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Triforce rules

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Everything posted by Triforce rules

  1. A lot of kids at my school hate, no hate isn't strong enough , I mean despise Yu-Gi-oh. Only younger kids in the 3rd and 2nd game play. Just the other day , I dueled a 2nd grader who played Soul Release and said that it releases the souls of my monsters!
  2. How Did Yu-Gi-oh Just dissapear off Cartoon Network its weird
  3. Link the Legendary Swordsman Level 4 Warrior Atk 2500 Def 0 Effect : Your opponet can't play any cards at all and you win the whole match on your next turn
  4. If you haven't already heard , Upper Deck is sponsoring a tour that will be traveling to certain malls in certain areas. There will be fun activities and if you complete or just attend them , you get a Millenium Item sticker for your badge which you recieve when registering.Your goal is to basicly fill the bage with all 7 MIllenium Items. When you register you recieve the Millenium Key sticker. This is pretty much just for fun because you don't win anything for completing the badge. ( What do you expect , its free!) The activities will be : Magician's Workshop Here you can learn and preview the new PS2 game Duelist of the Roses. Not really worth going to because the game is lame and you don't get a sticker. Exodia Training Zone Here you learn how to play the game. They make you use a Yugi or Kaiba Structure Deck and pair you up with an opponet. Sitting through this gets you the Millenium Necklace sticker. King of Games Challenge Here you duel other duelists. Entering gets you the Millenium Ring sticker .IF you beat 3 diferent opponets you get the Millenium Scale Sticker Duel Field Meet other duelists and well duel them. Doing this gets you the Millenium Eye sticker. Duelist Arcade Play Eternal Duelist Soul for Game Boy Advance with other people or by yourself. Win or lose , this gets you the Millenium Rod sticker. Millenium Puzzle This is the toughest one to get. You have to write your name on a tiny slip of paper and put it in a box. When he draws your name, you will get a chance to face the "duelist leaders". If you beat them you get to sign the book of Duel Kings. Win or lose this gets you the Millenium Puzzle sticker. It will be held at the following locations: Jan. 11-12 Palasades Mall,West Nyack,NY Jan. 18-19 Northshore Mall,Peabody,MA Jan. 25-26 Spring Hill Mall,West Dundee,IL Feb. 1-2 Mall of America,Bloomington,MN Feb. 8-9 Oxford Valley Mall,Langhorne,MA Feb. 15-16 Aventura Mall,Aventura,FL Feb. 22-23 Towson Town Center,Towson,MD Mar. 1-2 Ridgmar Mall,Fort Worth,TX Mar. 8-9 Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica,CA Mar. 15-16 Westfield Shoppingtown North County ,Escondido,CA Mar. 22-23 Eastridge Mall,San Jose,CA Mar. 29-30 SeaTac Mall,Federal Way,WA I have recently attended the tour at Palasades Mall. I have all the Millenium Items stickers. I was not able to sign the Book of Duel Kings all due to a bad hand.
  5. I have the complete set Eating nothing but Mcdonald's for a week paid off!!
  6. THe magic card is called dark piercing light and sorry its super rare I don't know why the Cd wont work it worked for me?
  7. When the oringinal LOB cards came out I had almost every one ( with the exception of 3 Exodia pieces , a red eyes , a raigeki etc.) Are these going to have any stupid marks to show that they are remakes?
  8. Do red Eyes Black Metal Dragon , Harpie's pet Dragon, and Metalmorph come in all the premium Forbidden memories????
  9. I pulled a Cosmo Queen and a Millenium Shield . I only had to buy eh about 16 meals but it was worth it boy am i stuffed
  10. My favorite quote is " Big Brother! , he's not after your dragons, he's after yoooooou!!"
  11. Mc Donald's got YU-Gi-Oh! cards in their "Mighty Kids Meals" They are giving out some type of Cd with songs from the CD "Music to Duel By". In side the package is a small random pack with 2 cards The cards are: Mp1-001 Millenium Shield Ultra Rare Mp1-002 Cosmo Queen Ultra Rare Mp1-003 Goddess Of Whim Super Rare Mp1-004 Frog the Jam Mp1-005 Yaranzo Mp1-006 Takriminos Super Rare Mp1-007 Stuffed Animal Mp1-008 Megasonic Eye Mp1-009 Yamadron Mp1-010 Three Legged Zombies Mp1-011 Flying Penguin Mp1-012 Fairy's Gift Mp1-013 Ushi Oni Mp1-014 Turtle Bird Mp1-015 Dark-Piercing Light Upper Deck says that theese cards are suitable for tournament play
  12. i don't have that many good cards i called it beat-up because I have strong monsters do I really need a theme? [size=1][b][color=red]Don't double post! -Shy[/b][/size][/color]
  13. your da expert , expert ok maybe beatdown sounds cool I found one, Beat-Up [size=1][b][color=red]Don't triple post! -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
  14. i just replaced my Dark magician with a summoned Skull
  15. Can u tell me what i need to add/take out Kojikocy Swords of Revealing light Trap Hole Dark Magician Dark hole Trap Hole Suijin horn of light Spellbinding C Blue eyes de-spell Trap hole Ceremonial Bell Soul Exchange Reinforcements Tri Horned Dragon Dian Keto the Cure Just desserts Great White De-Spell Waboku Lord of D. Tribute to the Doomed guardian of the thro tremendous Fire Blue winged Crown Soul Release The Bistro Butcher Monster Reborn La Jinn Red Medicine guardian of the thro Shield and sword fire Kraken Card Destruction Mystical elf Flute of Summon Whiptail crow Ookazi invader of the throne de-spell Neo the magic swordsm Last Will 7 colored fish Dian Keto the 7 colored fish Sword of deep seated Sword of deep seated Change of heart Hinotama
  16. you can't use japanese cards in a deck
  17. Can u tell me what i need to add/take out Monsters Magic Cards Trap Cards Kojikocy Swords of Revealing light Trap Hole Dark Magician Dark hole Trap Hole Suijin horn of light Spellbinding C Blue eyes de-spell Trap hole Ceremonial Bell Soul Exchange Reinforcements Tri Horned Dragon Dian Keto the Cure Just desserts Great White De-Spell Waboku Lord of D. Tribute to the Doomed guardian of the thro tremendous Fire Blue winged Crown Soul Release The Bistro Butcher Monster Reborn La Jinn Red Medicine guardian of the thro Shield and sword fire Kraken Card Destruction Mystical elf Flute of Summon Whiptail crow Ookazi invader of the throne de-spell Neo the magic swordsm Last Will 7 colored fish Dian Keto the 7 colored fish Sword of deep seated Sword of deep seated Change of heart Hinotama
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