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Everything posted by TheShinje

  1. [color=crimson] Any oldie here on these boards will know what the IT TO SCARE BABIES! is all about, for the unenlightened, I shall explain... It was a theotaku update from 2001 that i remember quite fondly,The fateful meeting between Admin Adam, and the Master-of-forks, masterfork! It was around that time that I first started coming to the OtakuBoards, but a little while after before I decided to join. I found the article again while browsing archive.org's wayback machine, the update cracked me up as it did back then, and I decided to adopt IT TO SCARE BABIES as my custom title. Incidentally, this line is also masterfork's member rank. Here is the article for those who have never read it before... [quote=Adam]Monday, September 10, 2001. adam/Meeting with the Fans: A few days ago I decided to meet one of theOtaku's long time fans, a kid that goes by the name "Masterfork" (you might know him from the forums). His one wish, he told me, was to talk to the famous "Adam" in person. Well, yesterday we met like we were supposed to. We were waiting for one another in the local Software, Etc. I got there a little early and was waiting, waiting... All I knew about what he looked like was 1) he was Russian and 2) he had on an America Eagle T-shirt. I waited a bit, then suddenly, exploding through the doorway came a hugely ripped guy that looked maybe 6-7 feet tall. He was dripping from head to toe in an oozing substance of sorts. "Please don't be masterfork" I kept repeating to myself. When he extended his dripping hands to me to say 'hi', I sighed and extended my own. "What's with the goo?" I asked him. He replied in a thick Russian accent "IT TO SCARE BABIES". I sighed again. We then drew our attention to the local video game system (a PS2) playing some biking game. There was an 11-year old kid on a wheelchair struggling to handle its controls. "This game looks alright, how about we play it after the tike's done?" I suggested. Within moments, masterfork lifted the 12-year old (wheelchair and all) off of the floor and rolled him out the door. "ME WANT PLAY" he roured. At this point the guy at the counter made us leave. I kept shaking my head. "I need to buy some stamps" I then said. So we went off to a place that sold stamps. Unfortunately the machine ripped me off about $10 (I put in a $20 and it didn't give me enough change back). I went to the front desk to complain and the guard sympathized with me and was reaching into his pocket to give me a refund when... "GIVE ADAM BACK MONEY NOW OR I BEAT YOU WITH PINKY AND EAT YOUR BABIES. HE IS FROM THEOBWAKU.COM, HE IS IMPORTANT PERSON." The guard then made us leave. I didn't get my refund. After that I suggested that we go eat. He readily agreed. "I'll pay for your food" I offered. He happily shook his head in an excited fashion. Well... We get to the cafeteria and I buy a small wrap with a drink and a salad. I go to pay for it when I see masterfork lumbering toward me with not one, but three trays stacked with various food items. He must have had like six meals there! "Dude, there's no way I can afford all that". Like a hurt child, he gave me a little puppy dog face, put the food down, then retreated to a corner to (presumably) shed some tears. He eventually recovered and we sat down. "Did you bring the GB Advance with your games?" I asked. "NO, BUT I BRING THIS". He then reached into his backpack and pulled out a portable TV and placed it right on top of the cafeteria table. He then took out a (I'm not kidding) Dreamcast system and set it up right there. EVERYONE was staring at us. He then took out a CD wallet filled with Russian DC bootlegs. "Cool", I said, "What games do you have?" He responded, "THEY ALL ONE GAME. THEY ALL SONIC. I HAVE FIFTY COPIES OF SONIC. SONIC YUM YUM." He then put in the disk and sat staring at the intro movie. He didn't play, just kept watching the intro... THIS MY FAVORITE PART! He'd yell on occasion. I didn't stay around, I got the hell out of there right when he started licking the scream, "SONIC YUM YUM". The moral of the story is, people are a lot different in person than online.[/quote][/color]
  2. [color=crimson][font=lucida console] Well, I'm a guy and I don't like to be hit either, except for playful hitting, which can mean the girl/guy is interested in you, something about wanting contact but not wanting the object of affection to know his/her feelings, if I remember correctly... Anybody that wont go out with you because of what others might think is not worth worrying about, if the love was deep and meaningful enough, that girl wouldn't care what others thought. I also hate it when you get the wrong idea when a girl is sending you signals, and it's very easy to do. The only advice I can give oin this situation is, bite lip, learn from your bungle, and remember that it happens to the best of us.[/font][/color]
  3. [color=crimson][font=lucida console]Illikon: Not a bad avi/banner combo there, I like the random layout of the the pawprints, and they serve to emphasise the main subject as the kitten (or whatever it is) quite well. The only thing i can think of that doesn't quite fit in, is the little white blur next to the pawprint containing kitten, what is it? What purpose does it serve? I think the banner would look crisper if you removed that little aspect.[/font][/color]
  4. [color=crimson] I actually enjoyed School, or aspects of it anyway, like my favourite subjects. There are negatives for the daily grind at school, but nothing compared to workign in a job you hate, where you also can't do anythign you want, and have to listen to your supervisors etc.... At least in school you get big weeks long holidays throughout the year.[/color]
  5. [color=crimson] I recall a citizen arrest happenign here a few weeks back, these bowling club members had gone to thier clubrooms to find them being ransacked and so they grouped together and apprehended the burglar. They held him in captivity until the police arrived. Was really interesting, considering the average age for this club was 80. [/color]
  6. [color=crimson] This Idea came to mind and I just had to flesh it out. O Rly, O'Reily? :p[/color] [URL=http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=orly16zj.jpg][IMG]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/504/orly16zj.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  7. [color=crimson] You can't go wrong with Gorillaz, well, you can, but I'll get back to that. The banner is very stylish, and the style is portrays is catchy. The image, being smaller then be "banner space" is quite effective, and the use of either the exact grey fo the background or transparent gif makes the whole thing that bit more stlyish, like it's blended with the boards or something. I can't think of anything that would enchance that banner, so solid effort. Tha avatar is nice, although you could bump up the contrast to have a sharper image, and I'd use a thick black border around it as well so it flows with the border of your banner.[/color]
  8. [quote name='Brsil']That the messages between the OT and the NT are almost completely different. Nowhere in the NT do you see stories about God smiting some foolish bastard, just like how Jesus doesn't exactly get medieval on anyone's *** when he's preaching to the lepers or healing the possessed. Granted, some of what JC was saying was pretty irrelevant by today's standards, bordering more on Communism/Socialism than an actual, workable life philosophy, but I think even in light of that, it's incredibly worthwhile to see the process throughout the Bible.[/quote] [color=crimson] Another good point there, Alex, I will answer as best I can. The OT and the NT are fundamentally different, from a judgement perspective. In the OT, we see God handing out plagues and smitings, and then we see Jesus handign out love and forgiveness in the NT, why? Does God suddenly decide to change his ways? In a way, yes, in a way, no. The difference between the books OT and NT are dramatic, and I believe we can attribute that to the sacrifice of Jesus, who then became the only mediator between us and God, thus setting off the church age, or the age of grace. The difference? The age of the Torah, or OT, required strict observance to it's laws and the sacrifice of animals to cover people's sins. Entire cities were destroyed and wiped out because they were totally against god and set agaisnt his ways, therefore they never sacrificed to God and shed the sacrificial blood to cover them. Judgements were frequently swift because these people and nations had no mediator between them, who was the High Priest, the only person clean enough to enter the holy of holies, and communicate directly with God. In some instances, God used rebelious nations, such as Egypt, to capture and set Israel straight, placing Israel in captivity for hundreds of years. This was also a punsihment of God for disobedience. Int he NT, however, is the church age, a time of preperation for the coming government of God, a time when al nations can try their godless governemnts and fail and a time when people can choose to follow God or not. and a time when entire cities won't be smited for their disobedience to God. God is being patient, he is allowing peopkle to choose his son, who died for them, or die themselves. There is less emphasis on strict obedience to the Torah, and more on living with a presonal relationship with Jesus and living your life for him. Judgements come at the end of the church age, rather than the perennial judgements we see in the OT This is because, in the church age, we are all covered by grace and it is our acceptance of thsi grace that determines our futures. We have our lives to accept that grace and coem to Jesus (akthough it should be noted that no-one knows when their life may end, so it is wise to choose Jesus now, and be saved, rather that say "I'll wait untill I'm old and wrinky!".[/color]
  9. [font=georgia][color=crimson] I'm somewhat shallow. I like hot blonde skinny girls, but it's not a prerequisite, that's just what I tend to go for, I'm a sucker for blonde hair. I also like a girl that I can laugh with and share my thoughts and feelings too, because I like sentimental slush. Ins short, I'm shallowly sentimental :p [/font][/color]
  10. [size=1][color=crimson] I've seen some shockers in my time, make that, I've see [b]a lot[/b] of shockers, so I'll just give you the cream of the crop. 1. Racing Stripes: This movie was so awful and bland, I would pay to nver see it again, and I mean that, the dialogue is so woodedn, boring old underdog clich'e under the guise of a talking zebra, wannabe-horse. I was expecting so much more, but in the end, got what I deserved. This could have been so much more, had it starred and focused on the only character of note, the gangster goose. 2. Poseidon Adventure (TV Remake) I don't know where to begin with this gratingly awful piece of crap, maybe it's the total void of suspense that the first movie portrayed, or the terrorist subplot because a 90 ft Tsunami isn't believeable, and you have to take out anything and everythigbn these days that requires a suyspension of reality and subsitute it with gritty real things. The lack of support for the 2 dimensional and wooden characters also made this movie an unemotional bore, then again, it was direct-to-tv movie. 3. Spanglish: Spanglish was crap, personified Marketed as a comedy, this movie had my expectations high of seeing a good, culture-clash comedy. instead, we get a lathering of tears and drama. That this movie was in fact, a drama, wasn't an issue, had it been a good drama it would have been okay, but it wasn't good at comedy, and just as unfulfilling being viewed as drama. It wass low and boorish, and the second movie I have ever considered walking out of. 4. Runaway Bride: Don't ask me why I saw this movie, maybe it was out of sheer boredom, which was anathema to my goal, since I was more bored in the theatre than out of it, at leas when I was outside the theater there was the exciting prospects of wonderign what to do and watching paint dry. To this day, the only movie I have ever walked out of. [/size][/color]
  11. [color=crimson]Interesting theory there, Alex. It is entirely plausible that the OT writers had something like safety in numbers in mind, especially when they were going up against the Caananites, yet, with homosexuality being a rather small minority throughout our history, would it be worth all the trouble to castigate the few unless it were truly an abomination against God? And then, we're discounting the passages in the NT book Corinthians where homosexuals are listed amongst drunkards as having no claimance to the kingdom of God. It's like people can explain Sodom and Gomorrah away as being more about the citizens' debauchery than their preferrence for the other team, but in the end, that isn't the last time the act itself is mentioned amongst sin, and the other verses, such as Leviticus 18:22 state God's viewpoint much more clearly (read: balck and white, no grey there). I went off on a tangent there to cover the "sodomgate" controversy with the same stone, but the gist of what I'm saying is, if the homosexual laws were re-iterated in a time when the tribal survival of the fittest wasn't exactly the top drawcard of the period, why then, would an archaic law from the tribal days, be routinely kept as gospel from God?[/color]
  12. [size=1][color=crimson] Retri, I think it's more the fact that Holiday isn't laying the smackdown on Republicans as much as it is the Iraq war, and man, I hate that friggin war![/size][/color]
  13. [QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen] Ah, my mistake. I confused the word's 'Angle Rapers' with 'Angle Rapists' (See how the Bible can be misinterpreted?). But that still doesn't change the fact that the so-called 'righteous and just' Lot offered up his own daughters to the rapists... and don't say god asked him too, because any good that asks a man to give his daughters a crowd of rapists is a little... well, you know.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Okay, the thing you need to realise about the Bible is, it's heroes are often played out as fallen as the 'sinful' are. Lot offering his virgin daughters up as a sacrifice to the sodomites was a kneejerk reaction, and it in itself was a wholly unjust and imnmoral thing to do, and the Bible never shows God condoning this action at all. I love my neighbour as my Bible tells me,but this quote has been bastardised and quoted to death as if it were some immuntiy pledge from having to take a stand on your beleifs. The fact of the matter is, Love thy neighbour, means just that, it doesn't necessarily mean agree with everything they do. Hell, I can disagree with someone and their lifestyle, but I can still love and respect them. Short point is, you can disagree with somebody's lifestyle without laying the smackdown, and if my experience is anythign to go by, you can still befriend them and love them just like Jesus did, and would have. Don't judge the faith by the actions of a few, and most certainly, don't judge God by the flawed characters and their actions that are littered through the biblical pages.[/color]
  14. [size=1][color=crimson] I decided to get this album when there were 2 songs from it playing on the radio that I liked, (Wake me up when September Ends, Holiday,) and I though since I liked them songs, I'd get the album, and ended up liking just about everything on there. I had for a time refused to buy thuis album outright because of the title track, being a Republican supporter that I am. However, I found out that most of the songs don't really dwell on poilitcal issues and whine on the issue, and Holiday uis even catchy. It's a very cool album, I too, like the albums that tell stories throughought, like this one about the "Jesus of Suburbia" I'm not that into the story though, since I tend to listen to whatever track I feel int he mood for, rather than listen to the whole thing all the time. It surprised me, I was expecting leftist propaganda, but found plenty of stuff that a right wingist like myself cand rock to, very good effort on the part of Green Day.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][color=crimson] Sex change operations? Personally, I think that anybody who seriously wants to swap genders that badly should seek psychiatric help immediately. On the other topic, no, I wouldn't go out with a girl I knew was a man once, mainly because it's usually so clear that said person used to be a man. I mean, you can hack away at yourself and pump yourself full of the opposite hormone, but in the end, you will remain essentially, what gender you are. All supposed 'sucessful' sex changes I've seen have visible remnants of the original gender, and it looks completely out of whack. It just ends uo looking like a big bemuddled mess. i would strongly advise anybody considering it to reconsider wrecking their lives. [/size][/color]
  16. [size=1][color=crimson] When parenting goes bad: The family manual said to give your children a bottle feed every now and again. This, however, is not what that manual meant at all....[/size][/color]
  17. [size=1][color=crimson] Well, since Your Mother hasn't posted a pic in a couple of days, here we go... [URL=http://img361.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ses2fy.jpg][IMG]http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/5159/ses2fy.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=crimson] Interesting, most interesting. I think i would like to meet [b]Gavin,[/b] yeah, just to meet the guy who coined "Interesting, most interesting" as the most interesting, yet predictable, way to start a conversation. [b]Charles[/b] Hes seems real nice, and I would try to find out where he gets all those random pictures for his posts. I have a fairly active imagination that sees our possible conversation as.... Shinje: so, um, how was Wrestlemania 30? Charles: *holds up a placard with random picture and words "teh c00liez!" on it. Shinje: oooh, kay.... cool. [b]Chibi HorseWoman[/b] I want to set the record straight about how much Desperate housewives suck! then, we can stay up nights debating the Iraq war and it's merits,a nd in the morning, burn an effigy of Michael Moore and have a jolly old laugh at the left's expense. Yeah, right! [b] Baron Samedi[/b] Baron obviously needs to watch my nice little Video collection of the all blacks thumping the wallabies, or is that wannabies? I dunno. Yeah yeah, we got the grand slam while they scaked the coach, and we suck.... lol! [b]Alex[/b] a.k.a Brasil, Alex would be one of the most interesting people to meet on this board. Tehories and debates would be of considerable note, from films, to religion and politics, never a dull moment. [b]The original Shinji[/b] I wanna meet this guy, who at the time of my arrival had a sort of urban legend thing happening about him and his exploits, I'm sure it would make a good movie too. To those of you I missed, you probably would have missed me in your list anyway, so why are you crying? Aww, it's okay, I know I'm just soo damnd popular and all! *hands tissues and consoles the grief-stricken* [/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=crimson] Of course Bonzai Cats are real! I have one that I had imported from China in 2002, and he's so cute, all bunched up in that bottle ^^. Makes for an excellent conversation piece. [/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=crimson] Boba Fett, you are obviously a Star Wars fan by the name and banner , I can only speculate as to the nature of the avatar, but it looks like you also enjoy a good comic book or graphic novel. (I am guessing it's from the SW: EU). Choice of name implies that you like shadowy- lurking asassin characters, rather than those who are at the forefront of the conflict. [/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=crimson][i] Boris the wolf does well in the S.A (Sheepaholics Anonymous) group trials, repeating the motto that "sheep are leap-frog toys, not food!"[/i][/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=crimson] I already have a blogspot, and MySpace doesn't seem all that great to me anyway. I've since abandoned it primarily because it won't let me upload my pictures using FireFox, it's very MS biased. I'd rather use my blogspot and not ahve to worry about which browser I am using at any given time. [/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=crimson] I've decided to enter this with a banner celebratng the reason for the season. After all, had it not been for this event, you wouldn't have Xmas, Winterval, or 'holidays.' :p [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/Shinjiotaku/xmas.jpg[/img] Merry Christmas! (rather than 'happy holidays' which could be any time of year and celebration. -_-) [/size][/color]
  24. TheShinje


    [size=1][color=crimson]Ah yes, the Final Countdown. I used that song as a theme for our mock freinds bowling tournaments (we play for plastic plates) since I was heading into the final. It was fitting, to say the least. I won to boot. w00t! I've also heard a metal version of it, Jake, but I wasn't that impressed. I don't like screechy vocals on anything heh. I stick with the europe version since they don't blaze through it at a million miles per hour. I'd like a metal version with more of a down-tempo feel, though. [/size][/color]
  25. [QUOTE=persocomblues] Seemed to me as though these Episodes were geared for a younger audience.[/QUOTE] [size=1][color=crimson] Yep, you can tell, that scene with [spoiler] Anakin being fried to a crisp[/spoiler] and the PG13 rating really make it a kiddies flick. I just had to say that. :p The NT gets more bagging than it deserves. Anakin is meant to start out as a little brat, like anyone could be, he's supposed to be angsty and angered in the last films, after all, is it not what leads him to the Dark Side? I had no problems with Christensen's delivery of his lines, they fit the character and how the character was acting at the time, either being angsty lines full of anger or cheesy love fluff when he was with Amidala. I think people are being nitpicky about this series because they have fond meories of the OT and are constantly matching them up against each other. [spoiler] Vader's "Noooooo!" at the end of the movie also gets a lot of bagging, but to me, it seemed like classic villainry. Remember those old films/series where the good guy would always prevail and the bad guy would cry out Noooooo! or something similar? Coming from a series that has been modelled on the old ssaturday serials, I'm not surprised that this part was put into the film at all. [/spoiler][/size][/color]
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