern only...You have done your duty and have earned my honor, now I have several more assignments for you to attend to." "Are these more people for the slaughter!" "You've just overstepped yourself Commander...GUARDS! Take your Commander to the courtyard for his lashings...It will keep his mouth shut and remind him of his purpose. As for you...you've served your purpose..." He waved his hand, and several concealed guards rushed out, slitting the throats of the bandits. Only a few were quick enough to get to their feet, only to be struck down by crossbow bolts. Zeddrick stood stunned as the guards finished them off and two more drug him outside. He gritted his teeth as the leather whip cracked agianst his back. [I]I'm so sorry my lord...I will not fail you....I ......I must resore my famlies honor....I must.[/I]
Yojimbo rolled out of bed his hand swong out after the much sought snooze button. Knocking the clock off his dresser he got dressed and headed downstairs. Everyone was there it seemed, only Sakura and Takahrio were missing. [I]Hmmm probably off to school already.[/I] He took out some of his milk and filled a glass. He gulped it down, noticing Kitty staring at him oddly. He smiled back unsure as to why she was looking at him like a hawk. [I]The hell....she have a crush on me or something? I'll admit she's good looking, part of the reason I tease her so much but she just seems so angry all the time.[/I] Everyone got ready for school and as Yojimbo was leaving a funny feeling came over him. One that he felt he needed to address immediatly. After relieving himself....several times...he relised he was late for school. "Gah!....Ahh whatever...I don't need to go today, its just for appearence anyway." He sat on the couch idly watching TV. A sudden crash made him jump, and a brick nearly smacked his face. He rushed to the window looking for the thrower...no one was there. He turned angrily and kicked the brick. Just then noticing the note attatched to the brick. Se untied it and read it quickly. His expression changing from concern to utter fury. [COLOR=Red]Hello chosen![/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I appears that I've found one of your own, and she is quite breath taking. If you value her soul please, come to the Easttown Mall. There you won't be tempted to use your powers. We'll 'talk' there. Love...your Nightmare[/COLOR] Yojimbo crumpled the note in his fist, and shot out of the open window, not cring who saw him flying, the only htought going through his head was that of Sakura.