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About Kodoku

  • Birthday 12/01/1984

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  • Occupation
    Currently unemployed

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  1. According to my handy little Japanese Directionary it means 'house' or a polite form of 'you'. Nothing about nerd. If I'm wrong don't blame me! Blame the fine people at Random House publishing.
  2. When I get bored I go online and post in online forums. Hmm.. ironic isn't it?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]If I'm not mistaken, I think its only been fansubbed. In Japan, it was a Playdia video game(not really a movie, but could be made into one). And I guess someone in Japan recorded the game and was able to turn it unto a movie, thus someone got a copy of it and fansubbed it. [/B][/QUOTE] Its a werid game. It was basically a interactive movie. If you have ever seen the OVA/OAV thru you'll notice the world map poping up and people selecting locations to go to. If you want to see it, I suggest getting Imesh. I'm pretty sure thats what I downloaded it off of (Heck most of my anime comes from Imesh). Anyways, I'm waiting for the 12th DBZ movie to be dubbed, that one is my personnal fav. Jameba has to be the coolest DBZ villian ever (well maybe other than Vegeta and Piccolo, and only Jameba's 2nd form, his first is kinda gay).
  4. Hello, I'm new here as you can tell. I have a question in regards to Japanese. The word 'Otaku' is refered to fanboy in most cases but many Japanese I've talked to insist that's incorrect and that otaku means 'house' or a polite form of 'you'. Could someone that is VERY fimilar with Japanese clear this up for me? Perferably someone that has a year or two of collage level Japanese or someone who nativily speaks it.
  5. This message is directed to Shyguy. Bebop Faye wasn't kiding about the We Love/Like Andy Club being a tradition. In fact the club is migrating here from the decently deceased Animeyak.com but all the same I would like to join the Bebop club.
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