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Triforce rules

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Everything posted by Triforce rules

  1. regular manga is so expensive around here i hav t go New york to buy 1 copy of the Inu yasha manga for 35.00!! That's alot . I stick with reading shonen jump because you get 6 issues for alot less than the price of 1. they're good manga anywy , my favorite is Shaman king. my friends call me Amidamaru
  2. since there was no question to be answered , what are 4 of the weakest cards in yugioh.(There not Relinquished or Thousand Eyes Restrict)
  3. I got a gaia the dragon champion with gold lettering too. What's up with that?
  4. Speaking of dunamesd dark witch,I boughta japaneese one off an online card store For $20. They can't be that rare.
  5. Is the Spell of Mask BEWD going to be included in the set?
  6. got mine pretty stupid but you still can't name them here they are: "Particle man , Parcticle man , Doing the things a particle can , what's he like it's not importaant, Particle man.Is he a dot or is he a speck if he's under water does he get wet or does the water get him instead nobody knows particle man"
  7. Heres a toughie-well maybe not that tough but in legend of zelda a Link to the past where is the book of mudora located and how does one obtain it?
  8. Hands down I'd lke to say that there has never been one bad Zelda game there all my faves. You can pretty much call me a Zelda otaku! [color=indigo]Go look up Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, Link: Faces of Evil, and Zelda's Adventure on the net. I think you'll be in for a little surprise. ;) - Desbreko[/color]
  9. I am really actually waiting forn then release of Dunames darkn witch,Gemini Elves,Vorse Raider, and Cyber Tech Alligator. I have plenty of Dark elves , but Goblin Attack forces are just too rare.
  10. Does anyone know a card that I could put in ol' Jirai's place?
  11. Are Jirai Gumo and Maha Vailo good with a beatdown deck?I have these equip in my deck: malevolent nuzzler x3 and black pendant x1.
  12. Only in my store i'm ranked #10 not nationwide my sn is Link Dragadrone
  13. i guess I forgpt to type it. I really stink at typing and also thats the old lame deck. Now i'm in the top ten at my store for the duelist king tournament
  14. on petition online.com theres a petition going on to save inuyasha. I have already signed it [url]http://www.petitiononline.com/youkai16/petition-sign.html[/url] well if your're trying to save the show what are you waiting for!!
  15. heres my pack luck: 3 Mrl packs , 3 hiros shadow scouts - 2 Mrd packs 2 cannon soldiers (i must have 20 by now) I am sorta lucky I managed to get a Mechanicalchaser and I once pulled a Dark magician and blue eyes pack from only 2 packs of Lob. I'm also kind of a trader. I once traded a Tribute to the doomed for an Imperial order , a SDY giant soldier of stone for a trihorned dragon, and a silver fang for thousand dragon. heh heh i have poly too .
  16. Does anyone know anything about LON ? What cards are in it because somone told me that toon gemini elves and toon cannon soldier are going to come out in the set. but , what do I know :cross:
  17. does anyone know the unlimited star chips code for forbidden memories
  18. Well its too bad that the early Yugi deck didn't include all 5 pieces of Exodia. I had all 5 pieces , but yesterday I lost my right arm and right leg when I was walking with my deck. I have to be the dumbest person alive!
  19. My Dad purposely now makes fun of anime. He comes in my my room and says,"Why are you watching those crappy cartoons where the people talk and the haeds don't move" I was so hurt by that remark *sobs*
  20. Does anybody know the unlimited star chips code for Forbidden Memories?
  21. How did you get a La Jinn in a Metal Raiders? Its only in SDK?
  22. My dad and a lot of people cal yu-gi-oh! Flu-ji-oh or gumioh or or yujioh . A sign at a card shop said that they have gumioh cards one time. Someone called it pokemon too.
  23. As my rare,I got a Leogun. They could've gave me a Mirror Force or a Magic Jammer! Not fair!
  24. Has anyone ever bought a pack of cards that were errors? I bought one yesterday and I opened up a pack of Magic Ruler to find all Metal Raiders cards. i didn't even get a rare. I asked the ownerif these were real and he told me he ordered the box from upper deck . other times I've gotten regular raes that were not silver at the top.
  25. can someone please rate my Beat Down deck: Monsters:22 Battle Ox Jinzo Cosmo Queen Tri Horned Dragon Relinquished 7 colored fish x 3 Harpie's Brother x 3 Summoned skull Kuriboh Mask of Darkness Neo the Magic swordsman La Jinn x 3 Maha Vailo Darkire soldier 1 Darkfire soldier 2 Magician of faith Magic:25 Dark Hole Raigeki Black Illusion ritual Fairy meteor crush Pot of greed black pendant The cheerful coffin monster reborn Ground collapse x 3 Malevolent nuzzler x 3 Giant trunade Mystical space typhoon Card destruction Change of heart Fissure Soul Exchange Swords of revealing de spell remove trap sword of deep seated Trap :8 Call of the haunted Magic drain waboku Trap hole x 3 seven tools waboku
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