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Everything posted by Dan0

  1. Yeah he can learn earthquake but whats the use against a flying? Yeah spc att is good, but charizard dosent have a too bad spc def... They both got not so very high def but its the sworddance that really equals it out as it gives quite alot of attack + than Earthquake its stronger than thunder punch + softsand = gives alot of DAMAGE Actually the easiest way to know is let those two fight..
  2. lvl 55 if i rememberd it right
  3. I would personally go with Charizard if i had to choose, the stats on the both of them are quite simaliar(sp?) Because 1.Its flying so the earthquake/ground cant harm him 2.It got the strong earthquake attack W00T! 3.Also got Sworddance that raise the attack quite high Typloshin got thunder punch yes but what is stronger? Earthquake or Thunder punch? Equipd Charizard with some softsand, leftover or quick claw so it survive the first attacks as it use its sworddance and it should wipe out typloshin with earthquake next attack or the one after that.
  4. Name: Randy Pokemon Outside of Pokeball: Porygon2 He's an allround trainer aka use all kinds
  5. My favorit team must be: Pickachu Eevee Starmie Flareon Lapras Ninetails but my battle team is: Venomoth Tyranitar Mewtwo Raichu Snorlax Marowak
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