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Seeing Red

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About Seeing Red

  • Birthday 04/22/1985

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  1. that was bloody ages ago alot has happened since then.
  2. wat happened last time when u saw? then i'll be able to tell u.
  3. wow a fan watch tribe 5 when it airs on channel 5 on the 1st of febuary
  4. Anyone ever watch this? it was on itv starring michelle collins and emily woof. i absolutely loved it, i have the vidoes of both series. Anyone watch it?
  5. Seeing Red


    I Love Charmed,Its My 3rd Favourite Programme.My Favourite Characters Are Piper, Leo And Phoebe. I Love It So Much. When Does The Latest Season Air In The UK?
  6. a fan yippee storylines covered in the tribe i find is educational dealing with probles children would hav to face. some of the storylines covered can be a bit poor. season 4 was poor compared to previous seasons. the only thing i liked about season 4 was the new characters brought in except ram and mega. wat is the WAM channel will it be on NTL. (Cable)
  7. Cool sorry about the coping didnt realise. buffy is my favourite programme folowed by the tribe then charmed. best programmes ever, charmed sounds good, cant wait for new season when does it start.
  8. Seeing Red


    I absolutely loved those episodes as well Tara was one of my favourites. Xander is spelt like this, sorry to be picky but just thought i let u know. I cant wait until season 7, how will it end.
  9. Seeing Red


    Who here like Charmed? It is my third favourite programme?
  10. Seeing Red


    Who here likes Buffy The Vampire Slayer? I love it, it rocks my world. :babble:
  11. I absolutely love it but the last season was lame over the game. But season 5 sounds like the good old tribe i hope it is. I cant wait. The only good thing about tribe 4 was the characters brought in. As I said before I cant wait.
  12. I love this game i have played it round a friends it is so on my christmas list, i love it golf carts r another vehicle u can drive around in, so much better than gta iii. Donald Love is also in, i recommend this game get out and buy it.
  13. Seeing Red

    The Tribe

    Every heard of[SIZE=4]THE TRIBE[/SIZE]shown on channel 5. I absolutely love it.
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